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Posts posted by stato

  1. 31 minutes ago, Lord Panther said:

    Oh yeah, to be very clear, my playing had a massive impact on how badly I did.


    Looked great on the table though.

    I think you did well, only that one mistake charging someone who cant be attacked (ive not faced that yet so id probably have done the same anyway). Taking on nighthaunt i always struggle with so well done beating them.

    KO are fun to play and can still do well, its not easy playing against tough lists but it can be done.

    17 hours ago, BWG Cannonball said:

    Hey Guys!

    Just finished up a small local club tournament over the weekend and took 1st!  There were only 8 attendants, so nothing huge, however there were some interesting and difficult lists which made my new list even more fun to try out.  List Below


    Overall the ability to drop everything between the battalion and Frigates within was a huge benefit.  I focused a lot on trying to get as devastating of an alpha strike as possible with targeted skyhook shots and clean up with the pistols on the Arkanauts.  The Endrinriggers were a fantastic speed bump and clean-up crew as were the Thunderers(100 points and could wipe small MSU units off of objectives easily.)  I enjoyed the army overall and it worked about as I was expecting it to, if not better.


    Great job!  Sound like some great games and good tactical play, thanks for writing up your report!

    • Thanks 2
  2. 32 minutes ago, Lord Panther said:

    Here's a few pics from my Mhornar army. I went with blue overalls and plain metal armour for the Arkanauts. The more elite (characters, thunderers, bubbles) get the fancy blue armour. The arkanaut scheme is basically the studio Barak Nar one but substituting navy blue for the purple. Recipe was Kantor Blue, Nuln Oil, Thunderhawk Blue highlight. Moustaches are gold.



    Such a beautiful army, this guy especially really shows off your scheme for me. Great idea swapping the blue onto the cloth of the Arkanauts. Makes the characters stand out while keeping the units on theme.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Lord Veshnakar said:


    In case anyone was interested in seeing the winning list of James Bunting, the gentleman that won the Rising Sun GT

    Lovely list, nice bit of variety to the net-lists we see.  Ive always run Mhornar and a 30 block of Arkanauts, with augmented skyhooks re-rolling to hit is terrifying for most enemies. Great to see Brokk in the list too as a good combat punch works well with the Mhornar.  Seems to me like a 2 pronged list (3 if you count the Ironclad), might have given the opponent a challenge on target priority and still leaves you capable of doing a lot of damage even if they delete one prong. 

    There will always be hard counters to KO lists, but its great to see KO being played and an interesting build doing well. Kudos to James!

    • Like 2
  4. 20 hours ago, Badlander86 said:


    Missed opportunity to make some helmet-less face sculpts or at least unique helmet sculpts. I can generally field all these models from my existing collection. No female sculpt, no pet or dog model. I should at least hope that the Aether-khemist looks unique enough to differentiate him the current version.

    Not going to lie, this feels like a bit of a letdown.

    Here is the thing.... they dont really care what you think, its not for you.  Honestly, we havnt even seen the models yet and already moaners are polluting TGA.

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  5. 21 minutes ago, oscisi said:

    Hi stato,

    Thank your for taking an interest in this thread :)

    I would love to rebase all my models to round! Could you do me a favour and tell me the sizes you used for the various models? I noticed the Bretonnians were left out in GW's list of base conversions.

    I do tend to "automatically" go for the rank and file layout jus because I still love the WFB aesthetic... but you're right! Loose formation is often the answer! In this particular case, though, I was taking a detour on purpose for two reasons: 1. To stay out of range of throwing axes and fast Magmadroths. 2. To not arrive at my opponent's objective before turn 3, because that would have given him time to react and possible kill enough of my knights to deny me the objective.

    If you would like to, then do feel free to post some pictures of the models you painted! I want this to be a place for all Bretonnia related things!

    No problem, I used 25mm round for Men-at-arms, 65mm oval for knights (standard knight size), and 90mm oval for the Peagasus. I dont have a Griffon but think 120mm oval would be sensible place to start.

