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Posts posted by bonzai

  1. 2 hours ago, Evil Bob said:

    If you have any stories to share with how your Warband handled I’d love to read it Bonzai.

    The Path to Glory campaign kind of died on the vine. Might try and rekindle it with the Thondian campaign though. (Imagine what having an anvil of apotheosis priest with the curse prayer could do for us).

    Instead I have been doing a lot of 750 point training games with some new players. I let a new player use this list and I was happy with how it performed. It lost against me playing my Bonesplitterz, but a lot of it had to do with the Wurrgog nuking off the Abhorrent and most of a Varghulf before killing himself. I will be playing this list next against a Night Haunt list. I have been alternating between my this, my Bonesplitterz, Stormcast, and skaven to give them some variety and different army types. It has been a lot of fun and helping to grow my player base.

    • Haha 1
  2. On 4/7/2022 at 10:08 AM, Cdance93 said:

    I missed the Bonegrinz list, what was the tactics behind tying up a unit with 30 arrow boyz

    It was also about board control. This was before 3.0 coherency rules, so your bricks could be spread out, multi charge, and tie up your opponent and force them to deal with them while you pull ahead on objectives. This was also when you could save stack, and mystic shield let you re'roll 1's. This let our shield boys be surprisingly durable.

  3. Ok, full rules have been leaked. It is definitely interesting. They can be killed in one turn, but they are still under your control if the bonded hero gets killed. A bubble that gives +1 to hit and re'roll runs/charges is strong. My main complaint so far is that the only way to raise the domination level is entirely dependent on my opponents army composition. 400 points can be wiped out with an insta kill ability and a bad battleshock phase. Thankfully insta kill is kind of rare. 

    First list idea... (Drakkfoot of course)

     Wurrgog (general): Master of Magic 150

    Wurrgog: Glowing Tattoos 150

    Wardokk 80

    10 Moreboys 155

    10 Morboys 155

    10 boys w/ stikkas 165

    10 Maniacs 290

    10 Maniacs 290

    2 big stabbas 80

    2 big stabbas 80

    Incarnate 400

    Total: 1995

    It will need an extra enhancement for the Incarnate. The idea is to designate the general to casting duty, while the 2nd can blast away with his mask. 

    Not sure if I like it better than my current set up with my Idol. The Incarnate has awesome offense, but it feels like the Idol would be more survivable and have a longer term impact. I have an Incarnate Elemental of Beasts that I might proxy with at first. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Cdance93 said:

    Interested to see what the domination aura is, I hope it’s not just casting but we’ll see. That would make or break it in our lists 

    Supposedly it also let's you all out attack to multiple units, which would be huge for us. That is part of the synergy I was referencing. However it has a unique bracketing system and may lose that ability as it gets to more weakened states. They say that it "counts" as having 18 wounds, but wounds don't impact it's state. So how it raises and lowers its state and effectiveness will be a key factor.

  5. I am having mixed feelings regarding the new Incarnate. I have only heard the leaks so far, so my opinions could change as the rules continue to come out. At 400 points it is a big investment. Having run 2 Rogue Idols before, I feel that having two big investments like that is too much for us, as we need board presence. So this would provide an alternative to Kragnos or an Idol, instead of in addition to. Which is a shame, as there are definitely synergies with them. Lol, particularly frustrated that I can finally get a 3+ to my casting again, but it is at to high an investment cost.

    If it's movement is good, then I could see it as a Kragnos alternative in an Icebone list. I need to know how it's states work, and how close it needs to be to it's bound hero before I make up my mind.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Cdance93 said:

    I think intent is super important, for example, going into this army knowing the goal was to simply body block, deny tactics and objectives it really helped me play. My intent for 30 boyz was definitely to create a tarpit but maybe it doesn’t actually do anything besides create an opportunity  to kill more orruks than if the unit was smaller 

    It comes down to support. 30 boyz, plus a +1save via Wardokk or mystic shield, Emerald Lifeswarm, and occasional Rally's should keep it alive and doing what it is supposed to. The question is whether or not it is worth the investment.

    Lol, makes me really want a Faction terrain piece. Waaagh Banners. Something like reroll battleshock and charges, and add +1to rally rolls for units within 6.

