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Everything posted by BURF1

  1. I would actually love the ****** out of a chibi dracoth.
  2. wait 'till wednesday, we"ll see pretty much anything.
  3. You forgot these Kharadron units in your overview.
  4. I've heard that myth too but at this point I think we can put it in the same category as the Loch Ness monster or El Dorado, because no one on the entire planet has ever seen more than 1 hero clampack, 1 large boat, and 2 infantry kits out of that army in person. Blurry photos don't count.
  5. I mean...Kharadron only have 4 kits total across the whole faction and they seem to do fine.
  6. I actually am super happy they're so generic, I'm gonna buy a set for my adepticon display board and use them for both Sigmar and 40k.
  7. Personally, I don't think you should even bother trying to transform her until turn 2 or 3. Oracle Morathi's command ability is arguably the best in the entire game and who knows how good her magic is going to be. I think waiting until power from pain gives you some rerolls to go full snake god a better idea.
  8. It's ironic. Like calling a fat guy 'Tiny'.
  9. destruction wouldn't make any sense, they're not fighting for the sake of a good scrap, they're fighting to kill Chaos, Venerate Khaine, and gain power. All of those goals are very specific. Anything fight that doesn't accomplish one of those three things would be seen as a waste of time. What people don't seem to get is that there is a 'misfits and losers' faction and it's Order. Order is where you go when you don't fit anywhere else. Order is for all the myriad of freaks and weirdos that don't fit into the strict classifications used by Chaos, Death, and Destruction. Order is far and away the most chaotic faction in the game. Destruction is bound together by their desire to fight strong enemies, Chaos is a collection of warbands working autonomously towards whatever goal their chosen patron has put forward for them, always advancing towards the end goal of a 'chaos final solution'. Death are those under the iron heel of Nagash or mindless ghouls driven to sanity by the madness of an Abhorrant Ghoul King. They have very clear goals that the entire grand alliance is working towards, possibly not always in the most efficient or diplomatic ways but in general everyone is walking in the same direction. The ONLY thing tying ANY of the Order factions together is the mutual desire to not be killed by the other 3 grand alliances. They are 'grand alliance others' or 'grand alliance rabble' or 'grand alliance, eh...might as well' or 'grand alliance starscream' or what have you. They spend just as much time backstabbing each other as beating their enemies and most work together about as well oil and water. Sky dwarfs and Fyreslayers work for profit, Stormcasts carry out Sigmar's will which means that sometimes they're the best allies free people and duardin can ask for and sometimes they're terrifying grim reapers. Daughters of Khaine murder and carry out bloodrights all over but are so incredibly valuable in defenses against chaos incursions that they're tolerated even as friends and family dissappear into the shadows. Sylvaneth are suspiscous and hateful of all the other factions but aren't powerful enough to fight chaos alone. The life of a freeguilder is spent constantly looking over your should at gods and monsters massively beyond your ken wondering if your inevitable painful demise will come at the hands of an enemy or an ally, with both being equally possible. Seraphon, as far as I can tell, don't care about ANYTHING but killing Chaos where-ever they find it and would help against Destruction or Death with only the upmost reluctance. Daughter's of Khaine are perfect for order because they DON'T fit in.
  10. I like the snakes. They look so happy! Anybody else notice that she's on the cover of the battletome wearing a helmet instead of her bare face? I SMELL ALTERNATE BUILD OPTIONS!!!
  11. Called it! Booyah, I love being right! Pre-order comin in exactly when I said it would.
  12. I think we're going to get another teaser tomorrow.
  13. Everyone says that and then when the books come out with no models everyone gets all uppity.
  14. Yeah, concept art is always fairly close but there's just something about seeing the actual physical thing
  15. There's actually a pretty decent chance that there will be stormcast artillery soonish. The ruination chamber has yet to open after all. This though, looks like terrain to me.
  16. Small thing: Adepticon updated their AoS tourney rules recently. Previously the cutoff for new releases was Feb. 22nd, now it's March 3. The last time they did this it was due to Guillamen . This time, could be nothing, could be a hint at DOK on the 22nd or 3rd.
  17. weird it's not releasing with the book tho.
  18. For all we know the death allegiance ability is 'heroes are immune to damage until all non-hero units are dead' At which point this would easily be the BEST army in the game. My point is, speculation before content is asinine an stupid. It happened so much in the run up to 8th that people had a 100% set in stone opinion about every unit in the game and less than half were even close to correct.
  19. yeah...100% ****** that kit. It's insane how bad the value is.
  20. rumor has it that morathi has 2 models, one snake one lady
  21. To be fair, this is a rumors thread (supposedly).
  22. I'm guessing Legions of Nagash come out before the Harbingers, I would expect legion on the 3rd, harbingers on the 10s and the 27th to be a 'deadzone' week.
  23. Don't forget the number of kits that are redone but with a bunch or new options: Rubric Marines, Beast of Nurgle, GUO, Plague Marines, Ahriman, They still release updated versions of old kits, they just give them new stuff.
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