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Gorks Pokin' Finger

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Posts posted by Gorks Pokin' Finger

  1. Whenever Slaves to Darkness/Everchosen get released, I'd like to see them receive a warband. Call it "Champions of the Everchosen" or something along those lines. It would feature primarily the Chaos Warriors (and maybe new plastic Chosen 😃), possibly Chaos Knights  and maybe the chaos warhounds or some new beastie to rival Gryph Hounds. This is essentially what the chaos warbands in Warcry are fighting to become, so it could show growth of your warband.

    Plus, StD could also serve as a third-player like the beasts currently do. They patrol the roads across the Allpoints so it wouldn't be a stretch for them to want to put down any rift-raft or invaders they come across. 

    • Like 1
  2. Would it come as a surprise if Cities of Sigmar go on pre-sale along with Gotrek on the 7th?

    It would come a week after NOVA, where they possibly might show more of CoS and the Orruk Warclans battletome. 

    Plus, Gotrek could easily fit into  CoS as a named character that could lead all the duardin (and other manlings and aelflings) on the battlefield. 

    And don't forget we still have to get through the rest of the space marines vanguard releases. So it's possible Orruks gets pushed back to O(rru)ktober. 

    • Like 1

    12 hours ago, Jabbuk said:

    I have a question regarding the value of brutes in lower points games vs ardboys and I hope you guys can help out.

    Is it safe to assume that brutes aren't worth their points in 1000 pts games? My reasoning is that since at 1k pts games, battalions are too costly, brutes are then too slow to be effective, vs ardboys who have +2 charge. 

    Should I always prioritise ardboys over brutes in matches where I don't have a battalion to speed them up? (I'm talking about Matched Play, not ME)

    Depends really. Yes Ardboyz are faster bc their charge bonus makes up distance, but they're typically just as slow when trudging across a table. And despite a numerical advantage, moving 10-20 bodies across a table can be a bit burdensome than just five. Also, Brutes provide a strong punch against elite units and heroes. You can typically depend that they'll krump those targets in a turn, whereas Ardboyz might have to grind it out in combat, which is their role anyway.  

    I think in smaller games, small units of Ardboyz excel, but Brutes can still get the job done. I had a unit of 5 Brutes destroy a Slaanesh Chariot in one turn of combat after getting Mighty destroyer to give them a free movement. That command ability is huge for our faction in smaller games and should be used often. I honestly prefer it to the Megaboss WAAAGH! considering how unreliable it can be, especially in smaller games.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  4. Played my first game with Ironjawz on Saturday against the store manager. Gore Choppa Brute krumped two characters each in one attack with crits. Brutes are overall deadly but most notably tanky. My opponent's untamed beasts got a lot of crits, but most of the time he failed to wound me on normal rolls. Ardboyz were also useful. They give us the bodies we need if we decide to flood the board. Need to give brute boss with klaw/basha another go. He didn't do too great. The Brute Boss with Boss Choppa deals equal damage to the Gore Choppa. 

    While we are slow, we have a few abilities that give us bonus move actions or extra movement (like WAAAGH!, Charge, or the universal ability Rush). 

    Can't wait for my next match with da boyz! 

    • Like 2
  5. Greetings lads

    it's an exciting time for the Ironjawz. I've been enjoying the updates the boyz received in GH19, including the new spell lore. I used Power of Da WAAAGH! against Nighthaunt last week and it worked wonders. Looking forward to the new battletome coming out soon. 

    Likewise, I'm excited for Warcry. It's the type of game many have been longing for since Mordheim came out. I'm looking to get another box of Brutes to customize (with their own story of course). Also will be using Stormcasts and might one day convert a Witch Hunter warband. The possibilities are endless. 

    While I will be using plenty of Brutes, I will also use this lad as my Ardboy Boss. Meet Urgknash da Stompa, warboss of da Skullthumpa Clan, the destoryer of Phaleon, and wielder of the mighty kickin' boots of Bigged! 




    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Kirjava13 said:

    I'd really like to see a Death army that drives in the 'mad scientist' direction. Maybe that could be a reinvention of Deadwalkers- a meshing of dark technology and magic to reanimate the dead, zombie infantry backed up by stitched-together flesh monstrosities and an insane war machine, with a special character who probably says something like, "They all said I was mad, but they'll see, they'll all see!"

    I just picture a death version of Professor Farnsworth from Futurama meddling around and sleeping while his creations run amok across the Mortal Realms

    • Like 1
  7. With the new points reductions for Kharadron Overlords, we can take a Frigate and 10 Thunderers (380) as an ally for 2k games. This is what I was tinkering with:

    Warden King 100

    Warden King 100

    Runelord 80

    Runelord 80

    Runelord 80

    20xHammerers 280

    20xIronbreakers 280

    20xLongbeards 200

    20xQuarrellers 240

    10xWarriors 90

    10xWarriors 90


    Frigate 200

    10xThunderers 180


    • Like 2
  8. 17 hours ago, Alexonian said:

    I'm intrigued by mordant earth, don't know why really

    Looks the same as Agrellan Earth and Martian Ironearth, except it's more sinister looking. Definitely will go great for lava bases. Just paint the base in fire colors and then put the texture over it

    Personally I can't wait to try all the new Forgeworld paints like Barak-Nar Burgundy, Word Bearers Red, Blue Horror, Vulkan Green, Iron Hands Steel and Iron Warriors

  9. Latest map from the Northern Kingdoms of Zarcosia in the Realm of Beasts! 


    Sophricattis- the former city of Alchimeia, considered to be the first city ever built on Zarcosia. Teclis once visited the city, and in exchange for their secrecy, he bestowed his thaumaturgical knowledge onto its people. They learned how to transmute metals, create healing salves from serpent’s blood, and harness the energies of Ghur for enchantments and practical use. Sadly, the Blood Storm of Khorne would destroy Alchimeia, but more damning to Zarcosia was the loss of their knowledge. The city would remain a bastion of Khorne until the folk hero Sophricattis and the scattered people of Astakos reclaimed it from their bloody hands. Sophricattis died during the battle, but his heroics eternalized him in Astakos lore. The new city was built near the ruins of Alchimeia, where archeologists and adventurers search for clues to unlock their lost thaumaturgical knowledge. Following the Necroquake, the Sophricatti uncovered a Stormvault hidden under Alchimeia. Their efforts are boosted by the Sacrosanct Chamber of the Primal Sons. Leading them is Sophricattis, reforged by Sigmar into a champion of Azyr and his people.

    Zhufkhragg Agrul- nestled inside the Jaugertoof Peaks, the duardin built a great city within the stone overlooking the Bite of Khotos. On the south side of the peaks, the keen duardin use the numerous waterfalls that feed into the Bite to power their contraptions within the hold. Behind one of these waterfalls is the entrance to Zhufkhragg Agrul. When Chaos began rampaging through Astakos, the duardin reluctantly sealed the gates to the outside world. They were considered lost to the ravages of the Age of Chaos. However, in the days after the Necroquake, the dawi of Zufkhragg Agrul emerged from their hold. Yet these duardin were changed, their skin the color of aged stone and their actions more earthen in nature. They claimed no memory of what caused their alteration, but spoke sternly of the horrors lurking within their hold. Led by Warden Queen Zargona Yurdassil, these “stone duardin” are rediscovering their past and the mortal realms.

    The Dynamis Redoubt- resettled during the Age of Sigmar, its defenders have bizarrely left much of the ruined defenses intact, turning the rubble into a confounding maze. The Astaski use the unscalabe debris to divert attackers into dead ends and choke points. A Troggherd met its end in the Dynamis Redoubt after getting lost through the same switchback multiple times.

    Ruins of Kamodos- Kamodos thrived for ages as Astakos’ largest city thanks to its deposits of bronzite. A valuable metal left by myrwurms underground. Bronzite contained the power to absorb magic and was also used by lighthouses to guide ships to shore. Despite surviving Khorne’s onslaught during the Age of Chaos, the skaven would be the city’s undoing. Kamodos now lies in ruin, but her riches remain hidden above and below ground. Adventurers and scavengers at Douvoon’s Camp must contend with Skaven pilferers who seek only to desecrate the ruins. 

