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Posts posted by Goddin

  1. 22 hours ago, Lightbox said:

    Does anyone reckon the blood palanquin has a place? Even in casual?


    I have a fun conversion idea for one or a mortis engine for a legion of blood / soulblight. And wondered if it could work in a list 

    It works very well with a Court of Nuhlahmia list, where it is required.  If you put it with 2 VLoZDs and neferata nearby, when they kill a hero they all get the bonus attacks.  This is really deadly when you are adding 3 more attacks (including a maw attack) to each of the VLoZDs.  It also frustrates your opponent who not only lost a hero, you were made stronger by it.

    • Like 2
  2. 19 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    The Hallowed Knights command trait is kinda funny.

    If your general dies you can you can pile in and attack immediately (on a 2+). As per the core rules, when your general dies you can pick another general and generate a new command trait immediately. There is no restriction on whether your hero already attacked or not this turn, so you can attack, die, and immediately attack again. Nominate another hero to be the general and repeat the process. Keep doing this until you run out of heroes.

    I wonder if you could make a list with a lot of combat-oriented heroes suiciding their way to a posthumous victory.

    Remember, in the GHB2, matched play, page 49, under the "Army Roster" section, it says that in matched play, you do not pick a new general when your general dies, overriding the core rules.

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  3. Really excited now that I'm pulling together the Nighthaunt book with the Legion of Nagash Book.

    New List:

    Legion of Blood, From Hysh

    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon w/Spear and Shield  - General - Aura of Dark Majesty (440)

    -Lens of Refraction

    -Vile Transferrence

    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon w/Spear and Shield (440)

    -Mirrored Curriass or Gleaming Blade (can't decide)

    -Spirit Gale

    Prince Vhodrai (480)

    -Amethystine Pinions

    Guardian of Souls (140)

    -Overwhelming Dread

    Direwolves x 5 (60)

    Chainrasps x20 (160)

    Chainrasps x 20 (160)

    Battalion - Chainguard (120)

    Total = 2000

    This results in 2 artifacts, 1 CP to start the game, 2 Vampire lords on Zombie Dragon buffed by the Legion of Blood ability, with artefacts, plus Prince Vhodrai.  3 summonable units to bring back/heal each turn, including objective grabbing direwolves. 4 wizards, 5 drops.

    What do you think?  Would it be worth dropping Vhodrai for Neferata + Direwolves x 5 + a cheap endless spell but losing Aura of Dark Majesty?  Aristocracy of Blood better on the General?  Any suggestions?

  4. What do people think of this list:

    Neferata 400
    VLoZD 440
    Prince Vhordrai 480
    chonomatic cogs 60
    skeletons x10 80
    direwolves x10 120
    direwolves x10 120
    spirit hosts x6 240
    command point 50

    You'd have a second command point to either use Vhodrai's ability to get another pile in with the VLoZD at some point, or the ability to bring back a big direwolves unit or spirt host unit at some point.  Also considering making the wolves units min size and turning the spirit host unit into a unit of 9.    

    Cogs gives the 3 big hitters quite a long range for attacking first turn.  Thoughts?

  5. I'm thinking of just going out and having a blast with the following.  Not the most competitive, but will scare the **** out of the opponent.

    Allegiance: Legion of Blood

    Neferata Mortarch Of Blood (400)
    Vampire Lord On Zombie Dragon (440)
    Prince Vhodrai (480)
    Vampire Lord On Zombie Dragon (440)
    5 x Dire Wolves (60)
    5 x Dire Wolves (60)
    5 x Dire Wolves (60)
    Chronomatic Cogs (60)

    A slightly more balanced list (which won me a recent tournament, just slightly tweaked here):

    Allegiance: Legion of Blood

    Neferata Mortarch Of Blood (400)
    Vampire Lord On Zombie Dragon (440)
    Bloodseeker Palaquin (320)
    Vampire Lord On Zombie Dragon (440)

    Counts of Nuhlahmia (120)
    5 x Dire Wolves (60)
    5 x Dire Wolves (60)
    10 x Dire Wolves (120)

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