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Posts posted by KillagoreFaceslasha




    So, our man Emmet did a bit of explanation and introduction (note this is still early in development).


    Body encapsulates anything physical, strength, speed, balance etc

    Mind is deductuve reasoning and awareness of surroundings. Book learning and street smarts

    Soul is your force of will, grit and determination, and strength of character

    minutiae is handled through skills, talents, and positive and negative traits

    So Soul + Intimidation (a skill)

    Or Body + Intimidation for a big bruiser

    Or Mind + Intimidation for a Hannibal-esque serial killer



    5 minutes ago, Overread said:

    The GW Store is under Maintenance - initiate PANIC Rumour mode!




    Nah, most likely just maintenance.


  3. Of course, I am talking of tg. Now, I may be wrong but basically they annalized segment incomes and gave inputs based on what they saw. Full annonimate is a plus there, given  that, apparently, aos makes 27% of the sales with its *sculpts* (He hasn't specificed books, treating them as separate segments) sales currently. He only said this: they are working on them, and of course it could be false, but...

  4. So an actual rumour.

    While navigating through the internet's personal hellhole, I found an italian data analyst that claims his firm worked for GW. He's commented that, from what he has been told, the team that's worked on the gloomspite gitz is working on dispossessed, though he doesn't exactly know what's going on.

    Take with tons of salt.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Sete said:

    Some sort of free guild for Shadespire? Fighting some reavers?


    Well, this transaltion someone did on reddit may help:


    • Shadespire: The Mirrored City - Shadespire. Throughout the realm of death, this name is just a tremble on the lips of those foolish enough to utter it. Once upon a time, this city was a glittering metropolis whose tall towers and palaces of glass jutted out into the gloomy skies of the underworld. But today only empty ruins are left of her and her name brings disaster to anyone who says so. Because Shadespire is a place of damnation, a shadow in the wasteland, in which the howling of miserable souls echoes. The inhabitants of Shadespire are condemned to perpetuate this purgatory forever, as punishment for their crimes against the god of death. Their offenses weighed so heavily that Nagash's curse was of cruel and corrupted craftsmanship, for he turned everything that was once praised in the city into a twisted reflection. In the mist-shrouded streets lurks every kind of terror death holds, and darkness has spread in every heart. But there are still those who venture into the ruins. Former free-lance soldier Seguin Reynar goes to Shadespire to seek his fortune and he is not alone. As Sigmar's heroes seek their way through this confused nightmare, the hordes of chaos revel in its madness. But whether they follow the duty or the lure of ancient treasures, they all expect the same fate. This place is a hell of madness and monsters, and for those who enter it, there is no turning back.

    • The Tainted Heart - Chamon is in agony. An enigmatic rot has seized the kingdom and withered the oases in its deserts under the touch of the plague god Nurgle. Where life once flourished, the land suffocates under pathological growths. The stench of decaying souls, torn by the illness imposed on them by Nurgle's will, wafts through the gleaming dunes, and the tentative tendrils of decay continue to reach out. The plague is met by Talorcan and Esselt, two witch hunters of the Order of Azyr. The serious, thoughtful Talorcan is as famous within the Brotherhood as a tracker as the merciless sword arm of his beloved Esselt. On the bloody trail of a cultist, the witch hunters encounter a massacre, after which they no longer have mercy in the fight against the disease that captures their home kingdom - until they have to face their greatest challenge. In the face of the unthinkable, the fight quickly becomes the test of their faith, and Talorcan and Esselt can only rely on one thing: each other.

    • Scourge of Fate - Archaon, the Eternally Chosen One, is the most powerful and dreaded warrior of the Dark Gods. Even warlords of unbelievable cruelty, who have already led countless campaigns full of suffering and massacres, want to fight at his side. These Knights of Corruption are known as the Varangarde. Although the blood of conquered lands drips from the Blade of Atavar the Black Pilgrim, he must first prove worthy to ascend into the Fifth Circle of the Varangarde. Now he has his final task: to hunt down and kill a legendary hero of the forces of order, as a prophecy states that he is to liberate the mortal realms from the stranglehold of chaos. But when a betrayal occurs in the heart of the Varant Tower, Archaon's huge fortress, Atavar realizes that the chosen one of Sigmar is not the only threat to Archaon's reign that he must eliminate. For Atavar, there will only be victory or total annihilation. He is a warrior of the Varangarde and no enemy of the Three Eyed King will escape his sword.

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