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Tzaangor Management

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Posts posted by Tzaangor Management

  1. 1 hour ago, Dez said:

    Ok another thought! Looking at the sculpting...I think it's a Blood Bowl mini. Think about the Referees, hairless Rat Ogre...


    34 minutes ago, Chris Tomlin said:

    All this said, I am really not sure what to think of that teaser pic. The level of sculpt detail and paint seems more Mantic than GW (unless very small scale). Honestly would not have said that was a GW photo. Will be interesting to see who that arm belongs to, that's for sure!!

    I'm no expert, but these two theories chimed with me. The sculpt looks very unlike the new hugely detailed minis that have come out of late, unless it is indeed really small. I also think it's really unlikely that GW would tease another huge new faction release, and it surely would be, without having actually released the last one.

    That said, come on Shadow Elves!

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