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Posts posted by stato

  1. Obviously cant tell the size of it but it looks low res molding compared to miniatures,  more like scenery.  And very clock like, not at all in the aesthetic of Ad-Mech, no where near enough rivets for starters :D.

    Possibly AoS scenery?

    Looks more like pressure gauges or angle measurements, so Sigmarite artillery? (probably too obvious)

  2. On 2/6/2018 at 9:49 PM, Geckilian said:

    The other project I'll have on the go are aelf soup - mostly focused on the Daughters of Khaine with allies and general Order Aelves, such as kitbashed Executioners from Sisters of Silence, Vanguard-Palladors with Aelf riders and so on. I still need to work out what to make with the largely spare unit of Shadow Warriors I have, since I got them mostly for the helmets for the Executioners -




    Great ideas.  Ha! Seriously I just got the bits to make that exact conversion last week :D, same for the chaos sorcerer!   At least I know they will look good.

    Love the grot skin, so perfect for those sneaky little gits.

  3. 13 minutes ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

    I dont want to divert the Rumour thread but can someone who subscribes to this tell me if there is an easy way to get the books straight onto my kindle account without the need of a computer to download them? Can you do it on an iphone?  Whenever ive bought stuff from BL in the past Ive struggled to actually get the files.

  4. 1 hour ago, Riavan said:

    And we have seen 3. Saw the death one at the start. The reaper thing. Saw the darkoath chaos woman and in the newest white dwarf is a new Lord celestant for order. Only destruction is missing. I'm personally hoping for ironjawz.

    Does WD connect the Lord Celestant to Malign Portents?  They didnt on the community release so we've assumed so far he is not connected, ive not got the new WD to check.

  5. 7 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Good point about the "Herald" part. It could just be new, non specific heroes. But... What's the point then ? --> Can you confirm that the point of the 4 Heroes was to be usable "For free" if your opponent is also using his Herald ? (Dark Shadow style ?) I believe they talked about that at the B&G seminar.

    Yeah there was something but it was the usual not 'wouldnt it be good to use them like this' sort of speak, so I dont really remember.  There were lots of questions about Malign Portents and the new direction and when would we see other GA heros and they said next year (so in my mind that confirms this is a 'herald' and hopefully not the case my memory has got it wrong).

  6. 29 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    I have read many reports of the seminar and absolutely NONE of them mentionned the Warqueen as being the Herald Of Chaos.

    Can you find the report saying she is, please ?

    No report sorry, but I was there :D

    Do you know where it says 4 heralds specifically? Ive only seen GW refer to them as heros, its only on Spikeybits they say 4 heralds.


    Alongside this Herald of Nagash, each of the other three Grand Alliances will also be getting a powerful new hero.

    I still dont think the December SCE is one though, as he was not released with any link to Malign Portents like the other two were.

  7. 54 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    We absolutely don't know if the Warqueen is the chaos herald tho ... She is not a named character as it seems. 

    You mean this lass?



    Just read the article and I see it doesnt say that she is the Chaos Herald, but they said it in the seminar.


    Just now, AthlorianStoners said:

    Wait, so are the new SCE Hero and the War Queen confirmed as the other heralds?

    Not the SCE one, he is just a normal release as far as we know.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Carnelian said:

    If we look back at the accompanying text for the past rumour engines that have been solved, were they actually helpful clues?

    Not that I recall.  I could be pessimistic and point out the UK news yesterday morning was full of news about Venus and Jupiter conjunction visible in the sky the night before ('stars' aligning), but i dont want to spoil anyones hopes and dreams :$

    • Like 1
  9. On 11/11/2017 at 1:07 AM, Davariel said:

    Again I think you've hit the nail on the head. But I think this also speaks to one of the biggest problems AoS faces (and probably the source of much complaining) - GW is trying to have Stormcasts stride across the tapestry when they haven't finished weaving the tapestry yet. So much of the setting, the factions, the backstory is given little to no attention, or only a few shallow pages or fluff, and so on, that when Stormcast get more attention it just calls attention to the holes in the world.


    If we look at the whole purpose of Age of Sigmar its the Stormcast pushing out to discover what is happening in the realms, so the tapestry is being revealed from the perspective of the Stormcast. Tapestry is a good choice of words in this case actually, as thats exactly what they do, write the story from a perspective of one side.

