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Posts posted by Graftonianman

  1. 45 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

    Ooh is that Despoiler or Ravager?

    You’d need to run despoilers for the helm. It makes him always strike first on a charge. 

    fun note, chariots get +1 to hit for the unit champion, khorne gets +1 to wound around the general. Not bad!

  2. New chaos stuff says “a unit [has] models, each armed...“ This is the first instance of a warscroll being worded this way. Dragon Ogors and tzaangors which allow a mix say, “...each model is armed...” Other units, such as liberators, state specific numbers of models that may be armed with special options. 

    Although it can be interpreted either way, prior to this new book, you couldn’t mix armament nor does the wording in the rest of the warscroll support mixed armament. Until GW releases a FAQ, I will assume that you can’t mix. 

    • Like 2
  3. Pay close attention to the warscrolls that allow a mix of weapons. 

    Tzaangors allow a mix. Their shield rule reads: “...unit that has any model armed with...”

    Chaos warrior shield rule reads: “...a unit that carries...”


    Continuity doesn’t hold up for mixing weapon options for warriors. Look, I’m not saying that you’re reading it wrong, but don’t count on it; GW messes up its grammar all the time. 

  4. 15 hours ago, Gibs said:


    ”A unit of Chaos Warriors has any number of models, each armed with one of the following options.....”

    “Each” references “a unit” and not “models”. Not the best choice of wording, but this is GW. Units get one weapon option. 

  5. 2 hours ago, amsoly said:


    any suggestions for a “counts as” for glade guard?  Love those old sculpts and the theme. 

    My plan is to buy some sisters/shadow warriors boxes to replace the Guard bows with the sisters flaming bows. And then I also get a bunch of shadow warriors.  I feel icky simply using them as “counts as” without some kind of conversion. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, Cambot1231 said:

    I'm a little nervous that chaos warrior's halberds and great weapons will go by the wayside. The shuttering of more forgeworld stuff has me thinking weapon upgrades won't be supported with the new kit. Great looking new sculpts though 

    Unless they’re cleaning up the catalog for all new chaos stuff, like weapon upgrades!

  7. 5 minutes ago, Panzer said:

    The new army seems to be so close to what Tomb Kings used to be, aka exotic skeleton army with ranged stuff like catapults and so on, that it seems a bit obvious that GWs aim here is to get all the Tomb King players on board without having to actually do Tomb Kings.
    The new stuff looks great and everything but I'm a bit bummed. Hopefully they'll at least give us chariots and archer skeletons as well so we can do a proper counts-as army.

    Indeed. Just let me use my chariots!

  8. 6 hours ago, tripchimeras said:

    EDIT:  One more idea.  Have you guys considered switching armies for a game or two?  Like you play nighthaunts and they play your deepkin?  Don't know how good friends you are, but if you are I am sure you can trust one another with your models for a game.  Think that can be a great way to better understand what opponent is going through, and diagnose issues for both of you.  Also will make them happy to drub you for a game if the lists really are that out of whack.

    I recommend this as well. 

    Also, try varying the scenarios. Different point values, battleplans, etc. There’s a lot of guidance in all the books that’s been published in the last few years. 

  9. 9 hours ago, amysrevenge said:

    The biggest weakness is that there isn't much that can do any reliable damage.  If you can get a brick into combat with the Daemonic Power buff on, it can get a lot of no rend wounds through but otherwise it's a pretty soft hitter.

    There’s  not much in a mortal army that does. Characters are pretty hard, and there’s some cool synergies with the realm artifacts. And there’s the chaos monsters. 

    I’m toying with a build of warriors and allied monsters. They’re all pretty neat; 400 pts fills up fast!

  10. 9 hours ago, amysrevenge said:

    The biggest weakness is that there isn't much that can do any reliable damage.  If you can get a brick into combat with the Daemonic Power buff on, it can get a lot of no rend wounds through but otherwise it's a pretty soft hitter.

    There’s  not much in a mortal army that does. Characters are pretty hard, and there’s some cool synergies with the realm artifacts. And there’s the chaos monsters. 

    I’m toying with a build of warriors and allied monsters. They’re all pretty neat; 400 pts fills up fast!

  11. 4 hours ago, awcamawn said:

    I like the conversion idea! But Wanderers are not a dead army as far as AoS is concerned. There are black library stories, lore in the core book, and allegiance abilities for Wanderers. How much do they need to have to not be 'dead' in AoS?

    I think it’s a cool idea. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    No, its any buff of any warscroll that applies to it as Agent of Chaos has said.  Look at him as a mini archaon who can benefiit from any god mark buff going all at the same time.  For argument sake if you had twelve things on the table offering four different buffs to each of the four gods he'd receive the lot. - as well as his own!

    It's easy to over analyse and over complicate but it really is that simple.  It harkens back to the old chaos undivided armies which contained all marks, the only difference is that now your bearer of the artefact gains the benefit of all of them.  Don't look at shat he can do but what the people around him with buffs can do for him.

    Oh I see. That’s an interesting tactic. And a lot of characters to pull off!

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