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Posts posted by amsoly

  1. I just can’t get into the wildwood rangers. I love me my wood elves but they’ve never done it. I was pretty sad that the only LC battalion was 3 units of them :( 


    Agreed on the sotw comments. Mine have tore units up quickly but also easy to lose 10 to a decent melee unit. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Cerve said:

    Personally, i disagree. I tried SotW yesterday, and deploying in every table edge when you prefer is stunning tactically. And you shoot twice with a range of 24", pretty difficult to avoid. TE bonusses are way worse than that.

    Ive been running 2 10x sister units in my games and they definitely put out some damage. But they’re fragile!  Bravery 7 helps them stick around. 

  3. 43 minutes ago, Myrdin said:

    Ok lest be honest here. In army per army comparison you cant have a 100pts 2W 3+ save cavalry. I mean thats just a no. It would also to horrible things to the internal balance of the units in the same price brackets.

    120 I can see being a reasonable price for a brick that doesnt kill much but stays at a spot for decent amount of time.


    Agreed here. I think we’re getting to the point they should be interchangeable with wild riders (120-130 points) or they need a buff to have a bigger bite. 2 attacks might be too much at the same points but I liked having rend on the mounts!

  4. 22 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    I don't think Alarielle can use the hidden paths as her base is more than 6 inches so can't fit within the drop restrictions.  But with her movement, you could run her straight up the board anyway.

    Agreed. I edited my post above to note the RAW reading on that. Sadly just a limit of larger based models. 

  5. Mind sharing some info about your stats?  Link to another post maybe?  Not that I doubt the numbers (they’re about what I’d imagine for each unit) but interested in seeing the work!


    i think the alarielle treelord drop and fly away could be pretty fun assuming the treelord lives through the turn to get some healing off and keep him in the game a bit longer. [Note: alarielle has a base larger than 6” so you can’t deploy with hidden pathways with rules as written]

    Side note I have some Phoenix guard coming so excited to get them put together and painted and I’ll probably paint a treelord up this weekend since 180 feels like a fair price to throw that in someone’s face. 

    Anyone picking up holiday swag for the LC?

  6. 4 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    it's an interesting option, for sure. It does need to beat Dracothian Guard though (I'd probably go with Desolators or Fulminators depending on the size of the unit). 

    The average damage output of a Drakesworn Templar's melee profile is pretty meh. The average damage with the arc hammer setup is a pitiful 6.89 rend 1 damage. Cavernous Jaws is a bit hard to conceptualize, but basically 3 bites break down like this:

    • vs 1 wound target: 2.5 mw
    • vs 2 wound target: 4 mw
    • vs 3 wound target: 4.5 mw
    • vs 4 wound target: 4 mw
    • vs 5 wound target: 2.5 mw

    With the added bonus of being able to target specific models. The Starfall attack is another 3.5 mw on average with the advantage of hitting anywhere on the board. The tail attack is also hard to conceptualize, but it'll probably add another 2-4 mw on average. 

    So overall you are likely looking at something on the order of 8-12 mw and 6.89 rend 1 damage total for 420 points.

    4 Fulminators will average 4 mw of shooting and then 24.67 rend 1 damage for 400 points (with a total of 4 more wounds, rerolls of 1 to save, and built in +1 save vs shooting). You do have less movement and lack of flying though, which could be awkward. 


    But it’s a freakin dragon.


    No but for real appreciate the math.  I think for living cities the flying can make for some more adventurous deployments and subsequent escapes.  

    Speaking for only my local meta monsters tend to draw a lot of fire (sometimes more than they deserve) so depending on the plan the Stardrake can make a fantastic distraction. Now granted I’m sure 4 dracoth riders will likely have the same impact anyway...


    I think what is exciting for me with the point changes is seeing what new fun builds you can Tetris together.  Next 1k I’m planning to try will be:

    Nomad prince general, Druid trait, spear of the hunt, iron oak spell

    battlemage, cage of thorns, adjutant

    2x10 sisters of the watch 

    5 wildriders 

    10 Phoenix guard (retinue)

    1 treelord

    Strategy is so unexpected and new.

