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Posts posted by Austin

  1. 2 hours ago, Nullius said:

    It’s not so much the relative strength of the unit, so much as it is that there is no way to prevent the damage or interact with it really in any way. Each unit of 20 will average 11-12 MW at 30 inches, or 48 MW on a double turn for total output from both units.  There is no way to stop it from happening if you happen to be in range. Might as well pack the models away unless you have an army that can get into the archers by the bottom Of turn 1. I don’t think this mess will go for long before getting fixed. It’s pretty egregious. 


    1 hour ago, Nullius said:

    I’m afraid if the only way to counter the unit is by shooting it, or getting lucky with an unbind, then lots of armies will essentially auto-lose to this build. Realistically the only ways I see to counter it are good shooting (Double Mortek crawler for me), or somehow outflanking and getting a long bomb charge into them before they start firing. 

    Shooting blobs having a lot of strength is not new in AoS- can go back and look at the Savage Orcs combo a few years ago and see the same thing.  The double turn, in my opinion, is more at fault here than the strength of any one unit.

    Also, this whole theorycrafting in a void is almost pointless, I say almost because you can sometimes identify a way around the issue (as apparently you already have).  Archers are sort of high risk high reward (except my IDK Reavers who are just sort of...there haha).  If you can't get off a charge or stop them shooting, you will hurt. 

    I don't find LRL that crazy in terms of power, and their strengths (for now) being in shooting seems story based which is cool.

  2. Call it marketing or call it gaslighting, GW is excellent at it.  From someone who lived through the Kirby years and the total cluelessness when it came to marketing it is quite the transformation.

    It doesn't particularly bother me that the FAQ was nearly pointless (ha! pun not intended).  What is interesting to me is that GW can give a totally obviously bs reason for not doing something like points, and a large segment of people are like "yes yes obviously this is true because they said it was despite evidence I can find easily" or literally acknowledge that the FAQ did nothing but say "at least we got one."  Did you?  Did you really?


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  3. 14 minutes ago, Overread said:

    GW has done expansion books before. What they might do is what they did for Chaos in 40K. A new Battletome that's a reprint of the old with the new content from the Teclis book added in. So those who already have the Battletome can just get the campaign book whilst those new to the army can just get the new Battletome directly with the updated content. 


    It really depends how much they re-work the army internally when adding these models. 

    Yeah true.  I suppose what I mean is a new battletome with exclusive new warscrolls.

  4. In response to what someone said earlier,  I really doubt (or would hope) that all the new Lumineth warscrolls are not in BR Teclis and some saved for a new LRL Battletome. That would be a bit outrageous. 

    Also, it looks like the kangaroo and vampire lord leak was genuine now doesn’t it?  Versus some sort of marketing campaign by GW.  It is hard to see where those previews would have fit into the scheme of last night. 

    I thought the preview was pretty decent. It’s annoying when GW says they will show you something and then it’s just silhouettes, but they seem to get quite the kick out of it.  That’s why I don’t watch live and just take a look at the website whenever.  

  5. I don’t even understand how you take a picture that close up and yet so blurry haha. It’s almost a skill I’m envious of, perfection in any form is impressive- even imperfection. 

    I like the archer on the mount much more than the infantry archers. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:


    Indeed Vampires are coming. Part of their army will consist of current zombie and/or skeleton models. They are not the usual gothic, noble vampires. Expect a twist to them like some other armies received. Legions of Nagash will be transformed into something new, some models will be torn out from it. Shouldn't say where have I heard it.

    But what if I like the gothic vampires

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  7. 52 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    I do believe we will see chaos dwarves given an AoS army in the future, I remember speaking to a White Dwarfer at an open day a couple of years ago who said the studio were playing around with chaos dwarves. 

    I would love to see them as a destruction faction. Slavers and armourers who you can make deals with but should never trust. 

    It may be that Forge World can't compete with 3D printers the way GW main can (if they are treated that separately, I don't know).

    These guys are 20 dollars on eBay (new) for 5 and the three bull centaurs on FW are 104 USD.  That is QUITE the difference.  I have always loved Chaos Dwarfs and I know which I would get...

    Maybe the main studio can do better.




    • Like 7
  8. 3 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    Have you actually bought and played the army? What makes you think they aren’t a “complete release” compared to other armies? 

    The army works fine as it is. It’s not like you can’t play or win with it. You have enough tools to   cope with different situations, and there are several viable builds out there. 

    Yup, it’s lacking certain elements others have, like a genuine unnamed melee hero, and that’s limiting in gameplay, and in addition it’s a problem for people who expected something else than a magic-focused Teclis army. Hence there are a lot of complaints.

    But on the other hand, having some clear restrictions is also a good thing. Armies having everything are also having issues (being too good, no weaknesses, unit bloat, internal imbalance, useless units etc.). And many newer armies share the same thing. Most of them are smaller, with some aspect missing. 

    I am not criticizing your army.  I am criticizing the way GW has released it.  I am glad you like the army.  Can we move past the knee ****** defense?  If anything I am saying you should have gotten more.

    You can surely see the difference between working fine and complete though right?

    Or are you going to sit here and tell me that you are loving the Ymetrica and Syar command traits and artefacts of power on your Cathallar or your Stonemage?  That those don't suggest to you some missing melee?  You seem to understand that, but yet claim that doesn't suggest those traits were designed with a particular set of models in mind.  Or, lets not even look that deeply.  What about the other half of the pantheon the entire faction is based on?

    You know what you need to play a game? A hero and some battleline.   Does that mean that GW should release a book with two units (ok ok yes Sons of Behemat)?  You could probably win a few games.

