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Posts posted by Greasygeek

  1. Great work they really look awesome. However there is two things I don’t get. First, how come you have made no backsides of the spell cards?

    Also, From looking at the PDF I can’t figure out how the cards are suposse to look when cut out. Seem the Hexagon shape will be cut in half ruinibg the casting number.

  2. So sometime after Christmas I will start a Warcry campaign based on the rules in the new Tome of Champions. However in the ToC the rules clearly state that your leader cannot suffer any permanent injuries. Having played lots of Gorkamorka, Blood Bowl and Necromunda I find it a shame that your precious leader can’t die. Whats your thoughts on this in your own campaigns?

    What’s not to stop one from houseruling this or might there be some dire conesequences I cannot see?

    Sure it might change the game as the risk of loosing a vital warrior should make anyone think twice before acting reckless.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Of course GW doesn't have to release a new AoS army in 2020; they could doubledown and focus on updating existing forces. There's a lot of armies that would change quite drastically if GW gave them even four or five new model sets to work with. Meanwhile some others could do with updates to large legacy ranges of models. 

    True that. Im hoping for 2020 to contain some of this, but still I can’t figure how GW would add new units to existing factions without having to make new battletomes or the whole faction overview might get clunky very fast. 
    Expansion tomes? Naah not the warhammer way right?

    It would be nice with a few resin models being updated too but is it really a good deal for GW to do so? I honestly don’t know. 

  4. 2 hours ago, robinlvalentine said:

    What I'm saying is, we've seen every model that's coming for STD now, apart from the last Warcry warband. 

    All of a sudden I get this thought that we might see a new Warcry starter previewed in the next couple of days. Containing the last two warbands and monsters instead of Furies and angry birds.

    • Like 1
  5. Nice work keep showing the WIP. Iv’e been toying with the idea of making two static tables my self. A fire one and and icy one. Not sure I will get around to do it anytime soon but static tables just make for a faster gameplay a thing most welcomed for Warcry.

  6. 42 minutes ago, Aaranis said:

    Well at least I was right about Olynder and Kurdoss. That's a letdown for the rest however. Black Coach is welcome too !

    But I'm as salty as the Dead Sea concerning Fyreslayers, my regular Fyreslayers opponent already whoops me with his present rules, he didn't need a REDUCTION on his Berzerkers.

    Same here I just complained and whined to him. He even find it hard to argue for the reduction himself.

  7. 36 minutes ago, Ahriman said:

    All for both questions.


    We lean towards narrative play over matched so the small number of unfair terrain and deployment cards we draw is always overshadowed by how that adds to your story ect

    I would really prefer to do so myself. But to my experience (or lack of), many times has the game seemed imposible to win for slow warbands if the unsymetrical cards are being used. Sure we can see the fun in underdog games but it happend quite a lot and eventually it lead to the removal of the unsymetrical cards from all decks. But still I am unsure if it was the right descission. 

  8. Hi all

    Based on the replies I got from my recent Defiled Ruins thread I thought it could be interessting to hear if you people use the Terrain and Deployment decks and how you use them.  So.

    1. Do you use all, some (symetrical symbols etc.) or none of the Terrain deck cards?


    2. Do you use all, some (symetrical symbols etc.) or none of the Deployment deck cards?


    DING! DING! Lets fight it out and share experience😉

  9. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    As an example of what I'm talking about, think about the spiked walls. They have rules that allow a player to toss models onto them from above, which helps lesser models harm better ones. If you don't position those near elevated terrain as shown on many cards, you remove a tactical option the rules otherwise would have given the players.

    True. So thank you GW for not giving those without the starter set options to buy scenery pieces with similar effects. 

    The only piece remitely vlose to the spike traps would be the Shardwrack spines.. but it would take som effort to fit them in.

  10. 6 hours ago, Redmanphill said:

    You don't need to follow those terrain cards in anyway, they are more of a suggestion than a rule.

