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Posts posted by Popisdead

  1. On 6/16/2021 at 10:02 AM, Sleboda said:

    Over the next few days, I'm playing some actual games with the new rules. I'll come back here and talk about how it went.


    I'd encourage others to share here as well. Not full on battle reports, just commentary on how the new rules impacted your games.

    Right now, folks are speculating. Let's end that with, oh, I dunno, real experiences.

    I hope it goes well for you.  :)  I hope you find a lot of positive experiences in the game so you don't get turned off Warhammer.  

    Also what's this crazy talk about using real experiences not baseless speculation for wild sweeping comments of doom.  We're playing a game and being on the internet aren't we 😉  bwahahahahaha.

    I've only played the one game but for me,.. well I told the player (arguably one fo the top in the area) I just want a casual game.  I have a couple more games this weekend.  

    The Grand Strategy is key with your army.  I've heard of cases it winning or losing games.  I would say it's like another fancy layer on top a cupcake.  

    Also Battle Tactics are something to really get to know.  You have 5 founds, so pick 5 you feel confident with but of course be loose with the ability to adapt.  If you have a bad turn consider burning one you can't get to avoid failing to get one you could later.

    Garrisoning buildings is huge and people need to be aware of this for shooting.

    I think Grand Strategies and Battle Tactics add another tool to leverage armies for different composition.  

    I'm also at the casual level.  I'm long done tournaments so I'm looking at what I have and wanting to use it with minimal changes.  

    But what do I know, this is the internet and i'm a gamer so probably just spewing sweeping comments of doom :)

  2. 4 hours ago, SugarWaterPurple said:

    I am new to Age of Sigmar (only played three games so far), but in my experience, I'm not sure why there is even a point giving a shooting/dispel range on these boards...

    You might not have faced many different armies in different matches?  There is what, 12 mission?  lots of armies (sub factions).


    I found range actually pretty big for shooting.  "oh,.. this unit only shoots 18", that's only half the board I'm focussed on.

  3. On another note, finally played my first game of AoS 3.  


    30 sisters are good.  garrisoned they just ate things alive, especially with some save stacking (was facing xbows with an extra pip of rend from a spell)


    They indeed were my MVP just annihilating anything they pointed at.  If only their Unleash Hell was 9" bwaahahah.


    I think I'm going to try 2 x 20 EG, 3x10 Sisters (I could run up to 90 so that number will flit around).  I think it would make the Nomad Prince's cmd ability more effective and I might drop the Hurricanum although man it's so good and Chain Lightining plus Maelstrom is SUPER GOOD.  Maybe i deployed bad but it was constantly taking out several models from my core-node each turn.


    Yndrasta is also worth her points.  She fights great, stays alive well and her utility is pretty handy.


    • Like 3
  4. On 8/14/2021 at 3:40 PM, Slave2Chaos said:

    Looking at adding the new Warsong Revenant and a tree lord ancient combo to my living city build options. Think its worth it?

    I'm wondering that too.  Magic is really good and CoS mages get +1 to cast endless spells.  I played today with a Beast Mage and he got off nothing, even with +3 to cast Cogs,..  


    On another note: if a Runelord takes the Curse from the BRB, which is normally on a 4+, does it replace his curse or is it in addition?  And then more importantly is it cast on a 4+ or a 2+ (as per his warscroll)?


    Thanks kindly

  5. On 8/5/2021 at 8:18 PM, Chaos Shepard said:

    I am not sure how much credit I place in this theory. Its not off brand for GW to just sometimes forget Beast of Chaos exist. 

     I also believe that the Gorgon/Cygor kit and Dragon Ogors kits are well and truly safe from refresh.

    Lets look gors, bestigor, and ungors/raiders. All three of these are 10 year old models, they are also of an older design philosophy you don't see in newer kits. I don't see GW changing one of these kits without changing all of these kits. In fairness I don't see GW changing these kit anytime soon, while they are old enough and can use a refresh, they still hold up rather well and the effort to update them maybe better spent else where.

