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Posts posted by stato

  1. 25 minutes ago, Shadowheart said:

    Here you go, threw this togther for my own refernce a while ago, been updating as we go :)

    We still know what only a few of these actually are.

    No.'s 1-9, 15 and 24 have all been released.

    Amazing thanks, was thinking of doing the same when i got time. Cheers for sharing.

    10 i think was confirmed as the Grey Knight that came with Robby the Ultramarine, 11 the SHA scenery and 23 the 40k Xenos Index. But still lots to go, 12 especially intreagues me as I presumed it would be one the Kharadron releases.

  2. 39 minutes ago, spidero said:

    I think there was a sewer grate looking thing way back in the rumour engines too. Could be related. 

    Is there a post/place where all the rumour pics have been gathered together? would be fun to do some side by side comparisons.

  3. 41 minutes ago, spidero said:

    Was there not a reference to new modular terrain for AoS a couple of months back on Warhammer TV? That was my first thought when I saw this one. 

    That would be amazing. The few pieces they have are good but dont really tie together as well as they should. More options would be really good for AoS as a game system.

  4. Quote

    IMO the key problem with this logic is that it's classic short-term focused business thinking. It sacrifices long term growth for short term profit. At any given point in time, it will always be the most profitable choice to put out something new for the most popular faction. The problem is that this tends to build ill-will in the community and inhibit growth.

    They seem to have done well enough out of it so far this century. Its never going to change while they are a traded (shares) company. Unknown long term gain at certain short term loss (or less profit than possible) is a gamble no-one is ever going to take. Its not even worth discussing unless you can afford enough shares in GW to influence it, but then you wont as it will be your money at risk LOL!

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