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Posts posted by Popisdead

  1. On 10/7/2019 at 10:47 PM, HERO said:

    So... in October, we're going to get 4 more Battalions.  Who's excited?  Any bets on maybe getting a Fiend battalion? :D

    I think GW could drop the price of Fiends, make them BL if Shalaxi is your general and at least it presents a fluffy avenue to explore them. Not saying anything about that from a tournament option just fluff.  

    On 10/11/2019 at 1:48 PM, decker_cky said:

    Its a little annoying that the battalion doesn't include hellstriders as an option.

    I think the battalions are bringing STD units into HoS. 

    18 minutes ago, carnith said:

    The other battalions are mortal hero, chosen/warriors/marauders, 1-2 warshrines. I think soemthing else, but all it grants is the warshrine goes off on a 2+

    The other one we haven't seen are 1-3 soul grinders and they gain +1 hit and +1 save. Also getting to 13 drops for the d6 CP isn't bad cause it'll grant you extra rounds of double pile ins. 

    Wahoo, I have two custom built Soul Grinders that I’ve wanted to try again.

  2. 56 minutes ago, Duke of Gisoreux said:

    You are wrong. RAW it's legal to have 2 CoS + 1 KO + 1 SC in a Tempest's Eye army or 2 CoS + 1 Sylvaneth + 1 SC in a Living City army.

    woah, chill a bit.  First off, you have not read the rules.  So not sure what rules you are quoted as having been written.  We have a guy reading stuff on youtube.  Also RAI and RAW are dumb terms people use to bend rules.  they are the same thing.  The designer intended for the rule to be written as they did.  

    41 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Ok, carry on then.



  3. On 9/28/2019 at 4:24 AM, madmac said:

    Full reviews of the Battletomes are up on Youtube as usual. Living City allegiance abilities look quite good at first glance.

    In terms of Points, Nomad Prince is 120, Eternal Guard are 130/330, Wild Riders 130, Rangers 130, Sisters of the Thorn 130, Sisters of the Watch 160


    Ooh nice.  

    LInks?  Some of us don't go to youtube for reviews :)


    On 9/28/2019 at 7:17 AM, carnith said:

    Our battalion seems just okay. Nomad Prince, 3 rangers, 0-1 wild riders, and if they outflanked, they get +1 to charge. I don't know if that's a worthwhile battalion. I'm just not feeling wildwood rangers, though being 25mm with 2" reach is good. Any monster they fight is as good as probably dead. 

    What is the battalion called?

    I was looking at the rules yesterday and because our previous battalion specifies units I think you can ignore the keyword at the top.  

  4. What are people's thoughts on more than 30-40 Raiders?  I'm toying with converting my Glade Guard to Raiders with Ungor lower halves and running 60-90.

    I feel 2 x 30 isn't a bad idea.  Might get some Mileage out of them when Kurnothi Aelves come out as well.

  5. Someone gave me the last Blades of KHorne book after the new one came out.  Is there much a difference in the rules?  I'm looking specifically at the rules being a Beasts öf Chaos player.  So using the BoC warband, likely all Beasts units (depending) and mostly the way Khorne has bloodtithe etc.  I have the app so I have updated warscrolls adn GHB 2019 so I have points.


    Thanks kindly.

  6. On 8/26/2019 at 11:53 AM, decker_cky said:

    Nothing wrong with Ghorgons.  

    They are my heavy lifts.  a few turns a game they really pull their weight.  The other turns dice spiking makes them a tragedy.

    On 8/26/2019 at 11:26 PM, Myrdin said:

     I was thinking that Skyfires became much more viable now, despite their steep price.

    I've been thinking shooting in nearly all armies is more worth it given Slaanesh and FEC.

    On 8/27/2019 at 3:40 PM, Gwendar said:

    but I also wonder how well Raiders would do without this.

    IMO you can't do wrong adding Raiders.  Even 30+ is still quite good.  


    On 8/29/2019 at 9:23 AM, peasant said:

    Amy luck with khornate bullgors lists?

    I've had fun with them but they won't be winning tournaments.  If your aim is enjoy bloody bulls they'll do you right.


    I wanted to ask if anyone knew if there was a big difference between the last two Blades of Khorne book?  Someone gave me their old copy to read but after reading the rules,.. have they changed much?  