    Bullgors are in very much the same boat as the gors are, 10 year old models and all that. 

    The only three units I haven't mentioned are Spawn, Chaos Warhounds, and Chimera.

    yeah GW forgets BoC exist every book re-write :P  

    The DOs were from 7th ed Hordes of Chaos (or whatever they were called in that book) and removed from Beastmen.  They however didn't come out for a while for some odd reason (that era Chapterhouse was making units for entries GW wasn't doing at the time) and then finally came out in the 8th ed "hordes of chaos" book.  BoC got them back,.. this last book I think?  Not sure how they were juggled around in AoS.  I personally don't think it's a good kit and think they could do better now.  A new Shaggoth and new DrOgurs release would be very nice to see.  

    Bullgors were terrible when they came out.  GW took a dated kit and made it possibly worse.  If they could do to Bullgors what they did to Vampire Counts it would be amazing.  People have forever wanted Beasts of Chaos to be good in models and table as they have a certain broad appeal that brings a lot of people into dipping their toe into the army.  

    I would avoid the Chimera kit.  It was from Storm of Magic and is pretty bad.  Unless you wanted to run 3 in that battalion I would hold off.  It's a derpy kit and I would worry about it not being of any significance moving forward.

    On 8/5/2021 at 12:18 PM, Alerak said:

    For those wondering the comment pointed out that BOC weren't featured in the galleries of factions in a new starter booklet (although were present later on) and theorised that GW didn't want to create an image of a soon to be outdated army.

    I'm not sure that's correct.  BRBs have had old kits, and even the 40k Ork codex uses the fincast/metal Kommando when they've already shown the new Kommando kits (and,.. technically available before the release of the codex even).  GW is often using old pictures and kits.

    I slightly worry about it tbh.  Maybe I'll be selling a huge rebased army to the grognards playing cloned fantasy games.  There is so much in that book and GW is historically so clueless with the army,.. I'm hoping I'm just being pessimistic.  I mean they got an update in Broken Realms but that doesn't say much...  Also I don't know how much of the Getting Started was to just sell off old stock.  A possibility I presume.


    On 8/10/2021 at 5:46 AM, Maddpainting said:

     Ungors/Raiders, Ghorgons/Cygors, DOs, Shaman, were redone in 7th edition which honestly is still kind of new for plastic kits and most likely won't be touched. Bestigors, Gors, and Bullgors are a few years older and might have a change. 

    TL;DR: 90% chance plastics here to stay, but GW does crazy things at times.

    Ork Boyz have been redone every couple editions and there isn't even anything changing about them this edition and the previous ones match the older kits.  GW does indeed do crazy things...

    Anything plastic was the same time.  Even the Bray-Shaman and Ghorgon have images floating around on the 'net that showed they were copyright stamped the same time they did the gor/ungor kits.  The update before was 6th edition when the mixed herd came out.  The entire range could use an redo tbh.  It isn't that stellar.  The old Beastlord blisters were the coolest part about it and one is gone.

  6. 3 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    What do others think?  Am I just getting slow in my old age or is the tournament scene going to have to adapt?

    I think it's new edition slowness.  Over 6 months of playing your list you'll get to know what the missions are, tactics/actions/strategems/etc you're using, what monster and hero abilities you're using, stats on things faster.

    I remember the start of 8th ed games taking forever and by the end of that edition games were under 2 hours.  You just got to know your stuff and the game.  This is a much bigger change from second to third than first to second.  

    Tournament players are going to be players driven to know their army and get games in lots so they can prepare.  There will be people with less experience but those won't matter as much in the standings and bottom tier games tend to be more fun and laid back and enjoyable.  So it won't matter really.

    • Like 3
  7. Beasts of Chaos: 140 Ungors, 120 Gors, 50 Bestigors, all the big monsters, lots of heroes, 20 Centigors, 24 Bullgors, uh,.. probably more?