    The Bite of Khotos- elders speak of a time when Astakos was whole, when the Bite was earth rather than water. They speak of a great society that prospered here in the Age of Myth. Their culture patronized the godbeast Khotos, a mammoth creature of the sea, said to have dwarfed smaller kingdoms. Its people would make sacrifices and offerings to satisfy Khotos. In turn, the godbeast looked upon its tiny patrons as its own children. However, as the Pantheon began shaping the mortal realms, the people turned their worship from godbeast to Azyr, in time ripping down monuments of Khotos and replacing them with Sigmar. In an act of pettiness, the enraged Khotos erupted from the sea and ate the majority of Astakos in one bite. Civilization, nature, and people were all devoured into the kingdom-sized gullet of the creature. Earthquakes and floods rocked Zarcosia, as the satisfied godbeast returned to the sea. It has never been seen again, but the Bite of Khotos is a reminder of the immense power that lives within Ghur. The crumbs of Khotos’ meal became habitable islands for the mortal races. Elder’s Landing was the first island city established during the Age of Myth, followed by the Island nations of Gharsis, Eversor and the Eroria Strand. Grimrock serves as a military bastion for Astakos’ freeguild navies, which typically patrol near the pirate port of Morcanta. There are also countless smaller islands with villages and towns of various sizes. However, for unknown reasons, the Bite of Khotos still hungers and claims some islands back into the sea. The smaller islands are typically the unlucky ones, but the island nations of Golgetta and Akini, the second and third oldest in Astakos, sank during the Age of Chaos. However, new islands may rise from the depths, creating prosperous and tactical opportunities for those bold enough to build from scratch. Surprisingly, the people of the Bite have cordial relations with the Idoneth Deepkin, creating a powerful naval and merchant alliance rivaled by none in Zarcosia. It’s what stopped any attempts by chaos to penetrate into the Bite, and the Idoneth work tirelessly to drive out Nurgle’s rot in the east. Despite their alliance, pleasantries and negotiating can only do so much when the Idoneth require their souls.

    Rizyra- not all of the Astraki fled to the Bite when Khorne’s forces invaded. Some reached the highest mountaintops in the Jaugertoof Peaks and established Rizyra, an isolated town that is near-impenetrable. Every day, the people must battle against the harsh elements, starvation and the massive zephyr-hawks, who commonly attack Rizyra to bring unlucky citizens back to feed their offspring. They will also attack any aerial transport that encroaches through their territory, forcing most traders to make the treacherous route through the cliffs and bridges. Bold climmers will sneak onto clifftops and snatch the prized eggs of the massive zephyr-hawks, providing a rare delicacy for Rizyra’s hungry populace. Because of limited food sources, mushroom farming is a vital industry. Rizyra is also notable for its artisan glassmakers thanks to the Bite’s salt and sand that the wind carries into the Jaugertoof Peaks.

    The Rejuvenated Plains- a plague-filled safehaven for centuries until the Primal Sons and forces of Astakos drove back the Maggotkin of Nurgle and established a warding tower to help purify the land. Sunfang serves as the staging point for Order forces to drive Nurgle out of Astakos for good. The Rejuvenated Plains has also attracted swaths of wildlife, bringing exotic meats and beasts into the ports of the Bite.

    The Festering Wound- the blessings of Nurgle saved Eastern Astakos from Khorne’s wrath, but condemned its people to a living hell. During the Age of Chaos, Nurgle’s Garden slowly entered reality, spreading its blight across the land and into the fringes of The Bite. Following the Necroquake, The Festering Wound is being cauterized by the Free People in the north and the Gruelbite Court in the south. Candleforge is the site of an epic struggle by Nurgle’s forces to maintain their hold in the area.

    The Gruelbite Court- the coming of Nurgle ushered in plague, starvation and famine to Eastern Astakos. When the final food reserves dried up, the people began to eat one another. Desperate, Archduke Maeon Hagedorn journeyed east to find something to feed his people. Years later, he returned to Astakos and brought with him the blessings of the Carrion King. It took not time for the ravaged survivors to quickly descend into ghouls and other horrors. Maeon, now Archduke Gruelbite, Guardian of Virtue, began to rally his subjects for war. After a series of battles, they would drive back Nurgle’s forces and found the Gruelbite Kingdom. The great conflict continues as the Flesh Eater Courts defend Candleforge against Nurgle’s forces.

    The Blood Path- the path of Khorne’s Blood Storm as it tore through Zarcosia remains stained with its victim’s offering to the Blood God. Those who journey on the path too long become lost to rage.

    The Silence of Jaskviny- the once-proud kingdom of song and iron is silent in the Age of Sigmar. The majority of its people lived in the lower foothills, mining away and operating ports to deliver coal and iron across Zarcosia. Looking down at their simple lives were the wealthy citizens of Strakoten, a city-bastion constructed by the might of Azyr that wielded great influence across the continent. When Khrone force’s invaded during the Age of Chaos, thousands fled to Strakoten but found no friendly tidings. The city-bastion would accept no refugees nor to the highlands. Fear and greed had gripped the former Azyr residents. Their cowardly hearts led to the unspeakable butchery of the Jaskvin people, and despite heroic stands and battles, there was no stopping the Bloodstorm. Before the fall of Cechros, a large number of defenders bravely volunteered to lure the Khorne Bloodbound further south, while the rest of the Jaskvins escaped to Hope’s Harbor. In the climactic battle at Defiance Hold, the last of the Jaskvins, several of them fathers and sons, fought valiantly with the fury of their people. Their courageous efforts drew Azyr’s attention, and before the final blow was struck, several thunderbolts struck Defiance Hold. Those who survived, including King Jolas and his son Vatteri, became Stormcast Eternals and formed the Primal Sons chamber of the Astral Templars.

    Hope’s Harbor- the small port village swelled into a sprawling town after the Jaskvin survivors fled the mainland. Most would continue west, but some remained to scrape out a new life. While the city is well guarded, Axehead Island is a hostile environment where the beasts are not the main predators.

    The Green Coast- while the broken kingdom of Jaskviny is mostly abandoned, parts have become overrun by orruks, grots and ogors. The northern half, known as the Green Coast, is notorious for its piracy and coastal raids throughout the Scryfish Strait.  

    Temple City of Itzalotta- for centuries, the western peaks of Astakos were fraught with mystery and danger. Many who traveled to the cloud-covered peaks met their demise or were never seen from again. When the Necroquake struck the area, the clouds vanished, revealing a hidden temple city of the Seraphon. Prior to the Age of Chaos, the seraphon clashed with a Silver Tower of Tzeentch in the nether-realm. Both constructs fell from the skies, with the temple city landing in the Astakos Mountains and the Silver Tower into the Bite. In his final act before descending into a deep sleep, the Slann Maz'acu-kurkcha crafted the cloud wall to hide the temple city until he was recovered or a time was needed to vanquish evil once more. 

    Qualdrac’s Grip- the mightiest ogor in the south – or at least that’s what he proclaims himself to be – Qaldrac strangled his rival out of leadership and took over as boss. He eventually claimed the mountain valley by out-eating Brugus the Gutless, and threatened to eat him too if he didn’t join his clan. With Jaskviny all but empty, Qualdrac established a fighting pit to vent orruk and ogor aggression. Following the Necroquake, the Temple City of Itzalotta was revealed, gifting Qualdrac’s clan a fight they’ve been longing for.

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  10. On 5/13/2019 at 6:02 PM, RexHavoc said:

    Love these maps. Are you using Inkarnate? I tried it a couple of times (the free edition at least) and couldn't get on with it. Lack of an undo button and not a fan of subscription software. Been thinking about picking up Wonderdraft, as it seems to be an almost identical program but you only pay once and can add your own assets.


    I am using Inkarnate and will admit it took me a bit of practice to get used to it, but I love the software. I do agree that I'd also like  an undo button.

    Haven't seen wonderdraft. What does it offer compared to Inkarnate other than the one-time payment?

