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Posts posted by Freejack02

  1. 2 hours ago, InvalidUsername said:

    How are you dealing with being hit first? With how incredibly slow sequitors are, you're almost never going to be getting charge initiative, and even with 3+ rerollable saves, most armies will still be able to shred a unit of 20 down a good amount. A unit of Witch aelves with Mindrazor, for example, will absolutely kill a unit of 20 sequitors through their reroll and castellant buff, in a single combat phase.

    Your example is the most incredibly offensive unit in the game - nothing realistically survives fully buffed block of witch aelves. 40 wounds of 3+ rerollable should be plenty tanky enough to serve it's purpose, especially as it can lose ~11 models before the killing power starts really starts dipping down. I think the easiest way to mitigate the slow speed of Sequitors is to either use Gavriel/Cogs or just park a Heraldor behind them for run+charge. 

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  2. 28 minutes ago, Galamund said:

    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger with Soul Thief (Anvils compulsory relic ewww)
    Lord-Castellant with Lens of Refraction
    20 Sequitors, 9 Greatmaces
    5 Sequitors, 3 Greatmaces
    5 Sequitors, 3 Greatmaces
    5 Evocators
    5 Evocators
    Celestar Ballista
    Celestar Ballista
    Everblaze Comet
    Cleansing Phalanx Battalion


    I think this (or something very similar) is going to become one of our primary lists going forward - it seems quite efficient and is nearly identical to what I am going to field (swap a 5 Seq for 5 Jud).  Glad to hear it's doing well for you!

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  3. 54 minutes ago, SorryLizard said:

    Can someone confirm I am understanding the Anvils of the Heldenhammer command ability combined with Evocator Lightning Arcs correctly?

    The Evocators deal their mortal wounds '...each time this unit attacks, after all of its attacks have been resolved...' and the Anvils of the Heldenhammer ability says '...make a pile-in move and attack with all of the melee weapons it is armed with.'

    Would the Anvils of the Heldenhammer ability also trigger the Lightning Arcs after each time that unit attacks?

    I had not made that connection, but it does work perfectly fine - the ability doesn't specify a limit other than "each time this unit attacks". Unless there's some very odd wording on the Anvils ability, that is. 

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  4. 7 hours ago, IndigoGirls said:

    Final thought, one group of 6 Scythes or two groups of 3? 6 packs more punch but will be harder to fit in everywhere, 3's are more flexible but require multiple activations.

    For Dreadwood, I think 6 is a no-brainer.

    • Like 2
  5. 11 hours ago, IndigoGirls said:

    Anyone have rough numbers on expected damage from a Durthu vs 6 Scythe Kurnoth hunters? Obviously Kurnoths have way more combined wounds and are 20 pts more. Just trying to get a feel for the damage separation. I'm personally thinking that for pure damage against high armor targets, Kurnoth's will do more. New +1 hit/wound artifact for Durthu is pretty juicy though and might change those numbers a bit.

    It's a pretty tough comparison to make honestly - lots of variables. Kurnoths do less damage, but have significantly more wounds. Kurnoths have no ranged attack, and are tougher to get all into combat. Durthu damage falls off a lot after taking a few wounds, or without an optimal setup. At full health, assuming the +1/+1 artefact and fighting near a wyldwood, Durthu looks to do on average 24.83 damage (wow), and 16.51 if he's not within 3" of a wood - both numbers counting his ranged attack as well. Kurnoths do 16.67 assuming they can all get on target. Now Durthu's talon can kill a model outright, and he can also take wounds for other heroes. Kurnoths can cap points more effectively and don't fall off as hard after taking some damage. All things considered, I'd probably go with the Kurnoths unless you really need a hero/artefact. 

  6. A question (which I should already know) about timing on dmg/healing with a Castellant lantern buff. Say I have a Stardrake with warding lantern on, and he's got 5 damage incoming from an enemy unit in the combat phase; but also 4 heals incoming. 

    1. Am I allowed to allocate the wounds/heals in any order I wish?

    2. Must I apply all wounds, or all heals at once? Or can I alternate at my discretion? If it were instead a Liberator unit, could I alternate wound/heal/wound/heal etc meaning I would only lose a single wound on one model?

    3. Has anything about these interactions changed in 2.0?

    Thanks, I've never really worked out the specifics of Warding Lantern. 


  7. 4 minutes ago, Wolfman said:

    I haven't had time to watch some of the in depth reviews of the batletome. Any one have any info on the new generic Knight Zephyros? How does it compare to Neave Blacktalon? And how is she this go around? I did read that she no longer generates extra attacks or something like that.

    The regular Zephyros does not explode attacks on 6, nor do they deal 2 damage against Heroes. I honestly can't see a good use for them.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, PJetski said:

    RAW you can use the ability multiple times on the same unit and with some luck you can not only respawn the unit but also create duplicates.

    Hammers of Sigmar... Do you feel lucky?


    Not sure how the CP refunds work with that ability. There is no defined "stack" or "chain" that describes how effects resolve in AOS, so that will require an answer in the FAQ.

