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Posts posted by Austin

  1. 22 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Again-there’s four new models and a tome.. I predicted a new unit, units traditionally bring made up of at least 5 models, so expected at least 5 or 6 plus some heroes. It’s right there.  Unless you’re going to tell me when I said new unit I actually meant a monopose unit or something. 

    The masque isn’t new, the twins are, there’s the KOS which I’ll happily admit I never expected, and one more unit. So when I said a new unit/hero or two how exactly am I wrong? It’s a major release in respect to a narrative I called, but the army dosent have a single new regiment. It’s the existing Slaanesh army with a new hero or two, a new KOS model (not a new unit) and Endless Spells and a Book. FEC and Skaven got that. Take away the KOS and it’s the same treatment. It’s nothing like a new army ala Gloomspite Gitz.

    Keep it up though. I can’t fathom quite why people are so interested in my predictions but it’s sonething to do I suppose. 

    Apologies to everyone else looking for some rumours but I’m not going to let people try and demean me for whatever reason and not respond.

    Hey there is no intent to demean you and I am sorry it came off that way.  Everyone has different opinions, my point originally was to figure out where in the heck you were coming from with the releases.  You say them so forcefully (in text so maybe confidently is a better word) that it makes you stand out to me.  I do think in general it creates better conversations if people consider past things they have said when making new assertions. 

    I read your posts to say no new book, etc., etc.  If you are saying that is not what you meant then good to go. 

    But, what I did not mean to do was demean you, that is no good.

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  2. On ‎1‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 11:51 AM, Nos said:

    Same reason they didnt release one with Wrath and Rapture. Lots of people when that was previewed had the same logic as to why it definitively meant Slaanesh tome was coming. I knew it wasn’t for the same reason I’m pretty sure I know why it isn’t now either.

    Slaanesh’s imprisonment and the surrounding context is probably the biggest piece of narrative ammunition AOS has right now and they’re going to drip feed it until AOS 3.0 I think. Because when Slaanesh is released you can bet it’s not just going to be the same Slaanesh units there were in Warhammer.  They had some commercial purpose for locking Slaanesh away literally years ago and I doubt the outcome of it is two extra models to the range and a Battletome that will receive less fanfare than the Goblin release on the Community announcement page. Its apparent from the Lore with the Bad Moon and the head Loon guy and what he’s done to the realm of metal as well is that the Grots are going to make a lot more noise in the narrative than I think anyone suspected. They’re not going to risk a big Slaanesh event getting lost amidst that. 

    I’d bet my house on it being a new unit at most as well as some sort of named character who will point towards the events which lead to the eventual Slaanesh release in probably 2020, where I suspect they will also release with Ulgu elves and some form of espionage SC release (Ruinuation Chamber would be my guess). I suspect in 40k it will be similar.

    In the past I wouldn’t have betted against a sort of Followers of Slaanesh tome and it might still happen I suppose but I’m pretty sure they’re going to keep it on the boil and let it explode next year personally. Although I think there’s potential for a “middle chapter” where there will be a similar set to Blight War this time next year with said new Slaanesh unit and hero and a new SC Chamber. In fact saying that now I think it’s very likely actually cone to think of it. Hmm.


    On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 8:00 PM, Nos said:

    Slaanesh book and minis not confirmed at all. There’s mention of stirrings for seekers of Slaanesh in the community preview for the year but that doesn’t equate to a release with book and minis. My guess is there will be a new hero released ala Slimux in Blightwar and maybe one new unit of seekers or something.  I doubt the release of Slaanesh will be considered a less big event than the Goblins showing up but it got lower billing than them in the preview.  I’m pretty sure Slaanesh releases this year will just be a prologue for a big reveal next year.

    I mean.....

    • Thanks 2
  3. 22 minutes ago, Nos said:

    It’s not the whole of Slaanesh, just a subfaction who represent its growing power. When Slaanesh is released from his/her/it’s prison I would expect an associated army with Mortal followers.

    But probably be at least a year + before that happens I would have thought. I’m not expecting that to happen until 3.0.

    I thought at first you were saying Slaanesh wasn’t coming at all this year? Sorry if that wasn’t you, I didn’t look it up but I thought I remembered that.  I don’t know what you mean by a subfaction though.  Hedonites of Slaanesh seem like Blades of Khorne seem like Disciples of Tzeentch seem like Maggotkin of Nurgle.  It is just the new name for AoS. 

    We are all definitely speculating wildly right now. Rumoring it up as it were.  Trying to read the tea leaves from which (as we see) all of us can make different conclusions haha. 

  4. 20 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Most successful businesses dont broadcast their releases until a short while before they go up for sale. This thread is an excellent example as to why. Leave a space and let people’s expectations grow within it . By the time release comes out people are almost irrationally determined to finally get hold of the thing they’ve been craving for weeks/months/years.  Their expectation is a far more powerful force than any preview.