  11. More maps from the Northern Kingdoms of Zarcosia in the Realm of Beasts! 


    The Barren Tundra- similar to a desert, the Barren Tundra offers little respite for any who wish to traverse it. For as long as books have recorded history, this region has never produced life, but that hasn't stopped mortals from fighting to exist against the environment. Vegetation is difficult across the tundra, making farming near impossible. Most flora includes low grass, wild berries, shrubs, hostile lichens, and thunderbrush. There are several ventures by the free people to turn this harsh landscape into a hospitable region. Some methods are beginning to progress, while others have failed with consequences. Many of the tundra’s oasis’ and water sources are safe to drink, but several, including Frostspite’s lake, are poisoned, or are known to drag a man into its shallows forever. Salt is the biggest trade commodity, but the meat from animals that dwell across the tundra is also in high demand. The northern cities of Lighthold and Westhollow are the most stable regions where the land is naturally healthy for crops, but this security puts them in harm’s way by those jealous of their fortune. While some people will risk the trip by land, sky-transportation is the preferred method of travel. Most havens of civilization require constant shipments of trade to survive, especially the eastern coastal villages along the Masonic Sea. There are also a handful of bluffs where the forces of Order fight for existence across the wasteland. In the west, the city of Thunder Mesa stands as a beacon of hope against the harsh environment. It is here where the Stormcasts of the Primal Sons constructed their Stormkeep, protecting the tundra people from the land itself, as well as from the Dragon Ogors and other beasts that scale down Thunderscorn Peaks. Further east lies the duardin of Grimaz Vlag. They excavate the largest salt mine across the land. Their skyport is vital for trade across the Tundra. And in the southwest is the lost bluff city of Boarglade, where rumors swell that its people were magically turned into pig people. Anything south of this bluff is considered inhospitable land that only the Grot Wolf Hordes of Noktra Pointyfang can endure. Littered across the Tundra are the remains of Godbeasts and gigantic creatures of old. Countless more still roam the Tundra, risking their own lives to eat anyone and anything to live another day. It falls to the warrior monks of Ancestor's Aerie who train to protect the towns and people across the Barren Tundra from the beast's savage hunger.

    Grimaz Vlag- The duardin of Grimaz Vlag stubbornly endure against the harsh environment of the Barren Tundra. Built into one of handfuls of bluffs across the desolate land, the city survives off subterranean wells that absorb water from the surface through special filters. Underground farms also provide the bulk of the food for its inhabitants thanks to shafts built throughout the bluff to allow sunlight to travel inside. Warden King Athranbor Bronzeforge protects the bluff from encroaching beasts and the Grot Wolf Hordes of Noktra PointyFang. Despite defending against several raids, the duardin have been unable to dislodge the grots from the southern oasis dubbed Noktra’s Drinking Hole. Grimaz Vlag also survives thanks to its fortified skyport that welcomes the gyrocopter fleets of the Ankor Volghar and the skyfleets of the Kharadron Overlords. Salt is the prominent resource mined across the Tundra, and Grimaz Vlag happens to hold some of the richest deposits. Hunters and traders usually stop here to acquire the salt to preserve their cadres of meat.

    Thunder Mesa- another civilization that was destroyed during the Age of Chaos, Greersce was a magnificent city that sat atop the largest bluff on the Barren Tundra. In the years after Chaos was driven back across Zarcosia, the Stormcasts of the Primal Sons chose this site to establish their Stormkeep and helped construct the free city of Thunder Mesa. Thanks to archaeological findings and the magics of the Mystspire wizards, the bluff is beginning to see life blossom. Farm are cropping up as land becomes fertile, and the citizens of the free city are starting to spread out across the fortified bluff. At the base of the cliffs lie the city’s port. The docks have been reinforced to survive the sharp waves that bite into the rock and wood, but shanty buildings and warehouses are still built to scale the cliff, creating a unique and haphazard trade district. From their Stormkeep, the Primal Sons try to tame the land and beasts, while defending the bluff from the Thunderscorn. Because of their presence, lightning storms are a common occurrence across the bluff, providing much-needed water to the blossoming vegetation.

    Frostspite- it’s easy for the people of Frostspite to feel trapped upon their bluff city. The Dragon Ogors of Thunderscorn Peaks present a constant danger, the lake below them is poisoned, and resources are hard to acquire. Nevertheless, the people endure the harsh realities. Frostspite is almost dependent on air-vessel trade, but there are areas around it that provide nourishment and tools. South of the bluffs are the skeletal remains of two grand beasts: Viermyth’s Rest and Zayndrio’s Demise. Both sites are good sides for hunters and trappers because they attract countless beasts of various species and needs. The western lakes possess accessible clean water, but the open grounds leave them vulnerable to attack.

    Thunderscorn Peak- home to the hundreds of Dragon Ogors who reside in the cliffs, peaks and crevices of the mountains. Remarkably, they ignored the call to Chaos, but remain a threat for the civilizations of Order. They will come down periodically to pillage and fight before retreating back to their mountain homes.

    Ancestor’s Aerie- tucked away on the lowest peak of Thunderscorn Peaks is a temple of aelves and humans who specialize in monster slaying. Dozens travel far and wide to gain acceptance into the school, but only a small number are ever accepted. Different classes journey to this sacred ground to learn how to bring down the monstrosities that terrorize the mortal realms. It is common to see Wildwood Rangers and Greatswords train side-by-side along with Executioners, Mercenaries, and even the warrior women of Morathi’s court. Overseen by Naero Giantslayer, the temple boasts no defenses save the trainees and masters inside. When monsters do attack, they are seen as training exercises for novices, where control and instinct are taught to defeat these monsters. It is also home to one of the oldest tomes in Zarcosia, the Uldigaroh, which tells how each of the Northern Kingdoms was founded. There is also a spell believed to control storms across the land, which explains why Dragon Ogor’s always attack the temple.

    Boarsglade- it was the furthest civilization in the Barren Tundra, for anything south became too inhospitable for the forces of Order. Sitting perfectly above the grazing fields of boars and gore gruntas, Boarsglade became a site for fine pork and livestock trade with the northern kingdoms. Yet in time, the bluff city became isolated from its sister cities. All land travel became too perilous, while sky ships never returned from the southern journey. The citizens realized too late that a sorcerer had cursed Boarsglade to become a tainted place. In the centuries onward, the citizens would devolve into pig-like beastmen and become resentful of their former allies across the tundra. Raids began at once across Thunder Mesa, Frostspite and Grimaz Vlag. Those unfortunate to be captured are brought back to Boarsglade to undergo the transformation, adding to the swine’s numbers.

    Lighthold- during the Age of Chaos, Auburndale, once the greatest city along the Exodus Expanse, was sacked by countless Darkoath marauders and raised to the ground. Trapped on the peninsula by the encroaching Dragon Ogors from Thunderscorn Peaks, refugees made their way to the hilled town of Lighthold. The people here managed to survive the Age of Chaos, but were practically trapped on the peninsula save for boat travel. Today, Lighthold enjoys prosperous trade with its neighbors on Thunder Mesa. The town also serves as a vital beacon for sea and air ships to avoid the treacherous fjord further in the bay. These signals are needed to combat the distracting call of The Silent City.

    The Silent City- it’s rumored the Silent City used to belong to people of high divinity and magical prowess who wanted to escape persecution and regulation from Auburndale authorities. It’s said their trifling in dangerous magic brought upon the city’s destruction. Others believe the city used to boast music so loud that the beasts of the Tundra could hear it in the far south. Such jealousy that they could not produce such beautiful sounds that they became jealous. It’s said that one day a hungry Godbeast came down from the mountains and devoured all sound from the city, hence its moniker. However its demise, The Silent City is now a cursed place. Despite being inland, a strange calling emanates into the sea, attracting captains and their vessels. If they do not break their trance, they are lost like the dozens before them along the deadly fjords inside the bay.

    Mystspire- seeking to turn the harsh environment of the Barren Tundra into a habitable landscape, sorcerers of the Eldritch Council and Collegiate Arcanum established Mystspire on the coast of the Masonic Sea. From this secluded peninsula, they can practice their craft on the nearby wasteland to see if they can harness magic and science to terraform the region. Thus far, they have been unsuccessful, but their efforts have drawn the interests of nobles, criminals and heretics across Zarcosia. However, their experiments have recently been halted so the town can defend itself against the threat that attacked Midovark.