    • Like 4
  10. They said in the B&G seminar the new logo was the start of a darker season of Sigmar (season being an unspecified period of time). Upto now the game (realms) have shown their light and good side, now its about showing and building the dark background.  The key thing that was repeated often, the good guys might not always be 'that' good.  No idea if this will be a new game, armies, or books.  But I think its safe to say we will probably see all those in some form.

  11. 26 minutes ago, polarbear said:

    Navigator, Arkanauts and Gunhauler definitely seems like the box they'd do. Right in line price-wise and at least 2/3rds units that are probably not selling as well as others. Would love if that were a Christmas surprise but expecting soonest would be 2018. I believe 40k is getting a few new SC boxes, so maybe there's hope. 

    I just bought my Kharadrons from a shop that did 25% off, saved the wait (and wasted money on stuff i didnt need).

  12. 31 minutes ago, GammaMage said:

    Can they put together a  Kharadron Start Collecting Box without it being prohibitively expensive? I suppose they could do something like an Aether Khemist, an Arkonaut Company  and a Grundstok Gunhauler.

    If they do then, lets be honest, its not going to contain the stuff most people want. It will probably have a Navigator, company and a Gunhauler 9_9.  Be nice if it had company and riggers but that doesnt fit the theme of Start collecting, which is primarily as a start point for new players and not intended as a multiple purchase (or no-one would buy the single kits).

    Still no rumour of new SC coming though, still just lots of hope-ers   :D

    • Like 1
  13. 14 hours ago, GammaMage said:

    The problem is, the city allegiances don't list ally options like the factions in the GHB2017 do.  So either everything in order is a possible ally, or nothing.

    Thats how i read it.  You have a legal force then if it satisfies the city allegiance then it can come from there and get those abilities (painting discussions aside)

  14. The bit I like is this...


    The city of Tempest’s Eye rests high in the mountains of the Realm of Fire, serving as a citadel for the Tempest Lords and home to a bustling sky-port, where both the Swifthawk Agents and Kharadron Overlords ply a healthy trade. 

    Swifthawk agents getting some more fluff?

    • Like 2
  15. I think the probablility of pulling it off is pretty low, but on a double turn maybe? I think if its going to happen it will be nearer the end of the game when both sides are lower on models and forces are pulled close together over objectives. Waiting on the double though would put you in a perilous position if you did not get the turn.  

    What it does do is make the enemy worry about its lines of retreat, where normally they might be trying to punch through you lines to maximise base contact and number of attacks, they may now bunch up a bit more on the attack and spread out with other models, in order to maintain some ground they can retreat into.

    As a dispossessed player id have some strong holding units, once i could trust would last when charged, then support those with faster units like Prosecutors.  Ranged units like crossbows would become more versatile as they could venture out with a bit more security that the enemy couldnt just grind them down as a unit of 30 would easily surround any weaker units sent to deal with them.

    I think overall this ability works well with a solid back line and a range of skirmishing units.  Should be fun and a little disruptive to the usual tactics for dealing with gunline order.


  16. Interesting that the example allegiance shows free peoples for Anvilguard, when the cities box contains darkling coven.  Hammerhal is all Order bar Seraphon, so we can assume Anvilguard is more than just darkling or even free people.  Certainly more useable then rules only for the allegiances that come in the new boxed sets.  Bringing back mixed Order in a new and interesting way, after its slightly damp reforging in GHB2017.  

    • Like 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, chord said:

    true,  but there are also pc's that have large screens without extra dongles (thought we left those behind in the 80s O.o)

    There are lots of phone emulators available for Mac or PC to let you run phone apps on your chosen platform. Sounds like one of those might be of benefit for you.

  18. 5 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    Twitch has just confirmed that a new compendium points PDF will be released on Saturday along with the release of the new Generals Handbook 2017

    Excellent, while i dont expect they will be allowed for big event I still love my old metal Dwarf heros and all my Bretonnians.

    • Like 1
  19. 1 minute ago, Chikout said:

    Fantastic box art! All three boxes look interesting. I guess these are coming the week after Ghb2. Looking forward to seeing the prices.

    Well the Tempest on is at least £150 worth of kits, so hopefully some saving.  Anyone want to do a proper price breakdown?

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