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Nick in York

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Posts posted by Nick in York

  1. 5 hours ago, a74xhx said:

    Feels like these new Wyldwood rules were written by people who hadn't seen the Kragnos versions of the warscroll.

    Yeah, I've said elsewhere that my feeling is that the team/individual working on BR Kragnos wasn't aware that other people were also working on changing the Awakened Wyldwoods for AoS 3. Both BR Kragnos and the FAQ ones are trying to fix the same issue (difficulty in placing woods down, line of sight) but in different ways.

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  2. I do like what I've seen of the 3rd Ed. rules but I agree with some others that it is too early for a new edition. I don't get to play as much as I'd like due to work, not having close friends who play and other life things. So, 3 years per edition just feels like not enough time. However, I'm aware that plenty of others do play more than I do but over a year of 2nd Ed.'s cycle was during the pandemic when less games would have been played in general.

    As for the Dominion box; I don't generally buy large boxes GW releases. I tend to build up my collection slowly, one smaller box or hero at a time. I do really like the look of the Krule Boyz though. 

    On a positive note, I thought the Gaming Book GW did for 2nd Ed. was a great idea. I'd given up buying GHBs each year as I get little use out of them. I'm pleased to see that this year's GHB has taken its cue from the gaming book. However, the annual cycle of change with the GHB (and especially now that it seems like they're planning on doing more than just updating points) tends to pass me by. But then I guess its not aimed at me with my low level of purchases and lack of FOMO.

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  3. Why 2 branchwyches and not at least 1 branchwraith? A branchwraith can summon more dryads.

    And what is your thinking behind taking the bow hunters instead or scythes or swords? Don't get me wrong, I think bows have their place and I've run them a lot. Just trying to get a feel for your list.

  4. 1 hour ago, RuneBrush said:

    This means if I continued as I used to, I'd very quickly be overwhelmed by how much stuff I have to paint or find myself in a situation where I couldn't buy a new release because I'd run out of space/cash.  Instead what I'm finding is that I'm looking at each release that interests me and seeing how I can fit it into my available hobby time.  I map out about six months worth of painting with what I fancy doing (it constantly gets juggled around).  Now don't get me wrong, I still impulse buy some bits!  However I try to avoid doing this where possible, knowing that on the whole it will still be available in a years time.


    Ultimately hobbies aren't cheap and wargaming (especially GW games) is what I'd class as a premium hobby.  I do think it's really important to manage your expectations, especially for AoS and 40k.  If you're just starting out, you don't *need* a full 2000 point army - in fact you're better off picking up a starter set and using the freely available rules to get a feel of the game.  That'll cost you about the same as a modern board game (and less than a computer game).  Do I think GW miniatures are expensive?  They're certainly expensive enough that I don't buy new models every month - however each time I do buy a box of models I also know that I've been dipping into a wealth of YouTube videos, Twitch streams and articles online that are either free or cost me pocket change.

    This is pretty much how I feel too. Obviously other people will approach the hobby differently - be more focused on gaming, especially if doing competitions. 

    But I am a fairly slow painter, partly through not being able to do it as much as I'd like (present circumstances excepted) - I aim to get in 30 mins each day. Basically this means that if I buy a box of models then it will take me several weeks, often months, to get them built and painted. If I could afford to buy a whole 2000 point army at once then the vast majority of it would sit around unbuilt and unpainted for possibly years. 

    A box of models - or a large centre piece character - will cost a lot of money but I will get a lot of hobby time/enjoyment out of building, painting and then playing with them. 

    This does mean that I have to make choices over whether to do things like go to the cinema, go out for a meal and some drinks or buy some AoS models. I, therefore, make value judgements on what I want to do more. My lifestyle now, as opposed to a few years ago, means I'm not able to go out as much (we have 2 dogs and my partner works nights so I have to be at home for them). It also means that I'm probably never going to buy any of the largest models such as Alarielle but then I probably never was anyway - if I did it would be my only hobby project for a year or so.

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  5. I don't have a lot of money to spend on any hobby. But I've been into AoS for about 4.5 years now and I don't spend too much on it. This is because I've managed to build up enough paints etc. and models waiting to be built/painted that I don't feel I need to get anything new. When I do it tends to just be one box. 

    Now, I'm not really a competitive player and, before this pandemic, I was only playing about 2 games a month. I see my hobby as more working on projects with the aim to build up an army/collection of built and painted models. I have around 2500 points of Sylvaneth. It took me 3 years to get 2000 points together! Show the speed at which my hobby goes. I'm now looking at building a Living City army.

    This year all I have spent hobby-wise is on a few paints/paint additives. We're nearly half way through the year and I have probably spent less than £30.

    Last year I spent more as I bought the new Sylvaneth battletome, their endless spells, the Warscroll cards and  one of the new Wyldwood boxes. Add in a few paints here and there and that is all I bought myself. I was lucky in that my partner bought me some boxes of miniatures for birthday and Christmas - apparently being into AoS makes me easier to buy presents for according to her and other family members.

