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Everything posted by Azazel

  1. I didn't so much rage quit, as lost interest in Warhammer Fantasy. Oh, this was back in 5th edition. I played 3rd edition WHFB "Oldhammer" alongside Rogue Trader. I played a little of 4th Edition, but then 5th Edition WHFB had way too much of an emphasis on heroes and wizards. I didn't enjoy Herohammer, so I simply stopped playing. A few years ago, I picked up Kings of War, which I enjoy very much. I also really like the basing style of KoW, without casualty removal because the unit footprint is what matters. This led me to a revival of painting my Fantasy models in 2013 for KoW, though now on the Round bases that I'd always preferred aesthetically. Just blu-tac them down to the unit trays, you see. When GW axed WHFB it was a sad moment in many ways, and my feelings on AoS were divided - I had no love for the setting, but liked (and bought) many of the models. I was willing to give the game a play, but didn't see much scope outside of scenario play, since I play friendly games for the most part, but couldn't see a way to have a fair fight between a bunch of elves and a bunch of goblins. Use a wound count? Hell no! With the General's Handbook release, it has opened up the game to both narrative and balanced, pitched battle play (it ain't especially "competitive" for me). I have so say though - I've still got no love for most of the new background. My Orcs are still called Orcs, and my Elves are still Elves. Others I can fit into my own head-canon as subfactions, such as the Everqueen's stuff or Flesh-Eater Court. Not that it matters to anyone but myself, of course...
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