    Dont have many photos but this is the army as it was early 2017 at a local Tournament, i just had to set up for a pic on the castle they had!  and also how my Men-at-arms are progressing as I paint them up as Free Peoples from Tempest Eye



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  6. Great stuff! I painted up a lot of knights just before the GHB2018 so need to get them out for a run again.  They do look awesome on oval bases though if you feel the urge ?

    Dont forget you to string out your knights if you need to get through terrain, your Errants probably could have come through the graveyard in the centre.


    • Thanks 1
  7. When ive ran Gyrocopters ive tried to keep them just behind my front line, so when i get charged the copter is safe but in good range for its steam cannon. This limits their benefit though as very mobile units, so its not an ideal tactic.

    Great report though, I did wonder about how survivable 30 Hammerers were, no shield wall leaves them at high risk if they are not charging.

  8. 2 hours ago, Overread said:

    At this stage that sounds like a bit of a pipe dream. There's so many factions in need of a first Battletome that whilst there are several older ones that need an update, it would just make more sense to me for GW to focus on those totally without first. 

    I think other factions getting a first tome is more wishfull thinking than exisiting ones getting an update. 

    I agree it would be lovely for AoS to be 'complete' before they start refreshing stuff, but thats not the way it will happen. To put it basically, the 'completers' dont spend as much money as the 'new factions chasers' .

  9. 49 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    My optimist side.  Btw, has any army recieved a new wave of miniatures without a new battletome? I only remember some random characters (Gavriel, shadespire minis, promotional minis...).

    Of course we will get a new book, its when though.  Grots and Darkoath are still waiting and we know they are coming soon.  And Fyreslayers, Khorne and IronJawz all got shadespire warbands and are rumoured to get new books in 2019~ish.  Based on that timeline we might get a new book in 2021 if we are very very VERY lucky, probably with AoS3 ?

  10. 16 minutes ago, Infeston said:

    I really don't want that the troll and the squig just turn out to be random monsters only for Shadespire. This would crush my hopes for a combined Moonclan-Troggoth faction. ?

    I really really wish for a new Destruction army release. And if all the rumours and pictures which look like Destruction in the end just turn out to be only a Shadespire warband release or just random monsters which won't appear again in another form in AoS this would make me really sad.

    Destruction really needs more attention. I also don't want to sound negative. But with all the cool Moonclan releases there is also a fear inside me that this will be everything which Destruction will get in the near future. There is also a small fear that the troll will turn out to be a "Chaos Troll" and because of that part of the Chaos faction, which I don't believe will happen.  But there is still this little fear that I won't be able to include him in my Destruction army.

    Even if Moonclan do come, they wont ally with everything in Destruction (just like the 2 Order Elfs releases were less than useless if you were running Dispossessed for example). Your profile is pic Beastclaw?  Moonclan cant be taken as allies for them i think? so if wanted to add them youd be either be stuck with grand allegiance, or collecting an entirely new army (so it doesnt matter what GA they are).

  11. 35 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Yow, floaty peepz! Super concrete question! Building six Endrinriggers! How do YOU arm them? And why?

    Their role: Flanking force of on their own in 1K to 1,5K force while I'm still building my collection up to 2K. 

    Me, my first 6 i built 5 with saws and 1 grapnel. When i went to 9 the split was 7 saws and 2 grapnel, when i went to 12 riggers they were 9 saws and 3 grapnel.

    Why grapnels? because i want my unit to have mobility and the grapnel gives that (even with their rule changes).  People run more grapnels but i like to play with luck, I dont like to play the predictable plans, no fun in it for me.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 13 hours ago, Nick907 said:

    Looks like a good list to me! If you have two gunhaulers within 3 inches of the Ironclad, can you roll 'escort vessel' for both of them?
    I can see that making the Ironclad almost unstoppable! 

    Sadly that rule states you can only try the ability once per wound taken.

