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Knight Scáthach of Fimm

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Posts posted by Knight Scáthach of Fimm

  1. I'd always bring at least 1 unit of 20 grots.

    The thing with a Troll army is very careful positioning as losing even one troll will be felt. If you can get the positioning right and pick your fights (Itchy Nuisance helps a ton here) then Trolls will roll over almost anything they get close to.

    The low model count is an issue, but then if you're the last man standing then numbers are irrelevant. Trolls are very good at being last man standing.

    Also, because every attack counts (at least with Rockguts) I bring Moonface Mommet to rule out my enemy making any saves (provided it's 4+) as they can and will roll a 6 or two.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Not-not-kenny said:

    Since every competitive FP army seems to revolve around exactly that I'd guess fairly well.

    I was going to say; it's kinda the workhorse.

    On another note, if the merc company retains the Freepeoples keyword I can see them having some utility as as far as I'm concerned, it can be very difficult for Freeguild to get behind an enemy line without a Griffon. I also rarely ever spend my first command point in a battle so.

  3. Despite their simplicity, a Troggherd army will take a lot of skill to do well with; in fact I'd argue it's because of this that they're hard to play with. Not to say they can't be strong, as anything getting hit by 6 buffed Rockguts will die or be left crippled on the floor. After all, this is Age of Sigmar where you can literally take any army and do well with it so long as you know it extremely well; the ruleset allows for underdogs to take out the meta armies, and often. Skill is a huge factor most of the time, although the only thing I can think of that doesn't count is Gristlegore as that's rather brain-dead imo.

    Except vs Nighthaunt I just don't see how Trolls can fight that as they're the perfect counter.

    I see too many battle reports where the Troll player has no idea what they're doing and just throws minimum unit sizes into the midfield and doesn't protect their boss. They're also 100% trolls which I think is a mistake; I think you need to at least have 20 stabbas and a Fungoid.

    If you know what you're doing, Trolls will do just fine. In fact twice now they've ended the game on turn 3, which my Freeguild can't do.


  4. 1 hour ago, Malakree said:

    Personally I'm hoping for a big enough points drop that 2 troggbosses will fit in a list. Drop the dankhold in yours then take mollog, 50 points cheaper, brings the same buffs, is a hero and has way better support buffs.

    You make it seem like I'm building a tournament list. I have a painted Dankhold and it's not exactly a stab in the foot to take one, after all it's not a giant. I like their ability to pick out certain models from groups, or prevent stringing models out. He also fits in the Troggherd.

  5. My list that I played with the other day. Smashed Slaves to Darkness twice before the 3rd turn was up.


    -Dankhold Troggboss: 300 General

     Tough as Rocks +2 wounds Blade of Hammerhal-Ghyra +1 attack on fist. (may change)

    -Madcap Shaman: 80

                Itchy Nuisance/ Moonface Mommet

    -Fungoid Cave Shaman: 90

                Hand of Gork

    -6 Rockgut Troggoths: 320

    -6 Rockgut Troggoths: 320

    -3 Fellwater Troggoths: 160

    -3 Fellwater Troggoths: 160

    -20 Stabbas: 130

    -Dankhold Troggoth: 220


    -Troggherd: 180


    When GHB drops I'm certain i can get Skrapskuttle's in there too and probably more. Usually I find games get split down the flanks so the Dankhold's bravery buff actually came into play as half the army had to split from the boss. I found him a nice support model, and a big tanky threat when in cover. Paired well with the fellwaters and grots.

  6. Played 2 games of Troggherd vs Slaves to Darkness.
    Dankboss and 6 Rockguts w/ Itchy Nuisance and Moonface Mommet cleared 10 chaos knights like a breeze. I think Moonface is important, because every attack that gets saved is a big deal, so out right denying the chance to save I found was very important, as even if they're saving on 6s it can and will happen. I don't think -3 rend is overkill when it comes to such important attacks.