    This is ending up longer than I meant it to! To get to a point... the price increases don't mean much to me as I've got projects I'm working on and I'll add to them one box at a time. I've always tended to do this but have still ended up with a backlog! This is mainly through the odd additional purchase when I've had a bit of spare money or purposefully saving up for something (like when I knew the new Sylvaneth stuff was coming). 

    To add to this point - when I got (back) into Warhammer, I didn't have anymore money for it than I do now. I used to go out and see bands at least once a week - this would cost between £10-30 a week. I stopped doing this as much and the money I saved went into AoS. I also sold some things on eBay to fund my first Sylvaneth Start Collecting box. I bought this and the battletome. I couldn't believe that the general rules of the game were free and even that the Warscrolls were free too. Nowadays the access to the points are free via Warscroll Builder. I used to buy one paint per week (I'd already bought a starter paint set a couple of years earlier). I quickly built up a decent selection of colours.

    Yes, it sucks that prices are going up. But, at least for me, it won't change anything. Nor would it have made it much different to get into it if I was starting out again.

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  6. I'm working on building a Living City army with a strong forest/nature theme. I've got the basis of a list or two and am looking for a bit of feedback/things I may not have thought about. 

    I'm much more of a narrative/fun player than full-on tournament competitive type. However, it would be nice to win some games!

    My ideas so far (some of these I already own and others are included for thematic purposes, i.e. the models look like they live in the woods!!)...


    Nomad Prince






    20 x Eternal Guard

    20 x Dryads

    10 x Shadow Warriors 

    10 x Shadow Warriors 

    10 x Freeguild Crossbowmen (using old Empire/Freeguild archer kit with a few Glade Guard)

    10 x Freeguild Crossbowmen (see above)

    That's what I already have either built/painted or with a plan for what I'm going to do with them.

    That leaves me with 400 points (current points; as this project will take me possibly a year to finish, I'm well aware they might change with new GHB) to play with.

    I'm interested in some cavalry but not sure what. I like the look of the Dark Riders and I think I can paint/convert them to fit with my theme easily. Other things I've thought about include Vanguard-Palladors. 

    Also, either as an alternative or in addition I've been looking at a Flamespyre Pheonix. 

    The way I'd be looking at playing would be to have the Dryads, Eternal Guard and Nomad Prince to hold and protect objectives in my back field or move onto hold others later in the game. Shadow Warriors and Crossbowmen to harass enemy units and use movement shenanigans to take objectives elsewhere. Drycha to take the attack to the enemy (along with some of the other units I'm undecided on). Knight-Azyros to support either the shooting units or the Drycha led attack.

    Thoughts, strengths, weaknesses, advice all welcome.

  7. I've been a bit out of the loop with this forum recently so apologies if this has come up before (I have tried searching for it and couldn't find anything).

    If I summon 10 dryads in a wood using my branchwraith's Roused to Wrath ability, am I able to teleport to another wood using Navigate Realmroots that turn? Roused to Wrath says the dryads cannot move in the following movement phase and this is how I've been playing it - they sit in those trees. However, I had a thought that Navigate Realmroots is a set-up, right? Does this mean they could teleport?

  8. I'm currently trying Gnarlroot out at 1000 points. I'd say it is less spells, more healing and buffs from wizards. Sure, maybe I'm splitting hairs but it doesn't bring a lot of spell output. What it does bring is some nice healing and buffs with your wizards. I've been running 3 casters and taking extra healing from the Deepwood lore spells. Each wizard has units near them to take advantage of their buffs. It plays fairly defensive but, in my experience, very resilient. You probably won't be alpha-striking but entice your opponent to break their units on you and then counter attack and mop up the rest of their army. I generally play 1000 points so not sure how it would scale up.

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  9. Speculation here, and only my opinion - I have no insider knowledge.

    I think that the medium-longterm state of these factions will be either reimagined smaller aspects brought out into full factions (e.g. Kurnothi) or they will be part of the cities. So, Cities of Sigmar will be full factions with humans, duardin and aelves and this is where you'll find your ordinary people. I suspect there won't be Dispossessed, Wanderers etc. Obviously I could be wrong but I feel this is the way GW is going. 

  10. I suspect Wanderers as we currently know them will be done. GW will lean into the wardancer aesthetic for a new faction (a la DoK) - maybe Kurnothi. And then there will be the Cities factions including Wanderers. Only speculation but GW do seem to be streamlining the AoS range and bringing it all into line.

  11. 36 minutes ago, michu said:

    Question: I've recently heard rumours that GW said some old units will be back for Cities of Sigmar. Their site says only about units disappearing.  Does anyone  who were on aos open day know anything about it?

