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Posts posted by Sedraxis

  1. 1 hour ago, Sception said:

    FAQ is up on warcom.


    • Petrifex bonus changed from '-1 damage' to '-1 to wound' for attacks at hekatos & harvesters.
    • Harvester's ability completely rewritten & significantly nerfed - activates at the end of combat phase only, targets nearby friendly obr unit, only rolls for models in that unit slain that phase. No longer lets you heal units based on nearby enemy casualties, no longer works on casualties in other phases, no longer triggers as wounds are caused, only all at once at the end of the phase - so if the unit you want to heal is entirely wiped out you can't heal them at all.
    • Harvester and Crawler are 'single'

    My thoughts:

    I love the change to petrifex. -1 damage did nothing against many enemies, and was altogether too effective against a handful of others.  I like the more broadly applicable alternative.  If only they could change Null Myriad with a similar mindset.

    Harvester change is super disappointing.  I appreciate that the new version works faster, isn't a constant disruption the way the old rule was, but why only in the combat phase - why not the shooting phase?  The dead from the target unit are right there, regardless.  And the fact that it can't harvest /enemy/ bones anymore feels like a lore fail, given the model is very clearly doing exactly that.  Harvester was also the main thing propping up morteks at 15 ppm, I'm not sure this new harvester will continue to do that.  Would have been much more comfortable with this change if morteks were dropped to 13ppm at the same time.

    No changes to Mir Kainan or Arch-Kavalos Zandtos makes me think this FAQ was not based on any actual feedback or questions asked by the community, and a second update might not be far away.


    Yeah this faq is very weird. Maybe they didn't receive a lot of feedback or maybe someone just tried to rush it in time for lunch.

    The Harvester is very unreliable now and isn't able to return anything above mortek guard. Very disappointing to see him reduced to only picking up your own scraps, doesn't fit his design at all.

    I agree with the Petrifex change, it's a bit less strong against certain armies but also never useless. Still a bit disappointed that our subfactions are very limited. I feel like they finally opened up some more options with battlelines and then took it away by applying bonuses only to certain units.

    At least preatorians are still fun.

  2. It would be fine if they didn't overtune the latest shooting units and one dead frog in particular. Especially since the armies that bring said units can also outdrop you and shoot your stuff without effort, essentiLly reducing OBR to a stormcast army without deepstrike in those matches.

    They should've turned Petrifex in an answer to that problem, keep the save against shooting only or something.

    The addition of the "1 negate max" rule doesn't help either. Would've loved to see a hardcap on mw output or something to compliment it.

  3. I think the 3 types of play are very well named:

    Matched play focuses on playing an actual match where the aim is to win the game and defeat your opponent.

    Narrative play focuses on building a narrative and the aim is to create or recreate an interesting story. Winning is not the main goal and the rules aren't as strict because balance isn't important anymore. The narrative dictates who wins/has the advantage/uses which rules etc.

    Open play is literally anything goes. We are here to play with our miniatures and enjoy the hobby in whatever way we want. The game is open to any number of models of any kind and anyone can add their own fun in their own way. It's basically a sandbox mode.

    Now these 3 can overlap in any way shape or form but what seperates them is the main goal you want to accomplish:

    Do you want to play a match to decide a winner, do you want to create a story together, or do you want to leave it all out in the open?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, ACBelMutie said:

    My two cents goes for new legiones commanded by Vampires and Nagash at OBR with Arkhan. That's not what I want, but that's what I think they will do. 


    Hmm well if they're going for a Vampire Counts reborn sort of thing that might be cool. Especially if they were to throw a wrench is Nagash's OBR schemes.

  5. 15 minutes ago, BoneHeart said:

    Deathmarch 150

    Morghast did not change despite them being 190 in obr now

    nor did hexwraits - they are 130 in NH

    Everything else is untouched.

    I think the blood knights have been reduced because the remaining LoN players are playing LoB now? I think that's just the final nail in the coffin (haha) for us now. No ethereal amulet and no point cost reduction in core units and heroes which I think we needed the most. 