    I ran 2 units of 6 Rockguts flanked by a Dankboss; their guaranteed boulder throws are very useful for hitting backline heroes. I also had 2 units of 3 Fellwaters, but they're better at working independently so handled the other side of the board with the goblins.

    I was running Tough as Rocks, as while Loonskin is great, I felt I always had enough command points. Also my ethos is always; healing is cool but it's worthless if you don't reach your hero phase, so the extra 2 wounds I prefer. He also had +1 attack on fist as the ability to selectively remove elite models is great. The Dankboss was the biggest linchpin so I think the extra wounds to keep him around was justified.  Furthermore, I found that he was incredibly easy to protect from charges, particularly against cavalry, as he has so many wounds on a relatively tiny base; his power per square inch is likely the highest in the game.

    I need to remember that Troggherd bonuses exist.

    My opponent had to concede on turn 3 both games as the trolls wasted everything they touched. I find them great fun and easy to maneuver, although I'll need to play them against newer armies. Saying that, this is a Troggherd so I reckon the power levels were very close between the two armies. This was against 20 knights, 30 warriors and 2 manticores so there was plenty of meat in the force.

    • Like 3
  7. I can see Treelords being a support monster, if you don't have multiple Durthu's. Having a distraction carnifex and one that can make enemies fight last for say Kurnoths to then strike sounds good for 200; they're also better targets for healing. I'm not sure what people are wanting from Treelords, as by default they will always be inferior to the Ancient and Durthu, so unless you're wanting them even cheaper I'm not sure what can be done to satisfy some people. Hell I doubt people would be happy if they were 100 points.

    I think the implication of a cheap tanky monster teleporting around is enough.

    • Like 1
  8. I ordered the rest of my Troggherd to complete a 2k list. My original Troggboss is named Grumble the Snooze King, and he has a night-cap shaped mushroom that grows on his head, but I reckon he'll be relegated to normal Dankhold, as when I first read about Skragrott's armored Dankholds I've wanted to convert one. I had the idea to armor one like the new Loonboss, with a Bad Moon helmet and beaten metal plates. Not sure how he'll be equipped, as I really enjoyed the maximum crush build with Blade of Hammerhal Ghyra and Pulverizing Grip, although I feel a max durability build might be thematically better and tactically so, as making sure I can give the 12 Rockguts I'll have reroll 1s is important. The plan is that he'll be unarmed with just his fists.

    Saying that, the moment I go up against unrendable eels I'll regret not having him double crushing on 4s rerolling. And to be honest, he's very easy to protect due to being a foot hero and not a monster so added durability may not be needed, plus the thing most people overlook is that he's on a 60mm base which makes him tougher and fightier than anything else in his size range, not to mention he punches in the same weight class as some 160mm base monsters.

    Something I always found funny is that in lore Rockguts are stronger than the weapons they use.

  9. 21 hours ago, Ointagru said:

    There is a third possibility: it could mean that you can re-roll hit rolls, failed or not, of your choosing (in some cases you could try to re-roll a successful roll, for example when a higher result would inflict additional damage or a mortal wound).

    That's one of the good parts about reroll all hits, so say if Spider Riders could get it then you'd be fishing for every 6 you can get as their normal attacks are weak. Also reroll failed hits appears to be an old style ruling, while new rules seem to always state flat rerolls.

  10. 8 hours ago, MKsmash said:

    What will you replace it with? This list looks like it could be competitive if improved.

    It lacks bodies to make it competitive; most competitive armies  field multiple units of 30+ models. And probably more trolls.
    As I play Freeguild, I don't want to add more bodies if I can avoid it.

  11. Been playing a few games against Slaves to Darkness using my Swamp army. Merwyrm is just a tanky monster that does nothing, while the Fimir and trolls crack armor all day. The game I just played my Troggboss went up against a manticore lord. Only 2 wounds went through and rolled double 6s for the damage, then he found himself in the middle of 30 chaos warriors; he survived 4 combat phases and was left on 1 wound, only to regen to 4 and the game ended in a minor win. Rolled a lot of 1s for the Troggboss though, but the luck came through when he steel chair'ed the lord. Even though he's not as powerful outside of Gloomspite, he's still incredible (I don't get why people call him overcosted, other than that he's slow...) The Fimir cleaned up the 2nd manticore lord.