    I was at the Open Day and spoke to several GW staff about the Cities of Sigmar. At no point did anyone say anything to me about old units coming back. I wasn't at the seminar though.

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  12. Not sure if this has been discussed, or will have to wait for the FAQ, but I'm interested in people's thoughts on the wording of the Spirit Paths ability the treelord type characters have.

    I'm thinking about where it says "...if this model is within 6" of a friendly Awakened Wyldwood..." and "...set it up wholly within 6" of a different friendly Awakened Wyldwood...".

    Does the use of 'friendly' mean that if we're playing against another Sylvaneth army that we'd not be able to teleport to and from the woods they have put down?

  13. Just now, kenshin620 said:

    Anyone know which models these may be? I don't recall too many models using 3 weapons

    Or was this referencing on weapon options where many models have weapon options that no longer exist officially.

    Possibly - he did name the example but it was a warscroll I don't know so didn't retain it. 

  14. Just now, Bozly said:

    This makes me absolutely excited strong hitting cavalry? Break out the old brettonians and call em reiksgaurd lets go

    To clarify - he wasn't specifically talking about warscrolls here but more helping out weaker units with some of the rules in the book. He was intentionally being vague but my impression was that there might be allegiance abilities which could buff cavalry amongst other things. 

    I did find it interesting that he specifically mentioned cavalry as not being very good in the game in general. It suggests the rules writers are aware of the weaknesses and are looking for opportunities to address them, although maybe with imposed limits (my speculation here) such as in certain factions.

  15. I've just put this in the rumour thread but it is also relevent here...

    At the Open Day I got chance to speak to Sam Pearson (rules writer) about the Cities book. He obviously wouldn't say much but was very enthusiastic about it - I got the impression it was something of a passion project for him (this was backed up by lots of other GW staff encouraging me to speak to Sam whenever I mentioned that I was interested in the Cities book).

    He said that he'd reviewed all the relevent warscrolls and had had to do a fair bit of tidying up with some of them to make them more realistic. The example he gave was of a model which carried 2 weapons but warscroll had them using 3 in the same phase/turn. He also said that he had written rules to improve some of the weaknesses of AoS - his example was that cavalry currently "hit like a wet fish" and he'd tried to address that.

    • Like 8
  16. At the Open Day I got chance to speak to Sam Pearson (rules writer) about the Cities book. He obviously wouldn't say much but was very enthusiastic about it - I got the impression it was something of a passion project for him (this was backed up by lots of other GW staff encouraging me to speak to Sam whenever I mentioned that I was interested in the Cities book).

    He said that he'd reviewed all the relevent warscrolls and had had to do a fair bit of tidying up with some of them to make them more realistic. The example he gave was something like a model which carried 2 weapons but warscroll had them using 3 in the same phase/turn. He also said that he had written rules to improve some of the weaknesses of AoS - his example was that cavalry currently "hit like a wet fish" and he'd tried to address that.

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  17. On 7/15/2019 at 1:56 AM, Lure Of The Gods said:

    Just a quick question just to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong.

    As your now able to ally in anything from GA:Order does that mean we can ally in named heroes? eg. can I now ally Drycha into my Living City army? 

    I think I've missed something here - where does it say that Free Cities can have any GA: Order allies?

  18. 12 hours ago, daviseford said:

    I developed a nifty online tool last week that might help you guys with your battles in the future. As a Seraphon player, I was always stressed that I was forgetting to do things in the right phase.

    So, I developed AoS Reminders. It has Seraphon, Gloomspite Gitz, and most importantly, Sylvaneth!!!!

    Check it out here -> https://daviseford.com/aos-reminders/

    Basically, you add your units, battalions, command traits, realmscape features, and artifacts, and you will get an ordered list of what abilities to use during which phase. Sylvaneth has been heavily requested since I launched this tool - since I play against Sylvaneth a lot, I know how many rules you guys have to remember ;).

    I hope this cheat sheet helps you be more efficient (and win more battles!)

    Please give it a whirl and let me know if you enjoy it! I would LOVE some feedback and critiques! If you notice that a rule is wrong, please either tell me here or post it as an issue here


    P.S. it is print-friendly! When you hit print, all of the fancy UI elements are stripped out and you get a list like so:


    This is fantastic - thank you very much! Not sure when my next game is but will certainly be trying this out. Will save a lot of time for me trying to figure it out and then writing it in my notebook.

  19. 24 minutes ago, ppetford said:

    Really happy that GW has addressed the Wyldwood question. Are people generally seeing the change as a good thing for the army?

    I’ve not played a game with theses rules yet, and my initial reaction is it hurts us (or rather it hurts lists like Gnarlroot and Bow Hunters)

    I see it as a mixed blessing. Yes, it means Bow Hunters/wizards casting most spells will not be able to hide in woods and fire out. But, as we will be placing the woods, it gives a boost to our (already fairly strong) board control abilities.

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