    Sylvaneth: 70 Dryads, 15 Trevs, 10 Spites, Couple Durthu (one is 4th ed model), Alarielle, Drycha, all the heroes, 18 Hunters, A couple Ancients, 3 Treelords, mmm maybe more

    Wanderers: 30 EG, 90 Archers (mixed bag of SotW, Waywatchers, GG but making them all SotW with bitz and GS), 10-20 Wildriders (converted and new) 10 SotT, couple nomad princess, lots of mages (using as BMs and Sorceresses), 20 Rangers.  Using 10-20 Wardancers as more Rangers, using Warhawk Riders as copters, great eagle riders as bombers, great stags as,.. fulminators? Huricannum (couple old treemen some woods, some old mages on a large diarama base)

    Slaanesh (no big guys but so many units of Juan Diaz, and chariots, pretty sure with their outlandish points hike I've got 5k. 

  8. On 7/22/2021 at 6:41 PM, Erosharcos said:

    “Only Sylvaneth armies can include this faction terrain feature” 

    Hmmm  interesting.  It would sure dampen Sylvaneth in LC.  Usually it's "allegiance"  as the key word (two words there) to go by.  

    On 7/23/2021 at 5:51 AM, Grugg said:

    Has anyone tried fitting gotrek into a living city army? The free heal each turn is worth a lot on him (each wound on gotrek is worth so much), plus the ability to do more healing through spell lore.

    Add a Ghur battle mage for the wildform spell.


    When that aussie CoS player Simon on the HWG he talked about the same thing.  Gotrek right now having a good solid place in LC.  I think there is a 6" auto-run ability (tbh I always forget this).  Overcome his limitations by having him shoot up halfway the board in one turn.

  9. On 7/22/2021 at 11:50 AM, Landohammer said:

    No wonder he did well, his list is 2440pts lol. Is that supposed to be 1x3 Sword Hunters maybe?

    oops i probably heard that wrong.

    On 7/26/2021 at 1:48 AM, Aeryenn said:

     Beasts of Chaos (ironically this was the toughest fight)

    Tell me more.  What did have?  what made it tough?  They are universally considered below the worst,.. So went from worst to worster,..  

  10. 2 hours ago, Landohammer said:

    I was a pretty big hater of the TLA in 2nd, but with the buff to forests, monsters, heros, and now that command ability, he has become quite the toolbox.

    He is a good support addition and the new rules (monster, hero) benefit him.  He also incidentally yeah had a cmd ability buff in this edition change.  Also Sylvaneth have an endless spell to buff armour so you can increase his save pool to overcome rend with him.  having a 2+ with another pip in a save pool and rr 1s makes him a bit tanky and he compliments the Warsong who appears to be an auto-include.  

    I'm not sure how this person placed but they did well in a recent tournament. 


    warsong rev in command, nurtured by magic, chalice of nectar, flaming weapon, 
    ancient, spirit song stave, regrowth, 
    3x 5 trevs
    3x 3 Sword hunters
    6 scythes
    spitswarm hive
    glade wyrm
  11. Is the IP change really as heavy handed as all content related is now removed?  Social media promotes the sky-is-falling feeling before anyone stops and thinks.  

    i'm also confused why people feel they owned some democratic right to something they pay for as a consumer product (internet included).  The democratic right you have is to not buy it.  

    • Like 3
  12. I heard on the Honest Wargamer a guy went 5-0 with this




    durthu command ability, used feral roar


    generic hurricanum ( no caster) 

    20 irondrakes   

    20 irondrakes   

    10 freeguild   

    dwarf general



    TBH i'm not sure what he if anything he ambushed unless it was all the shooting.  With smaller boards do the Irondrakes work up front?  Also with the new Wildwoods it gives a Durthu 3 platforms to teleport around.  Yndrasta is good for utility.