    Thanks kindly

    • Like 1
  7. Did anyone watch/listen to the Faction Focus?  I was confused how with Harvestboon, Durthu got 8 attacks.  3 +2 (forest), +1 (artifact) +1 (command trait) + something that I didn't catch (sounded like command ish something-er-other?)


  8. 11 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Yeah, I must say the more I use my Exaulted Chariot Bladebringer, the more I want to use 2. The damage output is great, especially if you manage to charge multiple units, know one likes 4d3 mortal wounds before you even start attacking. 

    Just a shame you  don't get depravity from the mortal wounds. 

    On an unrelated note, has anyone tried out the new warcry furies yet in their Slaanesh list? Sure they increase drop count, but 12" flighing move with retreat instead of fighting feels strong in a army that can had out always strikes last.  First though is a screen for a Keeper, if anything scary charges just locus it and retreat over it's head with the Furies, who can now have fun in the enemies back lines.

    Me too.  I have one exalted and two Hellflayers built with Juan Diaz models and I regret making the Hellflayers (decision long ago).  2 Bladebringer Exalted would be a lot of fun.

  9. On 8/5/2019 at 9:13 AM, samkrow76 said:

    So, sorry about this but I posted earlier that I just bought a new army and I have a lot of GG and the heroes that were "cut" but my question is; it looks like they are just not being sold. They have points, they have warscrolls, they are still playable... is there any reason at all I cannot use them?

    Anything is playable.  It's a game with toy soldiers.  If you aren't playing a tournament that disallows older warscrolls no matter how annoying the naysayers here are, you can use your models in your games.  A local guy has been playing his TK since AoS dropped.  Just get over the negativity.

    On 8/5/2019 at 2:21 PM, The Red King said:

    That's an optimistic take... we knew they would still be usable until the next GHB when they move them to legacy...

    Nothing is stopping people from using older points and warscroll values.  Again, GW isn't coming to your house and taking your models away.

    On 8/6/2019 at 12:02 AM, Raffonerd said:

    I was planning on converting Glade Guards into Ethernal or better into wild wood rangers. It doesn't seem so hard. 

    Tell me what do you thing about this?

    I'm getting some Ungors and will convert some of mine to look like those Kournothi aelves and also spam Ungor Raiders :D

    On 8/6/2019 at 4:55 AM, Alexispolux said:

    Waystone pathfinders battalion is dead as well.

    Not really.  I sometimes use Lacillion's Wanton Horde.  Just a game ppl.

    On 8/6/2019 at 5:34 AM, Raffonerd said:

    Guys, warscrolls are available also for the old wood elfs.


    On 8/14/2019 at 7:20 AM, WABBIT said:

    Sad but true. 8th ed woodelves were the best.

    6th ed :P  8th ed was GG and Wildrider spam. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Isabel said:

    1. Are kurnoth hunters with scythes even still worth it compared to greatswords? Their Damage per model is lower against every possible target (even before the mortal wounds abilitiy of the swords the scythes only barely pull ahead against 3+ and 2+ saves) but they do have an extra inch of range

    The MW bonus of Swords made them more on par but Reach and Rend are still too valuable of stats/abilities to ignore.  I *may* run Swords once in a while but I would always choose 6-Scythes first. 

  11. 23 hours ago, Charlo said:

    How do they not match? They're all from wood elves!

    They are 14 year old models vs ones that are 6 years old.  That's significant for aesthetic.  


    What are the parts of that Glade Girl?  Juan Diaz Daemonette?


    On the plus side i'm getting my buddies Beasts of Chaos army he's giving away and converting my GG with some Ungors.

  12. While I applaud the idea of a separate thread I don't think it will be as good as traction as within the BoC thread.  


    My thoughts are 3 x 10 Bestigors aren't taking advantage of their thread being super wide, you don't have a Shaman or Cogs to propel them faster into CC and there is no Flaming bull for them to go first.  


    I quite like the battalion but I feel it works better with Warherd and Ghorgons can be surprisingly effective with re-rolling 1s.


    Best of luck :)

  13. 5 hours ago, Great Bray Tom said:

    I proxied a Chaos Sorcerer Lord this weekend as a spellcaster instead of a Bray Herd and an extra command point.

    Holy ****** this guy is incredible with Bestigor and Bullgor.