    • Like 1
  7. On 3/28/2022 at 3:13 AM, Ulfast said:

    As a returning FEC players, who has not played any of 3ed AoS, what advice would you give me?

    Enjoy our current book while you can with the new rules system. If the trend continues, we are going to get something much more stripped down in our next book. Maybe it will be good, maybe it won't. As someone who also plays Bonesplitterz, it still hurts when I sit down. So don't wait till the new tome to start playing.

    Main piece of other advice would be to really think about how the new rules interact with our rules. Like do you want to all out attack or feeding frenzy? Or rally plus normal regen can be clinch for some units. Or just how brutal the Flaming Weapons spell can be on Archregents.

  8. On 3/21/2022 at 1:57 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

    I like the mix of foot and boar boys.  Just wondering if trading Kragnos in for a bunch of Wurgoggs and Big Stabbas might be better?  Kragnos lacks a decent ward save; any ranged MW are a severe threat to him, and he only ignores half the spells cast on average.

    Then I'm further wondering if a Bonesplitterz army is loaded with rend-2 and MW (from the Stabbas and Wurgoggs, and maybe a Rogue Idol) is it then beneficial to go with Drakfoot instead?  If we have tons of armor ignoring stuff anyways, why not ignore the possible ward saves?  Something I've been wanting to try especially vs Nurgle and the Phoenicium.

    I have been struggling to make Drakkfoot work. This is the next version that I am going to try.

     - Army Faction: Orruk Warclans
         - Army Type: Bonesplitterz
         - Subfaction: Drakkfoot
         - Grand Strategy: Get Dem Bones!
         - Triumph: Bloodthirsty
    Wurrgog Prophet (150)*
         - Artefacts of Power: Glowin’ Tattooz
         - Spells: Gorkamorka’s War Cry
    Wardokk (80)*
         - Spells: Power of the Were-boar
    Savage Big Boss (65)*
         - General
         - Command Traits: Great Hunter
    10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (155)*
    10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (155)*
    10 x Savage Orruk Boyz (165)* 
    1 x Rogue Idol (430)*
    10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (290)*
    10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (290)*
    2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80)**
    2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80)**
    1 x Emerald Lifeswarm (60)
     -  *Battle Regiment
     -  **Hunters of the Heartlands
    TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000
    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

    I haven't had a chance to play with this version yet, but I think it has a decent balance. 3 drops. Stabbas go with the Moreboys, stikkas screen the Wurrgog and Wardokk, which in turn support the idol. Maniacs provide speed, initial preturn movement and screens, as well as significant damage. Warboss is there for his command ability, and will hide to preserve command point generation... (he's Morky that one).

    This set up may change soon, depending on what the new Incarnate of Ghur rules look like. It reminds me of the old Incarnate Elemental of Beasts, where in 1st edition it was a spell that you paid points for and summoned (10 to cast). I used to run one to get a monster. If it is worthwhile, I may run a double Wurgogg. One with Master of magic and casting focused, the other with glowing tattoos to care bear stare things. I am very interested to see how this changes things up.

    • Like 1
  9. 17 hours ago, Honk said:

    Bill is cheating… rumor says he knows the opponents list better than his poor victim 🤣 

    I failed miserably with a horde approach, but it might be skill, battleplan and opponent. The Ironjawz were delighted to trample over me. 

    Yeah, 30 wounds isn't a huge amount in the scheme of things. Still, I might have to try it out for the hell of it. 

    • Haha 1
  10. Saw that Bill D'Souza did well with Flesh Eaters recently. His list had allied in Gorslav and 40 zombies. This got me thinking down a rabbit hole. Obviously he was using them as the screen/tarpit that Ghouls used to be used for. Cool idea, but it also is kind of sad that he had to go outside our army to accomplish that. Then that got me thinking... can we make Ghoul Hordes great again? Probably not, but we can probably make them interesting. So that got me thinking on a list.