    Also how many posts have you read like“just started collecting x but after that teaser I’ll definitely  be buying Y!” If People has known Y was due for release two months when they started collecting X, they probably would have never started with X at all.

    It would be convinient for people to be able to plan their purchases like that. But bless anyone who thinks GW have the budgeting priorities of its consumers in mind. They want you spending irrationally. People who have £50 to spend every three months and will spend no more-GW dont care. Let people know about future releases and at the end of the day that person is only going to spend £50 over three months I e way or another. It’s of advantage to them to have the choice but GW gains nothing. Careful consumers are not the friends of businesses.

    But plenty people impulse purchase, and for those people, there are countless economic and business arguments to suggest that the more hype created and the less certainty around a product up to release, the more likely it is to sell. It’s capitalism 101. The aspirations and desires people invest into a product in anticipation of its release are far more powerful factors in selling them than anything the product does or is as of itself. 

    Yeah I understand impulse buys and all that. But if that was such an overwhelmingly superior method of selling, why do video games or books or any number of other luxury items not go that route?


    - for an even better example, until recently even GW themselves previewed BL books three months in advance. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    It's interesting that you take one thing that is not a fact at all and frame it as such (1) while a thing they themselves said it's indeed a problem being addressed (2) and framed it was only a possibility.

    I don't blame GW for any exasperation they may feel.

    (3) You know what else would not get bought in that scenario? Anything. If a player knew that in 4 months a new range of their favorite army was hitting, they very well might skip any other new stuff. With that knowledge, they might spend on other cool new stuff.


    We would all love to know, as fans, what is getting released when, but from a business perspective, it's a bad idea. 

    I read your response as pretty snide. If you didn’t intend that I apologize. 

    I’m not sure what part of the chapterhouse saga you mean isn’t fact. GW had an adverse court ruling. After that ruling they pulled all units that had no models from books. Books still have no units that don’t have models very quickly. So it seems logical that GW is still impacted. I admit that I don’t know as fact that they are “terrified.”

    And I categorically disagree that nobody would buy models if GW clearly communicated a release schedule. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    The Fyreslayer, FEC and Skaven situations are all slightly different, though.

    (a) FEC are a fringe faction, which is even on the periphery of their own Grand Alliance and is formed from a small part of a single WHFB army. While the continued lack of specific courtier models and not replacing the crappy Vargulf sculpt is a shame, FEC players are probably happy to just get a book. See also: Beasts of Chaos.

    (b) Skaven represent the entirety of a complete WHFB army, and are an iconic GW concept. However, their range is an absolute mess, and needs revolution rather than evolution. Clearly, GW didn't feel now was the right time for such a huge undertaking, and released a book to keep players with existing Skaven collections happy until GW can pump huge resources into turning the Skaven model range around (Year of the Rat?). I don't think the book is aimed at encouraging people to start new Skaven armies from scratch. Seraphon will likely follow the same path for the time being.

    (c) Fyreslayers are a wholly new range, but one that, by most available evidence, was not a good seller. I think they have gas in the engine if they expanded the range to lean more into the "Fyre" gimmick (e.g. plastic Kdaai Fireborn), but maybe GW feel this is Throwing Good Money After Bad.

    The good money after bad thing is exactly my point.  GW creates that situation.  If the army isn't selling, it is either rules or models.  In the case of Fyreslayers its possible I suppose it was both, but don't you think that a horde army with only two/three variations that you need 90 of and costs a ton might have selling problems?

    I guess the overall point I am making about old bad GW is that they are clearly still terrified about the Chapterhouse court case and refuse to create new units in battletomes without models.  This is really the problem especially when they (allegedly) have production issues, so they are likely trying to do fans a favor with these interim battletomes (and make money).  What GW is missing though is that not creating new units isn't stopping third parties from doing resculpts or from creating their own units.

    If GW said, hey- in four/five/seven months we are releasing a Seraphon battletome and along with that there will be X models.  Ok awesome.  Guess what I won't be doing, buying the not Seraphon alternatives because I know GW will make amazing models.  The people who do buy those alts early, would have done it anyway.  But because  some part of GW is still so secretive about releases, they are totally missing the opportunity to allow customers to show loyalty to the brand (and most of us are rather loyal/devoted/obsessed).

  7. I have two main thoughts about the Fyreslayers release. 

    1) it is awesome that GW is updating non chaos, non Stormcast battletomes. That is a really good sign for the future. 