    Mikovark- a thriving town upon the Masonic Sea, the aelfs and humans of Midovark prospered throughout the centuries of the Age of Chaos. Protected from the Grot Wolf Hordes by the Stubborn Foothills and from large naval assaults thanks to the nearby fjords, Midovark was well-insulated to protect and assist their neighbors through the decades of suffering. A place of learning and open ideas, it was even considered the pinnacle of life across the Barren Tundra at one point. Tragically, Midovark was all but destroyed by an unknown enemy. While much of Midovark’s buildings and treasures remain, an ocean-like mist clings to the streets and alleyways, barnacle clings to the sides of structures and wagons, ruins of ships lost long ago are strewn across the shore, and countless people lie unresponsive but living, as if their very souls were missing.

    Westhollow- the region is the only hospitable land where mortals can actually farm and live off of without magical assistance. Produce is the main export of Westhollow, and traders across the Exodus Expanse will always stop here to pick up fresh food for their parched communities.  The region is not without its dangers. Bandits and Thunderscorn pillage and harass farmers and travelers alike, but dust cyclones are known to damage even the stoutest buildings in the area. It’s also believed the local pirates that terrorize the coast have a secret cove hidden nearby. 

    Oscolas Rampart & Honor’s Watch- ages ago, these two outposts were connected through a cliff-side highway, ensuring the kingdoms of the Grastiger Highlands and Balitello had quick passage to aid one another. Now a thick forest covers all traces of this road, forcing travelers to use the valley road below. Both entrances to each kingdom are well defended, but the trade route between the fortifications is wrought with peril due to the nearby Thunderscorn and bandits in the foothills south of the Rampart.

    Light’s Horizon & Duskbay- small fishing villages based in natural bays just south of Honor’s Watch. The humans here provide shelter for travelers and sailors alike, so long as you are willing to barter goods or possessions for a warm bed. The villages were protected once by a western outpost, but it fell into a state of disrepair and would eventually be claimed by nature. Only through the Masonic Sea can both villages be reached.

    Sierveth’s Remains- the hulking remains of the Godwurm Sierveth can be seen for miles across the Barren Tundra. Legend tells that Sierveth ate whole townships as he crossed the Barren Tundra, and that much of the current landscape is thanks to the paths he made across the land. While mortals are grateful for his death long ago, his children still haunt the landscape, tunneling underground before striking from below the surface on an unsuspecting foe. 

    • Like 4
  12. Greetings all

    Doing some other hobby projects currently, but after seeing the new Stormcast exclusive hero stomping on the dead orruk, I decided to take a break and work on this fine fellow here in response.

    Meet Arzod Madkraka, an orruk boss who despises da thunda gits and is madder than a Khorne Flesh Hound.

    Despite issues working with finecast and flash (😡) I am pleased with how he came out and am happy to add him to my Ironjawz army


  13. Another updated region map of my personal continent in Ghur



    Legend speaks of a mighty God-Beast named Jhokul. He was thought to be the size of a continent that traversed Ghur in a time before the Age of Myth. Wherever Jhokul went, destruction was followed by rebirth, as worn-out lands were pummeled and reworked into prosperous, thriving environments. The God-Beast would eventually encounter Gorkamorka and combat the belligerent god for three days. Mountains were tossed and regions were smashed, but the orruk god was victorious. He decapitated the God-Beast and planted its head as a trophy atop the eventual continent of Zarcosia. In time, mortals would settle across the Jhokulands and give homage to their giver. This lands was once gorgeous paradise until the time of “Jhokul’s Awakening.” A cataclysmic earthquake ruptured a massive underground volcano system that sank part of the southern highlands into the earth. The southeast would become covered in burning ash and eventually be known as the Scalding Valley.

    While the northern coast also suffered, becoming a winter wasteland from the eruption, the shifting mountains rose the surviving lower highlands further upwards, creating a hospitable plateau dubbed Jhokul’s gift. The dawi of Karak Varf and humans of Malegeth both share the fertile upland as their own, but the encroaching Darkoath Tribes have threatened to seize control from them. Following the Necroquake, the western bulwark was destroyed, opening the way for chaos tribes to ravage small farming communities and lay claim to a portion of the land. Malegeth has been assaulted several times, but has managed to stand firm, for now.

    Within the Scalding Valley, everything fights to stay alive, but there is wealth to be had here. Rare minerals and diamonds are scattered above and below the black mountains, while hunters search for the reptilian beasts that roam the land. Tucked away from the dangers of the valley is Fjordfire, an aelven city hidden by illusional mists and defended by the martial prowess of the Eldritch Council, Order Draconis and Phoenix Temple. The Phoenix Temple holds the Jhokulands in particular homage, for the land of fire and ice is sacred to the followers of the Ur-Phoenix and provides vision to the warriors of rebirth. Recruits and veterans alike journey across the valley and to the Glacial Jungles to retrieve feathers of frost and fire phoenixes. Prior to the Necroquake, the aelves received new rivals in the valley. Seemingly out of nowhere, the Brass Despoilers of the Beasts of Chaos arrived and claimed the volcano of the Savage Morass. They launched a terrible raid that destroyed Etosis and despoiled sections of the Frostwoods and the Grastiger Highlands. Meanwhile, Fyreslayers of Runeson Jarokk formed the Brokfyord Lodge, a new home for the disenfranchised ninth son of his insouciant Runefather. With a knack for finding ur-gold, Jarokk and his Fyreslayers battle back the dangers of the Scalding Valley to find new glories and riches.

    The fight for survival in Zarcosia is best displayed in the northern wastelands of the Jhokulands. It was here where Jhokul’s last children perished, their sibling rivalry finally coming to a head that saw a climactic clash of monsters that ended Jhokul’s line forever. Their skeletal remains provide shelter and reprieve for the Darkoath and Orruk tribes who fight daily across the frozen lands. They are ignorant to the true power that lies inside the Temple of Jhokul. Considered a delopidated relic of the past, it was constructed by a cult of mortal followers and is believed to hold the last vestiges of Jhokul’s power deep within. A curse has been set upon the temple and its guards do everything they can to protect their prize. Searching for such knowledge are a host of Stormcasts of the Astral Templars’ Sacrosanct Chamber. They established a base on a nearby bluff to examine the region, but the constant attacks by Greenskins and Darkoath tribes has stalled their research.

    In the northwest, the Necroquake caused part of the ice shelf to break apart. Now the Shattered Coast has become a battleground for rival tribespeople who must be willing to die for the slim ice shelfs they call home. They must contend with sea creatures from below, the random-but-powerful elements of nature, and the tempting offers of the Chaos Gods.

    Most dangerous of all is the threat hidden within the Eye of Jhokul. The icy mountain holds a realmgate controlled by Archaon’s forces. Those tribesmen who wish to prove themselves must survive the trek to the mountain, and only then must they earn admittance to the fortress before they are shown a hint of respect. Jhokuland lore says the Eye acts as a conduit to revitalize the land, but chaos’ control has altered the mountain, causing it to sink into the land.   

    Four passes connect the Jhokulands with the neighboring kingdoms of the Grastiger Highlands and the Frostwoods. The humans of the western pass erected a natural barrier, the Arskon Bluffs, to prevent any tribes from raiding further south. The duardin control the main highway between Jhokul’s Gift and the eastern parts of the Grastiger Highlands. The Etosis Pass, once firmly controlled by the Aelves of the Frostwoods, is now contested with the Beasts of Chaos. Finally, the eastern pass is blocked off after the Necroquake created the Molten River, a constant stream of lava blocking all land travel along the coastal route. 

    • Like 7
  14. The past few years there's been a big release at the beginning or middle of the summer. Have to imagine GW goes back to AOS for at least the next month or two, so who knows what June will bring. Could be Darkoath, could be Slaanesh, or even the return of a 40k primarch 

  15. Oi lads

    haven't had much time for AOS games lately, but I have been working on my army lore for both my Ironjawz and Duardin. I recently updated my maps using the Inkarnate software. The maps below detail the broken duardin empire which both sides fight over. 



