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Posts posted by Graftonianman

  1. The biggest change to wanderers in AOS 2 is the allegiance ability applying to 1 unit only. This makes Wanderers good if you take the battalion. They are not a “tier 1” army, but are totally outclassed only by a couple builds; they provide a skilled player with an enjoyable game every time.

    Holding the waywatchers as reserves forces the opponent to make a choice: spread out over the board to limit reserve deployment or not. Either way, you can focus on only one part of the enemy’s army for most of the game.

    Cavalry are super fast and can roadblock key enemy units. I just had 5 wild riders hold up a steam tank for 3 turns! And eternal gaurd with locked shields in cover are really hard to kill. Stash 10 on objectives and the opponent will have to invest a lot to claim those objectives. 

    Meanwhile, a defensively buffed unit of wildwood rangers can eat through just about anything. They are an elite melee unit that teleports. But save your command points for a big block’s battleshock or a unlucky charge roll. 

    Wanderers don’t have mortal wound output nor something big but an allied Drycha fits this roll. Bubble wrap her with some EG and set her loose!

    When criticizing point costs, don’t forget the big picture.

  2. 23 minutes ago, Aezeal said:

    No self respecting opponent will let them reach their lines intact. There is literally no reason for them to target anything else if you have such a unit on the table.

    You’re getting into gameplay tactics. Of course they are a target. So are GG before their nuclear strike. That’s not an excuse to avoid bringing them. “...it’s how you use it!” :)

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  3. Wild wood rangers are under appreciated. They have a 2” reach on a small base!Used correctly, they do lots of damage because it is really easy to get all models in combat. A unit of 30 means a realistically achieved 61 attacks. I always take a block of 30. They lose effectiveness in smaller amounts; 10 is pointless. 

    Balance is critical in any AOS army and WWR are a great combat unit. They are compatible with wanderer tricks, so they are more versatile than allies. Alternatively, you could take an allied combat unit, but this potentially limits your game tactics. However, Thralls with a scyrer works really well.


    And someone mentioned shooting out of combat for the nomad battalion volley thing. I disagree that it lets you ignore the combat restriction. That’s how I interpret it and play my games like that. I always err to the opponents advantage on vague rules. 

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  4. I think the app is having some trouble. Deepkin warscrolls are all janky. 


    Ive noticed that the realm of Light has a spell titled “shield of thorns”. Shall we start speculating on the outlook of the sisters of the thorn? 

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