  13. Points are sure tight.  Oh boy Sisters of the Watch going up and getting a few nerfs sure baffled me.  What I think is GW really weighs in on MW output as top tier, and,.. if we are seeing 2+ rr1 saves with a save pool of +2/3 that's not totally unfounded...  

    Are there some reliable benefits for Sisters of the Watch to get a casting bonus on their spell?  I think a larger block of EG with some save stacking on it could be good but in a lot of settings getting a spell off on a 7+ with no bonuses in the current meta seems near impossible...

  14. 20 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Is anyone feeling this way, with this game in particular? If so, got any advice? 

    It's both.  (I'm in the same boat; even tempted selling off armies to prune down to one).  I haven't bothered to play Warhammer 9th ed 40k because it added much more complexity and around End Times Fantasy I wanted to play casually and stopped competitive tournaments from getting so tired of cheaters and poor sports.  I think when we got into Warhammer Fantasy Battles, we spent more time reading over rules, practicing games, being immersed and didn't notice the game was pretty hard to get into.  Youth has drive that is unparalleled.  

    I also think it's still waaaay easier to get into AoS than older versions.  I pretty much have no understanding how my friends and I played 1st ed RT 40k back in the day.  Even 2nd ed was pretty ugly.  A kid now can start with a few units, even one and get started really fast really easy.  

    What we tend to do is standardize on tournament-style play as the defacto.  You can play this game stripped down, as mellow as complicated as you want.  When I play random pickup games 90% of them my opponent says "let's just try to kill each other without all the extra rules (like scenery, etc).  Even in a mission most people tend to not be strictly focussed on objectives as much as killing the enemy.  

    I would say self-awareness and being up front what you want out of a game is key.  I'm going to play my first game soon (picking up BRB and GHB today) and have started trying to organize the game.  I was upfront I don't want to play competitive but casual pickup.  I don't expect to win and my opponent is proxying his ChDwarfs as,. Greywater fastness?  No clue actually.  And it doesn't matter.  I just want to chuck dice, figure as few things out and work on learning but also not getting so wound up about forgetting most of it.  I was playing some Total War Warhammer recently and thought "no game of Warhammer has ever had this much fluffy lore immersion.  It's always just come down to rolling dice and removing models".  I wish narrative and casual play had more effort so people like us could just ****** around with pitched battles with a forced narrative structure making the game more cinematic over math-like chess manoeuvres.  

  15. It's surprising to me no TE players have bothered with AoS 3 yet or posted here??   Sad panda.


    At any rate I'm thinking along the lines of Wanderers and mixing in a few other things.


    I think a Beastmage of Ghur (on Griffon) next to a Hurricanum is a good boost for +2 right now and it solves my problem of MSU vs large units for Sisters of the watch behind a larger units of Eternal Guard.  

    Anyone else been playing TE?

  16. On 7/16/2021 at 12:42 AM, Kiekeboe said:

    I'd like to revive the idea of Alarielle in Living City. I know she's been hit with a points increase but there's just so much for her to take advantage of between her new scroll and 3.0 changes.

    I've always liked putting Alarielle in Living City, and she's improved enough she's even more slightly better now stat-wise.  However it comes back down to the simple points.  She doesn't nothing well and costs a LOT.   She doesn't cast as well as a Warsong Revenant, she doesn't have protection as well, and she doesn't fight as well,.. (the last two not specifically the Warsong).  

    I've also always disliked the idea of her sitting back to cast for 740 points (or even 600).  TBH I would still just reserve a hurricanum and command point her up the board.  Probably try some debuffs to prolong her life.  I mean do you think 740 points for a metamorphasis is worth it?  A Warsong can do his MW bomb for pretty much the same and bring an Ancient and it still works.  

    I think,.. like a durthu she's just better in Sylvaneth than CoS.  

