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Posts posted by peasant

  1. 9 hours ago, Tommy said:

    Those Plagues Monks look really good, more than sufficient! Just finish off the bases and on to the next ones!

    A couple of tips/suggestions from my own past experience:

    - Out of sight out of mind. Decide which models to do next and put the rest physically away, much easier to focus on a few at a time.

    - Finish each batch fully, including bases etc. Going back to do 100 bases later might be more efficient but it's such a chore it'll be really off-putting. If you finish as you go the unfinished pile dwindles tangibly.

    - Beware of things that cost a lot of time. If there's a quick and a slow way to do shields for example, and not a huge difference in the end result really, the extra time cost will add up hugely over many models. That's not to say you should cut corners where it's important to take some time!

    I'd also add that actively working through a backlog is hugely satisfying once you get going. You're not just saving money, you're sorting your life out, and also giving your models the care and attention you hoped to when you first bought them. :)

    Thank u! I'll jot Down those Advices, First im Going to Hide Everything except The Unit Im Actually Painting!

    See You and Thanks Again for such an inspiring post

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  2. On 25/3/2018 at 9:35 PM, Kramer said:

    Same here. Although I have the excuse that my brother bought a lot never painted and now I’m stuck with it. ?

    Hehe I don't have nobody to blame except myself.

    22 hours ago, AGPO said:

    I had this problem for 20 years, and my pile of bare plastic , resin and metal is still embarrassingly large, but over the last couple of years I've made a real dent and saved quite a bit of money. Here's my method:

    • Ask yourself these questions before making any hobby purchase: 1. Does it make any difference if I buy this now or later once my other stuff is done? 2. Do I realistically have time to build and paint this in the next month in addition to everything else I've got on? If the answer is no to either question, don't buy it.
    • Set a monthly budget and if possible seperate ýour hobby funds from your regular disposable income.
    • Set goals and use the forum for accountability and motivation. The monthly Painting Contract thread is great for this.
    • Rather than go cold turkey, set yourself a target like painting twice as many models as you buy. Keep track of the numbers, and if you really want that new unit, make sure you finish two old ones before you buy it.
    • Paint a little each day. Even grabbing 5-10 minutes can really add up.
    • Use quick but effective methods like the ones recommended by @Vincent Venturella and @Mengel Miniatures in their tutorials. Not every mini needs to be your best work but there are ways of speeding up the process without sacrificing quality.

    Using these rules, last year I painted more than twice as much as I bought and finished nearly 500 minis. This year I have already finished over 200 and have only bought 18.

    Another effective tactic I've seen is to write a 2,000pt list and then not buy anything outside of that. Once the army is finished and painted, write a list for a new army, or adjust your original one to try a new tactic or sub out less effective units.  That way, everything you buy is playable and you guard against impulse purchases.

    Best of luck!

    Woa! Thanks for such an elaborate post, I shall print it and hang it my wall. I'm a huge fan of Mr. Venturella and his hobbycheating video series, and used a lot of the info he poured there. I'll make use of your advices beginning to adherence to the painting contract! Thanks!!!

  3. Hi firstly forgive my poor English, long story short I had  models to paint but still I was buying more of them. To my only shame boxes and gray silhouettes keep growing in a mess to the point I quit entering in the room I was storing them. (Not the case of my girlfriend that is getting mad at me). So I decided to get rid of some armies I won't paint and sell them( done!) to commit myself to paint  my most beloved units.  So far it consist in mostly Nurgly (AoS and wh40k) , finally this is the list of my things to finish, almost gray or in box:

    1 Great Unclean One

    10 Plague Bearers

    3 Plague Drones

    1 Beast of Nurgle

    1 Slopitty Bilepiper

    1 Spoilpox Scrivener

    1 Feculent Gnarlmaw

    1 Epidemius

    1 khorgorath

    1 bloodsecrator

    5 chaos knights

    10 Chaos marauders horsemen

    40 Cultists

    1 Foetid-Bloated Drone

    1 Daemon Prince of Nurgle

    1 Foul Blightspawn

    1 cygor

    3 Minotaurs

    1 Liberators

    1 Lord of Blights

    1 Festus

    2 Blightlord Pusgoyles

    15 Putrid Blightkings

    20 Daemonettes of Slaanesh

    5 Fyreslayers

    Gutrot Spume

    3 Lord of plagues


    Minis Painted /Big Models:                            36 / 6

    Minis Bought / Big Models :                           34/ 0


    And I think thats all.  I will self impose some rules.

    1.- End full units and don't jump to anything. Bases too.

    2.- Don't buy anything impulsively. (Or don't buy at all).

    What do you think guys? are some of you in the same boat? I'm a perfectionist and sometimes I don't paint because I think it won't be a good paint job.

    And some motivational speech:


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