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Posts posted by Ungface

  1. Well, if you look at the Fungoid Cave Shaman its pretty clear that they are going for a Fungus infested + Insect friend route for the moonclan. And considering in most fantasy settings giant spiders are always cave related its not such a suprise.


    I just hope theres a generic Fungoid Zombie unit.

  2. Considering the stories we got of destruction on the malign portents website about destruction armies (somewhat) rallying together to go have a big fight in shyish and how its the Fungoid Shamans lore for him to go around different tribes and convince them to go.


    Im expecting a great waagh battletome encompassing all the greenskin and ogor factions with new models everywhere. why else would there be rumors for new ironjawz models while also moonclan?

    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Sheriff said:

    yet from the teasers so far it seems they are adding more stuff to it (e.g. command point stuff). probably just creating a new magic phase on top of a command phase or something. 

    Judging from the warscroll for the knight invocator theres no change to casting, you still do it in the hero phase.

  4. 4 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Are you sure ?

    Looking at the pictures on Facebook, War of Sigmar and here, and the WHTV trailer, I'm pretty sure regarding the Lion that only the Lady with some crystal in her hand has a scenic base... (there also is a lady in the 3 models lion drake unit but without the crystal, in a different pose). 


    The lady with her arms out wide and a crystal in her hand was displayed as a knight exelcsior and a scenic base but also displayed as a hallowed knight without one

  5. 4 minutes ago, Naflem said:

    I have some doubt about the Darkoath as well, it doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that would fit in line with what they’ve been doing in new armies.  I suppose the other possibility is they borrowed all the Herald models from future projects, not necessarily from future armies, and the warqueen is from a new specialist/boxed game, like a new Warhammer quest (much like the Darkoth chieftain..)

    On the contrary i think its perfectly in line with that they are doing.

    The Darkoath are you everyday average joe of the realms who fell to the temptation of chaos. They will be able to expand the story of the average joe and how chaos is a part of their life and how they fall etc etc.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Why? Why do gamers (nothing personal) always feel the need to apply silly little cute or shortcut names to things like this?  Grr.



    Because not everyone is as bitter,jaded or immature as you?

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