     - Army Faction: Flesh-eater Courts
         - Subfaction: Morgaunt
         - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    Abhorrant Archregent (245)*
         - Spells: Flaming Weapon
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (445)*
         - General
         - Command Traits: Savage Chivalry
         - Artefacts of Power: Decrepit Coronet
         - Spells: Blood Feast
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (445)**
         - Spells: Spectral Host
    Crypt Ghast Courtier (70)**
    Crypt Ghast Courtier (70)**
    30 x Crypt Ghouls (255)*
    30 x Crypt Ghouls (255)*
    10 x Crypt Ghouls (85)*
    1 x Emerald Lifeswarm (60)
    1 x Chalice of Ushoran (70)
    1 x Charnel Throne (0)
     -  *Battle Regiment
     -  **Command Entourage
    TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000

    Two big bricks of Ghouls, and the Archregent can summon another 20. With both the Chalice and the Lifeswarm, combined with the two ghasts, there should be a ****** ton of models coming back. Plus you have the Command ability to have a 50/50 shot at bringing the entire unit back when it's destroyed. Then you have the customary double AGKoT for offense, and they in turn can summon two units of Flayers for fast flying objective grabbers. It actually looks kind of fun, if not competitive. 

    What are your thoughts?

    • Haha 1
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  11. 2 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:


    Kraggy with Bonesplitterz?


    Kraggy with Squigs?

    Lol... for some reason your comment got me thinking of early 3.0. Can you imagine where Gitz could be if we had kept the Priest tag on our Wardokk? They could easily ally them in and then thier Hordes could have mortals on 6's and now Kragnos? 

    • Like 1
  12. 14 hours ago, Shirtripper said:

    For a Rogue Idol, I'd probably do something like this in some capacity, since you want to take advantage of the 3" reach to fight over your own Orruks on foot, or go charging in T1 if they leave something squishy out in the open:

    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz
    - Warclan: Icebone
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs:

    Savage Big Boss (65)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Great Hunter
    Wurrgog Prophet (150)
    - Artefact: Glowin' Tattooz
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Power of the Were-boar
    Wardokk (80)
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Power of the Were-boar

    30 x Savage Orruks (495)
    - Stikkas
    - Reinforced x 2
    10 x Savage Orruks (165)
    - Stikkas
    10 x Savage Orruks (165)
    - Stikkas

    4 x Savage Big Stabbas (160)
    - Reinforced x 1
    10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (290)
    - Reinforced x 1

    Rogue Idol (430)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 4 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 180
    Drops: 9


    As for Kragnos + Rogue Idol, it's a bit tougher for space, but this might be worth trying out with Krag + Rogue Idol acting as a 1-2 punch:

    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz
    - Warclan: Icebone
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs:

    Wurrgog Prophet (150)
    - Artefact: Glowin' Tattooz
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Power of the Were-boar
    Maniak Weirdnob (100)
    Kragnos, The End of Empires (720)

    10 x Savage Boarboys (280)
    - Chompas
    - Reinforced x 1
    5 x Savage Boarboys (140)
    - Chompas
    10 x Savage Orruks (165)
    - Chompas

    Rogue Idol (430)

    Total: 1985 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 112
    Drops: 7


    Yeah, I don't know about running Kragnos and an Idol. I used to run double Idol, and that was far to many points tied up into too few units. I am a lot happier with 1 and having more units and wounds to work with.

  13. On 2/27/2022 at 5:27 PM, PlasticCraic said:

    Congrats to @Shirtripper for the 4-1 on the weekend

    Well done mate! 

    Yeah, congrats! Saw another Post on FB about another Bonesplitterz w/ Kragnos going 4-1 as well. To my knowledge you two are the highest placing Bonesplitterz players since the book came out.

    Guess Kragnos is the secret sauce we have been looking for. Would love to hear any insight or pointers that you have. I have yet do very well against high end competitive lists 

    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, Oreaper84 said:

    Question for da Prophets....in Icebone looking for the last couple of units to fill out the list and im considering either Maniaks or Regular boarboyz (I alread have my three battleline either way). My pros/cons as far as i can tell are:

    Maniaks (+) have more attacks to proc mortal wounds, dont give up broken ranks (-) cant help score grand strat or cap objectives as battleline

    Boarboyz (+) are battleline for grand strats/scenerios, better save (-) give up broken ranks

    I am thinking either Waaagh or Hold the Line for my Grand Strategy. What are your opinions on the matter?

    I lean towards Maniacs for the output.

