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Posts posted by Heksagon

  1. 5 hours ago, Kaylethia said:

    For flying units, only ending their run or charge on a wyldood counts. 

    I'm afraid it's not true. Not anymore. Wording on the Flying rule is a bit different in AoS 2.0:


    FLY ING: If the warscroll for a model says that the model can fly, it can pass across models and terrain features as if they were not there when it makes any type of move. Any vertical distance up and/or down is ignored when measuring a flying model’s move. It cannot finish the move on top of another model.

    "when it makes any  type of move".

  2. 1 hour ago, Alezya said:

    Normal move doesn't trigger the wyldwood. 

    But running in movement phase across a wylwood (or finishing its run move on a wyldwood) triggers it in the move phase, and a charge move in the charge phase triggers it again, whether it be accross or finishing on. 

    And Flying models never trigger wyldoods? So, they're not that great against, for example, Nighthaunt?

  3. 8 hours ago, Izotzuhure said:

    Hi everyone! This might be a silly questions, but I've been looking around and haven't seen anything about it (having a cold might not help either). Can you give an artefact to heroes you add using the wargroves? They will have to be realm artefacts, of course, but is it an option as they wouldn't count as allies? Nobody seems to be doing it but I though I should check just in case.  Thanks! 

    Hi. Additional non-sylvaneth heroes counts as allies (it's been FAQued), and Allies, unfortunately can't take any Artifacts, even Realm Artifacts.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 1/16/2019 at 5:47 PM, Isotop said:

    Played almost exactly this list on Sunday. The only thing I did different was "splitting" Ghyrstrike and Warsinger between the two Spirits. The general mobility and ability to strike wherever you want (7+ rerollable charges go a long way)is great. The benefit of excluding Alarielle from the list is that you do not have a big missle attack and spell magnet. The Spirits of Durthu can be parked in a Wyldwood (and on an objective hopefully) and be immune against a lot of "ranged" threats. Even Nagash can not reach out to them with Hand of Dust via the Spell Portal since it does not fly (he can bombard them with other, longer ranged spells, though). Blocks of 30 Dryads are just insanly durable and your opponent has to look out for Realmroot conga lines all the time. Sunday was the first time I played this list and it was vs Iron Jaws Bloodtoofs one drop. Luckily I won the "starting" roll and could consequently build up a table-wide network of Wyldwoods + alpha strike one of my opponent´s flanks. We played Scorched Earth and the mobility of this list (7+ rerollable charges really add to the "normal" mobility of other lists) was an insane advantage. The day after tomorrow we will have a re-match with the Iron Jaws going first automatically (want to test out how Sylvaneth work out in this case) - I am really excited for this since I think it will be much more of a challenge due to limited Wlydwood placement going second. 

    I will keep you guys updated if you like 😅

    Unfortunately, Nagash CAN fly, so we're not really safe. On the other hand- we can hide Bowhunters in woods and shoot him, ignoring other enemy units.

  5. 1 hour ago, vesco said:

    So about the kurnoth huter's 'Envoys of the Everqueen' ability  how does it work with TLA's command ability?
    Do they have to be within 10 inches from the TLA in order to measure the distance from them instead of the TLA?
    Also, can i choose every kurnoth hunter unit or just once?

    Based on FAQ's wording: you choose one Kurnoth Hunters unit and measure 10" bubble from this unit. They don't have to be close to the Treelord.

  6. 1 hour ago, Kaylethia said:

    Is there any kind of confirmation that shooting flying targets ignored terrain effects? As I've read it, flying units ignore terrain effects, but I'm not sure this is a two-way interaction.

    Glad we have confirmation on the woods working this way, it'll make things more interesting for sure.


    Yeah, it's on the warscroll.


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  7. 36 minutes ago, Ragnar72 said:

    Great ideas! But enemy flying models like skyfires and KO can still fire at us and also same enemy spells do not need lines of sight!

    In general I am with you, that the LOS blocking is an advantage for us.

    That's true, but we can use it as our new trick. You can drop Bow Hunters into the Wood- they can shoot only flying units (and they're also visible to them), but other non flying units can't target them. So, you can shoot Skyfires and ignore for example Pink Horrors, because they can't target hidden Kurnoths.

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  8. Playing with Woods will be quite fun now.
    We can place them on objectives and teleport specyfic units to them. Examples:
    - Branchwych on the Balewind Wortex + The Silverwood Circlet. She can spread mortal wounds around her (still hidden). You can also use Reaping.

    - Drycha. Just like above.  Her Bees will be more useful now.

    - Scythe Kurnoths hidden on the objective? Sure, go for it. It will be very painful for the enemy, because charging them will be risky (Woods), and they will be invisible to ranged non-flyers.

    - Branchwraith will be our "Hidden Dryad Factory". You can hide her in the Wood and summon dryads every turn.


    Any other ideas?

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