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Posts posted by Carnelian

  1. DWell that was definitely worth waking up at 5am for. 

    The hollow hero is a really fine sculpt. Really impressed 

    The infantry and cavalry aelves are nicely classic - but boy, none of them compare to Teclis and his mount... That mount is just absolutely brilliant. Very noble yet very alien . Exactly the sort of mythical beast that I love the Mortal Realms for having! 

    I think the nurgle sorcerer is totally cool too and the seraphon terrain piece also looks excellent and I can't wait to read more about the coalesced! 


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  2. 3 hours ago, Gecktron said:

    There is a block function. You can ignore users with just a few clicks. I did that for 2-3 people here and my whole experience improved by a lot. 

    I'm probably being dense but I can't find it. 

    Could you direct me to how to block someone via mobile? 

  3. 3 hours ago, Dead Scribe said:

    A roll off takes player agency away.  If I want to guarantee double turn, because in my games so far last year I have won 84% of my games that I got to control the double turn and it is hugely important in AOS, that means I need a mechanism that lets me control and guarantee that I can control it.  List drops are that mechanism that let me know that I will always get that, and if someone comes up with a build that beats mine in drop count to get guaranteed turn order, I will go back and amend my list.

    Rolling for it in the beginning would suck because it takes away my control over my list.

    Perfectly understandable if that's how you like it to play, but I'd simply point out that by giving one player control over the turn roll and sequence of possible doubles, you have taken that opportunity away from the other player.

    Personally speaking I prefer the roll off precisely because it takes a bit on control off one player and means they can't necessarily rely on enacting a plan and deployment with a guarantee of going first or second turn but must instead react more tactically within the game instead. That's how I prefer my games - with as many meaningful decisons made in-game as possible, rather than decisions made pre-game. But that's my personal preference of course. 

    3 hours ago, Phasteon said:

    There has never been a roll–off. 

    People just played it wrong and the FAQ clarified it. 

    I won't get into any protracted conversation on this point, as by now it's very old news, I'd just point people to the core rules as written, attached, and people can make up their own mind about how to interpret it 

    Screenshot_20200123-204635_WH AoS.jpg

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  4. If there was one thing I could change about AoS, it would be the same way the first turn priority is worked it out - I would change it to the way it is worded in the core rules pre-Faq. 

    I don't like how one of the two players will be able to guarantee the first or second turn at the time that they are deploying. 

    I think it makes battalions too important and also makes alpha strike armies a bit too strong. 

    I would therefore change it to a roll-off after deployment, with draws going in favour of the first player to finish deploying. 

    Either that, or I would change the rules so that a battalion MUST all be dropped at once - so if you know you are going to chose first or second, your opponent can at least set up after you to try to counter that. 

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  5. 8 hours ago, Still-young said:

    Well all that means is they aren’t allowed to say anything, because it wasn’t one of the reveals. It doesn’t actually say much as to whether they’re coming soon or not. 

    The reports I saw (pic attached) were pretty clear that nothing is coming soon




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  6. 3 hours ago, Thiagoma said:

    While i would love to see new dinos (or at least an awesome Slaan), i think it is wise to not expect more than just BT/endless/scenary and maybe a hero.



    3 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    If Seraphon got three new kits - Slann, Knights and Kroxigor, thry would be in an OK place IMHO.

    Foot heroes come and go, and I'd make Saurus Guard the basic Sauruses (i.e. get rid of the actual basic Saurus, with no replacement). Most of the rest looks fine to me (other than the Salamander, obviously).

    The Skaven and LON model line needs a revolution, while Seraphon merely needs an evolution.

    If you look at the report coming out of the questions at the Open Day it looks like Seraphon are not coming anytime soon so probably best to temper expectations for any release for them at all

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, Icegoat said:

    Every other battlebox release last year sold out within an hour. I hardly think it likely GW just over produced this particular battle box out of all the others. The tzeentch side is also very lacking in interesting options but tzeentch far outsells KO. 

    Or is it possible that they've learned from selling out and increased supply to meet demand? 

    No, no, you're right KO are finished and there's not loads of ppl jumping on the KO ship this morning 

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Sinfullyvannila said:

    Well, you’d better explain that to the people who write the dice calculators; because 10 attacks with the +1 to hit buff does 1.67 damage while the Rend buff does 1.39(both against 5+ saves).

    I did mess around with the calculators after your post and you are right about Hit and Wound being interchangeable, but Rend does not return at the same rate. -1 Rend is worse on 4-6+ saves, marginally better on 3+ and like 25% better at 2+.

    Thank you for correcting me on my erroneous claim, but despite that, the Rend is still a downgrade.

    I'm not sure what inputs you are using but in principle the rend is another D6 chance outcome, just like to hit and to wound, so if you adjust the outcome of the rend D6 from 1/6 to 2/6, it will effect the damage outcome in exactly the same way as if you adjust the to hit or to wound from 1/6 to 2/6.

    If you think of it like that, it should be easier to see that dice modifiers work in exactly the same way for each statistic. 

    The complexity comes from the fact that rend interacts with your opponent's armour statistics in a way that to hit and to wound do not. The result of this interaction means that there are different outcomes via different enemies and so there is not nornally going to be a single stat which it is better to buff in ALL circumstances. 

    I'm not sure which stats you are using to get those damage outputs, but if you are using attacks that hit on 4s, wound on 4s with 0 rend, then yes I agree that if the opponent had a 5+ or 6+ or no armour save, then you'd be better off with a hit buff rather than a rend buff. 