    I know. But wont it ****** the balance completely if you just put scenery on as you like?I mean fine for narratives, but so far it seems that Warcry is very often about taking objectives or fleeing/hunting. Warbands like Iron Golems will suffer greatly if the board isn’t set up in a symetrical way. But I admit that I have only a little experience in Warcry, so you might have another opinion on this matter. Please do enlighten me🙂


  11. 12 minutes ago, Ruvich said:

    Any thoughts on the Nighthaunt Battleforce? Asking for a friend. 😁

    IMO it’s an impressive box at first look but it will force a lot of extra buys before it can do any good.

    Say if they had swapped the Dreadscythes for another box of reapers or vice versa you would at least get one (almost) combat ready unit.

    Don’t really believe that there is a lot of money to be saved on that force unless your are planing on building a huge army.

    However I think it might be a good box if you are new to AOS or maybe just play in a group that cares little for armybuilding. Lots of fun units to try out on narrative games and open play but any army just remotely build to combat, will tear you down.

    Thats my spooky two cents.



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  12. So at the moment im looking to buy the Defiled Ruins set as a starter but I have one major concern I hope you lot might help me out on.

    Thing is that I also own the Shattered Stormvault set and to my surprise I found out that a great deal of the terrain cards from that set need the original starter set  (belltower, Sad Sigmar face statue, spiky bits etc.) to be set up correct. From what I hear, the same thing goes for the Corpsewrack Maosoleum. 

    1.   Of the 12 terrain cards that require ruins from the original Warcry Starter set, how many are matched play cards (has the symetrical symbol).

    2. Will the Shattered Plaza and Ruined Chapel terrain sets be enough to be able to use ALL the terrain cards from the Defiled Ruins set?

    3. If the answer is: not ALL of them, then how many terrain cards will these upcoming AOS scenery sets support?

    Thank you all and keep warcrying🤘


  13. For my own selfish reasons

    Argh.. Please do not make Hexwraith a go to unit.

    Painted up 10 so far and for the love of god I cannot remember most of the colours and blends I did. Same is relevant for Myrmourn Banshees however I do not expect them to be boosted.

  14. Okay to be honest its beginning to get hard not to get a little hyped for the upcoming battalions. But knowing GW and our current battalions well 

    These battalions might be something like:

    1 Lord Executioner 

    2+ units of 20+ Gravewraith Stalkers.

    = something cool but not cool enough to make sense.

    • Haha 3
    • Sad 1
  15. On 11/22/2019 at 2:05 AM, Overread said:

    GW is using digital sculpting now so chances are they've got at least one really high end 3D printer either in house or with access to one. They could easily cast up that terrain using a 3D printer during some downtime when it wasn't needed for master sculpts. 

    True but looking back through all AOS scenery they have custom made so far. With no exceptions made all of their pieces from various Battletomes are made up of kitbashed known kits (realmgates, a ton of citadel woods, Arcane Ruins, etc. ). 

    Even the stuff they build to showcase at warhammer world is ‘mostly’ made from existing kits. 

    Then all of a sudden this deathfortress shows up not containing a single known bit. In fact they already showcased the scenery in the Ossiarch Bonereapers art teasers (Tithe videoes).

    I have herd the FB team claim that the castle is custom made, but I do not believe them one bit. Not to call them out as liars but they have been known to be wrong times before.

  16. 35 minutes ago, Indecisive said:

    NH is a little sad in that they didn't even get subfactions like basically everyone else.

    Or faction terrain

    or Mortal Wound bombs.

    or powerfull heroes, reliable battletraits, functioning endless spells and units of different strenghts and weaknesses.

    Honestly, I love my ghosts and Legion of Grief did finally provide us with some serious bravery debuffs but fighting competively with Nighthaunts is an uphill struggle.

    • Sad 2
  17. Hi all

    So does anyone ever use the Spine crushing blow ability? Every time I consider using it, it just makes more sense to pick the Onslaught universial ability instead. However this does make the Prefector and the Dominator a bit boring. What do you people do?

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