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Posts posted by Storm

  1. 4 hours ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    So. What are the chances of us getting any more info out of the LVO tomorrow?


    Typically when GW stagger reveals at an event they have a post on WHC which is updated throughout as more things are revealed, for this occasion everything went up at once and there has been nothing since, so it is most likely finished until the next big event.

  2. 5 hours ago, Aryann said:

    I think some of you have unrealistic expectations, Like anticipating GW to release a second wave of Kharadrons or Ironjawz in 2020 just when they've received (or even not) a new battletome. That would be really negative trend to reduce battletomes' lifespan to under 1 year. 3 years seem like a good compromise between imposed expenditure and being up to meta (with some FAQs and GHB in between).

    Presumably if there was a a wave of releases within a year of the battletome coming out those rules would be included in the battletome; even if the models wouldn't actually be out for a number of months. This is (sort of) what happened with the Sisters of Battle for example.

  3. 4 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Looking back over the last couple of years, Bonereapers, Idoneth, Kharadrons, Tzeentch, Gloomspite etc all really came out of nowhere. They were foreshadowed for sure, but only by their own marketing campaigns, not as part of the more general fabric of Age of Sigmar. I can't think of one occasion where a faction was alluded to in a novel, or a battletome, and then came out a year or so later. There are a few cases where a battletome or novel has contained spoilers for whatever was coming next, since clearly they were written at the same time, so there wasn't much point in not mentioning Idoneth in DoK or whatever. But I think that's a different phenomenon entirely.

    Kharadron had at least one very early mention in 2015 as Steamhead duardin, if that counts, though there was nothing particularly concrete until they were actually announced. 

  4. 2 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    I'm finding the reaction to there not being any new miniatures with the Cities of Sigmar really surprising.  Not all battletomes are going to have miniatures.  We had exactly the same with Legions of Nagash too - a version 2 Battletome that basically brings an army up to a level where people can use them in a game without being at a disadvantage over newer armies.

    And yet all of the battletome releases since 2.0 came out have at least included endless spells and a terrain piece, so I think it's a fair point of contention, the lack of support for this week's release, is frankly, rather baffling to me.

  5. I have a theory that a Total War: AoS is actually quite likely, after Total Warhammer 3 the developer has no more announced plans for Warhammer games, but given the success of Total Warhammer I think they'd be very keen to continue making warhammer games, with the old world being so well explored the 4th one taking place in the age of sigmar seems like an easy decision to me.

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  6. 3 hours ago, WoollyMammoth said:

    - Shooting is always the least interesting kind of tabletop, and 40k is 99% shooting.

    Going a bit off-topic here but 40k isn't supposed to be, melee is meant to be half of the game, but GW have always struggled to balance out shooting and melee, so 6th and 7th 40k have been far more shooting oriented then they should be, while during 5th ed melee was far more viable.


    And I think the bit about the meta promoting rushed paintjobs is totally subjective and depends on the people in your area.

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