    The threat of Hand of Gork is a great deterrent against over committing, so I kept 10 chaos knights away from the fight just by the implication of a teleport. I forgot the game type but it's where you need to hold both objectives to win. I actually played aggressive in the face of 2 manticores and 20 chaos knights and won so a combination of forcing reserved play with Hand, decent staying power and high rend won the game. Also Fimir Noble with Bellowing Tyrant made my trolls a max of Bravery 10 which countered the bravery bombing from the chaos lords.

    It's currently 2-1 to the Fimir, although the loss was a disaster where every charge resulted in pathetic damage. Itchy Nuisanced 30 chaos warriors then charged with 12 Fimir and 3 Rockguts. Only 6-7 died to that, then a manticore lord's pile in move was done incorrectly and everything went down hill from there.

    The sheer amount of -2 rend and potential for high bravery means I reckon the outlook of future games will go similarly in my favor.

    All in all, it performs well; I may remove the Merwyrm given the chance and improve the list. The list I was up against was pretty solid too.

    • Like 3
  12. Free Peoples are my main force, but my other army is Fimir and Trolls, as individually they are more aesthetically pleasing to me than Free Peoples, but collectively Free Peoples are more aesthetically interesting and playing them is more fun.

    Free Peoples also function as a classical army and there's a lot to do with them; they have the means to tackle almost any opponent and put up a good fight, even if they aren't particularly strong. Their rules interactions are also fun to use, and I think the Greatsword kit and the heroes are excellent.

  13. 13 minutes ago, DestructionFranz said:

    Hey guys, 

    How the ability Throwin'Boulder of Rockgut works. 

    Do I roll one dice for every model? 

    So with 3 Rockgut I throw 3 dices? 

    And, do I have to count my models or the models in the target unit? 

    A unit of 3 trolls needs a 1, 2 or 3 to hit. You roll 1 dice.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, DestructionFranz said:

    It sounds very cool to play...  🙂

    Do you think that the Freeguild is stronger than a mixed Destruction list? 

    Than my mixed Destruction list? Definitely, although it's such a broad army that it's hard to say about other army builds. My Freeguild are designed to hold their own against most armies, while my Destruction mainly has theme in mind before unit effectiveness (I sure as hell wouldn't use a Merwyrm if I was (I bought it before it got nerfed)). Freeguild are also way stronger than people give them credit for. One distinct advantage of my Destruction is they're easy to maneuver due to low model count, while hoards of infantry, while usually better, are really difficult to work with if it's not open terrain.

  15. Might as well post my swamp themed army list. Back in 1st edition my Fimir were terrors on the table, and I haven't really used them in 2nd all that much as they couldn't deal with hoards. Gloomspite changed the game for them though. They even smashed an old Skryre army with warpfire projectors everywhere.

    The strength of the army is their resistance to both magic and shooting, as I can easily get my Fimir to -2 to hit at range and a lot of the units have mortal wound saves or with the Dankboss an immunity save. I wanted to run a pure troll army, but money. Also I know that if I dropped my Fimir, Forgeworld would immediately release the Balefiend.

    They're relatively slow, although I do have access to Hand of Gork; but I have a monopoly on armor breaking and poke resistance so I can't have everything, after all this is just a standard non-competitive list. Stormcast cry when my Fimir drop.

    Multiple attacks on a Dankboss fist is hilarious, but in terms of efficiency, Ghyrstrike is better without access to command abilities, and my Noble has to be the general to access Fimir as Battleline.

    Another strength is the fact I won't really need to bother with Battleshock outside of modifiers, as I can easily have Bravery 10 trolls, and Fimir are 7at base. The grots are there to die anyway.