    Nomad Prince and battlemage roll with the Phoenix guard - potentially with one unit of sisters nearby (they may deploy through hidden cities sometimes mission depending) 

    Treelord is there to look sweet and support a unit of sisters deploying from hidden paths. 

    I’ve been running the wild riders deployed on field since they have a 12” move and are handy to grab an early objective. 

    Once our group starts to expand into 2k games options will really open up and I’ll bring Drycha back - freshly painted to appease the paint gods for blessed dice. 


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  7. Just wanted to share progress on my living city army so far!  Still have a few bits that need paint. Not shown is 3 kurnoth hunters ready to roll too. 

    Considering in 2k having Drycha and a dreadlord with repeater crossbow and lance for a nice little dual turn one charge (purchased command point). 

    Overkill? Cheesy?






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  8. The one game I brought Drycha she definitely did work - wiped a hero cleared some bonereapers and then cast cage of thorns to hold back a unit on a flank. 

    Definitely a good choice for the points.


    I want to try Drycha and a dreadlord on dragon charging turn 1 that could be fun. 

  9. 12 hours ago, adreal said:

    Dreadlord can take a repeater crossbow

    So true and great for living cities but I’m in agreement - getting the waywatcher lord would have been amazing!  The old “hail of doom arrow” I think it was called... fun random arrow barrage. 

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  10. 5 hours ago, overtninja said:

    @amsoly For most lists, a single 5-man unit of SotT is good. They work really well with EG, and not so well with much else, unless you are using them as a 130-point very mobile wizard, in which case they are good for that (particularly for Hallowheart.) Otherwise, I love Wild Riders and would build 5 or 10 of them. Sadly, because of various shared parts, it's tricky to build a unit of Wild Riders and SotT that you can swap torsos and run as either, but it could be done if you don't mind a good deal of customizing and fiddling.

    You've got a whole lot of options for melee units in a CoS army, so it's a matter of preferred style of play, micro-faction, aesthetic, or slight advantage in a particular area over another - more offense less defence, more bodies for price, better rend, more access to appealing hero buffs, the appeal of the models, or other factors.

    Personally, as an old Wood Elf player, for melee units I absolutely love Wildwood Rangers. They seem like a bad buy, but a unit of 20 can absolutely trash any monster they come upon in a single round of combat, and often still have the numbers to tear into another right after and take it out with help. For general purpose I've found Kurnoth Hunters to be the most appealing for me - I own a bunch already, for one, and I love how durable and punchy they are for their price.

    EG are a good option if you want a semi-mobile living wall that will never yield an objective, but after some play I think the EG/SotT combo is more appealing for City allegiances that aren't as proactive and ambush-focused as Living City is. In larger games they'll find their way to my lists, but otherwise I'll take WWR for monster hunting, Kurnoth for being all-around fantastic, and Spite-Revenants for a big blob of spooky bodies.


    I wish I liked the wildwood rangers but they’ve sadly never appealed to me. :( 


    I have an old forest dragon I’ve been working on so figure I’ll use Phoenix guard (dragon guard 🐉) as my melee anvil and roll with wild riders over sisters of the thorn. 

    Love Kurnoths and have 3 swords, 3 bows, and 3 unbuilt so have been playing around with lists including them (even some lists with a tree revenant and the wardroth horn to really bring some pain). Leaning toward the other 3 as swords to have the option for 6 in a squad (abuse that 1/4 rule). 

    Has anyone had success with a branchwraith to summon trees and dryads?  Seems like it might be too many casts to really be dependable but that’d be handy to have on a flank. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    Okay I've looked all over. What nerf? They only got better in the new book and havent been changed since?

    I think most folks are referring to them being a 70 point unit before cities?


    7 hours ago, Landohammer said:

    Do note that Verdant Blessing is not an allegiance spell. All Sylvan wizards just know it. So you wouldn't necessarily need the Treelord ancient to get forests on the table. A branchwraith could do it on it's own!

    Unfortunately not.  "Wholly within" has been clarified in the FAQ and its pretty clear cut. 

    Alarielle actually runs into a lot of trouble with her 6.25 base. She can't fit wholly within a typical citadel wood and she is also too large to benefit from the Gladewyrm, which is a Sylvaneth Endless spell! 🤦‍♂️

    I'm not sure if its intentional or an oversight, but RAW its crystal clear.😥

    great insights. 