    Thryng Morga- the former temple city of the duardin has been vandalized and tarnished by indescribable indecencies by the Greenskins. A handful of shaman reside here to try to harness the lost duardin magic, sealed away for ages and hidden by their runes. Right before Mount Kraktoof was completed, Da Bloodbreaka Clan engaged a joint-strike force of Stormcast Eternals and Kharadron Overlords in a battle known as Da Smashing Party. The fighting was so grand that a great idol dedicated to Gorkamorka was built atop the battlefield. When Mount Kraktoof was finished, the guns of the Kharadron’s Ironclad were mounted atop Bloodbreaka Hold as a trophy. Whenever the orruks figure out how to work the guns, they may provide a potent defense against a siege or to stop another sacking.

    Spite Pass- once a fledging duardin hold, it was converted into a highway for travelers of the Underway to use while journeying from the south. Long abandoned during the dark days of the Ankor Volghar, the duardin have secretly refurbished its roads and bridges in recent years, allaying it with new runes to seal the passes for only but duardin and runelords to traverse. The Ankor Volghar now utilizes Spite Pass to track the Greenskins in the north and collect resources from nearby camps in the foothills.

    The Crystal Fields- following The Great Calamity that split the Ankor Volghar in two, the snow-covered lands north of Kazad Karin began to rise, forming a series of foothills that reshaped the landscape. Within the foothills, crystals of various sizes have emerged. Many of these are frozen ice or rocks, but some are valuable crystals harnessed by the duardin for gemstones, trinkets, runes, and other goods. Dozens of duardin villages sprung up within the foothills to mine these minerals, filling the coffers of many families and clans. Long abandoned after the Blood Wars, these crystals have grown five times their normal height. In some places, the hills are covered in forests or mazes of these sparkling minerals. The Greenskins have no use for the crystals, but adventurous duardin will take their chances to retrieve what they can before returning to the safety of Spite Pass.

    The Slaughter at Stuntie Hill- angered by High King Oldor Frostbeard’s hesitation to reclaim the Ankor Volghar’s lands, Warden King Hjuldahr Agridsson of the Amber Hands marched his entire clan north to recover their ancestrial homesdefiled by the orruk scum. So arrogant and stubborn was Hjuldahr when he declared his oath that he overestimated the strength of his foe and failed to see the trap Da Bloodbreaka Clan laid before him. Marching on to Mount Kraktoof, the dwarfs overextended themselves in the Crystal Foothills and were quickly surrounded by the Ironjawz. Forced to retreat up the highest hill, Hjuldahr and his kin made their last stand against Gorfang's boyz. One duardin was spared, but he was sent back south to retell the tale of the massacre, but not before he was clean shaven and humiliated. When word reached the Ankor Volghar of the Slaughter at Stuntie Hill, Hjuldahr the Mad was entered into the Dammaz Kron for the senseless destruction of his clan, along with Gorfang, who received another entry into the Great Book. Angered, King Oldor ordered the throngs be assembled and war preparations be made.

    Da Green Gate- when the Ironjawz discovered the realmgate, it was a ruinous mess, sabotaged by the duardin to prevent Khorne’s forces from utilizing it during the Blood Wars. It would take months and a handful of exploding shamans before the orruks rebuilt and reactivated the realmgate. With the capability to visit any of the mortal realms, Da Bloodbreaka Clan don’t have wait long before they find their next fight. However, the orruks don’t know how to control the gate, and sometimes end up in random places, for better or for worse. Outside forces have also used the gate for their own means, but the Ironjawz don’t mind this. It just brings the fight right to them.

    Ruglid’s Raidin’ Camp- when the Necroquake hit the Frattura Mountains, countless Greenskins perished in earthquakes and landslides that wreaked havoc across their lands. However, an unintended blessing was the opening of a western pass into the humie lands of Loch Sorgrim. Gorfang dispatched Ruglid da Black and his Gore Gruntas to check if there were any good scraps to be had. Once the Gore Grunta Boss returned with several humie ears, thousands of orruks cheered and descended on the lower lake valley. To reward his boss, Gorfang told Ruglid to establish a raidin’ camp in the western pass. From this prime location, Ruglid’s boyz can hit Loch Sorgrim, or travel north to pillage the fruitful lands of the Grastigor Highlands. The camp also has banners and symbols to help guide drunken gargants towards a destination. Whether that’s the humie lands or back towards Mount Kraktoof is the garagant’s intoxicated prerogative to decide.

    Hellchoppa Keep- named after the legendary warboss Drukud HellChoppa, who slew Khrone Champion Sigor at the climactic battle of Kazad Karin, the outpost serves as a waystation for hordes of greenskins and ogors who travel north to fight the spikey boyz in the Bloodlands. A market has burgeoned here with orruks returning from the northern battlefields with odd trinkets and weapons they wish to auction or trade. Chaos weapons and armour fetch several teeth, while aelf trinkets and potions draw much attention from Moonclan traders who wish to add to their experimentin’ kits. The keep is also responsible for alerting Mount Kraktoof of any pressing threats that dare traverse through the Kronz Gap.

    Red Ruin- when Khorne’s forces were defeated at Kazad Karin, the bulk of the army retreated north into the waiting choppas of the Greenskins. Hounded and hunted for days on end, the survivors were eventually cornered along the mountain wall. With death all but assured, the blood warriors beseeched their patron for his blessings. Enraged by their cowardly actions and disgusted by their desperation, Khorne threw his fist at his followers and punched the earth they stood on. The impact of Khorne’s fist shook Zarcosia to its roots and destroyed everything within its radius. To this day, the area is still scarred red with the ruin of Khorne’s fist imprinted into the earth. 

    The Bombing of Scrapfort Oggha- the arrival of Sky-Fleet Ingvarsson has boosted the duardin war effort across the Frattura Mountains. Da Bloodbreaka Clan attempted to counter this threat by constructing their own armada of flying ships. However, during construction, animosity broke out amongst the grot and orruk workers, with a ship tested out by the Ironjawz in squashing the uprising. This was spotted by the Gryocopters of the Ankor Volghar, and two days later, the entire fleet of Admiral Arbek Ingvarsson arrived to strike Scrapfort Oggha. The bombing was relentless and unmerciful, destroying every building and any chance of air superiority for the Greenskins.


    Karak Volghar- the seat of power for the dawi of the Frattura Mountains. The city has survived some of the worst earthquakes that have struck the kingdom, but the scars on the surrounding peaks have also left their mark on the hearts and minds of its people. High King Oldor Frostbeard resides here along with the Dammaz Kron. Some of the finest weaponsmiths and armoursmiths forge their craft here, including the fabled runelords, though their workshops and secrets are only known by a select few. The main realmgame within the kingdom lies deep within its halls, allowing the duardin to travel great distances or across realms to trade or aid their kin.

    Kazad Wyr- the Ice Fortress overlooking the Great Fissure. Elevated higher than most of the other holds in the Ankor Volghar, the fortress city has been left susceptible due to the various quakes. Smaller fissures have opened to its north and east, isolating the hold above and below ground. The Skaven and Gloomspite Gits have launched renewed assaults from the weakened defenses in the deep, but the stout warriors, some of the finest in the kingdom, keep them at bay. The reknowned Sven Stoutbeard and the famed 8th Ironbeaker Legion reside here. Grung Angoz

    Grung Angoz- Grung Angoz a wealthy settlement just south of Kazad Wyr. Settled on the northern shores of Stone Lake, the area provides large quantities of stone and marble that the guilds compete to acquire. The dawi here work tirelessly at their industry, cranking out engineering marvels to defend the Ankor Volghar. A small detachment from the Ironweld Arsenal also have a workshop nearby. It was here where Engineer Finn Barggroth created the steam engine “Barag Grimazuln” or “Barggroth's Wrath”

    Karaki Karag- the Ankor Volghar places high values on its rangers, for if not for them, the realm would have fallen ages ago. So it is that ranger recruits are trained at one of the harshest peaks south of Karak Volghar. Much of the settlement is above ground and neighbors the Yeti Valley. The mighty wutroth trees provide sturdy lumber for just about everything in the kingdom, and it is here that recruits and longbeards alike must harness their skills by clearing the valley of yetis or grobi that emerge from undetected caves. The trade route through from Barak Urbaz through Kaldarth is vital and thoroughly patrolled by the Rangers.

