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Posts posted by Kyriakin

  1. 39 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    When Warhammer Quest Silver Tower was released I truly saw the freedom AOS meant for fantasy, in terms of liberty of creation and sculpting. This freedom is really well used in set like Warcry. BRING IT ON (TO THE VARANSPIRE)

    I hope they learn their lessons from Silver Tower in terms of sprue logistics, though.

    The Grot Scuttlings situation should be avoided, so as to allow these new sculpts to be usable in the main game for more than just "counts as".

  2. 1 minute ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    I'm super hyped if there's new Beastmen models! That logo definitely suggests Beastmen on the way. The chaos mortals all look sweet too,

    I'm also really glad that there's no Stormcast in Warcry. Now I can use all the models in the starter box and not have to dump the golden poster boys on trading pages.

    One thing I find strange is why they didn't delay BoC if new beast sculpts were in the pipeline.

    The book release seems to be the ideal time to drop new sculpts.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Nos said:

    As I thought, just a hype trail. Didn’t expect much.

    I really wouldn’t listen to the Facebook team as an authority, as an aside. They’ll know little more than we do.

    While I agree that they will only be a step above us or redshirts in terms of being in the know, I doubt they could/would make absolute statements like "it isn't a new Stormcast chamber" without that fact having been confirmed to them.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:


    Allegiance: Destruction

    Firebelly (120)
    - General
    - Trait: Wild Fury
    - Artefact: Battle Brew
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    Total: 5040 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 294

    • Haha 1
  5. 21 hours ago, Luzgurbel said:

    Personally I would never play a Frostlord on Thundertusk, 'cause it's completely antisynergyc. You always want the huge power of the Forstlord smashing foes in combat meanwhile you don't want the Thundertusk being wounded so it can spread easy MWs around.

    I prefer, always, Frost on stone and the Huskard on Thunder, besides, it has a great ability the Huskard.

    What if you are going all-in with Yhetees, and need the Thundertusk to make them battleline? The Frostlord option is more durable - especially with the Etherial Amulet - and that should prevent him from charting so quickly.

    Corner case, but possible.

  6. Just now, ManlyMuppet88 said:

    Personally, I don’t think we’ll ever see Tomb Kings back as they were because it’s not a defensible IP. The Egyptian Mummy theme is just way too common and GW seems to be making efforts to distance itself from a lot of those old archetypes.

    Feel like that “model” is just art anyway.

    Are Grim Reaper bedsheet ghosts that unique, though?

    • Like 5
    • Haha 5
  7. 22 minutes ago, Walrustaco said:

    It sounds to me like Kharadron aren't a priority. There's having no flavour in your battletome, and then there's having no battletome. Y'all can wait


    They are a new range, and therefore represent a huge recent investment for GW.

    Unlike Fireslayers, people mostly love the KO range. So the more difficult, time-consuming and expensive part of the process (i.e. development of the miniature range) was fine, but they botched the book.

    This situation can be rectified comparatively easily, and this should be done before, say, Gutbusters. Having no book and being more "deserving" takes a back seat to business interests - especially for a publicly-traded company.

    PS: I don't play KO.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Why don't FW keyword the remaining warscrolls they already have first?

    Fyreslayers are begging for thematic fire stuff like Fireborn, Magma Dragons and Elemental Incarnates of Fire.

    The aforementioned Idoneth Myrwerm, as well as BoC Preyton, Skin Wolves and Incarnate Elemental of Beasts, etc.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Blightzkrieg said:

    So do we foresee most/all factions as having terrain features in the future?

    Endless spells was always kind of a given, but it's surprising to me that we have all these armies lugging buildings at each other.

    BCR should get a massive glacier thing.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Pitloze said:

    What is the best self healing Artefact available to us in the realms or factions? I want to try and run a ThunderLord. Is it still the pelt?

    Prevention is better than cure. I'd go Ethereal Amulet on the Thunderlord, or maybe Gryphfeather Charm (-2 to hit in combat!).