    Yeah, you nailed it - I personally don't like the lack of a "stack" or "chain" as you mentioned. Spamming multiple CPs for that ability just... feels wrong. 

    I would prefer they switch it to "You can use this command ability when a friendly HAMMERS OF SIGMAR REDEEMER unit is destroyed. If you do so, you may spend X CPs then roll a dice for each CP spent. If the result of any dice roll is 5 or 6, a new unit identical to the one that was destroyed is added to your army. Set up the new unit anywhere on the battlefield, more than 9" from any enemy models." I know it's a bit of a nerf, but it just feels right to me as opposed to stacking them up and just rolling til you get it (and adding multiple copied units is right out). 


    Edit: Wait, I think I would prefer something else - have the base ability trigger on a 6+, but allow the player to spend CPs to give +1 per to the roll. That way, if the player wants to pump 5 CPs into it, they can get back any unit guaranteed. Could chance it and get lucky, could stack CP and go for the guaranteed rebirth when you absolutely need it. Costly but effective - that is what I would like to see. 

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, GlanceOnASix said:

    What do you guys feel is the better option with Sequitors, the 3 attack 3s/3s/-/1 dmg hammers.  Or 4 attack 3s/4s/-/1 dmg swords. 

    Thinking if I should clip the maces off my boys or not.

    Swords are strictly superior baseline, but I will add that if you start buffing the # of attacks, hammers pull ahead after +2 (and equal at +1). Not sure what the restriction on spamming CPs are, but it could make a small difference if you're dumping everything into one big combat phase. 

    4 hammers at 3/3 =  1.78 dmg

    5 swords at 3/4     =  1.67 dmg


    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Bellfree said:

    That's a fair point, the changes to Scion make the breath much more viable.

    I have constantly wished for my Tempestor's to have the 12" breath version, but I never wanted Fulminators to be changed... not sure how I feel about the trade-off. 

    Although, that makes the Heraldor > Fulminator retreat-charge a more viable tactic, whereas before you lost too much damage in shooting to be a real benefit. Now it's just a loss of ~1 mortal on average. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, Requizen said:


    Endless spells! 

    Hammer Tornado seems reasonable. 40 points to hurt enemy shooting, not bad. Not amazing, since many good units (like Skyfires or Kurnoth Hunters) can just get away from it quite easily, but 40 points is not expensive.

    Dias gives better saves, Fly, and an additional Unbind, which is cool. Brings most Heroes to a 2+, and the extra unbind will be really nice in this edition. Glad it's not just a moving Balewind.

    The Comet, though, that thing is the sauce. 100 points is steep, but I think I'd bring this thing over a Purple Sun any day of the week. Nuke camping units, ****** over hiding Wizards. Potentially instagib a model 46" away from the caster. And casts on a 6? So, so good.

    Wow, Comet is very tempting even at 100. Pair that with a few Heraldors via scions (assuming it doesn't change), and you can alpha strike nuke a large area of the board with mortal wounds before the enemy can even react.

    I'm interested to see what the Dias rules are, mobile command platform sounds like an auto-include for some foot heroes. Castellant would have no problems keeping up with lantern targets; LC could reach out further with his hammer cloak; Relictors could heal/debuff more effectively...

  12. 1 hour ago, aceytrixx said:

    I'm sure I read somewhere that someone did the math and your basically always better off adding more ballista then spending the points on the Ordinator. 

    I was curious about this! It turns out that math is a bit off - the LO overtakes another Ballista after 4 (not accounting for the 40 point LO premium). 

    Comparing 4 Ballistas with LO to just 5 Ballistas, when taking into account only the passive +1 to hit, the1x shots will do roughly the same damage (7.76 vs 7.80) while the 4x shots will do considerably more (18.68 vs 15.55). I did not take into account the Command Ability, as that would require a lot more point weighing and measuring what exactly a CP every turn is going to be worth in 2.0 (50? More than 50? Less? Flexibility dependent?). If you look at only the 4x shot comparisons, the LO becomes a roughly equal buy after only 2 Ballistas. 

    Also keep in mind that the LO passive +1 to hit works regardless of whether he is a general or not. 140 for just a hit buff on your Ballistas might seem a bit high, but remember people were taking a 300 point Celestial Hurricanum while spamming shooters for essentially the same purpose (I know, the CH is much more useful at range and shooting is less useful overall now).  If you plan on spamming war machines, including an LO even as a non-general is a solid bet. I believe his CA is much better suited for large war machines, like the KO Ironclad. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Lhw said:

    I like the idea of 20 Ironbreakers (If you can get them into a Wyldwood, that should be a nice combo!)

    I'm away from my book, but afaik the Wyldwoods will still try to kill anything not-Sylvaneth regardless of whether it is allied or not. Is there a specific Ironbark exception that fixes this?

  14. 3 hours ago, AthlorianStoners said:

    While Sylvaneth aren’t specifically elves I wouldn’t say it’s unfair in linking them. Half their range were formerly part of an elf faction, their god has deep elvish ties and they can ally with elf factions. 

    I would say "faction", as it's only the Wanderers... and I think that was more to throw people with old models a bone. Stormcast are just there because you can't say no to the poster boys. 

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