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Posts posted by Greasygeek

  1. 52 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    Hopefully it comes with updated Beasts of Nurgle and Great Unclean Ones. Add in poxwalkers and we'll have all we need for the combined battletome. (Though I would really want Pestigors)


    Pretty much. I hope they won't look too good. I don't think I can stand collecting another army....

    I am pretty sure that the wormy scaly thing that have appeared in recent 40k art is connected to the rumor picture of the many tiny legs we saw a while back. These must be indicators that a new beast model is on its way. 

    - In AOS beast have become one of the few fast units for Nurgle it can be a vital part of any Nurgle army and it's current model is very old, resin and butt ugly. It makes sense to give us a creepy bug version matching the design of the Rot flies.

    - Rotbringers at the moment have only one unit. They need their Kairic Acolyte/Blood Reaver/Marauder counterpart which hopefully is Pox Walkers.

    - Pestigors would make sense as counterpart to Tzaangors. I am not sure however if they are needed in the army. But since Pestigors has appeared in some of the very recent Nurgle fluff for 40K and AOS it wouldn't surprise me if they were made.

    - Grt Unclean One must be a sure thing. 

    What I am really looking forward to see is what kind of army traits and artifacts and battleplans the Nurgle battletome contains. Tzeentch and Khorne got some very cool thematic special rules so I cannot wait to see what's in store for grandfathers finest.

    Also WHEN!!!?

    My best bet would be after the deathguard release as that would allow GW to please AOS and 40K fans at the same time.


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  2. 1 hour ago, Kramer said:

    I'll add another cent. The global campaigns always increase sales (at least so a friend who worked in a store told me). So for that reason alone a new campaign book would make sense. 

    Beside it really helps people understand narrative gaming better which seem like something that GW would appreciate. I would go for a another campaign book if they made one.


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  3. 2 hours ago, shadowgra said:

    How will come out new deathguard? Can't wait more for some rumour on Nurgle for aos!!

    Yeah I feel kinda dissapointed. appearently NURGLY isn't happening by the look of the WD preview. My last hope is that the end og July will have some new deathguard stuff that will lead to Nurgle daemon release suitiable for AOS and 40K.

    I was so sure about this since their was so many signs and rumor engines pointering toward the perfect Nurgle Month. The WD is even released on the 7th..

  4. 4 minutes ago, elfhead said:

    Is it to be expected we'llsee a kit for poxwalkers that could also be used in AoS? The poxwalkers in the new 40k box are a little to techy, but I could see a kit that works for both systems. Plague-zombies were a thing way back in Warhammer fantasy... 

    Mark my words. Nurgly is coming fast..

    1. So far it would appear that some of those maggot things spotted in 40k art could be new beasts of Nurgle.

    2. Pox walkers would provide the Nurgle version of Kairic Acolytes and Blood Reavers.

    3. in The new Plague Garden by Josh Reynolds we are introduced to Nurgle Beastmen. Could that be GW telling us that Pestigors might be on their way as a Tzaangor alternative.

    4. In the Blood Bowl Deathzone season 1 the Nurgle team is included so we know that they remain official and has been updated with new positions too. 

    5.. After releasing 40k it makes perfect sense to start on Nurgly as the alternative Tzaanuary in two short weeks. The SEVENTH month in the year 201SEVENteen.


    Ladies and gentlemen you may put on your tinfoil hats..

    • Like 14
  5. 7 minutes ago, Roostmanuva said:

    One of the GW guys said on twitter that the points change is a mistake,  they will be changed back. Don't panic!

    Changed back?! I kinda like that the exalted GUO finally got some points. Been using him for ageofwargamers 450pt.  So 400 is very pleasing. That guy just won't die!!

  6. 4 hours ago, FRoper said:

    most likely we will have the rest of Overlords next week.


    Nurgle: we will probably get an great unclean one and beasts of nurgle. My store manager said he had seen a nurgle unit that as like a mix between plague drones and blightkings.

    What about Pestigors? 

    The current Rotbringer list has only one unit.

    If Nurgle get the Tzeentch, Bloodbound treatment, it makes sense to add

    pestigors, acolytes, beasts and something to deal with shooters.

    The current Nurgle army is slow, predicteable, low fire powered, low Rend. 

    As of now  Nurgle has very few options when it comes to surviving the shooting armies such as Stormcast. 

    A battletome will be a great help but It is really far from enough.

  7. 1 hour ago, VonRunestorm said:

    So has anyone heard of any Nurgle redo for Sigmar?

    With 40k DG on the way I was wondering if they are thinking of doing the same thing they did with Wrath of Magnus/Disciples of Tzeentch.


    Yup I'm voting for this also just hope that we won't have to wait till the name of the month matches like when the did Tzaanuary cause then we might expect it at Nurgvember. 

    So crossing my fingers for Nurgly...:P

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