    Sad :(

    I'm assuming the GHB just copied the OBR book points, since the pdf with their changes comes later. They could still very well be 190.

    It does seem like all the old tomes are getting pretty much abandoned. Stormcast got some drops across the board but other then that it's mostly 1 or 2 units and some heroes. The aftersave rule makes me think they're prepping for a new baseline, since a lot of abilities, spells and artefacts are suddenly out of a job.

  6. 1 hour ago, Third said:

    This looks pretty legit.. And changes A LOT!



    The sad part is that this hits the lower performing armies where the top contenders rely on high damage output.

    I think it's a good change in the long run, but armies like STD will suffer even more. It also disables a lot of spells, abilities and artefacts for armies that are thematically durable or resistant to magic.

    I'd rather see a rule that disables stacking extra attacks and mortal wound output.

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  7. I think the "hard" part in making SC stronger is the fact that their allegiance ability is a game-changer. Being able to just deploy anywhere on the map makes it so units start the battle already on objectives or in combat.

    I get that it's easy to forget how good this is when you are used to it, but it makes it so that they cannot be compared fairly to other slow units like Mortek Guard or Ogor Ironguts.

    Now surely SC could do with an update, most warscrolls are outdated and there isn't a lot of flexibility in the allegiance abilities, but I feel their design-space is limited in the fact that they have access to so many basic strengths. They need their weaknesses to keep them from being oppressive as we have seen in earlier years (hammerstrike force anyone?)

    That is not to say we don't have oppressive stuff right now (looking at you flamers, horrors, salamanders and Lord K) but I feel those are outliers and mistakes rather then examples of what to strive for when discussing balance.

    All in all Liberators getting a point drop is always good news and I hope some of the lesser used units like Hunters will get some drops aswell. Maybe drop some battalions too.  But from what I've seen here and in other SC topics some people just want to be the best book out there where every unit is super strong and all possible problems are covered. You cannot expect to have the best of everything in a game where every army has clear strengths and weaknesses.

    And no, SC haters don't dictate GWs moves and they seem to have become the ultimate scapegoat for people to blame when discussing pretty much anything SC related. I just wish more people would look at the positive side and strengths this army has to offer.

    • Haha 2
  8. 23 minutes ago, Vulcania said:

    I was see a lot of Nurgle Tournament army list with THRICEFOLD BEFOULMENT and ROTIGUS as one of the 3 Great Unclean as he has the Keywords.

    Why Karios are different? I think Karios is the same and can be part of a Changehost warscroll 😉


    Because the Thricefold Befoulment lists  bolded 3x GREAT UNCLEAN ONE keyword as requirement while Changehost lists the specific Lord of Change warscroll. Compare it to the HORROR HEROES listed in the same battalion.

    Bolded = anything with the keyword

    Normal = specific warscroll

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  9. We have now shifted from interpreting rules to interpreting words, what a time to be alive!

    I think this topic has run its course.


    In conclusion:

    New Tzeentch book way to stronk, FAQ nerfed broken things, still needs more FAQ to clear up mess. Still really stronk, maybe too much stronk.


    I think it's still the strongest army around, even if everything regarding battleshock, destiny cubes and horrors no longer works. But who knows, it's a lot less insane then before.

    We will see what happens in a couple of tournaments, new subfactions coming out tomorrow might also shake things up. Peace ✌🏻

    • Like 1
  10. The RAI part of the fleeing Horrors is pretty easy, since the ability reads:

    "Should a Horror meet his end at the hands of the enemy, it is capable of splitting itself into lesser daemons and renewing its assault twice over."

    The ability also mentions how to allocate wounds and what happens when the model is slain, but nothing about battleshock is mentioned anywhere.

    And going by the FAQ that has the clear intention to get rid of Horrors flooding the board... yeah.

  11. 4 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    How does "Warhammer Age of Sigmar" even come to such a conclusion.