    I need to read/get the new sylvaneth book I was under the impression the only way to sneak some woods on would be an ancient this could be very interesting (though often unlikely). 

  12. Anyone try using a treelord ancient, durthu, and a branchwraith in a list yet?  Could be tricky to make full use of the wood but potential +2 attacks for durthu or the dryad battery could be useful.  (Thinking 2k)


    I haven’t played the branchwraith before and a 7 isn’t going to go off every turn but pulling more units onto the board could be super helpful. 

  13. On the opposing side of the hidden paths argument - could the 6” also be intended to avoid any absolutely monstrous units from sneaking/flanking?

    i see both sides and would play either to be honest. I could see playing it and if it really feels too much then just make an agreement with that opponent/gaming group. 

  14. Currently running glade guard as sisters of the watch (nomad prince general for battle line). Thinking I’ll just try to paint the bows to “look magical” (how TBD...maybe attempt OSL to make the arrows “shine” blue fire onto a white bow or something I dunno never messed before..and I have 40 of them)

  15. Hey all!  Had my second game with my growing living city list. It was a 1k battle of the pass on a 4x4 board against ossiarch bonereapers. 

    my list-


    nomad prince (General)

    2x10 sisters of the watch

    steelhearts champions 

    wildriders (5)


    bone reapers (apologies for bad names)

    von morty (hero from feast box)

    3x10 motrek Guard 
    3x stalkers (1 big falchion) 

    2x morchai aghast

    I finishes deploying first and chose to go second. 

    turn 1:  OBR took 3 objectives with some really solid run roles and took 5 points to begin. During my turn drycha and 10 sisters came on the field and wiped his General with a ton of shooting. Drycha then engaged the back objective motrek Guard. Wild riders failed their charge roll, and everyone else began to move in to contest objectives. 

    turn 2:  OBR got some charges into my wildriders, steelheart champions, and drycha wiping the wildriders out but leaving the stormcast and drycha largely untouched.  During my phase shooting wiped out: the aghasts, the stalkers, and the back objective motrek Guard. In the combat phase  steelhearts champions swung for the fences and finished off the guard squad they were fighting (nice having the grand hammer and broadsword AND a shield in 3 models.  Not super competitive but they look great)  


    aftee turn 3 resolved we called the game with only a unit of 7 motrek Guard still on the field.


    Couple things:

    - Drycha is a beast with living city.  Popping out and shooting 20 times and command point charging is brutal.

    - My friends hate sisters of the watch.  bonus attack if not moving and the mortal wound in addition really helps justify the 160 point cost.  Having them as battle line with a nomad prince is great.  Highlight was a unit of 10 with the nomad prince +1 to hit deleting 3 stalkers in one turn of shooting.

    - Wildriders: I really need to be more careful and play to where they won’t need a 7+ to charge when they don’t have bonuses.  They did manage to speed bump a unit of guard and stalkers so 130 points even just to prevent them overwhelming my back objective.

    other note: I don’t have the wild riders built yet so trying to decide between them and sisters of the thorn is difficult!  I don’t own any melee units yet (cities wise) so deciding between PG, EG, or something else?


    anyone else get any games in this weekend?

    (WIP shot of some of the army so far)


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  16. 14 hours ago, Tidings said:

    I use them interchangeably as Sisters of the Watch, Darkshards, or Crossbows depending on the list I'm building. They are generic archers and no one has ever had an issue with it, since my army is very heavily themed with several converted units. 

    Here's a shot of my army from today's tournament!


    Love this. 

    I only play with my friends so I’m sure I could push it. I’ve  considered using some creative living city “counts as” that probably isn’t original.


    glade guard as crossbowmen 

    glade lord with greatsword as freeguild general

    wardancers or swordmasters as greatswords

    (I got nothing for handgunners)





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  17. I really enjoy the shadow warrior models as well. Too confusing if I fielded both as shadow warriors I’m guessing. 

    yeah I miss the waywatchers or a waywatchers hero. I first enjoyed waywatchers in 4th edition (?) army book with ridiculous trap rules and whatnot. Never played but sounded amazing. 

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