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Posts posted by Kyriakin

  1. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    This really is one of the best game mechanics GW has ever created. I just wish they had not treated that game as fire and forget.

    It's so hard to know which GW games to get into. Which ones will they maintain? Which ones are one shot cash grabs? I passed on Blackstone, thankfully (since it's ending). I have resisted Aeronautica so far (until they add Necrons). I've only dropped about $2000 on Titanicus (if they add other races and infantry, I'm doomed though). Somehow I've stayed away from Necromunda this time around (but dayyyum, those ogryns!). Blood Bowl has taken way too much of my cash, and I have all the Underworlds stuff, often in doubles. It'****** or miss.

    Even main games like AoS and 40k are hard to predict. Do you get the limited edition version of a book, knowing that it's gonna be, um, "updated" in a month or replaced in a year or two? I dunno.

    I love GW and the hobby they sell me, but it's often hard to go in on anything but the absolute most sure things they make.

    I also feel sad when new sculpts just disappear - especially ones that could have remained in the main game(s) and added flavour to armies that maybe needed it. For example, some of those Warhammer Quest models (the Skaven doppleganger, etc.). Maybe they still have the moulds to tie them in with a future release, but who knows.

    And don't get me started one the Forgeworld Monsters. It still makes me annoyed that awesome sculpts and/or concepts like the Dreadmaw, Preyton and Basilisk were never properly brought into the game (i.e. faction-specific KEYWORDS), and given the chance to sell.

    I have 12 unassembled Skin Wolves that I look at longingly. I was going to turn them into Beasts of Chaos Crypt Haunter Mercenaries, but ironically Mercenaries were dropped too! (I think they were, anyway...)

    It makes me not want to buy or convert anything other than the absolute railroaded and "safest" options, and has even made me steer well clear of Cities of Sigmar - a concept that I would have otherwise been my ideal army.

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  2. On 8/2/2020 at 7:07 AM, Nacnudllah said:

    If you're up for a little DIY and have extra maggoth heads around, I made my Beast of Nurgle out of a maggoth head and some sculpey (and some spare maggoth feet, although they aren't really necessary).

    Holy ****, this is awesome

    • Thanks 1
  3. By the way, I think it was unofficially confirmed by GW that the regular sprays (i.e. the non-primers, such as the Macragge Blue spray) are sufficient for plastic models, so a primer might not even be needed when using these products.

    From personal experience, a load of Sea Dragon cloaks that I sprayed Macragge Blue directly onto the plastic have not rubbed/chipped off in the few years since.

  4. Although some people claim The Spectator is "far right" (an exaggeration - much like the way The Guardian or BBC are accused of being"far left"), it does have a classic liberal (i.e. libertarian) and economically right-wing leaning (so, traditional Tories, basically)

    As a result, keeping government aid would probably not align too well with its stated principles or, more crucially, those of its readership.

  5. I am not sure if you are American, but - as of the 2011 census - 3% of the UK population was black (86% white and 8% Asian), and the percentage is obviously unlikely to have increased that much in just nine years since.

    While I suspect there are not any/many People of Color in high up positions in GW (but don't know for sure), the minimum percentage of representation that would be expected in the US (with its 13% black and 13% Hispanic population) wouldn't necessarily be applicable to the UK.

    Again, I do think there is POC under-representation relative to the UK population, but just not to the extent that it may appear to an American.

    This only is in terms of staff, of course (i.e. its not a comment on the miniature range's representation, or a lack thereof).

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  6. I don't usually go in for the "anti-authority" posturing with regards to moderation, but how is discussing rumours that are flying around the community with regards to the future of Cities of Sigmar not suitable for something called "The Rumour Thread"?

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  7. But why flush cities away, rules-wise - even after stopping selling the models (e.g. Corsairs, etc.)?

    Half the cities armies I see are converted from all sorts off stuff - including newer models.

    The concept of a blank-slate "build your own" faction is surely a hit for those who do not wat to be railroaded so much?

  8. 3 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    Yeah, it's another reason for me to step back. I suspect Cities isn't going to make AoS 3.

    lol, if they squatted Cities after all those custom-built armies had been created by hobbyists, the push-back would be, rightly, off the charts.

    Why would they even do it? What would be the justification?

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  9. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    my biggest wish full filled if it’ll happen.