    • Sad 1
  13. 15 hours ago, Enoby said:

    Afaik, he has at least one copy of every model. He tends to run:

    -3 units of the regular battleline (each unit has 3 of a unique weapon - one with skypikes, one with sky hooks, one with the rapid fire guns)

    -1 units of 3 skywardens

    -1 unit of 3 endrinriggers 

    -Brokk (the named character)

    -1 ironclad

    -1 frigate 

    -2 gun haulers

    -1 chemist 

    -1 endrinmaster 

    Though he switches units around, and sometimes uses thunderers and a navigator. 

    I bet it looks nice on the table but id echo what others have said, too spread out in terms of options to be 'competative' against lists that are not also a spread. I know it sucks but how many armies does he face where the opponent is running 1 of each unit at min size?  He should consider choosing his preferred tactic/style and get a little more focused.

    With Brokk that would be a good place to start, he is great in combat and leads you to adding more combat troops. He could start by adding another 6 riggers to make a unit of 9 (mostly with saws), then either another unit of 6/9 riggers or add to the wardens.  Other way to go would be more shooting focus and id suggest another 20 arkanuats to make one unit of 30 with 9 skyhooks, you could instead add a large group of thunderers but i dont find them as good.  Either option would keep some boats and allow him to mix up his lists for different games.  An alternative would be to add allies but i would suggest bulking up his Kharadrons at least a little bit before going that route or your core army is still going to struggle a little.

  14. 27 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    My brother plays Kharadron, and he's feeling pretty dissapointed with them and their battletome. He loves the models and doesn't want to start a new army, but would like to not get beaten every time he plays. He often plays against Moonclan, Slaanesh, Stormcast, and Nighthaunt/LoN.

    Does anyone have advice for a Kharadron list that's good enough to successfully use in a casual setting and not lose all the time? 

    Be a good idea to show an example of what he would normally run or any suggestions might be lists that would need loads of new models.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 53 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    they were part of Chaos Dwarves army. I don't see them with moonclan.  But it is clear that they can't do a moongrot book without bigger guys or at least mounted on  bigger guys. An army without the biggies looks soooooooo sad and flat ! 

    They were part of Chaos Dwarves army in warhammer fantasy, but do hobgoblins even exist in AoS?  im not fully familiar with all the lore.  They are not with the Legion of Azgorth now, think they were mentioned in the old compendium but only in terms of using standard goblin rules for the old models.

  16. Just now, Furuzzolo said:

    Yeah, that's right. I could maybe fit 3 in a list, so....gonna work on it! 


    I have 5 gyro (only 2 painted so far), they will be my Ironweld Air Wing ?.  Probably have to stick with GA or city allegiance if thats your plan too.

  17. On 9/9/2018 at 8:46 AM, Oath Stoned said:

    Only 1 ally for every 4 alligiance units.  So either mixed order, or a 25 unit drop.

    Its 1 in 4, so 5 gyro (or total allies)  would require 20 units in the army, not that it really helps any.

    On 9/9/2018 at 10:22 AM, Furuzzolo said:

    " A gyrobomber unit can have any number of models" from the warscroll.

    But matched play gyro units are max of 1 model per unit.

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  18. 18 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    Maybe because the first sets (SCE and NH) didn't do that much sales...Who knows? (GW for sure)

    We know GW works on a long timeframe, they know when they want to drop stuff at least 2 years in advance.  Sales have little short term impact but will influence future sales predictions.

    • Like 2
  19. Just now, Overread said:


    My impression is that Endless spells are here to stay; even if the realm stuff goes away I can't see GW dropping Endless Spells. It's a neat way to add several models to a faction without adding "units" and it gives the game a flavour on the tabletop that sets it apart from many of the competition - even GW's own 40K

    Where do you get these impressions from?   'spells here to stay'  'realm stuff goes away'  'battletome is a seal of protection' 

    They have built AoS2 around realms, its in the core rulebook!  They are releasing spells and we know they are coming for other factions, there is a big expensive box of them, of course they are here to stay.

    AoS factions are here to stay and have been since AoS came out, battletome or not - compendium factions are temporary as they have always stated they were. 

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