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Posts posted by Popisdead

  1. On 9/16/2022 at 5:32 AM, Dolomedes said:

    What tales have people got from the tabletop? 

    I would honestly follow the AoS Coach on twitter.  He posts tournament lists and you can see the common threads from list to list.  I think someone was just 4th last night with a BoC that went 4/1 in a tourney.

    In 2022 BoC have a 60% WR in tournaments according to the Honest Wargamer's stats people.

    Shaggoth and 6 DrOgurs are in nearly all lists though.  Gashrak is still common.  I don't think Gors are in lists.  

    Dan Bradshaw,.. as of a month or go or so was 27/27 in the UK Masters scene but he had a heavy side of Tzaangor units which he's always had.  

    I haven't played my BoC yet in this edition (Sylvaneth got a new book and treelords and ancients really pull their weight and are BL so that was my focus this summer).

    Purple sun is gross.   Less so vs BoC but amazingly gross.  If you have one you have to field it.  Not so much for the rend but the "i rolled a 1, so archaon is removed from the table".

  2. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    Retired and out of production then?

    In a way that's any dated kit over time.  I think Squatted doesn't mean anything now but we all know the two things people hate are change and no change :P So people will keep saying it and over the next 10 years it will be meaningless to most (new) players.  

  3. After finally borrowing a copy of Throndia and reading it I would say no.  They really seem like just tool pieces per edition cycle.  

    I would be surprised if we saw all 8.  It would mean GW has 24 years of planning predicted out coupled with each edition being a realm, and a supplement for each realm.  24 years takes us really far into what 3D printing will be doing.

    I look back at supplements over the years and I just don't see that level of singularity.  Things change too much.

  4. 21 hours ago, Selpharia said:

    Next week I have my first 2k Gallet game. Yes, I’m bringing a Keeper and both of the twins. Yes I will get destroyed, but it will be glorious

    I played 60 Daemonettes, exalted, 2 hellflayers and fiends in a pick up game the other day.  not every opponent is top LVO challenging.  Me and my opponent had a hoot.  

  5. On 8/24/2022 at 12:12 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

    anyone think the Cockatrice will still be in the next BoC tome?  Wondering if I should bother cobbling together another 2 from some spare Phoenix heads and things.

    Hard to say.  It had a model in the 1980s (British monster lore) and got a finecast in Storm of Magic in 7th ed WFB.  It was put in our book, but that's slightly a surprise since they could have easily just removed it and not bothered with the Finecast model.

    It really comes down to miniature designers and what they come up with.  And so much of our book isn't really up to par regarding the AoS Range which tends to be universally lauded as very good and better than 40k.

    I would say however if you have the parts, make one up and use it now if you are playing.  They can be fun in-game and it is unlikely our book will be updated ASAP since we had a Celestial Tome.

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  6. On 8/22/2022 at 7:49 AM, Koala said:

    Without wanting to sound too negative: i honestly do not see a new hedonites BT in the near future. We are nicely fleshed out ( pun intended) with models and the current one is not too old. 

    I would not be surprised if we have to wait for 4.0 for a new one.

    It can be a release without models.  Did skaven get much more than a hero?  I get GW is a models company and releases are a platform for that but the book itself is severely lacking, single list focussed, no synergy, poor lore construction and a lot feels like legacy of things that stood out dating back from 8th ed WFB.  

    On 8/22/2022 at 12:18 AM, Enoby said:

    My worry is they'll be scared to do as big a redo as Nurgle, though I think that's what's necessary. 

    Was Nurgle a huge undertaking?  They were pretty bad at the end of 2nd weren't they?  like dropped Blightlords until spamming them made the book semi-viable.

    The other thing I realized is books that are getting Celestial Tomes do not appear in line for a new book.  And I would bet my entire BoC Army that no one who plays them wants a new book hahaha!

    I noticed 40k Slaanesh got "daemonic save" back which AFAIK dates back to 8th ed also and well really was significant starting in 2nd ed.  It surprised me Daemons didn't get a "Ward" in AoS.  Perhaps over time we will see a revival of it.  Daemonettes also got a big move buff.

  7. On 8/10/2022 at 2:13 AM, Enoby said:

    I do wonder when we'll get our new book.

    I was wondering that too and since the battletomes in V3 AFAIK are generally in a good direction.  I've heard mixed about the Skaven.  A guy on The Honest Wargamer who played them before and liked that they kept it mostly the same but streamlined the book to be cleaner seems to be positive.

    The problem I have projecting that onto Slaanesh is we don't need a streamline, but a re-write like Sylvaneth got.  The Sylvaneth big guys got a huge boost and are a blast to play.  That makes me hope the Keeper will be good again.  I don't want to see a return to the Rhelion days of lists but a list where your Keeper wasn't a fire-magnet that was useless in CC.

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  8. On 8/20/2022 at 9:57 AM, Fyrenn said:

    What does this mean?  Do we still use the old warscroll without concern, or does this mean they're being removed from the faction? 

