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Knight Scáthach of Fimm

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Posts posted by Knight Scáthach of Fimm

  1. Normal dankbois will be good for normal Gloomspite armies that don't have other trolls, since the boss would be losing out on his command ability; a reasonably cheap monster that buffs bravery for goblins? Sounds solid to me.

    As for Rockguts, as I said, there'll be some units that will require mortal wounds and high-rend to crack. I can see Fellwaters being the 'battleline' of the army where Rockguts will be the nut-crackers, since while the puke is good, it is random damage so may not do enough. We also need to factor in durability here; Rockguts essentially have a 5+ rerollable against non-rend attacks which is better than a 4+, while always getting a save no matter what. Fellwaters only get their added durability in combat, so it's really a question of which troll for the job?

    I'd always bring a Shaman to use Nightshroud as the trolls need cover while they advance up the board. Also let's not forget the prospect of teleporting trolls with Hand of Mork.

  2. 2 minutes ago, novakai said:

    I wonder, any reason to every to take one unit of 3 dankhold troggoth? 

    I know it expensive point wise but it sounds fun having three of them attack at once and delete something of the board. 

    They would benefit most from the enhanced regeneration which is one advantage, but as it stands a unit of 3 Rockguts should be doing more damage in total than one dankboi due to more attacks and consistent damage. Saying that, 3 fist attacks can split a unit apart. My Troggboss is going to be taking the Blade of Hammerhal Gyra to get +1 attack on his fist; totally for fun, although against Stormcast it's going to be amazing (I'd take the +2 wounds normally unless going up against an Elite army where he'd take the re-roll grip attacks to crush entire Dracoths with reasonable effectiveness). I'm thinking his name will be Hands.


  3. 2 hours ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    Yep indeedy. Her unique spell is a beast as it is so more nice spells won’t hurt one bit. I think that Cauldron spell is going to be huge. 

    Also remember that the sacrifice is at the start of the hero phase while her regeneration is during the hero phase, so she can basically get away without issue.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, Eevika said:

    The biggest up side of a battalion is in my opinion the one drop army. Or 2 drop with the hag. Also that conversion idea I personally dont like as the Hag is so much bigger than a Dankhold troggoth will be. 

    In terms of mass maybe, we haven't seen them side by side; I reckon they'll be roughly similar heights. Provided it's on the same base and clearly shows what it is it'll be fine, assuming the danktroll is big enough.

  5. The troll hag is cool as a model, but not exactly something I want to paint or field as it's a bit rank (which is impressive for a miniature), so what I'd likely do is get a Dankhold and get converting; I'm thinking of a hood over its face that covers its eyes and some shamanistic additions. Along with a 120mm base of course. Not a case of it might be cheaper, it's just the aesthetics.

    I'm still torn on what exactly I'll be doing since I have a swamp themed Fimir army, but never had any Fellwaters as they were just bad by comparison. Now they're good, so at 2k points I can see myself running 1k points of trolls and 1k points of Fimir as GA Destruction; Arachnacauldron getting those juicy spells out of allegiance. At 1k I'd go Gloomspite. There's always the possibility that I'd go 2k with all trolls but that's too expensive for an immediate buy.

    As for the battalion, even at 2k it's too expensive, even if you factor in that 50 points of Command Point. The extra item is cool, but again I'd rather have more trolls as they'll be doing more damage than natural 6s to wound ever will provide.

  6. 6 hours ago, Arkiham said:

    That reputation is unjust now. 


    All forgeworld stuff sucks for aos now  no one uses it.


    Edit. The chaos dwarves stuff isn't bad, totally forgot about them. 

    That's not true at all. Rogue Idol and Troll Hag see plenty of play, particularly in Iron Jaws. War mammoth is a very very desirable choice for Chaos. The Dread Saurian is definitely usable, and so is a lot of the Destruction monsters if you're running generic Destruction; especially the Magma Dragon. I have an army of  mixed Destruction, with lots of Fimir and a Merwyrm and they do just fine. Let's not start on the mayhem a Colossal Squig brings in a Moonclan army. The Exalted Keeper of Secrets is another great pick for Slaanesh, and the Mourngul still sees play in Nighthaunt lists though is usually beaten out by a Black Coach.

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  7. 7 hours ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    Since Tzaangors seem to be in, do you think they'll be worth taking? They seem to be an upgrade over Bestigors despite the higher cost. Skyfires also look like a good deal to get good shooting and MW into the herd.

     I wouldn't say they're better than Bestigors. Sure, they have 2 wounds but Bestigors are 120 points for 10   4+ save models with greatsword profiles. Not to mention their ambush potential, the ability to pile in 4 inches (which is a big deal as both units are on 32mm bases). Their greatest strength imo is board control and numbers which Tzaangors don't have. Outside of Tzeentch, Bestigors all the way (until we know more details).

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  8. 14 minutes ago, mastercrafted said:

    Love me some beastmen, so i'm very tempted to dive aboard the hype train - but don't all the models come with square bases still, or are we expecting a bunch of repacks?

    Guaranteed they'll be rebased for the release.

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