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Posts posted by PlayerJ

  1. Played a doubles game tonight using the revealed rules, using ironjawz units in da big waaagh.

    Megaboss on mawkrusha with destroyer, ironclad and mean un will put out an insane amount of damage when you pop destroyers. The new SoV is pretty good for survival. But having no mortal wound save till you get Laugh at em from da big waagh is dangerous.

    Warchanter +1 damage is the obvious new star of our army. Ardboys are the obvious choice at the beginning, but putting it on brutes once your at +1 hit and wound makes them scary.

    Going to be interesting 

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  2. Wait wait wait wait a minute, clarify this for me, Ironjawz new Waaagh just says "if you roll up to 11 until end of phase add 1 to attack (not need 11) and if its 12+ add 2
    dont know if im overthinking it

  3. 7 minutes ago, Seihoff said:

    The thing I like the less is the "moral obligation" of having 2 shields for every 5 ardboyz. That's 1 banner, 1 musician, 2 shields and 1 "normal" (or leader unit) per 5. The unit is going to look WEIRD in caps.


    I prefer much more to have choppas or a big choppa on my models, they should have included the rule without the need of putting shields on da boyz :(

    time to paint and glue on some shields to my boys, since there is no negative 


    17 minutes ago, broche said:


    I don't think you realize the output increase of +1 damage on single damage units (small clue: it's x2)

    I'm pretty sure we will still have hand of gork. 

    At the level of damge we are looking at, shooting magic and even summoning might become irrelevant:

    For exemple, in a great waaagh 20 ardboys + warchanter buff will be dishing out 55 damage (r1). If you use the Waaagh!, it's 83. I'm not a khorne expert, but i don't think they come close to this amount from the some experience i've against them. The only unit that are in the same range of damage is 30 buffed fury, or Morsarr guard with +4 attack. 

    3 x 20 arbdboys and 3 warchanter cost less than 1200 pts. It already give you 63 model and 140 wound on the board, and 800 more point to spend. Want shooting, take some arrowboys!

    And assuming Gruntas keep a similar warscroll (lots of attack at 1 damage)  this will work on them as well. Brutes and Maw Krusha would actually be your worse target.

    We don't know if the ardboys points have changed yet, like other units

  5. 18 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    I appreciate the stat lines being updated and consolidated, but I’ll be a bit irritated if the warscrolls lose the flavorful powers. Thinks like the boss Klaw grab, the ardboys banners and shields, those thugs gave some variety to. our small pool of units.


    I dont think we'll be losing banners

    Shields are up in the air though 

  6. Big waaagh

    If I remember correctly, 6 waagh points give plus to casting, 8 plus to charge, or vice versa

    Gordrakk give 6 waaagg points a turn

    Warchanter give 2 points

    Warchanters ability is now +1 dmg

    Ardboys streamlined, one attack profile, 2 atk 3s 3s -1 1dmg

    Innard bursting bellow now 6 attack 1 dmg

    Gordrakks mawkrushas fist and tail now 1 attack profile, 9atk 3s 3s -2 2dmg

    Destructive bulk now damages when charge a unit in cover

    One of the mawkrusha mount traits is ignore spell on 4+

    Megaboss's old waaagh ability is now an ironjawz faction ability

    Ironjawz keeping mighty destroyers and smashing and bashing

    In a big waaagh IJ and BS can still take their faction specific artifacts 

    Only concerning note, the designer said can only fit 3 mawkrushas in a list




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    12 minutes ago, bonzai said:

    Ok, I have cooled down just a little. The ethereal part of the rule is still a joke, but the ignore negate wounds part is a decent, if situational ability. It stops deathless minions saves, ward saves, morathi, and a host of other abilities. It pretty much comes down to what you are going up against, and can help with grind fests that we used to lose through attrition. 

    That said, I am going to miss the warclan spell and anti magic bonuses we used to get. 

    Oh... and I am anxious to know what faction the rogue Idol is going to now that greenskins are gone. Fingers crossed that it folds into something I can ally with once the book comes out if not directly into bone splitters its self.

    I also want to point out that each sub-faction will get  its own ability, command ability, command trait and artefact of power

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  8. 1 hour ago, Batch said:

    So you guys think this will be removing the waaah to give units extra attacks? It made more sense to make them hit with more attacks, not more precisely. 

    With the allegiance getting waaagh points, I think that's where the extra attacks will come from 

  9. From the warclans discussion:

    Megaboss an ability that does mortal wound on unmodified save of 6
    Strength from victory is the same
    The command ability changed to being +1 hit to an ironjawz within X Inches, and if the megaboss has monster keyword the range is larger
    8 atk, 3+, 3+, 2or3 rend(blurry), 2 dmg

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  10. For underworlds they have not put in the card art any model or character that isn't part of a warband.

    5 hours ago, Scurvydog said:

    I just think it is the artists rendition of genreric Orruks and there wont be another warband. The ardboyz we got are not even real Ironjawz, as we all know they are just the fan boyz hanging around the brutes who are the real ironjawz. Disappointing yes, but that would be in line with how Orruks have been handled all of the AoS lifespan.


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  11. 7 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Have they actually said beastgrove will be next weekend? I read the article and it's just announcing the war warband. Not to mention that announcements happen Sunday not sat.

    Honestly though at this point I'll be glad if it's out before xmas




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