    The real fat in the list is the Merwyrm as apart from being deceptively tanky, it's pretty bad on the damage front; however this is a themed list that'll be taken to play at the local store/ friends etc. I'd play my Freeguild if it was somewhat competitive.


    Swamp Army



    -Dankhold Troggboss: 300

    Blade of Hammerhal-Ghyra +1 attack on fist or Ghyrstrike +1 +1

    -Fimirach Noble: 140 General

    Bellowing Tyrant

    -Madcap Shaman: 80



    -20 Stabbas: 130

    -6 Fimir: 280

    -6 Fimir: 280



    -3 Rockgut Troggoths: 160

    -6 Fellwater Troggoths: 320

    -Merwyrm: 260


    Endless Spells:

    -Scrapskuttle’s Arachnacauldron: 50



    -2000 points

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, MrCharisma said:

    I'm thinking about bringing the Free People back with this list... would need to add artefacts, traits, blah blah. I mean... shooting is dead right 😉

    Allegiance: Free Peoples
    Lord-Ordinator (140)
    Freeguild General on Griffon (260)
    - Shield & Greathammer
    Freeguild General on Griffon (260)
    - Shield & Greathammer
    Freeguild General (100)
    - Stately War Banner
    30 x Freeguild Crossbowmen (300)
    40 x Freeguild Guard (280)
    - Swords and Shields
    30 x Freeguild Handgunners (300)
    Celestar Ballista (100)
    - Allies
    Celestar Ballista (100)
    - Allies
    Celestar Ballista (100)
    - Allies

    Total: 1940 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 300 / 400
    Wounds: 157

    Is there anything that lets the Ordinator not take up allies points/ slots?

  17. I used a Dankboss with Blade of Hammerhal Ghyra and Pulverising Grip the other day, and he squished 6 Chaos knights with his fist and flattened the rest of the 10 man unit pretty much alone (so that was his points back through just damage, not factoring other trolls he buffs and bravery ((which saved a unit of gobbos))). I think his reroll 1s are actually massive, especially to Rockguts. I also think his small base-to-power ratio is a huge factor in his cost, he packs so much damage for such a small base that he can just get places that monsters can't. Also not being a monster is big, because cover and look out sir. Super hard to pick off; only point where he's as vulnerable as anything else is melee, but he can make sure smaller enemy models back the hell up by picking them up.

  18. 17 hours ago, xking said:

    I could be wrong, I just think Freeguild should and will have a new aesthetic.  To be it's own thing and not just the "Empire in the Age of Sigmar".   No more  codpieces and pantaloons please. And new minor races.

    They're all over the Black Library novels so the codpieces and poofy shirts are here to stay. Edit: saw that someone already posted examples.

  19. In terms of overall general damage, it seems like Mighty Blow + Ghyrstrike appears to be the most popular option. As I said before, even without Ghyrstrike I watched a dankboss wipe out an Exalted Keeper of Secrets instantly. He easily becomes the level of Durthu if not more, because he is practically impossible to pick off with spells or shooting (especially with Nightshroud) and the fact that Durthu constantly needs topping up to maintain his 6 damage attacks.

    The alternative (against elite armies only) would be granting him additional attacks, although I think this works better in a Destruction army where he can get Wild Fury for up to 4 grip attacks (with Ghyra/ Rage blade). Even then you could swap it from his fist to his club before battle and pound something with 7 club attacks which is still amazing. Or just pick his club each combat phase and go nuts with 6 club attacks (he will be getting those 3 wounds, and if your opponent chooses not to damage him to prevent the extra attack then so be it).

    Another is Loonskin + whatever flavor of artifact you want to rake in those command points.

    Then the 'wade into the middle of it' dankboss with Tough as Rocks and Glowy Howzit or Charm, or whatever durability item you want. I do like Howzit as just one phase where you have to roll 12 after saves will save him from an alpha strike etc. You will roll a 1, but I think it's difficult to poke him in order to try and trigger it prematurely, given his spell shield and look out sir! So a critical turn of a 4+ shrug save is spicy.

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