    • Like 2
  15. Lol, my last post got me all nostalgic. Went and dug up some of my old lists. It was fun to see how things evolved over time.

    1st edition list.

    Wurrgog Prophet (General): Glowing Tattoos, hand of gork, Squirmy war paint140
    Wardokk: Big Wurrgog Mask, brutal beast spirits 80
    Wardokk: mystic Waaagh paint, Bone Krusha 80
    Wardokk: Gorkamorka’s war cry 80
    Wardokk: Squiggly curse 80

    30 Moreboys 360
    30 Moreboys 360
    5 Savage Boarboy Maniacs 160
    5 Savage Boarboy Maniacs 160

    Incarnate Elemental of Beasts 300

    Kopp Rukk 100
    Drakkfoot 60

    Total: 1960

    This list was one drop, thanks to the Drakkfoot Battalion, and got 2 extra artifacts from the 2 Battalions. 2 Wardokks would go with each brick, and get a +2 casting bonus. This could be further improved with the Wardokks dance to a 3+. This is important as the Incarnate Elemental of Beasts was a spell that you bought and had to be cast on a 11+. The Drakkfoot's bonus spell let's you pile in and attack, and it needs an 8+. So casting bonuses are important in this list.

    The strategy was to max out the bonuses to cast on a Wardokk and cast the Incarnate Elemental of Beasts. It would then become a distraction carnifex and tear into the opponent. If it died,  then it triggered the Moreboys +1 to hit and the Kopp rukk was already giving them +1 to wound. Brutal beast spirits could add another +1 to hit, so they were hitting and wounding on 2's with their chompas. The idea was to do multiple attack activations whenever possible. The Wurrgogs command ability and the Drakkfoot's spell both gave one, the Maniacs attacked a second time on a turn that they charge, and the Elemental attacks again if it is killed in combat. I had a strong casting game and each caster can dish out mortal wounds. Back then there wasn't a lot of things that could shrugg off mortal wounds.

    It was a fun list to play, but some games you just couldn't get the Elemental off. When that happens you are basically playing 460 points less than your opponent, and it got rough. It was also short on units, so losses hurt. Fast, high output armies could chew through it. Still, this is what got me hooked on Bonesplitterz in general and Drakkfoot in particular, and established my preferred play style with them.

    2nd edition

    Subfaction: Drakkfoot
    Wurrgog Prophet: (General): Fireball, Mork's Boney bits, Breath of Gork160
    Wardokk: Burning tattoo's, Brutal Beast Spirits 80
    Wardokk: Bone Krusha 80
    Wardokk: Kunnin Beast Spirits 80
    Wardokk: Gorkamorka’s warcry 80

    30 arrowboys 360
    10 Boarboys (stikkas) 280
    10 Boarboys (stikkas) 280
    10 Savage Orrks (chompas) 120

    Rogue Idol 420

    50 points (extra artifact)
    Total: 1990

    The Elemental is out, but the Rogue Idol was in. Kunning beast spirits and Wardokk dance upgraded his saves to a 2+ which was rerollable with mystic shield, and it had a 5+ shrug. This made him an absolute tank, and the wardoks can heal him. He would be backed up with the arrowboys who would be buffed by Brutal beast spirits. The casting game is still strong with this list, and it still dishes out a lot of mortal wounds. The Wurrgog can get a +3 to cast to help make for some brutal fists of gork. With the drakkfoot command ability I could unbind 7 spells a turn, all with some nice bonuses. And of course the Drakkfoots Faction abilitiy was a great perk.

    This list was a lot stronger and more reliable than my previous editions list, but it kept the same spirit and was a fun list to play. It certainly held its own.