    It means the Brayherd keyword isn't in the Tzeentch book. 

    The Slaanesh book didn't have it either.

    Dan,.. uh whose ever list I posted above, is dominating the scene with a BoC Tzeentch heavy list, and I would guess he's close or part of the playtesting being a UK master.  I am hoping GW doesn't ignore his input.  And when the BoC battletome is re-done I would expect both Tzaangors and Slaangors to have similar warscrolls but with they Brayherd keyword.  

  9. On 8/3/2022 at 2:47 AM, Barbarian Borelord said:

    If I'm not mistaken, the warscrolls from Warhammer Legends are an official part of Age of Sigmar. So why do I rarely see any of them mentioned here? The ones from the Order Alliance are all but one aligned with Cities of Sigmar so I think there's lots of possibilites there. Swordmasters for instance I think could be very good melee infantry for the price of 140 points...

    They are not official, they have a "last ditch/chance" to have some semi appropriate rules and points so people can include them in friendly pick up games. 

    The sad part of threads is commentary is often dominated by top tier players who are driving for wins in a tournament scene.  Often when someone brings up something like Legends, a couple of said gamers will shut it down pretty fast with comments that push players out.  

    Personally I play a Spellsinger in my Wanderers list.  I looked at the Waywatcher hero but I don't care to bother since SotW are so effective and useful to me.  It's just a game, GW isn't policing your table.  If people around your scene are that much against it sorry to hear.  If you have the models I would love to see them played.  Maybe post some bat-reps and stuff in appropriate threads.

  10. Didn't one of the GBHs have GA support for a general army?  or was that V2 rulebook?


    I think a grand Waaagh would be pretty cool.  


    I would like to see a mechanism to make an alliance soup without it being nullified in an edition change as well as support for a general structure of it.  I think CoS did a good job getting the ball rolling but it could be better.  I would think a more loose open "wood elf" army would be such a trip to play again.

  11. On 8/1/2022 at 12:13 PM, Lavieth said:

    Is it odd that the Branchwraith is in Warcry but not in the Sylvaneth Battletome?

    I would love for them to make a Warscroll for her again, but make her a priest. 

    The Warcry rules are about 2 years old now and the Sylvaneth BT is a month old?  

    The sculpt is from 2005 and GW is moving out of the Finecast game.  Also they remade Drycha as a larger model and didn't really make a separate sculpt for a generic Branchwraith, they just shuffled things around.

    I would much more prefer they fix the Warscroll for Branchwych in tune more with Dryads as an apothecary-like priest.

    • Like 1
  12. On 8/3/2022 at 2:54 PM, Enoby said:

    Now AoS 3 is around a year old, we've had the chance to get used to Battle Tactics (BT) and Grand Strategies (GS), as well as the unique faction BTs and GSs.

    These are amongst the biggest changes in competitive AoS, and while they're not as controversial as coherency, they are something a lot of my opponents ask to ignore (BTs rather than GSs usually).

    So I was wondering how the community at large feels about them:

    - Do you often use BTs and GSs?

    - Do you prefer one over the other or are they both equally as beneficial? 

    - If you do use them, do you think they add to the experience?

    - Do you think they make the games more tactical? 

    - If you don't use them, or have stopped, why?

    - How would you improve them/their implementation? 

    - What do you think of faction specific BTs and GSs?

    I think AoS 3e has made some big steps forward onto making AoS a more competitive game. While it's often easy to ask about new things to add to the system (something I'm guilty of), AoS has thrived off simplicity and perhaps these are a step too far for some.

    All games i use BTs & GSes.

    I think the first is a good thing to think about through the game and makes you think about 5 turns not 1 (and maybe the double turn).  

    They change what the focus of the game is.  Moving away from "let's just kill each other after we deploy against each other" is good for the game on the whole.  It makes it less the most broken unit wins (though that still creeps in obviously).  I still think it's valid for people to just open play kill each other.  if you aren't really into AoS or new, adding that much complexity is daunting.  But I'm always supporting extending the game with more options.  People need to stop breaking game modes or finding the one exception to the rule as to why something is bad (although those tend to be naysayers looking for an excuse instead of enjoyment).

    I think GW is going in a good direction in some army-specific ones.  That can sometimes help weaker armies.

    One thing 40k had to do was make the Nephalim missions more refined and less complex.  Granted 40k is a bit of a gong-show of rules kluges, etc.  Granted it's not hard to find 5 of 8 that will work in the game.

    They are good, they can help weaker armies but they can also break OP armies as well do nothing.  Shrugs it's just more options.  i think more options to may choose to include is good.

    I agree AoS has moved more towards a more complex game.  You can also choose to not use them granted that's not how the missions are set up.  A lot of casual competitive play relies on both people not being dicks.  Often that means not playing people you don't want to play and finding those you want.  


