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Peter (Age of Miniatures)

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Posts posted by Peter (Age of Miniatures)

  1. The points reductions are in!

    I did not have high hopes, so this was a very welcome gift. The mushroom going up in points seems weird and I was sure the Scuttletide would go 10 points up (so yeah for that not happening). All in all some good reductions. The troggoths and the big spider options are very tempting now!

    So,  how will your build(s) change?

    • Shootas: -10 (now 120)
    • Dankhold Troggboss: -30 (now 270)
    • Loonboss on Mangler Squigs: -20 (now 280)
    • Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider: -20 (now 280)
    • Arachnarok Spider with Flinger: -20 (now 250)
    • Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty: -20 (now 230)
    • Skitterstrand Arachnarok: -20 (now 240)
    • Gobbapalooza gang: -40 (now 200)
    • Dankhold Troggoths: -20 (now 200)
    • Fellwater Troggoths: -10 (now 150)
    • Rockgut Troggoths: -20 (now 140)
    • Malevolent Moon: -10 (now 40)
    • Morks Mighty Mushroom: +10 (now 90)
    • Scrappskuttles Arachnacauldron: -10 (now 40)

    (updating my post with points changes from GHB and recent FAQ here if you are interested)

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  2. Hi gang!


    My name is Peter and I run the AgeofMiniatures.com  (earlier on the ageofsigmar.eu domain). The webpage is dedicated to Age of Sigmar, with a heavy focus on articles for beginners.

    I try to write content that answers the questions all new (and older) players have. You know, that very basic stuff that everyone takes for granted that you just know.

    If you have a suggestion for an article, be sure to let me know. You can find me here, write a comment on my blog or hit me up on the twitters.

    Content breakdown (not everything on the site):


    Hobby stuff:




  3. Greetings Sigmar dudes and dudettes,

    So I am not seeing that much chatter on the Forbidden Power supplement (at least post-release), so wanted to make a little discussion thread.

    What do you think about Forbidden power? Did you decide to skip this one or get it?

    I decided to purchase the box, even though I was a bit on the fence about it.

    My thoughts:

    1. The new allegiances are for Order and Death (armies I do not play), so that was not really for me. On the other hand, I am stoked about the possibility that new "mixed allegiances" can pop up in supplements (and maybe white dwarf?!) in the future.
    2. I find the rules for mercenaries intriguing. I think I would do something with that if, for example, it was Khardron Overlords and not Fyreslayers you could take. Really looking forward to whatever "Mercenary Companies" we get in the new Generals Handbook.
    3. At first, I was lukewarm on the Endless Spells. After having thought about some more, having more different Endless Spells means it is more likely that I will take a big caster package and endless spells (because you need enough endless spells to throw out there for them to be effective).
    4. I was quite pleased with the campaign module. The biggest strength of it being the artefacts that grown on power the longer you get in the campaign. The battleplans seem cool enough.
    5. The engine was a bit of a miss for me. 100 points seem too expensive for an effect that is random. But the model was cool, so will just use it as terrain and in narrative battles.
    6. Working my way through the lore, but that seems decent as always. The Soul Wars chapter is, for me, much more intriguing than the Realmgate Wars. 


    Contrary to Malign Sorcery, I do not feel like this is a "must-buy" expansion. Too much of it some people will likely never use. On the other hand, that might be a good thing. Too many "must-buy- things" will get people complaining about "being forced" to buy stuff.

    Before I bought it, I found it hard to get good information on how the mercenary system worked, how the campaign was constructed and so on. These are the kinds of things that very much would inform my decision on whether or not to buy it. After buying it I decided to write an (quite extensive) article explaining the rules in the book. I hope it will help some of you still on the fence.



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