    Early 3rd edition

    Sub Faction: Drakkfoot 

    Wurrgog Prophet : (General) mork's boney bits, kunning beast spirits 170
    Wardokk: guidance, breath of gorkamorka 80
    Wardokk: heal, gorka morka warcry 80
    Wardokk: curse, brutal beast spirits, burning tattoo 80

    30 Arrow Boys 390
    5 Boar Boys 140
    5 Boar Boys 140

    Rogue Idol 420
    Rogue Idol 420

    Endless Spells
    Emerald Life Swarm 60

    Battalions: Warlord, alpha beast pack

    Total: 1995

    3rd edition brought huge changes. Wardokks had the Priest tag and finally could do something with it. So not only were they able to cast Spells and dance, but now pray as well. The curse prayer was huge. Turning all 6's to hit into mortal wounds on the target unit. The brick of arrowboys are now averaging 22 regular wounds and 15 mortal wounds when the curse went off. No more save stacking so I ran 2, but the healing capabilities were even higher. A healing prayer, Wardokk dances, and now the Lifeswarm. Being able to retain control of your Endless Spells made the Lifeswarm a consistent source of healing, and it could return models to your arrowboys on a 3+. Between that and rally you have solid unit replenishment. I was also winning the command point game. I had the prayer, the heroic action, and the Wurrgogs ability to net some extra points.

    I didn't get to play this list long, but it was most certainly the most powerful version of the army that I have played to date. I didn't ever feel like I had an unwinnable game.


    Now post battletome I am still trying to get my feet under me, as the play style I loved really isn't working anymore. Our spell Lore has been gutted, and casting now comes with a steep opportunity cost. Our troop options have been restricted so it limits our options and shoehorn us to build a certain way. Hopefully I will find something that clicks for me.

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  16. 13 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    While previous incarnations of Bonesplitterz aren't familiar to me, they seem pretty solid in the new book compared to other armies I've played and played against.  

    First edition we had a few things going for us. Point for point, we had some of the cheapest wounds that we could flood the board with. We had an incredible list of spells, and lots of ways to boost our casting upto to a +3. Monster hunters was a fun and flavorful rule that let us compensate for not having any of our own. Another common theme we had was multi activations, which was balanced by the fact that the stats on our units were really lack luster for the most part. The one exception was Arrowboys who could have three shots and with kunning rukk could also fire in the hero phase. It was so much better than anything else in the book that was pretty much all you saw. Either as a pure Bonesplitterz list, or as a component in a grand alliance destruction list that was a top performer at the time. Subfactions at the time were seldom used due to having to pay points for them. Overall we were very competitive, but got a lot of flack due to our shooting phase taking forever.

    Second edition saw a slight points increase, but we no longer had to buy our Subfactions. Our Battalions were nerfed a bit, but our statlines were boosted so it evened out. We also got access to rogue Idols. Kunning Rukk was still a thing, but two maxed squads of arrowboys had the same output. The Subfactions were all used, and played very differently. Bonegrinz focused on the tried and true tactics of flooding the board with boys with shields. You could stack save bonuses on them with a spell and Wardokk, and then re'roll 1's with mystic shield. 60 wounds with a 3+/6+ rerolling ones was a tough brick to shift, and their Subfaction ability would help keep them in place. Icebone was the calvary choice, though probably the least used. Drakkfoot was the most common choice, and was the caster forward choice and often used arrowboys and Idols for the heavy lifting. Overall we weren't as competitive a choice as we were in 1st edition, but we had a lot more versatility and had much better internal balance.

    Early 3rd edition we had an extremely powerful list that accidentally popped up. Wardokks had the Priest tag, so they could do the curse prayer. Combined with a maxed squad of arrowboys, Drakkfoot, and monster hunters we were surprisingly scary. Scary as in tabling Gargant lists in 2 turns scary. In that short time we had some top place wins, mainly because we fed on son's of Behemet, but it was pretty strong all around.

    Now with the new book we are basically running Icebone and last time I checked the stats, no one has placed better than 3-2 in a 5 round event. 

    • Like 1
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  17. On 2/3/2022 at 7:57 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

    Thinking about Drakkfoot builds vs Icebone. 

    I favor Icebone generally cuz it's always on, but units with few attacks perhaps aren't as useful for lack of extra hits, and thus less MW potential.  So perhaps units like Savage Big Bosses and Boarboy Maniaks are better, but what about battlelines....would Boarboys always be the choice over Stikka-boys on foot?  I mean the Boars are battleline for Icebone anyways but the model count is higher for the foot troops, and they still get to hit mostly from the 2" range.

    For Drakkfoot, guess I'd use the Stikka-boys for battleline, but then I'm thinking switch to Big Stabbas, more Wurrgoggs and a Rogue Idol.  For ignoring ward saves, might as well ignore armor right?  