    Mmmm yeah totally forgot about him.  thanks :)  RR1s is a very underrated ability.  

  14. On 7/27/2019 at 7:43 AM, Wickie De Viking said:

    guys, what does this mean, miniature wise, there’s a rumour about a new Warband? If only a new Orion model would come out 😱


    No.  Just a release of an old trilogy.  

  15. On 7/26/2019 at 4:15 AM, Aloth_Corfiser said:

    Also a silly question concerning the new Battletome:
    Is anyone else worried about the Sisters of the Watch and their Battleline Status for Wanderers?

    No because it is a Wanderers allegiance ability not a Cities of Sigmar ability.    Two different things.  

    7 hours ago, martinwolf said:

    Seems like an odd coincidence that they release this book now, don't you think? But maybe I'm reading too much into it. :D

    Reading too much into it.  The book is due for a reprint if you have been paying attention to other Black Library old-world releases.

  16. On 7/27/2019 at 10:39 AM, HollowHills said:

    I do really hope this wanderers rumours come true, but I don't see another major release in 2019 after this new death faction.

    I hope people aren't confusing the Orion trilogy re-release with a Wanderer rumour :(

    1994 4th Ed WE, 2005 6th ed WE, 2014 8th ed WE,.. well it has been two editions of a game system but it hasn't been the requisite 9-11 years to rerelease Wood Elves 😉

    • Haha 1
  17. I think Monsters are great, I love the degrading profile.  I wish GW would stop making things "non-degrading" as well,. it isn't fixing issues.  Hello Jabberslythe,... not a fix.  I hope Str vs. T doesn't return.  40k while it is a better game now isn't as good as AoS.

    • Like 1
  18. On 7/23/2019 at 4:05 PM, Cambot1231 said:

    All this talk of Glade Guard being removed... don't forget destruction still have old models like  Shootas and Stabbas in their line.  Also weird that they would repackage Glade Guard only to retire them less than a year later.  Lastly they have been the  only basic battleline choice for Wanderers and there will be somewhat of an outcry from all 25 of us that play them if they do get squatted. 🌲🦌🌳🏹

    I think the Greenskinz argument pretty much nullifies this counter argument.  No one who plays Wanderers is taking 3 units of GG.  Sisters of the Watch are far better and BL with a Waywatcher hero which everyone has at least 1-3 of.   I'm not saying it will happen at this release but don't go buy 90.

    Also my next game of AoS will have a large unit of Wardancers as a generic Order army.  I don't get hung up on needing to only play bleeding edge matched play.  I have models I really love that I use that I have found a use for in my army (hint, Shield of Thorn and +2 to save).  Just because something is moved to Index doesn't mean it isn't playable.  I played Tomb Kings 2 weeks ago.  People have to stop letting tournament lists dictate their gaming.  There are a lot of ancillary bonuses to be had with realm items and spells.   

    1 hour ago, Raffonerd said:

    Warscroll changes will be there. Is reported in the WhC post by the author of the book.

    It is a good chance to bring up older Warscrolls in line with modern ones.  For example the Wanderer Waystrider has a command ability where you roll a D6, and on a 6 a friendly Wanderer unit can pile in and attack again.  That would be an ideal candidate to have as just pile in and attack again instead of only on a 6.  Addressing sold older warscrolls in this manner would do a lot for players of older armies without updating a slew of armies to Battletomes.  

  19. On 7/20/2019 at 4:13 AM, Tankman said:

    As a Wanderer player I've run Living City once and liked it except the LoS blocking trees.  Curious to see what will change with Living City.


    On 7/20/2019 at 6:16 AM, Double Misfire said:

    Sooo... taking bets on which units get culled. :( 

    • Glade Guard (while not a particularly nasty one, they're the oldest kit in the range and Glade Riders already went years ago)

    They aren't a good unit in the game, and the models while classic in a sense and were quite fantastic 14 years ago have aged out along the aesthetic of the end-of-8th-elves.  But I don't think they will be culled until something is done with the newer kits, EG, SotW, etc.

    On 7/20/2019 at 6:24 AM, Charlo said:

    I don't think wanderer archers are going anywhere... Or the Dwarf warriors. They're THE essential units for those factions,

    No they are not.  Sisters of the Watch hold objectives better, EG castle well, Rangers fight.  Glade Guard are only good if you have 30 and for being a bit ugly board control "elite horde" that has dismal dmg output.  They are in no way essential.  GW did a poor job in bringing Alves from 8th ed to AoS.  Your elite army became horde that lacked synergy.