    As long as most never used units In the book like stormvermins, night runners plague censer bearers, rat ogres, clalwords, Warlock engineers, bombardiers, rat swarms, giant rats, doom flayer, master moulders, every single battailon with the exception of pestilence, warpgrinder weapon team, warplightning vortex and more if I forogt something that is in a dire need of buff gets a “huge“ Decrease

    I wouldn’t really mind it.

    and for chaos Ascendant, I’m not sure why but my guts telling me for some reason that the Verminlords might get thrown out of that line through some kind of an faq.

    but considering that I have been wrong in the past with my speculation, this might not be true, what I just wrote.

    I remember thinking about doing a conversion-heavy Plague Censor Bearer list in Plaguesmog Congregation under the old Pentilens Battletome (a fun, fluffy battalion), but decided to wait for the new Skaven Battletome.

    -1 To Hit against Shooting, and 2+ for D3 MW to enemy units within 3" -----------> Hit debuff removed, and just a reroll of the regular 4+ for 1MW to enemy units

    Wow, in the history of AoS, I can't remember any one single thing getting hit harder than that one did - both in terms of fun and effect. Loss of the -1 to hit, a less likely MW effect which was in itself greatly reduced in power. Wow. It wasn't even particularly competitive battalion prior to that absolute amputation.

    I seems just stupidly unnecessary, and makes me scared to ever build an army around a specific battalion in the future

  10. 5 hours ago, TheR00zle said:

    Same, they're the closest thing we have to Tomb Kings nowadays, and that Cryptek model they released about a year back was amazing! I'm kinda angry I converted most of mine into Tomb Kings(not really but you know).

    Did you see Midwinter Minis' "Sandstone Necrons" video on Youtube?

    • LOVE IT! 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, hughwyeth said:

    Warmaster 2.0 would be great and there's not really another system like it (i mean there's hundreds of 6/8mm scale systems, but they're usually historical or very old school rules).  However, having 28mm scale would mean a load of cool miniatures for my Cities army! Plus not sure how much I'd enjoy painting 6mm scale stuff.

    I'd love Epic Scale Fantasy too. However, I imagine that if they were thinking in that scale again, they would start with 40K.

    That universe has a bigger player base than either AoS or WHFB - and probably both combined - and Epic tends to lend itself more to huge vehicles (etc.), rather than the more organic and less technological fantasy possibilities. Big monsters and demigods, I guess, but "an army with loads of massive titans" just seems like lower hanging fruit for GW.

  12. 1 hour ago, EccentricCircle said:

    I would certainly love a return of the Tomb Kings. The current focus on Kislev is also promising. If they do all the little niche factions that barely had models then it could be great. I'd love an official Araby range.

    I have imagined making an Araby-esque cities army with LOTR stuff (Abrakhan, Easterlings, etc.), but the small scale really jumps out on the cavalry

    Weirdly, both Kislev and Araby were legit official in Warmaster, and Tomb Kings were the starter army.

  13. 11 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Those more generic ranges are indeed great. However, I think a lot of folks like the broader popularity that comes with GW games. If you are playing some currently supported variant of warhammer, you have this vast global community to tap into. You know you can probably get a game, and that there will be semi local tournaments.

    I personally agree that some of the non GW games have both better rules and models that appeal to me more ("better" is quite a loaded term when subjective matters are considered). However there is a reason I'm commenting on the Age of Sigmar forums. They are just *big*. A lot of other games have small dedicated communities, and I love them to bits, but I can absolutely see why people want something similar, but with the full firepower of GW behind it!

    This. While I am sure "Oathmark" is good, my chances of getting a game of it in my current location in China is zero.

    Plus, Tomb Kings.

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  14. 9 hours ago, TheMadJester said:

    Current plan will be to have 3 Kurnoth Hunters in the 1k army, then I'll be adding treemen and some other stuff at higher point games.

    Plenty of conversions in mind !

    Do you know that you can also run Sylvaneth as Ironbark Glade, and take Dispossessed/Fyreslayers as allies?

    Gives the opportunity to run something a bit different rules-wise occasionally.

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  15. 18 hours ago, Honk said:

    Together with the flute from yesterday, I‘m still hoping for vampire coast within a whole fleshed out Soulblight book... 

    I like the idea from Warhammer Weekly of a Orc Warclans-type book, with two completely separate armies...:

    • Neferata leading an elegant army of Vampires (i.e. new Blood Knights, etc.).
    • Mannfred leading the random Death rabble that is left over from LoN (i.e. zombies, deathrattle, etc.).
    • LOVE IT! 2
  16. For those looking for a range of different Giants (and don't need to be GW), I was shocked to see how cool the Mantic Frost Giant looks...

    Most Mantic models I have seen before look terrible, but this looks great IMHO...


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