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Posts posted by Cambot1231

  1. Question I dont have my hands on the battletome yet and wanted use StD as my base for a slaanesh army.  In order to take pretenders/ godseekers etc Do I need to run specific units/ battalions or can marked chaos warriors/ chosen/ knights still be considered Pretenders / Seekers and get the slaanesh buffs associated with each?  

  2. 11 hours ago, Kaz said:

    Hey fellow servants of the dark gods, I’m considering jumping into Darkoath/Slaves to darkness, and I’ve got a Warshrine. Now I’m also a Khorne player, so I had initially been considering turning my Warshrine into a blade of Khorne one, but because of the new releases, I’m considering making it Undivided, and jumping into this faction, especially with the new Darkoath aesthetic they have going on.

    When do you guys think GW will finally release them? I had been hoping adeptucon, but nothing so far (Absolutely thrilled at adeptucon still, but Slaanesh and Fyreslayers still ain’t my thing). And if I do jump in, should I grab the relatively old models like Chosen or chaos warriors or marauders? Or are they in danger of being phased out? 

    One thing I feel these guys will get are lots of Chariots. In the Warqueen book, there was a heavy focus on Darkoath Chariots

    i also noticed a  single Chaos leader uniting and leading multiple varied tribes, each with their own beliefs and interpretation of the Chaos gods that were unique and different. What do you guys think? 

    Slaves to Darkness lack a murder machine at the moment.  The closest they get are chosen with either Khorne or SLaanesh buffs.  Their other units provide nice anvils but are outclassed on offense level.  My chaos army is composed of a core of chaos warriors taking up battleline and then depending on what God I devote to I take the best offensive units from that faction.  If you wanted to go purely slaves to darkness I would invest in knights, chosen, chaos warriors and chaos lord on mount.  

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  3. There is a little potential for a Wanderers  VS the Gits instead of Sylvaneth box in that trailer.  The loss of Glade Guard a few weeks ago might represent them taking sprues off the market to repackage into the VS box.  Grasping at straws here but what the hey... gives them an excuse to drop our battletome.

  4. What's the status of our old friend sayl the faithless these days? Any luck running  him and punting  chaos chosen or the like across the field? He looks somewhat over costed now that he has to bring the chaos spawn with him from first glance but if anyone has had some good experiences including him lately I'd like to hear about it.

  5. Fantastic work!  Really enjoy seeing all of your progress.  I was wondering if you remember what the painting scheme or colors you used on the attached guys claws.  I'd really like to use it on the Pincer demon I got from creature caster :D  I've been looking for painting scheme for him for a while and thought it wouldnt hurt to ask. Thanks and keep up the great work!

    Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at 1.26.14 PM.png

  6. Its funny having one unit of 10 eternal guard outside of my battalion i put them on the battlefield and the rest are deployed off table. I let the opponent go 1st and everytime they get charged from accross the table and blown up. Makes me realize how much we can kneecap our opponents if we null deploy and rob them of all that ground that they would otherwise get in the charge phase.

  7. On 9/11/2018 at 4:35 AM, Aloth_Corfiser said:

    Hi Thenord welcome :),

    I like that list, however I am not that experienced to give good advice. The only thing I  would consider is using the SotW as objective holders and let their ability to shoot twice shine. This could be vital in Games where you need to stay at objectives with respective heroes. I think places of Power is one such particular Scenario. you could add a Spellweaver to your Sisters of the Watch that either heals them or your Wild Riders (which is even better).

    You could catch your opponent off guard by rushing forward with your Wild Riders, denying enemy units that want to grab objectives, also advance quickly with the Sisters of the Watch and the Spellweaver to support the Riders and  heal them. 
    What I perceive as especially useful is that you could have effectively 2 Task-forces each consisting of 1x SotW, 1x Wild Rider, 1x Spellweaver.  Of course your Waywatchers and the Sisters of the Thorn need to support them. (Buffing the Wildriders with the Shield of Thorns maybe)

    @GM_MonkeyI once lost the game when fighting in Aqshy, because every terrain Piece emitted trails of smoke and units could not see each other when they were positioned in certain angles. I forgot the exact specifications, nonetheless it was frustrating, but it could have also been in my favor had we rolled for the -1 rend effect in Aqshy.


