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Posts posted by Mossback

  1. I'm doing a Celestial Hurricanum for my Sylvaneth army and going to replace the small 50x100mm rectangle base with a 170x105mm oval. The extra size will allow me to have two pairs of fey steeds pulling it as well as more interesting basing details. I did an overlay of the two sizes using PowerPoint, and it isn't really as drastic of a size increase as it may sound.


  2. 49 minutes ago, shadowgra said:

    kurnoth can reroll saves, coming with a 4+ that means that they half the wounds they take from a - rend weapon. 

    15*2*2= 60

    or at least i assume that this is what he meanted.

    Anyway kurnoths are OP imho, just too much damage/tankiness and too cheap points 

    A 4+ save is only a 50% chance of success. Rolling again still is only another 50% chance. To even get the second roll you have to forgo any further movement for the turn, basically bunkering down. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Gustav said:

    I have some Crucial feedback for changes to General's Handbook. 2 Crucial changes: Kurnoth Hunters with Bows: 180 points is way to cheap, when they have 5 wounds and reroll on the amor save. We are talking about a practically artillery piece being more cost effective as a tank, than normal battle line units. Mathematically the Hunters with bows are way out of line. Statistically no unit in the game as we are aware of can counter this unit on point cost, which is never the idea. All units must be able to be countered by something. The hunters with melee weapons at least doesn't have range, so one can try to deal with them before they get into melee combat. With bows, they outclass everything, which was never the idea. A good comparison are the new Vanguard Raptors. They have about the same damage and range and cost the SAME AMOUNT but the hunters kan take 5 TIMES the punishment. In melee we are talking about 60 effective wounds! That twice the amount as battle line units has per point! One is better off using a pure army of Kurnoth Hunters than actual battle line units. I think we can all agree on this was not the intent and must obviously be changed. Either by making hunter more squishy or paying a lot more for them. Hunters with bows, according to my calculations should cost around 240-280 points depending on what category of point efficiency you want them.


    The second Crucial change to the Sylvaneth Roster is the Allegiance Ability "Navigate Realmroots". This ability has to get added the phrase "if no enemy unit is within 3'' ". I don't think is was the intent that Treelords/Ancient Treelords/Spirit of Durthu and Kurnoth Hunters should be able to Teleport-retreat out of combat, heal up to full unit size and full health and then get back in. At least one should be able to catch them on the retreat. The ability is already border-line overpowered as is. 


    These two changes are somewhat crucial as they pretty much break the game as is. It's not cool when one must always house-rule these two things even in tournaments.

    Other, less crucial changes:

    Savage Orruk Arrowboys should cost 120-130 points, not only 100.

    Seraphon Betallions are too expensive and should be reduced in price. 

    Fyreslayers need help across the line. 

    Tomb Kings need a nerf as well. Settra needs to cost more. 

    Maybe Nagash should be lowered to some 800 points. 900 points is a bit too much with 3 rules of 1

    How are you coming up with those numbers for the Kurnoth Hunters? A unit is only three Hunters, and with the maximum possible hits and damage, they could only possibly do 18 wounds with the bows. Even if they were shooting point blank into a unit, with the bows, Quiverlings and Trample underfoot all added together, that is only 24 wounds. The Vanguard Raptors you mentioned can possibly put out with every shot hitting and doing maximum damage 18 damage. Add in their Aetherwing companions you get an additional maximum six wounds. That is on par with the Kurnoth Hunters. Also, three Kurnoth Hunters have a maximum of 15 wounds per unit. The Vanguard Raptors have a maximum of 6 per unit. Where are you getting this 60 effective wounds number? Kurnoth Hunters have been part of Sylvaneth armies at tournaments and have hardly broken the game.

  4. 34 minutes ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

    Looks more like those stacks of ceramic discs you see on power substations whose name eludes me right now:

    Hopefully it's Duardin as it looks suitably steampunky, but could be something else like Ad Mech.

    Those are insulators. The picture looked like to me too. Maybe some sort of Duardin power weapon?

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