    Barak Urbaz- the port city on the east coast of the Baitello peninsula along the Scryfish Stait. Trade is vital through the waterway after the duardin collapsed the mountainside along the eastern trade route of Balitello. While it warded off the invading Khorne armies during the Age of Chaos, Balitello and Jaskviny suffered. Now the dawi try to atone for their actions as their ironclad warships patrol the strait vigorously against any threat that could threaten this vital trade route. The hold also serves as a skyport for Kharadron and other skyvessels.


    Kazad Karin- the final battle of the Blood Wars, or “Baragor’s Triumph," saw the armies of Order, Khorne and Greenskins converge on the Bridge Citadel. After four days of fighting, the walls of Kazad Karin were finally breached, forcing High King Baragor Frostbeard to enact his final solution. After evacuating as many citizens and warriors as could escape south across the bridge, the king ordered the mountain to be collapsed. The only path across the Great Fissure to the southern realm was destroyed, and many warriors were lost, but the Greenskins and Khorne armies were routed, saving what was left of the Ankor Volghar.

    Undback Hirf- the fortress stood for centuries as a welcome station for travelers and adventurers journeying from the eastern reaches of the Frattura Mountains. Its warriors were also lauded for defeating Mugnog the Ever-Hungry and his Gutbusters. Sadly, Undback Hirf would fall to treachery from inside its walls. Derdrick Darblisson, son of Thane Gidrick, was defeated and captured by the Dawi Zharr during a failed expedition to Aqshy. They eventually broke the steadfast duardin, and ordered him to open the way for them into the Ankor Volghar. Days after his return to Undback Hirf, he entered the main gatehouse in the cover of night, slew the guards, opened the gate, and signaled to the awaiting Dawi Zharr army nearby. Derdrick finished his betrayal by killing his father, submitting the fortress to its fate, and commencing the Blackbeard Wars. When the fighting was done, the Vengryn Waystation was established. Vaneera, Derdrick's sister, leads reconstruction efforts to refortify and reopen the Northeast Passage.

    The Desolation of Karag Drakk- long ago, clans from the Ankor Volghar saved the Wrothfyrd Lodge from certain destruction by a host of ogors. Indebted and grateful, the surviving Fyreslayers established a new lodge in Mount Furia. They would fight, drink and live among their kin for centuries until the Age of Chaos. When a Khorne army invaded southern Balitello, the ensuing fighting awakened a terrible beast from within the dormant volcano. It's explosive arrival detonated the volcano and devastated everything in close proximity. Karag Drakk was no more, and its nearby colony was buried under a sea of molten lava. After extinguishing all combatants in Southern Balitello, the beast returned to the volcano to slumber. Few adventurers have explored the ruins of the volcano, only a handful have ever returned. Whatever treasure or lost knowledge is buried inside, the duardin consider it a wazzok's quest to disturb that horror which lies beneath.

  16. I'm in the process of updating my maps. Here are two for my Duardin and Ironjawz. They are fighting over the two halves of the duardin empire, the Ankor Volghar 


    The Ankor Volghar- realm of the duardin who mine valuable but unstable Ghur Ore, which sometimes causes earthquakes if mined too much. Their kingdom might be shattered, but the Dispossessed endure like their mountain strongholds. After centuries of suffering from Greenskin raids, the Blood Storm of Khorne, and the Blackbeard Wars against the Legion of Azgorh, the Throngs of the Ankor Volghar stand vigilant and march forth to strike grudges from the Dammaz Kron and reclaim their lost homes. Their attacks can be savage, their tactics aggressive, even by dawi standards, but such is the fury of their vengeance and thirst to reclaim their realm.

    Karak Volghar- the seat of power for the dawi of the Frattura Mountains. The city has survived some of the worst earthquakes that have struck the kingdom, but the scars on the surrounding peaks have also left their mark on the hearts and minds of its people. High King Oldor Frostbeard resides here along with the Dammaz Kron. Some of the finest weaponsmiths and armoursmiths forge their craft here, including the fabled runelords, though their workshops and secrets are only known by a select few. The main realmgame within the kingdom lies deep within its halls, allowing the duardin to travel great distances or across realms to trade or aid their kin.

    Kazad Wyr- the Ice Fortress overlooking the Great Fissure. Elevated higher than most of the other holds in the Ankor Volghar, the fortress city has been left susceptible due to the various quakes. Smaller fissures have opened to its north and east, isolating the hold above and below ground. The Skaven and Gloomspite Gits have launched renewed assaults from the weakened defenses in the deep, but the stout warriors, some of the finest in the kingdom, keep them at bay. The reknowned Sven Stoutbeard and the famed 8th Ironbeaker Legion reside here. Grung Angoz

    Grung Angoz- Grung Angoz a wealthy settlement just south of Kazad Wyr. Settled on the northern shores of Stone Lake, the area provides large quantities of stone and marble that the guilds compete to acquire. The dawi here work tirelessly at their industry, cranking out engineering marvels to defend the Ankor Volghar. A small detachment from the Ironweld Arsenal also have a workshop nearby. It was here where Engineer Finn Barggroth created the steam engine “Barag Grimazuln” or “Barggroth's Wrath”

    Karaki Karag- the Ankor Volghar places high values on its rangers, for if not for them, the realm would have fallen ages ago. So it is that ranger recruits are trained at one of the harshest peaks south of Karak Volghar. Much of the settlement is above ground and neighbors the Yeti Valley. The mighty wutroth trees provide sturdy lumber for just about everything in the kingdom, and it is here that recruits and longbeards alike must harness their skills by clearing the valley of yetis or grobi that emerge from undetected caves. The trade route through from Barak Urbaz through Kaldarth is vital and thoroughly patrolled by the Rangers.

    Barak Urbaz- the port city on the east coast of the Baitello peninsula along the Scryfish Stait. Trade is vital through the waterway after the duardin collapsed the mountainside along the eastern trade route of Balitello. While it warded off the invading Khorne armies during the Age of Chaos, Balitello and Jaskviny suffered. Now the dawi try to atone for their actions as their ironclad warships patrol the strait vigorously against any threat that could threaten this vital trade route. The hold also serves as a skyport for Kharadron and other skyvessels.

    Khazid Thardin- following the assassination of King Ulther by the Black Grot, the Dispossessed fought a bitter war against the Moonclan Grots in the western reaches of the Frattura Mountains. While the Black Grot escaped, the duardin eradicated the grots and began to re-colonize the west. Several mining settlements and watchtowers were established, greatest of all was Khazid Thardin. The city became a vital crossroads for trade and reconnected the duardin with their human allies in the north and west. It is also home to the Gyrocopter Tradefleet established by High King Oldor Frostbeard.


    Mount Kraktoof- once a hold that could rival Karak Volghar, Kazad Knol fell during the Blood Wars, but not before a final act of duardin defiance. Thanks to the sacrifice of Lord Bragnus Bouldergut and his runelords, they trapped a significant amount of daemons inside the mountain using powerful runes of warding inscribed on a chaos sword. Bound to the weapon, Khorne’s incarnates would be trapped inside the mountain for centuries until the Ironjawz of Da Bloodbreaka Clan eradicated them and claimed Kazad Knol as their new home. Mount Kraktoof now serves as gathering point for Gorfang's amassing WAAAGH! The Destruction City has become a thriving, ramshackle metropolis. Brutes maintain animosity within the walls, but fights break out daily. Every so often, the city will be sacked by an enemy or its own inhabitants, before it is rebuilt. Those living outside the mountain must prove themselves before entering Bloodbreaka Hold, for only the strongest can reside within Bloodbreaka Hold. Within the fallen dwarf city lies the “Screamin' Sword” of Khorne, the ancient artifact used to trap its daemon prisoners. Currently locked away due to the screaming daemons that gave the orruk shamans headaches, sometimes Gorfang will use it to rip tears in reality to test his boyz against Khorne's best when they grow bored and need a fight.