    However like you I've constantly gone back to trying to get her to work in CoS haha.  What a model and what a miss,..  If you do get her working with some success please report back with it.  I'm happy to hear about people using her.

    • Like 1
  17. On 7/14/2021 at 4:08 PM, Black_Fortress_Immortal said:

    You all know we were waiting for an edition like this to run debuff-wizards in a rampaging warherd 😇:

    Allegiance: Beasts of Chaos
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty
    Doombull (115) in Battle Regiment
    - General
    - Command Trait: Rampant Juggernaut
    - Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)
    Great-Bray Shaman (100) in Battle Regiment
    - Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Tendrils of Atrophy
    Dragon Ogor Shaggoth (185) in Battle Regiment
    - Lore of Dark Storms: Hailstorm
    9 x Bullgors (465) in Battle Regiment
    - Great Axes
    - Reinforced x 2
    6 x Bullgors (310) in Battle Regiment
    - Great Axes
    - Reinforced x 1
    3 x Bullgors (155) in Battle Regiment
    - Great Axes
    Ghorgon (170) in Alpha-Beast Pack
    Ghorgon (170) in Alpha-Beast Pack
    Ghorgon (170) in Alpha-Beast Pack
    Cygor (140) in Battle Regiment

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 151

    I love this list but I don't have hope for it 😉  I think it was dumb you needed 6 Bullgors to get a 2+ for the MWs on the charge,.. it should have just been 2+ on all Warherd.  Not like hte Ghorgon getting 2D3 MWs on the charge was going to push BoC to top tier unbeatable.. GW always tosses a small bone to BoC end of Edition and do it completely cluelessly..

    I would be keen to see 2 Ghorgons, 2 Cygors, 2 x 6 Bullgors then Gors for chaff actually.  I doubt it would work I just miss playing Warherd effectively...

    • Like 1
  18. 21 hours ago, SentinelGuy said:

    They're a coalition choice in Living City now. They're allies for the others (not Greywater). 

    Hmm okay thanks.  I still haven't gotten into GW to pick up my rulebooks and have just been reading the rules and what Chumphammer posted (battle plans etc).

  19. 19 hours ago, Fred1245 said:

    If the tournament let a grey army play 5 games and it wins all 5 it should ALWAYS win over 4-1 if you dare call your event 'competitive'.

    The error here was in letting a grey army compete at all. That's what minimum paint standards are for. A barrier to entry that ensures at least some level of respect for the event.

    Tournaments that have heavily weighted hobby scores are jokes. It's almost alway just an excuse for the TOs to give free wins to their friends via subjective paint judging (Cough*Michigan GT*Cough) or a (for sportsmanship scores) tool for WAAC players to punish opponents they lose against.

    No.  This is a hobby based game whether you like it or not.  And defining "competitive" to strictly mean your definition is limiting and detrimental to a healthy scene.  

    If you don't like tournaments that allow for paint scores and sportsmanship to be part of the winner feel free to not ruin it for the other players.  

    • Like 4
  20. On 7/5/2021 at 1:32 AM, Kiekeboe said:

    Is it reasonable to expect tournaments to just stick to the GHB21 package or will we be seeing a lot of tournaments move away from it to create a more generic rule set? I wonder what your takes are. 

    comp is bad.  always has been, always will be.  

    invariably it ends up hurting weaker armies in ways that are much more damaging than them just being under-powered.  Those players are going in for a couple wins and mostly 5 fun games.  Taking away the few things that will give them that chance is terrible.  I know cause I played BoC and WE all 8th ed and every comp change made it harder for me to use tools to try for a 3-2 weekend.  

    People complain in tournaments.  The more the WAAC player the more the complaining.  Social media accelerates complaining even more.  FB then amps this to 11.  

    The only thing that works is encouraging soft scores like painting (harshly punish grey plastic armies), and getting achievements.  A tournament where a player with a very nicely painted army that wins 4-1 should always trump over a grey army that goes 5-0.  

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