    I used this tactic comprised of Spellweaver,  Sisters of the Thorn supporting Wild Riders as a flanking objective grabber.  A nice little detachment from the rest of the battalion.  Healing up the lost calvary units and giving sisters plus one to cast from the shawl can be good and make up for the individual weaknesses of each unit while the shooting units are on the other side of the board doing their thing with the battalion.  

  8. Went to a tournament last week with wanderers and came in 7th out of 12.  Had a great time with the army and was able to table a triple stonehorn with grots list.  I think the glade guard bodkins saved my bacon with that match up. Then on another match I had to use all 40 bodkin shots to take out a 2+ reroll1 treelord ancient general. It got the job done but then I got run over by Allarielle and her one shot sniping of my nomad prince with her friggin spear.  Glade guard were pretty good at blocking off objectives with just bodies once their bodkins were gone... so for now im still team glade guard.

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  9. On 8/10/2018 at 3:19 PM, adreal said:

    Had a tournament practice game last night (who finished deployment gets +1 to go first, no roll off for turns, no endless spells or realm artifacts) against seraphim. Played knife to the heart.

    He had


    Banner Saurus

    Battalion of big dinos with rerolls consisting of

    2 bastiladons with Crystal's

    3 kroxigors

    Engine of gods 

    A razordon and handlers

    3 units of 10 skinks

    2 units of 5 chameleon skinks

    I had

    Waystone pathfinders

    Nomad prince

    Spell weaver

    2 waywatchers

    1 waystrider

    30 glade guard

    3 units of 10 sisters of the watch

    5 wild riders

    5 sisters of the thorn.

    I took the first turn killed some skinks (took 1 unit out completly) and put 6 wounds on a bastiladon. Put my wild riders near my back objective with 10 sisters.

    His first turn he built up summon points, failed to teleport, summoned 20 skinks from the engine, shot both bastiladons at my glade guard and took out 14 (yay). I spent a cp to hold with the glade guard.

    Turn two I summoned back 3 glade guard, put shield of thorns on a sister unit, popped reroll ones and -1 to hit. I sent a unit of sisters up behind his lines. Pushed my wild riders onto my objective. I shot the bodkins and waywatchers at the Krox and killed 1 (yay) and put a wound on his slaan, managed to put down 10 summoned skinks and 6 more ran. I charged some skinks with my waystrider and killed 3 before they popped away instead of fighting.

    His turn he got all the summon points and summoned up a old blood on carnisaur and put it 9 away from the sisters behind his lines. He moved his squad of skinks off his objective and moved all his big dinos over, he also moved up his krox to threaten my waywatchers. Shooting killed more glade guard. He failed his carnisaur charge (even with a reroll and +1) skinks charged waystrider, krox charged waywatcher. Big lot of nothing in combat.

    My third turn I shot his krox in the hero phase and moved a waywatcher behind his lines 3" away from my sister unit. Who moved and ran 5" (changed to a 6" with on the double) and auto won the game.


    Talking with him after (after some ribbing about not being able to beat wanderers) he admitted to being to greedy and forgetting that I can realm wander. Also failing a charge with his carnisaur and doing nothing with his razordon helped massively. 

    Was a fun game, and my shooting did give him abit of a touch up, bastiladons are crazy good, killing a slaan is harder then it looks, still love my sisters and waywatchers.

    With your experience using this list do you ever feel vulnerable having so few melee units or does the shooting and battalion make up for it?

  10. Hey Shinzra, off the bat a small but effective change might be to combine two units of glade guard to get the +1 to hit. You could break up eternal guard into two 10 man units to cover the battleline requirements (wanderer battleline only)

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  11. 50 minutes ago, adreal said:

    I think putting the starcaster longbow on the waywatcher would be a waste of his fantastic shooting.