    Skullthumpa Peak- home to the Skullthumpa Greenskins, Gorfang’s original clan before he became an Ironjaw.  They boss around the rest of the lesser orruk, grot and ogor races who couldn't fit inside Mount Kraktoof. Once a prosperous dwarf hold known as Karak Bodor, her mines and lands are ravaged and stripped of all resources for Da Bloodbreaka Clan’s WAAAGH! Outside at Krudzog’s Quarry, the unruliest Greenskins and Ogors are ordered to carve out large slabs of stone and rock that are to be used to construct a mighty bridge that will connect the north and south together and open the way for Da Bloodbreaka Clan to assault the heart of the Ankor Volghar. Due to heavy mining of Ghur Ore, earthquakes have rattled Skullthumpa Peak, opening new passages and long-lost gnawholes for the Skaven to infest. Rather than destroy the threat outright, the orruks relish the constant stream of ratmen to slay, providing endless fights and a training ground for the weedier Greenskins of Da Bloodbreaka Clan to mesh their teeth against.

    Varn Drog- one of the first major holds lost during the Blood War, the demise of Varn Drog is shrouded in mystery. The duardin claim the surface-level city was razed by the Blood God’s maddened warriors, but no specific grudge has ever been written in the Dammaz Kron. In truth, it was not the Bloodbound who destroyed the hold, but death magic that razed the city. The duardin do not speak of it, but whispers abound about a dark presence that swept through the bluff city, claiming any mortal soul during the siege. Now her desecrated halls and tunnels are said to be guarded by ghostly dawi who patrol them like they were still living their daily routine. Sounds of battle can be heard by adventurers from outside the keep. Not even the orruks have dared to make Bar Drog their home, for their superstitions are accurate of the horrors that lie within those walls. The ramifications of the Necroquake have freed these spirits from whatever grudge or curse held them bound to the bluff. Now they venture into the surrounding area, some maintaining their laborious routine, others wandering aimlessly for their release, while a few have recognized their fate and seek vengeance on the living, whether they be the orruks at Skargor’s Watch or their former kin ranging in the surrounding forests.

    Kazad Karin- the final battle of the Blood Wars, or “Baragor’s Triumph," saw the armies of Order, Khorne and Greenskins converge on the Bridge Citadel. After four days of fighting, the walls of Kazad Karin were finally breached, forcing High King Baragor Frostbeard to enact his final solution. After evacuating as many citizens and warriors as could escape south across the bridge, the king ordered the mountain to be collapsed. The only path across the Great Fissure to the southern realm was destroyed, and many warriors were lost, but the Greenskins and Khorne armies were routed, saving what was left of the Ankor Volghar.

    Karak Byrn- famous for its deep gold veins, any duardin who laid eyes on the Sun Mountain during sunset would claim the rock came alive like living gold. Alas, a gold sickness overcame its people. Not long after the fall of the Northern Empire did Karak Byrn cut off communication with their kin, fearful that a similar calamity would deprive them of their wealth. Blinded by their greed, they failed to recognize the impending threats from above and below ground. Moonclan and Spiderfang Grots staged a two-pronged assault upon the Dispossessed and eventually breached the hold. Unwilling to let the grobi take their home and gold, the duardin desperately over-mined a Ghur Ore vein and brought the mountain down upon itself. The last images the dawi defenders in the highest peak saw was the sun setting upon Karak Byrn one last time.

    Undback Hirf- the fortress stood for centuries as a welcome station for travelers and adventurers journeying from the eastern reaches of the Frattura Mountains. Its warriors were also lauded for defeating Mugnog the Ever-Hungry and his Gutbusters. Sadly, Undback Hirf would fall to treachery from inside its walls. Derdrick Darblisson, son of Thane Gidrick, was defeated and captured by the Dawi Zharr during a failed expedition to Aqshy. They eventually broke the steadfast duardin, and ordered him to open the way for them into the Ankor Volghar. Days after his return to Undback Hirf, he entered the main gatehouse in the cover of night, slew the guards, opened the gate, and signaled to the awaiting Dawi Zharr army nearby. Derdrick finished his betrayal by killing his father, submitting the fortress to its fate, and commencing the Blackbeard Wars. When the fighting was done, the Vengryn Waystation was established. Vaneera, Derdrick's sister, leads reconstruction efforts to refortify and reopen the Northeast Passage.

    The Desolation of Karag Drakk- long ago, clans from the Ankor Volghar saved the Wrothfyrd Lodge from certain destruction by a host of ogors. Indebted and grateful, the surviving Fyreslayers established a new lodge in Mount Furia. They would fight, drink and live among their kin for centuries until the Age of Chaos. When a Khorne army invaded southern Balitello, the ensuing fighting awakened a terrible beast from within the dormant volcano. It's explosive arrival detonated the volcano and devastated everything in close proximity. Karag Drakk was no more, and its nearby colony was buried under a sea of molten lava. After extinguishing all combatants in Southern Balitello, the beast returned to the volcano to slumber. Few adventurers have explored the ruins of the volcano, only a handful have ever returned. Whatever treasure or lost knowledge is buried inside, the duardin consider it a wazzok's quest to disturb that horror which lies beneath.

    The Ankor Volghar - North

    Thryng Morga- the former temple city of the duardin has been vandalized and tarnished by indescribable indecencies by the Greenskins. A handful of shaman reside here to try to harness the lost duardin magic, sealed away for ages and hidden by their runes. Right before Mount Kraktoof was completed, Da Bloodbreaka Clan engaged a joint-strike force of Stormcast Eternals and Kharadron Overlords in a battle known as Da Smashing Party. The fighting was so grand that a great idol dedicated to Gorkamorka was built atop the battlefield. When Mount Kraktoof was finished, the guns of the Kharadron’s Ironclad were mounted atop Bloodbreaka Hold as a trophy. Whenever the orruks figure out how to work the guns, they may provide a potent defense against a siege or to stop another sacking.

    Spite Pass- once a fledging duardin hold, it was converted into a highway for travelers of the Underway to use while journeying from the south. Long abandoned during the dark days of the Ankor Volghar, the duardin have secretly refurbished its roads and bridges in recent years, allaying it with new runes to seal the passes for only but duardin and runelords to traverse. The Ankor Volghar now utilizes Spite Pass to track the Greenskins in the north and collect resources from nearby camps in the foothills.

    The Crystal Fields- following The Great Calamity that split the Ankor Volghar in two, the snow-covered lands north of Kazad Karin began to rise, forming a series of foothills that reshaped the landscape. Within the foothills, crystals of various sizes have emerged. Many of these are frozen ice or rocks, but some are valuable crystals harnessed by the duardin for gemstones, trinkets, runes, and other goods. Dozens of duardin villages sprung up within the foothills to mine these minerals, filling the coffers of many families and clans. Long abandoned after the Blood Wars, these crystals have grown five times their normal height. In some places, the hills are covered in forests or mazes of these sparkling minerals. The Greenskins have no use for the crystals, but adventurous duardin will take their chances to retrieve what they can before returning to the safety of Spite Pass.

    The Slaughter at Stuntie Hill- angered by High King Oldor Frostbeard’s hesitation to reclaim the Ankor Volghar’s lands, Warden King Hjuldahr Agridsson of the Amber Hands marched his entire clan north to recover their ancestrial homesdefiled by the orruk scum. So arrogant and stubborn was Hjuldahr when he declared his oath that he overestimated the strength of his foe and failed to see the trap Da Bloodbreaka Clan laid before him. Marching on to Mount Kraktoof, the dwarfs overextended themselves in the Crystal Foothills and were quickly surrounded by the Ironjawz. Forced to retreat up the highest hill, Hjuldahr and his kin made their last stand against Gorfang's boyz. One duardin was spared, but he was sent back south to retell the tale of the massacre, but not before he was clean shaven and humiliated. When word reached the Ankor Volghar of the Slaughter at Stuntie Hill, Hjuldahr the Mad was entered into the Dammaz Kron for the senseless destruction of his clan, along with Gorfang, who received another entry into the Great Book. Angered, King Oldor ordered the throngs be assembled and war preparations be made.

