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Everything posted by BadDice0809

  1. Depends on the units. Drycha with an extra 9" move, Alarielle with an extra 16", both of these will probably be safe to get in. But Durthu or hunters, with only an extra 5"? Probably not so much
  2. My question is this: is 6 Hunters and Alarielle enough of a combat punch? Is Durthu, a TLA, and 6 Hunters enough? I keep thinking about armies like the fyreslayers or a nurgle plaguebearer blob. Can our hitters by themselves fight 3x 30 of beserkers or -1 to hit plaguebearers?
  3. Thank you for the feedback! I am split on lamentri or acorn... but I am starting to think the guarantee of placing a wood from the acorn (depending on who takes the side with the initial wood/objectives/ etc) maybe be more important than +1 to cast the dryad farm. As for quicksilver swords instead of shackles, I'm just worried that since I am going to be in their face turn one, and going first, they might end up controlling them more than me! Thanks for your feedback! I still want durthu for plenty of reasons. He is another behemoth character, with an artifact, to take objectives, his terrifying reputation means people will focus on him, 6 DAM Sword!!!... the changes to wyldewoods and character targeting mean how hunters hit less, and now even our own woods can be used to screen from them. I figure Drycha, Durthu, TLA, and even the unleash sprites from the branchwych covers enough mid range shooting (besides I want to be close). With you on the acorn though... maybe drop gyhranstrike?... I just get worried about whiffing with Durthu. As for the cogs, that's not a bad idea. Maybe the wych will have to go, and the extra shooting be damned.
  4. List thoughts? It's my attempt at a dreadwood threat overload Allegiance: SylvanethMortal Realm: GhyranSpirit of Durthu (380)- General- Trait: Realm Walker - Artefact: Ghyrstrike Treelord Ancient (300)- Artefact: Moonstone of the Hidden Ways - Deepwood Spell: RegrowthDrycha Hamadreth (280)- Deepwood Spell: The ReapingBranchwraith (80)- Artefact: Ranu's Lamentiri - Deepwood Spell: Verdant BlessingBranchwych (80)- Deepwood Spell: Throne of Vines5 x Spite-Revenants (70)5 x Spite-Revenants (70)5 x Spite-Revenants (70)5 x Spite-Revenants (70)6 x Kurnoth Hunters (400)- ScythesOutcasts (90)Dreadwood Wargrove (90)Soulsnare Shackles (20)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 2 plan is get first turn, deep strike the hunters at the weakest point. TLA deepstrikes there as well, and Durthu either realm walks in to help, or hits with with Drycha in the second wave. Shackles are there to throw at the opposite end of the army to try to fix them in place. Branchwraith starts the dryad factory, and branchwych gets mid field, or on an objective and casts Throne to act as Sprite Bomb (with Drycha) and prime dispeller.
  5. So is the Spirit of Durthu shooting really hitting on 5+ now like the official app says? It seems like that app is now riddled with errors now
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