    When they dont move and quick shoot they hit on 2s exploding on 5s, they are fantastic little machine guns

    I was under the impression that he would still get his shot with the starcaster along with his normal round of shooting

  12. The command point idea is a pretty good one,  though I'm still hyped from endless spells and want to experiment a little more with them.  The other problem i come across with the re-roll charges is having a hero close enough to the teleported unit in order to use the command point for the re-rolls.  This is a one drop list and all of the units are included in the battalion.  I have not had much luck getting the points worth out of  the sisters of the thorn and i think that replacing them with wild riders and maybe throwing in  another unit or two of eternal guard or rangers could be a viable plan.  As far as traits go, I use Stalker of the Hidden Paths  on Nomad, Viridescent Shawl  on Spellweaver, Starcaster Longbow on Waywatcher.


  13. Here is the list I've been experimenting with for 2.0     Any ideas on how to squeeze some use out of those missing 30 points? Maybe another good endless spell or roster change? Recommendations would be appreciated!

    Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at 2.34.08 PM.png

  14. (Here is a little tantrum i'm throwing based on the list i posted up top)

    I'm not sure how other tzeentch players  experience has been since the update but i find the Lord of Change pretty lacking at 380.  You really have to push heavily into either summoning or making him a combat beast to make his points in my opinion. 

    Another issue is tzeentch armies that lack a battalion.  Correct me if im wrong but it is pretty tough to cap objectives when you have the opposing army crashing into you first turn.  Your hiked up price wizards sit there praying to the chaos gods that their now diminished shield wall holds and that your opponent doesnt have a deepstrike mechanic.  You get some of your awesome spells off sure, but will it be enough to incinerate the hordes bearing down on you?  You hope that perhaps your melee fighters can help take the edge off... but then you realize you didnt purchase enlightened and your pinks, chaos warriors, you name it are already getting roffle stomped.  Ah maybe the infusion arcanumed ogroid can get in and smash face.... hmmn wiphs again... how can a 2 up 2 up... nevermind. They attack back and his 5 up save turns him into a fancy hood ornament.  

    Are people having similar experiences or is tzaangor spam the only way to play tzeentch these days???

    • Sad 2
  15. Does anyone know if there are any straight up generic order battleline in the wood elves compendium anymore?  I think i recall glade riders being battleline.  IF i was looking for a generic order battleline unit for a mixed wanderers army with hurricanum (now that eternal guard are not generic battleline) would glade riders be effective? Perhaps there is a better battleline in order that combos better with hurricanum?

  16. 37 minutes ago, Drib said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    You are using one Artefact too much and I would sugguest Cogs with Mark of the Conjurer on the LoC for more summoning. And you might consider switchning the Gaunt Summoner's and the Sorcerer Lord's spell, as you realy want to keep the Gaunt Summoner alive.

    All good points! Cogs looks really great with the LoC. 

  17. Here is the Tzeentch list i'm experimenting with.  The core of the models I own are Mortal Chaos so I went and picked up a few pieces of Tzeentch tech to flush it out.  I have blue Horrors and a Herald of Tzeentch on foot for summoning.  The Gaunt Summoner basically makes a block of of Chaos warriors re-roll all saves with Shield of Fate.  Lord of Change sits back with Flamers helping them with +1 to wound and activating their locus if/ when they die.  Chaos sorcerer lord buffs either flamers or Chaos warriors with daemonic power spell.  Let me know what you think and what i might improve (without going into tzaangor) 

    tzeentch list.jpg

  18. On 7/24/2018 at 3:40 AM, AaronWIlson said:

    I think I will be using Balewind / Arcane sacrifice now rather then a spell porta.

    It seems like a tough call to me to give up the LoC +1  cast ability to everyone for  extending Gaunt's spell.  Do you just use your command point on the LoC after you get enough flamethrowers off from your commander guant summoner?

  19. Has anyone else noticed the parallels between  the Soulsnare Shackles spell and our old friend the Glade Captain Battle Standard Bearer from compendium?  The banner of the forests from the Standard bearer halves the opposing units move characteristic by half..... Cast Shackles and you have effectively neutered a units move into the ground HAHAHA  

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