    Just wondering if others were thinking similarly for the army lists for each subfaction.  Would love to fight Nurgle, that Daughters of Khaine one, Fyreslayers Hearthguard spam, and Phoenix Temple with Drakkfoot :D


    I think Icebone's the clear winner between sub Factions for us, as it doesn't depend on what your opponents bringing. That being said, I have run Drakkfoot since 1st edition,and will continue to do so. My current list is:

     - Army Faction: Orruk Warclans
         - Army Type: Bonesplitterz
         - Subfaction: Drakkfoot
         - Grand Strategy: Get Dem Bones!
         - Triumph: Bloodthirsty
    Wurrgog Prophet (150)*
         - Artefacts of Power: Glowin’ Tattooz
         - Spells: Gorkamorka’s War Cry
    Wardokk (80)*
         - Spells: Power of the Were-boar
    Savage Big Boss (65)*
         - General
         - Command Traits: Great Hunter
    10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (155)*
    10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (155)*
    10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (155)*
    1 x Rogue Idol (430)*
    10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (290)*
    10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (290)*
    2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80)**
    2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80)**
    1 x Emerald Lifeswarm (60)
     -  *Battle Regiment
     -  **Hunters of the Heartlands
    TOTAL POINTS: 1990/2000
    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

    I was running double Idol for a while, but I felt it was lacking in force projection and needed more units. So I dropped one, and some extra characters. Now I feel like the list is a little more balanced, but can still pull off all of the tricks that I used to. 

    Now my list is 3 drops. I have more speed with the 2 maxed Boar units, two of the Moreboys will be backed up with big stabbas, with the third screening my characters. Still have my healing and caster buffs, as well as a monster to try and grab bonus points with. I will probably change my Grand Strategy, but I need more games with it before I settle on one.

    This is my 3rd list attempt with the new book. Hopefully this one will work out better.

    • Like 1
  18. On 1/24/2022 at 11:54 AM, Lord Krungharr said:

     Besides Glowin Tattooz, not real sure any of the artefacts, even the generic ones, are worth taking.  We already have the 6+ ward save all over the place, and the heroes are not gigantic beatsticks who would greatly benefit from Manticore Venom.  Or does it depend on the build for us somehow?  With the Tireless Trackers I'm just seeing fast and furious being the best option, since we're not super tanky.

    Yeah, last edition Mork's Boney Bitz was a decent pick, as you could reliably get a +3 to cast, which put us in A tier when it came to spell battles. Now it is only situationally not useless. Amulet of Destiny was a good pick, but it's pointless for us now. I guess Lucky Bone could be ok, but I wouldn't go out of your way for it.

    • Thanks 1
  19. On 1/7/2022 at 12:28 AM, Evil Bob said:

    In mid December the local gaming club finished a Path To Glory campaign that ran for most of a semester. I had a blast. It may have helped that no one went out of their way to cheese. In every battle at least two units of three Flayers were deployed and with proper care/strategy/planning they worked. It was an odd feeling about a unit type that tended to get ruthlessly slaughtered in matchplay.

    Path to Gory Roster


    Order of Battle


    Been thinking about what I would run in a path to glory league. Right now my starting list would be;


    Archregent (general): Hellish orator, eye of hysh, Flaming Weapons 245

    Crypt Infernal 130

    3 Crypt Flayer 180

    3 Crypt Flayers 180

    Total: 735

    Archregent will summon a Varghulf, so both Flayer units get a babysitter, and 2 chances to bring back lost models. Archregent becomes an absolute monster with Flaming Weapons and his ferocious hunger spell. 

    It looks extremely solid to me at that points level. 



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  20. On 1/15/2022 at 10:35 PM, Joseph Mackay said:

    So, what changes do people hope Bonesplitterz get in the next balance update/what changes in general do you think Bonesplitterz need?

    -Spirit Of Gorkamorka applies to all Bonesplitterz units and heroes regardless of the number of models in their unit (maybe not the Rouge Idol?).
    -20-30pts drop on all infantry (except Big Stabbas).
    -Wardokk gains the Priest keyword again (why did he lose it in the first place? Daughters have Wizard-Priest units so that can’t be it).
    -and here’s one just for fun (I don’t think it’ll happen and I’m not sure it actually should): Savage Big Boss loses the Leader pitched battle role (like Grimwrath Berzerkers and Doomseekers)

    Pie in the sky hopes?