    2) this release, along with Skaven and FEC, shows that although NuGW is clearly in full control sometimes the old bad GW still makes the decisions. It’s about the models. End of story.  People like options in models. It would solve all the problems if GW would just say “hey we know you want new models and we are planning on it but we just don’t have the production” or whatever. Communicate it.  Otherwise we really are looking at the TK and bretonnians all over again. Factions need support or they don’t sell. 

    • Like 4
  8. I don’t play Fyreslayers so I’m genuinely curious. Is it really going to help the army if they still only have three units to choose from or whatever?

    If there is another battleline Slaaneth unit along the same aesthetics of these new models I’m starting a new army for sure. 

    • Like 1
  9. So this is a super tin-foil hat theory.

    I just got a notice that Avatars of War released a  not-Razordon model.  Could they have inside baseball on an upcoming Seraphon release? All this talk has me wanting the Seraphon rumors to come true (but with an actual model update vs just a book and spells/terrain).

  10. 10 minutes ago, Riavan said:

    Why won't gw let me give then money.


    Also will flip a table if I can't paint them green and put them in with nurgle.

    At least we know why the Darkoath Chieftain from The Silver Tower is sneering.  That is GW, mocking our desires while knowing we will instantly forgive them the moment I see a glorious Darkoath Battletome cover.

    As Gandalf once said about me, "Austin both loves and hates the GW as he loves and hates himself." Or close enough to that anyway.

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    • Haha 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, TheR00zle said:

    Don't want to be "That Guy", but let's focus on our nonexistent rumours, anybody heard anything about Adepticon?

    I heard that I am tired of waiting for Darkoath.

    edit-- my source is solid.

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    • Haha 7
  12. 4 minutes ago, Theslowcentury said:

    I can’t really say where I heard it without potentially getting someone in trouble but it was told to me by a well placed source. Obviously apply salt, but I promise you I’m not on a wind up!

    Oh, yeah I didn't mean it like that.  I was just wondering if I had missed some common rumor!

    • Like 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, Theslowcentury said:

    May not be AoS related but apparently something big coming out in the June slot (AoS 2.0 in 2018, 40k 8th in 2017). Most tantalisingly, it’s apparently not something that has been previewed yet so not war cry. I guess we will see! 

    Where did you hear that? Or do you just mean because of past releases?

  14. 7 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

    Not sure why my comment was deleted but whatever.

    Anyway like I said before looking forward to whatever this new model might be even if it isn't AoS related but hopefully it is.

    I think my response to you was caught up in the flames.  So for posterity- I think the new model is likely Sisters of Battle because of Google researching the sculptor.  Also for posterity my first version of this post was pretty awesome and "clever"er than you can imagine.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  15. 13 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    One of the miniature designers at GW ;) 

    Really nice guy and knows his stuff

    It is almost certainly Sisters of Battle stuff. He posted on FB back in October that he was working on a faction he'd never worked on before (he does mainly 40k stuff).

    Regarding the earlier censured discussion, its the SAME people every single time who pile into conversations like that and turn it rude and confrontational. 

  16. 22 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Pretty much all the rumours we have right now are simply educated guesses. 

    That's about all we've got I think - I don't think there are any reliable rumours about anything else to come at present. Even the few sources who often have reliable info are often out of order with the current release schedule. 

    Yeah I think the release schedule must be so fluid that its hard to predict anything even if somehow you come into genuine insider knowledge.  I cannot think that GW meant to drag out the release of Darkoath (or even Gloomspite) so far after Malign Portents.  It ended up turning the event into sort of a 'meh' situation.

  17. 8 minutes ago, TheR00zle said:

    Sorry to disturb but does anyone know when we’ll actually see today’s GAMA update? By my math it should ha e been posted an hour ago in Illinois.

    Don’t forget the second update at 1900 EST tonight  

    I’m contributing to the overhype I know. 

  18. 3 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    I was just about to post this!

    Akhelian Phalanx would be so amazing (I've been wishlisting them since the idK release)


    The amaount of dead Namarti seems legit, no matter what attacked them XD

    If they got the same sculptor to do them who also did the Reavers, I would buy sixty day one. No hesitation. 

    • Like 2
  19. 7 hours ago, Barbossal said:

    I'm curious if we'll see Seraphon releasing as part of a dual box... Hmm - there's lots of potential matchups that would be fun for Seraphon - the main one I was expecting was of course Skaven v. Seraphon... But seeing them going up against the new Khorne release would actually make a lot of sense. If not that - a monster hunt with Beastclaw vs. Seraphon would be a ton of crunchy fun.

    I think a new Slann is too big of a deal for the duo-box. But I could see Plastic Kroxzigors or Hunting Packs making their way in.

    Any new Seraphon plastics would be great, the plastics released for that range have all been outstanding.

    As for Kroxigor….it would be easier to list the things I wouldn't do to see them get a resculpt.

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