    If your opponent has 4+ save, then it won't make a difference which you buff - your increasing the chance of success by the same amount either way. 

    If your opponent has a 3+ or 2+ armour save, you're better off with the rend buff. 

    Because 1s always fail, you're also better taking a to hit buff over a rend buff against a 1+ save using those attacks. 

    Whatever is most useful will depend on the game meta, i.e. which units will you most likely face, which units pose the most difficult problems for your particular army, which statistics can get buffed and in what way etc. 

  9. 18 hours ago, Sinfullyvannila said:

    I’m just talking about KA’s.

    You’re overvaluing Rend compared to To Hit on a model with 1 damage.

    Hit is a better stat the same modifier increment because it affects more dice rolls. Rend affects the least amount of dice rolls because your rolls already went through 2 steps of elimination.

    Rend gains value when the damage for an attack is greater than 1 because each attack that gets eliminated from a successful save counts for at least twice as much as one eliminated from a failed hit or wound roll.

    This is why I said they are worse in a vacuum, because that’s solely based on the unit’s warscroll.

    I'm afraid this is not how maths works. Hit is not a better stat because it affects more dice rolls (unless you're comparing abilities that trigger on a certain dice roll such as mortal wounds on a six). For a normal attack, hit, wound and save rolls are all equally vital in determining damage. 

    For example, the chances of damage going through when hitting on 4s (50%), then wounding on 3s (66.66%) followed by a 3+ save (33.33% for an unsuccessful save) is the same as the chance of damage going through when hitting on 5s (33.33%), then wounding on 4s (50%) and then saving on 5s (66.66% chance of unsuccessful save). 

    In both attacks, there is an 11% chance of the attack being successful - the order of operations does not matter. 

    Rend does not increase in value if damage goes up. Both rend and hit and wound all remain exactly the same in determining the chance/percentage of the attack going through, no matter what the damage that is being applied at the end is. In the above examples, there is an 11% chance of the attacks going through whether they are damage 1 or 2.

    Whether it is better to be buffing hit or buffing rend is dependant upon all that stats involved, so we'd need to see the full hit, wound and save  to know whether it was better to buff hit or rend. 

    For example, if you buff a hit stat from 4+ (50%) to 3 plus (66.66%), then you are increasing the chance of damage being successful by about one third (33%).

    If however you were reducing a save from 2+ (16.66% of unsuccessful save) to 3+ (33.33% unsuccessful save) then you've increased the chance of damage going through by double (100%).

    If you buff something by one point, then because AoS uses a D6 system, you're always adding one point out of six. In general it is better to chose to buff a weaker stat (like 6+) rather than a strong stay like a 3+(especially given that a 1 is always a fail so no need to buff 2+ stats). 

    Of course the different factor with rend is that you don't know what save your opponent's army will be and sometimes rend will be useless if the opponent has no save. However, that is balanced out by the fact that within the meta of the game you do need a way of dealing with high armour save units, particularly when they can re-roll their saves and rend is v valuable in doing this. 

    • Thanks 2
  10. 52 minutes ago, Greasygeek said:

    Again, im 99,9% sure these are studiomade. The staring rock thingy is easily made from Xps Foam a hint of greenstuff and a bead or two.

    the other tentacle, the one with the white ribbed parts, Im pretty sure ive seen before, though I can’t recall where.


    EDIT: think I found the tentacleowner🙂



    That's some good tentacles

  11. 14 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:


    I think it is pretty clear they are the same person. It seems that Rayner does die at some point after the events of the novel, being in Shadespire he of course revives, but does so at the first moments of it's cursed existence, taking the name Zuvass and becoming that character.

    What that leaves open is how Rayner dies (Zuvass presumably knows, having been through it before) and what Zuvass does after Rayner dies. It is a loop, but one that only goes around once rather than perpetually.

    I don't think that he revives at the first moment of Shadespire's existence - I think he escapes Shadespire but arrives at the moment just before Shadespire is created (that's him crawling out of the mirror). 

    The more I tgink about the more unsatisfied I am by this book. Too many unanswered questions that go beyond interesting ambiguity.

  12. 2 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

     2019 was a poor year for the quality of their content. They put out twice as many books for Age of Sigmar as the previous year and the majority of them had basic grammatical errors, spelling errors, contradicting rules, rules that are unclear, unuseable etc.. A book cannot be considered "released" until 2 weeks AFTER waiting for a FAQ... which sometimes is incomplete itself or requires another FAQ. Why would I buy warscroll cards when the information printed on them is no longer current 2 weeks after? And when those FAQs come out, they cant be trusted to upload a group of PDFs properly... a company trading stock with the public. 

    I could not disagree stronger. 

    2019 has seen the best battletomes ever, with the best fiction and lore in them since AoS began, the most flavourful and well written rules in them since AoS began and the clearest rules since AoS began. 

    And of top of that, they've upped their response time for Faqs and errata - which is a Good Thing. 

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  13. 41 minutes ago, Jabbuk said:

    Hi guys, I'm originally an IJ player and with the new update coming up, I am looking to fulfil the desires of the changer of ways and play Tzeentch. Where could I find some inspirations to create lists, etc? Both competitive and "cool" fun to play thematic lists. I've been following the thread for a few days now and I was wondering where I could find some lists, or at least around what pages of the thread? :)

    We're about to get a new battletome on preorder on Saturday so there is not much point looking at lists until the dust settles from that release. 

    Anyway though, welcome to the change club! 

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