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Posts posted by KillagoreFaceslasha

  1. New White Dwarf has dropped through this morning. I'm sure someone will be along to add pictures, but Shadespire is coming in at £40 / 50 EUR / $60 USD / $70 CAN. 

    It's launching alongside Stormcast/Bloodbound themed card sleeves, which are £5 / $8 USD. 

    Pre-order 14th for release on the 21st.


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  2. 4 hours ago, angrycontra said:

    The problem with this ability (and every other firestorm ability) is that even when it's unreliable, it's strong bonus ability with no clear drawback. This ability can be insane when combined with SCE units like prosecutors, who'll jump behind the enemy units. Then you just survive to next turn (easy with stormcasts) and get 1 lucky roll and whoops there goes your expensive unit. Not to mention the whole "force enemies out of objectives"-bs.

    I've said this in multiple threads but I'll say it here again. There are 2 reasons why I dislike firestorm abilities and believe they'll ruin this game if they're accepted into regular tournament standard: First of all, they're unnecessary power boosts for armies that don't need any power boosts. People being all excited about ability that could aid their low tier mixed order force while stormcast player is rubbing their hands together with evil glint in their eyes. Secondly, not all armies get any bonus allegiances. I don't see any excited seraphom, ogor, skaven, brayherd, deathlords, nighthaunt (they get ability but it is very redundant with what they already have) and couple others discussing about their awesome new abilities 'cos guess what, they don't get any. If gw wants to add new abilities, fine, just add it to every faction there is, because the power of these abilities is strong enough to make certain armies completely disappear from tournaments.


    Except it's not. Unless you're going for massive blobs of prosecutors, you'll not wrap ANYONE. Furthermore even then you need to endure somewhere 1 to 2 activations of enemy combat, quite possible a shooting phase if you lose the roll-off.  And let's remember: prosecutors just have 2 wounds a piece. THEN you need to get that lucky roll of 5+ and THEN you need to be sure the enemy just didn't kill enough models. then MAYBE you'll get to kill a pair of enemy models.  And that's IF you don't lose initiative AND got to go second.  This is not unreliable, this is the epitome of circumstancial.

    Stormcasts are the least suited army to use anvilguard. Sure they have fast movers, but they don't have the bodies.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Tiger said:

    Darn, I was hoping there be at least few new command traits to choose from. Having an army like Stormcast can amp up your expectations.

    Two - three pages per city? I can't see them allocating more space. 21 pages for background, maybe 10 - 15 for the rules, add some artwork/dioramas for a total sum of 40 pages?  

    This book to me looks far thicker than 40 pages.

  4. On the literary front...


    What will this Hammerhal novella you are working on explore? can you give an idea of what the story will be about?

    I can say two things: a hint as to what it's about - in part - is on pp. 29 of the Disciples of Tzeentch battletome. And pretty much all of the Hammerhal portion of the story takes place atop one of the city's aether-ports. There are Stormcast characters, mortal characters (human, aelf and duardin), and Chaos characters - including tzaangor.

    Basically, it's a 'get everything cool/explain everything about AOS into one novella' sort of story. So there's lots of 'here's how the realms/cities/gods/etc. work' mixed with some sneaking about and some fighting.

    • Like 3
  5. 7 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    I don't think that's a good news. I believe most expected slaanesh to have completely new models with a proper introduction as previous armies had. This suggests that it will be just a repack. 

    Eehhh, DoT had new models (even for daemons) and there was still a SC!

  6. 1 minute ago, Vaux said:

    Question is.... if it's a traitor Primarch... why is there a dead marine in a MK4  armor.... MK4 arent used by the Imperium anymore (at least there shouldnt be many used).

    That's a primaris inceptor. See the hood behind the head.,

  7. 38 minutes ago, Captain Marius said:

    Pretty sure all the thunder and blood models are fresh casts, as theyre all red or gold plastic!

    Nope, they are literally the starter set's with a change in the colour of the injected plastic. Nothing new.


    I heard you are writing a novella about Hammerhal, So what can we expect to see?

    It's set partially in Hammerhal Ghyra, so you'll get to see a bit of that. One particular area, at least. Beyond that, I'll say wait for the novella.


    From J.Reynolds himself. Looks promising.

    • Like 1
  9. Coming next week for Age of Sigmar, priced at the same point as the Start Collecting sets: 

    Thunder and Blood contains miniatures, rules, scenery and painting information in one box and makes the perfect starter set to begin playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar. The box contains 44 Easy to Build miniatures from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar boxed game (80-01) supplied in red and gold plastic, a reversible tray used as scenery and carton play mat. It also includes a painting guide, the core rules, 4 battle plans, 8 war scrolls, as well as dice a range rule paper gaming mat and a scenery piece allowing you to get started straight away. 

    Also, Korghos Khul and Bloodsecrator in one box and Vandus Hammerhand in another, £25 a piece.


    From Mongoose matt on Dakka dakka.

  10. 1 minute ago, Darth Alec said:

    Oh, that box. That's the one with the carboard building as well, IIRC. Not that interesting then.


    Still, Vandus and Khul getting their own scrolls is dope.

    I think it is interesting in the sense that it may be an indicative we MAY be getting a new starter down the line this year.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Captain Marius said:

    I recall there being a 5 month last year gap between Beastclaw Raiders and Disciples of Tzeentch, in which we saw the likes of Deathwatch, GS Cults, Prospero and Bloodbowl... and no AoS!

    At the time i thought that break was fine as we had indeed received a fair bit in the first half of the year. Now though its been more than 12 months since the last of the Realmgate Wars campaign books was released!

    They built a good head of steam with the 4 books in the first 4 months of this year but i feel that momentum has dissipated. I AM tho looking forward to GHB2 (more that 40k8!) and seeing all the other goodies they have in store for us.

    In this 40k hype period they couldve dropped a couple of repack armies like Freeguild or Slaves to Darkness or something to tide us (ok me) over tho!

    Eh... it's been 4 months (september to december) and back these last four months we've got almost the monopoly with us getting DoT, SCE Mk II (and SoH), BoK and KO. We need more books in the novel department but I think that's more due to them doing a reorganization of the BL team and all that jazz rather than lack of care.

  12. 50 minutes ago, Killax said:

    As a gamer I agree but in terms of prolonged promotion I do think focused releases bring more interest to one game. Which AoS still needs :)

    But at the same time you can't ignore the bigger franchise. I honestly think that the community can endure it. We may lose a few people to 40k but I think that we've built the fanbase to stand on our own already (I for one am not going back to 40k for the time being). Now it's just time for the next bombardment. First plague garden, then the rest of books and armies: the last quarter of 2017 will have 4 novels for Sigmar (or 3, depends on how long they take for Reynold's Hammerhal novella) plus at least 1-2 two new armies. Next year looks also golden with the release of the AoSRP and whatever else comes. In so far the future looks bright for us, though we just need to do a bit of pass-over now.

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