    On 7/21/2019 at 8:06 AM, Aelfric said:

    Greenskins as a faction have points in GHB 2019.  They haven't gone away.  Gitmob Grots, on the other hand ..........

    Granted TK are in GHB 2019.  So... shrugs.

    On 7/22/2019 at 6:30 AM, Mogwai Man said:

    White Lions and Glade Guard are no longer available online. Is this a sign of models being removed from the roster?

    Bestigors have been no longer available twice and they are now a staple in 90% of BoC and Slaanesh armies.  When this happens people freak out then they become regular stock again and people move on

    17 hours ago, Thiagoma said:

    The Shadow warriors, charriot, flying charriot are probably not going away.

    I hope they get merged with Wanderers.

  20. On 7/18/2019 at 10:19 AM, Nick907 said:

    Some people think that the meta shifting may have just made Wanderers into a competitive force. 

    Just listened to Facehammer's podcast on Sylvaneth and they talked about shooting being good vs FEC and Slaanesh.  I wonder if you'll see a surprise sleeper hit with a tournament (probably Aus,.. weird Wood Elf tournament wins tend to come from there) where Wanderers win or place higher than expected solely from being strong anti-meta.  I gather woods will probably be all but dead now?  so no LoS blocking terrain really.

    On 7/20/2019 at 3:40 AM, Tankman said:

    So what's everyone's thoughts on the Free Cities announcement?

    I like that those Cities will continue to exist with some support.  Couple with drastically cheaper battalions from Sylvaneth a classic Wood Elf army isn't too difficult to build granted,.. you will loose Winterleaf's exploding 6s but we'll see.  I'm keen to see the book.  It will also bring shooting back more (anti-FEC).

    On 7/20/2019 at 10:52 AM, Alexispolux said:

    I expect centigor models they readded them into the beasts of chaos book but they have the old models still

    If you were around long ago Hastings mentioned on Warseer seeing Centigors.  When I privately asked him about this he said back in mid 8th ish they had larger Centigor CADs done but I assume the files were never printed.  I have always wanted to see those sculpts but they also would be more,.. like a cross between bull centaurs and chaos knights.  Less a smaller fast cav like unit.

    On 7/20/2019 at 10:41 PM, Aelfric said:

    The Glade Guard, I reckon, are going as they're an old sculpt.  No mention of Swifthawks, so it is possible that Shadow Warriors will replace them, gaining the Wanderers keyword, making the dual kit factional, and avoiding the need to make a replacement sculpt.

    I 100% agree with GG going away.  I think Dryads survived from a weird legacy crutch but will probably be gone from Sylvaneth when that army is redone in another 4-5 years.  2005 Era sculpts just don't hold up, legacy 6th ed boxes sold in multiples of 4,.. aesthetic that doesn't fit.  I would honestly love Swifthawk to be merged into Wanderer.

    On 7/21/2019 at 2:18 PM, Raffonerd said:

    I ve added the SoT

    check this out

    Wanderers.pdf 5.54 kB · 23 downloads

    Dont' post your list in pdf form.  Just the bare bones text.  

    On 7/22/2019 at 6:45 AM, Poddy said:

    I have lots of old waywatcher models. Has anyone got a video or link on how to convert them into sisters of the watch? As I like the old models


    Also have lots of wardancers. Can they be converted to anything? 

    Unless you have a really strict tournament regulation don't worry about converting.  I just use my Waywatchers as Sisters of the Watch and tell my opponent before hand.  You can use Wardancers as Rangers.  

    14 hours ago, carnith said:

    So Gladeguard are Sold Out and No Longer Available on the US GW site. So is this them dying off? Cause its the same for White Lions. 

    While I support the death knell of GG, for 2-3 years we have seen random kits sold out and no longer available and they always come back.  GG themselves have done this twice.  GW is trying to juggle global stock.  Don't think anything more than "oh,.. not available now" and if you do want some?  click the "Email me when available" as if there is interest GW will make more.  Pretty sure Bestigors have also been sold out twice and look at them now.  Required in both BoC and Slaanesh :P

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