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Posts posted by Souleater

  1. 1 hour ago, Someravella said:

    I am not 100 % sure but, in 40k, aren't genestealers a unit both for tyranids and GSC?

    They are two slightly different datasheets. It isn’t the same card used in two armies.

    Same stat lines but GSC Purestrain Genestealers get stuff like Deep Strike and Advance and Charge, while the vanilla Genestealers in Tyranids get Scouts and a re-roll wounds ability.

    However, I can certainly see the same situation happening with Hobgrots across Chorfs and Runts.

  2. 1 minute ago, Luperci said:

    Custodes are just in general very popular, largely because they're one of the cheapest armies to collect and since becoming a full army have been very strong more often than not. I do think the difference between a plastic vehicle and single foot character is pretty massive, it would've been more realistic to see one of their resin dreadnoughts in plastic than a grav tank

    Oh, they would have sold boatloads of the dreads in plastic! 

  3. GW not wanting cross sales has cost them sales from me. I had started planning out purchases to make a cross system daemon army. The only way I could justify another army to myself was the ability to use it in multiple games…in fact, narratively I loved the idea of the same daemon’s turning up in different places.

    Same for the HH/40k Custodes/IK army I have been collecting. They could have put out a plastic kit for one of the Custodes vehicles but oddly (given the wild popularity of Custodes in my area) they’ve gone for Yet Another Character.

    So I’ve sold off most of the boxes I had picked up so far, and will stick to the armies I have.


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  4. @GitzdeeI think there is a decent chance that Beasts of Chaos will return as Beasts of Destruction.

    They can redo minotaurs, add more goat centaurs, etc and really give them a full on AoSification. 

    They could even add some goat ladies to make Destro a bit less of a ‘boys club’

    I think there’s a lot of scope for interesting new kits and lore. 

    Sadly, I don’t see Bonesplitters getting redone. IJ and scrawny dudes have taken the ‘splitters cool stuff in order to make those ‘new’ factions more diverse. ☹️


  5. 10 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Please explain this. I really don't get it. 

    They can been seen as a stereotype of ‘savage’ indigenous tribes encountered by the European colonists.

    (Ignoring that many Englishmen like me probably descended from the locals that got their heads kicked in by Romans, Scandinavians and Normans. 😂)

    However, Bonesplitters could easily be pivoted into the savages that occupied the British Isles before the romans turned up.

    That’s how I see mine. They paint themselves blue and are obsessed by Boars, for goodness sake! 

    And Spiderfang could have been done instead of Silent Ones or something.

    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 1
  6. 17 hours ago, pnkdth said:

    How is that the same thing? I don't keep tabs on release dates but for the most part WHFB models which has been replaced is a fair bit older, no? Most of the new-ish sculpts have remained in factions like CoS too.


    I got back quite a way. I am not referring to models that came over to AoS from WHFB, but rather the units that got multiple refreshes during WHFB. 

    Example would be Witch Elves - the current kit is actually the fourth incarnation from WHFB.


    Hence, my comment that GW are happy to replace existing models with ‘updated’ sculpts.

  7. @pnkdthWHFB saw some units get repeated resculpts, so this isn’t anything new.

    As a Stormcast player, I am very happy to see the Oldcast sculpts getting replaced over new u it’s.


    There most likely will be new units, of course, but I am hoping GW consolidates enough warscrolls to reduce the overall number.

    • Like 5
  8. I play a computer game called Stellaris. It’s a strategy game about conquering the galaxy. You can select from dozens of different aliens.. but looking in FB group I’m in…the number of folks just playing humans is pretty high. 🫤



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  9. 1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

    The new librator is great. The nose guard still bothers me a bit, but still a solid improvement. After buying the three AoS startersets, I will try to start for the fourth time a SCE army. 🙂

    It reminds me of the Cybermen.

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