    I have to admit I don't even understand your way of thinking.  You can be happy you got an army and still consider, just CONSIDER, that GW is making it more expensive than it should be by a new business model that says release the bare minimum to sell an army book and hope that apologists will make excuses or that we will just accept it without the slightest of negative feedback.  It is OK to say that GW could be better....

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  9. 20 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    New lore, rules for multiple new factions, matched play updates and lots of new scenarios and battles for Matched, Narrative and Open play.

    I count that as a lot better. How much these campaign books have jam-packed in them is why Wrath of the Everchosen was top of the best-sellers list all year long until Broken Realms took over. :D

    Same. That so much rule-wise is free warscrolls and easy to get between digital and the warhammer-community showing some of the juicier traits makes it all the better, IMO.

    I really liked Wrath of the Everchosen.  I am not against those types of books at all, the opposite in fact.  I am opposed to releasing half factions and charging twice for a rule book.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Depends how they handle it. Could be a new tome or they just put them in one of the Broken Realms books and White Dwarfs for their non-free rules that get added to a Lumineth tome update in the future(probably when all 4 temples are done).

    Broken Realm books are as expensive as codexes.... I guess my point there is that Broken Realms or something like that could be good for factions that haven't seen love for a while (my own IDK for example) and it seems legit.  But a Broken Realms soon in time to the (half baked) release of a faction is no better than a new army book.  MAYBE its a tiny  bit better because it likely has new lore versus the recycled army books.

  11. So, new models are great for sure.  BUT- does this Lumineth business not make people at all perturbed? 

    All this is assuming the new models are in fact Lumineth.  Am I the only one who thinks that is a less than ideal business practice? 

    If we all assume, and I think this has been taken as truth for a while, that models are made well in advance of release, why in the world weren't these models in the army book?  I thought that Slaanesh was a bit close, hard to  believe that the mortals weren't in development then, but if this pans out it will be a new level.  Although we have people on these forums who claim the Lumineth was a complete release, all you have to do is read the book to know it isn't, and this potential new release proves it.

    It sure looks to  me like GW is trying to find the minimum sized release and squeeze money out of people with multiple book releases.  So you can be happy with new models, but I would rather GW doesn't try to nickel and dime us (hundred and thousand us it more like it haha).  Just a thought.  The answer of course is to print books with models they are still working on....and quit running scared from the Chapterhouse saga.

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  12. 8 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    Yeah, I think our current allegiance abilities are just nice 'extras'. As in, they're good but they don't impact much in game choices, besides from wondering what unit to use the locus on (which 99% of the time is just the strongest unit you're in combat with). 

    You're right that we act like a blunt instrument at the moment. I remember the first games I had with Slaanesh basically all resolved in the same way - 3 or 4 KoS push forward, charge, locus, kill, summon.  I think it's also why there's not much in the way of tactical discussion on this thread. For those who don't know, there used to be a Hosts of Slaanesh thread that existed until a few days after the battletome and it had about 100 pages. Even though it had fewer choices due to the lack of a battetome, it felt like it there was more discussion as the army was more finesse based and there wasn't just one answer. While I imagine there were fewer Slaanesh players pre-battletome, I feel there's much less Slaanesh rules discussion post battletome because the battletome really only had a few things to talk about. I'm hoping this new battletome will bring more points of discussion to the table. 

    My thought reading this was that I am glad I waited for the mortals....

    Having 3-4 KoS just doesn't sound fun.  But I am optimistic.   I think GW can do well with battletomes that have actual choice in models/units.  Its just this new 3-4 unit faction thing they are doing that really messes with the ability to have diversity in choice (which I suppose is obvious given the lack of diversity in choice...).

  13. 3 hours ago, Rob Hawkins said:

    Well, they haven't said anything about the game.  The announcements have simply been "the Old World is a game setting that exists," which amounts to nothing other than to get people hyped(?) for a potential game that it's really impossible to have any expectations for.  (Only 2 more years to go before we find out what it is!)  :D

    This is how I feel.  What is there even to be hyped about at this point?  Maps that I already have in my old army books?  I mean they are shiny and newer versions...but thats what they are showing me after months?  Ok sure great I am not mad about it, but I don't really care either.

    I will never be convinced that the square bases regiment thing is why Warhammer failed, or what people really miss.  It failed because the percentage composition system made armies ridiculously expensive, and people miss the amazing setting.  I am not sure what this rework is doing, but it would be unfortunate if it were a lot of people trying really hard for no reason and overthinking what needs to happen.

    Make amazing Warhammer Fantasy models.

    Give me army books set in the Old World.

    Use the AoS rules system.

    I would say Profit.....but its more like issue your stores bags to collect the money that will come in.

    • Like 2
  14. 2 hours ago, Gorthor21 said:

    I feel as though it is going to be Sigvald that came out of slaanesh at the end of broken realms morathi as they did with katakros after the forbidden power book and the battle of lethis.  It would be kind of anticlimactic but totally within the realm of possibility.

    I honestly thought this was already confirmed but can't remember where I saw it or read it.

  15. 14 hours ago, Benkei said:

    My point precisely is sex and sensuality = p enises and b oobs is a teen's point of view. I like all the new models as opposed to the pretty obvious old ones, that's why I think the cover is just a bad joke, it has nothing to do with being "oversensitive", so please come down off your high horse and your "how brave GW is by showing b oobs". You'll notice the new models are much more subtle, which makes them much more elegant, as Slaanesh should be.

    Not liking a crudish and childish depiction of sexuality has nothing to do with being a puritan. 

    Just a thought, but when you use terms like "manchildren" it tends to make others think you are being intentionally insulting to those who might like the cover which may draw some fire in your direction.

    Now, I am SURE you didn't mean it that way at all and were trying to stimulate real discussion. 

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