    Add to the Bonegrinz Faction abilitiy that the Spirit of Gorkamorka applies to their ranged attacks, or just change the ability directly. This fits with their theme, and makes arrowboys a little more efficient. They are already the most inaccurate unit in the book, why nerf them further? (The obvious and cynical answer is that they didn't want us to outshine bolt boys).

    Change Drakkfoot allegiance ability to "enemy units cannot take ward saves against wounds and mortal wounds caused by Drakkfoot units." Right now it only works on attacks. This change will let it work on all wounds. Ignoring wards is already a niche ability. Why narrow it even more by limiting it to just attacks? It's even more insulting that there is only one way for Drakkfoot to actually deal a mortal wound via attacks, and that us by blowing a command ability on a big boss.

    Add or just change the Wardokk's keyword to priest again. Destruction needs access to priests just like all the other factions. The curse prayer would potentially be a game changer on its own. 

    Change Mork's Boney Bitz to what it was in the previous book. As is it can be useless a good amount of time as is, especially in a tournament setting.

    Remove the stipulation about not being able to shoot from power of the were-boar. This puts it back in line to where it was, and will let Bonegrinz players be able to get two units shooting halfway decent a turn.

    Reduce the price of Savage Orruks. It feels odd that our basic unit is also the most expensive one in the book. 20 points less would be nice.

    Those would be my fixes. Bonegrinz and Drakkfoot would be brought more in line with Icebone. Our shooting would be brought back in line and worthy of consideration. Once again we can consistently get a +3 to cast, and puts us back into A tier casting again. Access to a priest would not only flip the script for us, but also do wonders for gitz as well.

    Will it ever happen? I doubt it, but this is what I would do.

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  21. 12 hours ago, Cosmicsheep said:

    Yes, the lack of a horde bonus still hurts, but we aren’t really affected by the new coherency rules. Because of GW’s rules being in inches but bases having to be sold in mm, our 25mm bases mean that even stringing Clanrats out in single file means that there are 2 models within 1”. The one and only time I’ve had to think about coherency is with a unit of 6 rat ogres when I played pure moulder.

    But I love that list though. I might even steal that 🤣

    Awesome point. And mine are still on squares, so they pack in extra close, lol.

  22. Hey guys. I have been sorting out my various armies for 3rd edition, and am now looking at my Skaven army. Skaven were my first AoS army from back in 1st edition. Typically my play style was big bricks of 40 clan rats that would bolstered by a Warbringer's death frenzy and the gnaw-gnash command ability. I loved how units would implode on them, and catch people by surprise. They would be backed up with wft's and WLC's.  Sadly, I kind drifted away from them in 2nd edition after they squated my clawlord on a Brood Horror (loved that little guy).

    Now I am scratching my head trying to figure out what I want to do for 3rd edition. The price hikes and coherency changes hurt. This edition doesn’t seem to favor Hordes, but then again running one could catch people out. Hidden weapon teams seem like a fun new twist in a heavy shooting Meta.  

    To me, the most interesting change in 3rd, is the access to generic prayers. Curse could make Clanrat bricks devastating, and fortunately Skaven have ready access to priests. Unfortunately it has a very short range and the 3 inch mortal wound bubble makes positioning tricky, though it could be fun to try.

    My initial thoughts are:

    Warbringer (General): Brutal Fury, Flaypelt Cloak, Flaming Weapon.



    Plague priest

    Plague priest

    40 clan rats

    40 clan rats

    10 stormvermin

    Warpfire Thrower

    Warpfire Thrower 

    Warpfire Thrower 

    Warpfire Thrower 

    Warp lightning cannon

    Warp lightning cannon

    Battalions: Battle Regiment, grand battery

    Total: 1965

    General idea is that each brick will be baby sat by a clawlord, a priest, Warp lightning cannon, and have 2 hidden weapon teams. The Warbringer will assist whichever brick needs reinforcement. 

    Not a barn burner by any stretch, but it is the best adaptation I can see for my old style of list. Whether or not it is particularly viable or not anymore remains to be seen.

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