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Posts posted by Hyperion

  1. 8 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    They look easy to separate. 



    Yeah, I was thinking more of in base size, if teclis is by himself, does he have to stay on that massive base haha.  hopefully he has an alternate profile with just him and no ''mount''. 

  2. I find it keeps things interesting for casual games, and don't take issue with it.  If you get doubled, it makes for a laugh usually.  And its nice to double someone and feel like you are hitting them really hard every now and then.

     I am not a tournament/competitive player so I cant weigh in on that scene, but I would tend to lean towards not having it in competitive play.  That's a lot of power in a single dice throw. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Ben said:

    2. Members section.  
    I could open a premium membership level.  It would have a monthly subscription. £2 per month.  100 members would see all the bills paid.  thats 0.01% of registers users signing up.  

    What you would get is the features that the forum has available already but i don’t have the time/skills to put in place.  I can spend time/money to get it set-up and it would be paid for by the first month or 2 of subscriptions, after that the bills will be covered each month.  

    More likes, better reputation system.  better titles/profile system.  Members only ‘off topic’ chat area. Groups and clubs system. Most of the things that regularly get requested.  

    Importantly this would be ‘bonus’ stuff.  Not things that are essential to enjoying the community.  


    This interests me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  4. 39 minutes ago, Captain Marius said:

    It might be worth noting that GWs Order faction releases are all tied to a single god eg Fyreslayers Grimnir, Kharadrons Grungni, Stormcasts Sigmar, Sylvaneth Alarielle. Id expect the first aelf release to be the chosen representatives of either Malerion or Tyrion, and rumours point to Malerion. I'd also suggest there is no longer a high/dark split for aelves - the End Times made a big point of uniting the race, as we're seeing in 40k currently!

    Kharadron overlords are explicitly stated as not being tied to grungni

    • Like 1
  5. So if I'm thinking this out correctly in my head, depending on flying stand size, the gunships can't/won't be able to engage in close combat based on GW FAQ?  So they will fly around and pound people with guns and can only be countered by spells or other shooting. Is this correct?  

  6. 7 hours ago, Iradekhorne said:

    Well, anyway probably my experiencie was with my country dwarfs players (Spain). They are a lot flamers, like longbeards xd.

    I have four of them in my grup and i'm waiting for his quit. They are really annyoning and all days we have discussions with him cause they never say any good from AoS xd.

    Paradogicalli they dont have read any Aos book, but they say (the lore of Aos is a ******). And one of them never played, but say "Aos is unbalanced". Is really annyoning. Thats my experiencie, and thats why I say don't deserve it.



    They seem rather negative.  I've been playing dwarves since the late 90's and I rather like this stuff.  But I'm sort of a fanboy :D

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