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  13. 3 hours ago, Landohammer said:

    Yea, keep in mind it activates every Hero phase and has quite a large area of affect. So unless you keep every single unit 10+ inches apart its going to get quite a few triggers. It takes a 9+ to dispel it, and its faster than my Treelords. So they are going to get caught.

    So on average, a purple sun will get 2-4 dice rolls per battle round, and thats probably 10-20 dice rolls per game. If your army is mostly monsters its an odds game you are going to lose :(

    I ran Oakenbrow at the tournament. It was fun, and my games were all super close on BPs, but I was tabled every game. Each mortal wound hurts when your army is only like 86 wounds lol. I will personally be sticking to more traditional lists, at least until purple sun gets nerfed. But Oakenbrow def has some legs in the hands of a more competent player than me lol :S

    Ohhhh my bad.  I thought I read 3" range so I was assuming it was tagging two of your guys, only in their phase.  Are you taking The Reaping?  You can do a rr on the dispel but shooting for a 10+ makes it pretty rare.  

    I guess GW really wanted to sell more Endless Spell sets, maybe they didn't sell enough in the last 2 years :P

    Okay that's way worse than I recall reading it in passing (i'm taking Purple Sun tomorrow with my Warherd I should re-read the spell bwahaha clearly i didn't comprehend it last week).  Tournament hell for Oakenbrow.  

    I do agree with you.  Outside Purple Sun and MW spam a load of big guys is pretty good and fun to play.   

    i'm keen to try Harvestboon and Hunters.  Time to pick up an Arch Revenant.  

  14. 1 hour ago, Landohammer said:

    Quick story. Was playing a monster mash themed tournament. Brought 3 Durthus and a Treelord. Opponent cast purple sun turn 1. Killed a Durthu and a Treelord.

    On turn 3 it killed another Durthu. 

    Lost 1000pts to a 70pt spell in a tournament game. Fun 😑

    In two turns (1 and 3) it rolled three 1s (two of which were on the first turn roll and likely the only rolls for the spell)?  Was there some mechanic that allowed him to subtract to the roll or an army rule that allowed him to make a dice roll a 1?  Or was this just an extreme case of dice rolling?


    On the flip side I took a Durthu, two ancients and 3 treelords not a pick up game and their output surpassed what I expected of them (which,.. well historically low).  Oakenbrow did them nice.  Not a tournament but not everyone plays that level so I was sure happy the March of the Ents is viable for casual competitive.  

  15. On 7/2/2022 at 7:54 AM, buttviking said:

    I am building a BoC army and considering going heavy into Tzaangors/Enlightened.

    Does anyone know what happens when tzeentch get their new book? I assume they might get changed a lot (especially enlightened with their rerolls) so do they also get changed for BoC?

    So Tzaangors were released in the 1st AoS Tzeentch book.

    Then BoC had them slightly updated (and better)

    I don't know what happened to the warscroll when Tzeentch was updated but....

    Given GW did not do the same Brayherd treatment for Slaangors they did for Tzaangors (made them mortal instead) I would suggest unless you are willing to switch gears and play Tzeentch in case of a severe change I would recommend you be hesitant going heavy into Tzeentch with an old book.  Building a fresh army with an old book is always a high risk with GW and time and time again I see someone bitterly complain 6 months after they start some venture.

    I have been playing BoC since the 2003 6th ed book and Ungor bases, units changed 3 times (25->200>25 mm bases).  Beasts of Chaos do not have a good track record on stability.  We also lost Dragon Ogres for a while.  And the Chimera is new to us (so is the Cockatrice).  

  16. 41 minutes ago, Carnith said:

    I went for all the riders and seekers separate. Sprayed the chariot itself silver and washed it purple in spots. Some areas I did some magenta as that was my daemonette claw color. 

    There was also a colour called Poison Purple from HMG/Coat d'Arms which was the old 1990 metallic purple.  I think I used to get it through,.. uh.. Maelstrom?  TBH I have no idea where you could find it now.  However I think Warcolours does it now.

    It's a good colour for Slaanesh Metal cause it takes a black shade (or whatever method/paint/style) and then drybrushes well up with mid tone and silver highlights.  

    Just something to consider :)

  17. On 6/17/2022 at 2:24 AM, Clan's Cynic said:

    Looking like we might have an idea of what the redesigned Freeguild could look like. Chaos Legionnaires appear to be very similar to the 2.0 banner artwork. Traitor Freeguild?



    That looks very reminiscent of early to mid 1980s.  Which is not uncommon from GW these days.

  18. 4 hours ago, Jaskier said:

    Some minor points changes for Cities, nothing major that I noticed. As usual, a lot of stuff that needs love got nothing,

    Wanderers not getting a drop shows they are fully neglected in the tournament scene to the point GW doesn't even see them. sad...

    but Sylvaneth book could provide some fun things.  I keep thinking about Tree Revs and Galatian Veterans (spelling).  I'm not certain about BL so this may not work...

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