  11. 54 minutes ago, novakai said:

    well BCR are noted to be one of the cheapest army to build and appease people that want the convivence of a lower count armies, plus they are good at stomping people in casual game environment

    not sure about Devoted of Sigmar, could be people bought a lot of the War altar kit because it looks cool and it Volkmar.

    BCR are also quite drybrush-friendly, as there is so much fur in the army.

  12. 14 hours ago, Gecktron said:


    A link to the german GW-Fanworld forum. The transcript starts there and goes on for a few posts.

    Some of the more interesting bits (obviously take with huge amounts of salt):

    TL;DR: Some factions sold way better than expected (Beastclawriders, Kharadrons, Dispossessed, Devoted of Sigmar) Some worse (Fyreslayers and ,surprisingly, Idoneth Deepkin)

    Every large poll I have ever seen (as well as other evidence like popularity of TGA threads, FB groups, etc.) has Fyreslayers massively under-represented for a new army, and Idoneth somewhat under-represented for a new army.

    In addition, KO, BCR and Dispossessed popularity (taking into account that the latter two are old lines, with lower expectations) all match my observations. Strangely, all three are currently noted as a bad and/or uncompetitive gameplay experience - although BCR were obviously hot in the GHB1 era.

    In terms of those mentioned, the weird one for me is Devoted of Sigmar. Say, what...?

  13. 10 hours ago, Charlo said:

    Thanks for the responses guys, I think the surprise of them is a real boon - not to mention they actually have a VERY rich selection of units and strategies to pull from. To name a few you could go:

    • Queen and massed archer buffs
    • Legionnaire blocks with Lich Priest + King buffs
    • Massed speed/ harass with Cavalry/ Snakes/ Carrion
    • Monster mash

    I've had an idea for a count as army using elves so may see it through... Especially for my gaming clubs more relaxed scene. Maybe i'll pull a list together to review here - i'd urge anyone else to do the same!

    Heralds can double your chariot/snake regeneration and take a hit for your expensive heroes.

    • Like 1
    • LOVE IT! 1
  14. On 1/17/2019 at 2:51 AM, themortalgod said:

    I don't feel they are quite as bad as many players would lead to believe. They certainly aren't top tier or even mid tier so you won't be seeing them in many competitive environments but in terms of power level I wouldn't put them below Ironjawz, BCR, or Overlords. 

    They have some mega downsides in the form of lack of true allegiance abilities, battalions, spells, items, etc but they still enjoy some really solid units which can help keep them in the game. 

    Chariots are still fantastic. Don't expect them to ram through enemy armies on their own but my experience with chariots, even in 2.0 has been fantastic. Being able to bring back a chariot per unit per turn makes them such potent tarpits.

    TK on Exalted Chariot (aka Settra) is in some ways better than ever now that he can have items and command abilities. Ethereal Amulet on him is particularly fantastic. 

    Ushabti are very competitive for their pts cost. They hit hard and against the right units are super resilient.

    Standard Skeletons are still fantastic for the pts. 

    Unfortunately, though, most of the cool modern units are really lackluster. Sphynx as way overcosted, as are Tomb Guard. Necro Knights are ok but nothing special at their current pts cost. Stalkers are pretty bad. 

    I have also had some success with a Tomb Queen list that buys a bunch of extra CP and a ton of archers to make for a ridiculously dangerous shooting phase. 

    One of TK's biggest strengths though is that they are so uncommon. Most opponents go into the game with little or no sense of target priority or how to play against the army. This helps mitigate the weaknesses of the force. 

    Carrion are under-rated, too.

  15. 11 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    Part of what killed WHFB was people having attachments to armies and models they bought 20 years ago and wanting them to be balanced. Rather than actually buying new kits and following the development of the game. 

    What if a new player recently came in and chose, say, Darkling Covens from the online store?

    He/she would have no context or evidence for that faction being older than any other, nor would he/she even know what a Dark Elf is.

    At the moment, the web store presents Dispossessed at the same status as, say, Fyreslayers.

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