    Da Green Gate- when the Ironjawz discovered the realmgate, it was a ruinous mess, sabotaged by the duardin to prevent Khorne’s forces from utilizing it during the Blood Wars. It would take months and a handful of exploding shamans before the orruks rebuilt and reactivated the realmgate. With the capability to visit any of the mortal realms, Da Bloodbreaka Clan don’t have wait long before they find their next fight. However, the orruks don’t know how to control the gate, and sometimes end up in random places, for better or for worse. Outside forces have also used the gate for their own means, but the Ironjawz don’t mind this. It just brings the fight right to them.

    Ruglid’s Raidin’ Camp- when the Necroquake hit the Frattura Mountains, countless Greenskins perished in earthquakes and landslides that wreaked havoc across their lands. However, an unintended blessing was the opening of a western pass into the humie lands of Loch Sorgrim. Gorfang dispatched Ruglid da Black and his Gore Gruntas to check if there were any good scraps to be had. Once the Gore Grunta Boss returned with several humie ears, thousands of orruks cheered and descended on the lower lake valley. To reward his boss, Gorfang told Ruglid to establish a raidin’ camp in the western pass. From this prime location, Ruglid’s boyz can hit Loch Sorgrim, or travel north to pillage the fruitful lands of the Grastigor Highlands. The camp also has banners and symbols to help guide drunken gargants towards a destination. Whether that’s the humie lands or back towards Mount Kraktoof is the garagant’s intoxicated prerogative to decide.

    Hellchoppa Keep- named after the legendary warboss Drukud HellChoppa, who slew Khrone Champion Sigor at the climactic battle of Kazad Karin, the outpost serves as a waystation for hordes of greenskins and ogors who travel north to fight the spikey boyz in the Bloodlands. A market has burgeoned here with orruks returning from the northern battlefields with odd trinkets and weapons they wish to auction or trade. Chaos weapons and armour fetch several teeth, while aelf trinkets and potions draw much attention from Moonclan traders who wish to add to their experimentin’ kits. The keep is also responsible for alerting Mount Kraktoof of any pressing threats that dare traverse through the Kronz Gap.

    Red Ruin- when Khorne’s forces were defeated at Kazad Karin, the bulk of the army retreated north into the waiting choppas of the Greenskins. Hounded and hunted for days on end, the survivors were eventually cornered along the mountain wall. With death all but assured, the blood warriors beseeched their patron for his blessings. Enraged by their cowardly actions and disgusted by their desperation, Khorne threw his fist at his followers and punched the earth they stood on. The impact of Khorne’s fist shook Zarcosia to its roots and destroyed everything within its radius. To this day, the area is still scarred red with the ruin of Khorne’s fist imprinted into the earth. 

    The Bombing of Scrapfort Oggha- the arrival of Sky-Fleet Ingvarsson has boosted the duardin war effort across the Frattura Mountains. Da Bloodbreaka Clan attempted to counter this threat by constructing their own armada of flying ships. However, during construction, animosity broke out amongst the grot and orruk workers, with a ship tested out by the Ironjawz in squashing the uprising. This was spotted by the Gryocopters of the Ankor Volghar, and two days later, the entire fleet of Admiral Arbek Ingvarsson arrived to strike Scrapfort Oggha. The bombing was relentless and unmerciful, destroying every building and any chance of air superiority for the Greenskins.

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  17. I play Kill Team and love it. For the most part, the game is balanced. I think it's better played as a narrative format than competitively, but Arena does a good job separating the latter for those interested in tournament play. Hopefully Warcry follows suit. We already have Underworlds for those who want small-warband competitive play

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  18. 1 minute ago, Aryann said:

    Guess I'm the only one who feels satisfied. I didn't have high hopes before the show after they showed us battletomes for FEC and Skaven. It already was much. Now it's Khorne. Well, I own a 2k Khorne army so I can't complain. To be honest I'm even happy as so far i restrained myself from buying book always feeling that Khorne has insufficient rules. Maybe now's the time. I'd only preffered new mortal model instead of Skulltaker. 

    And I was right saying Khorne and Kharadrons will receive their own Endless spells just not called endless spells. Remember how many of you felt disgusted with that. 

    If  Khorne is getting a new battletome then it is safe to say every army is getting one. Wonder if they'll make it by the end of 2019.

    I don't care about the warband which is unoriginal (and that is from a guy who's main force is 3k Sylvaneth). 

    Chaos seems to get a lot of boxed games. Wonder which armies will be in the box. Maybe StD? 

    I was about to write this but I'll piggyback off you.

    There's going to be another AOS battle box this year. Part of me thinks it will be Fyreslayers vs Ironjawz, but it could be related to the new Forbidden Magic later this year. 

    Pretty optimistic though overall. They're doing what many and myself hoped they'd do and bring just about every army up to date. That's the best thing they can do to push AOS forward

    Also very curious about Warcry. Perhaps Kill Team/Mordheim but with a new twist

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  19. 4 minutes ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Yeah I'm assuming Endless Spells and Terrain + new book.

    I'd take it tbh.  We need varied units more than more Heroes, but we need updated rules more than either I think.

    I'm coming around to that. You look what could be done with Weirdnob Spells, Warchanter prayers, to enhance our battlefield dynamic, and maybe a new system that gives our Megabosses bonuses for doing certain feats. I see us similar to Blades of Khorne, but more direct, upfront, and cunning. Plus, our battalions are probably going to be fixed and more viable (ex: Brutefist and Ardfist). Not to mention, points adjustments! (Megaboss on Maw Krusha goes down to 400 and Brutes 160!!!)

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  20. After seeing the LVO preview, does anyone think we'll receive any new models when our battletome gets updated? Starting to feel we may only get a new hero a la the Carrion Empire battle box. Personally I would be disappointed since we could use some variety, give us something else to play around with to mix up our lists, but I guess the new battletome will take care of that

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  21. 3 minutes ago, Overread said:

    It's quite different because at their core Skaven are skaven and behave much the same. Skyre and Pestilens are still back stabbing murder rats. The Aelves though have utterly different morals and social structures and viewpoints. 


    Sure they can unit against a common foe, but their societies are just so widely different and opposed that to try and unify them as a single army would require something major to shift in the lore. Either some major retcons or some kind of massive event - eg a plague wipes out most Aelves forcing the remains together etc... But even then you'd have issues. 


    Finally you've got history - whilst some would like to see AoS totally divorced of the Old World; in the real world we live in that's just not going to happen. AoS is not a brand new game; its a game with history and legacy and on some level its got to uphold to that. 

    Once Destruction is taken care of this year, I would like to believe GW will turn their attention to sorting out the loose-end Order factions. Perhaps there is a reason we haven't seen a Free City Battletome yet. It would seem to be the easy answer, but like you said, some of these factions would have a hard time working together in the same city unless there was a common foe to unite against. Plus, most of the Order factions have pretty much the same units (Order Draconis & Order Serpentus for example). 

    If Gitmob and Greenskins are not being continued, but are going to still exist in the background for those who still own the models & armies, then it's fair to suspect the same is going to happen for some of the Order Aelves

  22. 8 hours ago, Aryann said:

    Just one more thing. Past Stormcast releases made me expect more from a faction update or second wave. If each year Stormcasts receive several new models, abilities, spells, battletome then I would be really disappointed if the only thing Fyreslayers or Ironjawz receive is a "3 spells and scenery" treatment. Those and some other factions have so little units that isn't even funny compared to Stormcasts or few others. 


    The Carrion Empire box makes me speculate we could see a box of Ironjawz vs Fyreslayers, but it would be very disappointing if both factions did not receive any new units outside the expected battletome, scenery and endless spells/runes?. Currently, both factions are limited in options in terms of troop choice and playstyle. The latter will benefit from the new tomes, but it might be hampered if Fyreslayers and Ironjawz do not receive new models to shake up army lists.

    For the rest of LVO, I believe we'll find out when Slaanesh and Everchosen/StD/Darkoath are coming out. Wouldn't be shocked if Seraphon are also teased, would be shocked though if they receive new models. Personally I would love it if they throw us a Dispossessed battletome out of nowhere. My wallet would hate me for all the bearded stunties I would buy

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