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Posts posted by Galas

  1. 24 minutes ago, DynamicCalories said:

    Moving away from Dwarves a little - are really down on the Thunder and Blood box. Do they really think that everything GW releases has to massage their own private desires? It's clearly a great little start for kids to get into the hobby, like Battle for Vedros. The salt around it is ridiculous, people have no perspective.

    Totally. As other people say, this GAMA show was a conference to retailers, not individual buyers, and its a boardgames conference, not Wargames. The Blood & Thunder its obviusly a pseudo-boardgame to new players to sell in boardgame stores.

    Its not the second oficial starter set for Age of Sigmar. At first I think that it was and I was just "Noooo!" but now I see why they did it. 

    And a accesible way for people to jump from boardgames to Wargames its only good news in my town. Now we only need to see the price. I think it need to be in the 70-80€ range to appeal to board gamers. People isn't gonna pay 120€ for a boardgame like Silver Tower having Descend and all the big boys of the market in the 80€ range.

    • Like 1
  2. Don't let the "echo chambers" of your "dwarf players friends" alienate your perception of this release.  People will like it, people will dislike it.


    But its prety roleplayer the fact that the dwarf players are grumpy old mans that dislike change :P 


    PD: I love the Volus comparasion. We all need more Volus in our lives.

  3. The only thing that I don't like of this release its that, in my personal taste for a variety of infantry (sorry, greenskin player, I love variety) I would have prefered a fourth infantry type before the medium-size ship. I think that with the one-dwarf fly ship and the big one its, for the initial release, suficient.

    But... in the other hand... Monopoly Dwarf with a Chainsword!




    I was planing to buy a Start Collecting! Slaves to Darkness box but if those guys have one... oh boy. All aboard the steampunk battleship!

    • Like 3
  5. Art from the Steam trading cards of the videogame Mordheim. I don't know if it was made before for a White Dwarf or a supplement.

    They are all lovely, I just love this art-style, so warhammer, grytty and dark but ... some kind of bizarre. Don't the lazy digital generic art of late.

    Here you have more in a little gallery I made. I love the little owl with sword and shield of the second image. This images give a lot of inspiration to AoS28 (Sorry for the offtopic!). If you click in it you will see the whole gallery. The preview only show 7 images.

  6. I'm pretty sure the reason the new 100% Age of Sigmar factions battletomes have so little unit  roster its because... well. They don't have more. Look at Seraphon and Stormcast. I'm pretty sure trought the years, Ironjawz, Disciples of Tzeentch, Bloodbound and Sylvaneth will have expansive unit rosters.

    The initial idea with Age of Sigmar was to have a ton of subfactions but as you see with the Ghouls Courts, the Disciples of Tzeentch (Tzeentch Acolites+Tzeentch Daemons), Stormcast (Extremis Chamber+Other Chambers), etc... its obvius that GW has changed that idea and its going back to Big factions with huge unit rosters. If not, why the have merged sub-factions in the bigger faction of a battletome?

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