    I mean, "unmodified" roll only means, the value that is shown on the dice. So using a Destiny Dice of 1 is still an unmodified roll for the Banner rules because the dice is showing a 1.

    The only intention for the destiny dice in case of Bravery was, that you can't simply make units completly immune to bravery even when spending a 6. (after most units have a bravery of at least 6).

    Because it clearly reads in the FAQ that Destiny Dice are unmodified except when using them for Save or Battleshock rolls. Its that simple. The intention was to stop DD from making units immune to battleshock, which is also what the banner does.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Grotruk said:

    And probably wasn't intented at the beggining ><. But at least it's clear now.

    I think a clearer formulation would be "Destiny Dices don't exist anymore" :D

    What!? One of our 4+ allegiance abilities doesn't give me insane points advantages anymore!? Inconceivable! 

    I think it's great they responded fast for once instead of forcing us to wait another 6 months, and this ruling certainly has my preference since it always feels kinda cheaty to do. Especially after killing your own models with endless spells 😁

    Hopefully they will answer some more questions sooner rather then later.

    • Haha 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, NJohansson said:

    So far I have not seen anyone play it any other way than that battle chock counts as slain and thus creates new models. Sure you could maybe argue the other way around but unless FAQ says otherwise it seems very counterintuitive to argue that counts as slain and slain means different things.

    Yet the ability even reads:

    "Should a Horror meet its end at the hands of an enemy, it is capable of splitting itself into lesser daemons".

    The ability also specifies that wounds should be allocated to pinks first, but doesn't mention Battleshock anywhere. How is the intention still unclear?

    I get that a community of Tzeentch players will read the rules in the best way possible, this isn't news. It's the sole reason I'm trying to shed some light on it because I think it is bad for the game as a whole.

  14. 1 hour ago, whiskeytango said:

    That's a fair point, but I think without a "clarifying" FAQ, the most logical stance is that if it says "counts as slain", then they do indeed, count as being slain, and thus split. 

    I disagree, both from a design perspective and from reading the rules.

    Battleshock reads: remove them and count them as having been slain. Just as some teleports read: the unit counts as having moved.

    When a model is slain through allocating wounds however a model is first slain and then removed from play. There is a separate section for this in the rules.

    Now these are all very minor things, same for the unmodified stuff on battleshocks and banners, but they have a big impact on the game. RAW they would both end up as not being allowed the way I read it, but those terms tend to just be put aside by populair demand when it suits.

    What ruins it for me is that Tzeentch is the only faction that gains a big amount of power from shady rules mechanics and lack of clarifications, such as the thigns mentionned above, casting spells without targets for extra fate points and killing your own models with endless spells since they don't specify enemy targets and then returning extra models through healing/banners.

    These things aren't tactical choices or faction mechanics, they're (likely unintended) bits and pieces of extra power that players draw out after interpreting the rules.

    I don't understand why we as a community applaud these things.


    • Thanks 6
  15. 19 minutes ago, Sinfullyvannila said:

    They gain almost 50% of their footprint whenever they split. Don’t play with the assumption that the player put their splits within the range Locus of Change or Inspiring Presence. Make them check whenever a set of attacks resolve.

    If only players could practice this and have free reign in deciding how to place their units. The restrictions are good but they are no excuse for their insane stats/efficiency. Anyone can do this right with a little bit of practice.

    I wish there was more an opponent could do to interact with the Tzeentch mechanics in general, since randomness is already out the window.


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  16. 1 minute ago, SwampHeart said:

    Why is this happening? Changehost is one drop, you're going to know exactly where the flamers are, their exact threat range and you get to compensate for all of that before deploying anything meaningful. 

    Maybe if the Tzeentch player is nice enough to deploy everything at once instead of drop by drop untill your last one.

    And even if you can adjust to it you're still at a disadvantage purely on stats and power. It's an uphill battle at best, or a total and utter defeat upon comparing lists at worst. This should never be allowed to exist.

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