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Posts posted by Requizen

  1. 12 minutes ago, Euphanism said:

    It's so difficult to sit here and stare at 4 unopened Bonesplitter boxes while I wait for the book. I really want to start building but I know it's smart to wait and see how to build them out.


    Well the bodies are all the same, so you can build them all without arms and call it a day. At least one Banner and Drum per 10 as well, regardless of weapon type.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, jhamslam said:



    My thoughts exactly.

    I just won a local tournament with Anvilstrike this past weekend, won myself a handy bit of store cred i plan on using for CoS.

    Ill write up a tournament report soon, but man it reminded me of my time playing Control in MTG. Just felt like i was shutting everything down.

    Anvilstrike is our Blue deck.

    "Can I have my big monster?" No
    "Can I have my little buffing Hero?" No
    "Can I make a charge move?" No

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  3. 44 minutes ago, jhamslam said:

    Losing the Anvils Ability to shoot twice might be bad for us.


    On the other hand getting access to cheap hordes of greatswords/ steam tanks , Demigrpyh knights (my old world fav) and some cool command point and fight twice abilities might be worth it


    Hammerhall CA is better than Anvils for Evos, since it happens in the Combat phase. 

    But shooting is pretty good :P 

  4. 14 minutes ago, Bayul said:

    I don't understand your statement. Why wouldn't NH units benefit from cover against Bonesplitterz as usual? Why is this worth mentioning in this context?

    Ethereal ignores modifications to armor rolls in either direction, so Nighthaunt never get +1 from Cover.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Maturin said:

    Where did you find that info ?

    There are some facebook posts with Cities info, don't have em in front of me. 

    2 hours ago, Marzillius said:

    It would be something, but if you play Cities of Sigmar allegiance with Stormcast units you won't get Scions of the Storm, so your ballistae will only be firing one shot each until someone moves up to them.

    It also adds 3" to Artillery range, so half distance is now 21" (24" with movement), more than enough to cover a huge portion of the board. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. I'm considering getting Cities of Sigmar and just renaming it "Stormcast And Friends"

    So Greywater Fastness allows you to take an extra Artillery piece and give all artillery extra range. 5 Ballistas + Ordinator + Hurricanum is expensive but extremely hilarious and should pepper most things off the board with little to no issue. Can't wait to see the rest of the book :P 

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  7. Mighty Destroyers is still in, so with a command point and a couple Endless Spells, you can ding your unit but gain a good amount of movement. A Gore-Grunta unit moving 12+Xd6" or Mawkrusha moving 14+Xd6" is a fine trade off for taking ping damage from some of the lesser endless spells like Burning Skull or Gnashing Jaws. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, PlayerJ said:

    Big waaagh

    If I remember correctly, 6 waagh points give plus to casting, 8 plus to charge, or vice versa

    Gordrakk give 6 waaagg points a turn

    Warchanter give 2 points

    Warchanters ability is now +1 dmg

    Ardboys streamlined, one attack profile, 2 atk 3s 3s -1 1dmg

    Innard bursting bellow now 6 attack 1 dmg

    Gordrakks mawkrushas fist and tail now 1 attack profile, 9atk 3s 3s -2 2dmg

    Destructive bulk now damages when charge a unit in cover

    One of the mawkrusha mount traits is ignore spell on 4+

    Megaboss's old waaagh ability is now an ironjawz faction ability

    Ironjawz keeping mighty destroyers and smashing and bashing

    In a big waaagh IJ and BS can still take their faction specific artifacts 

    Only concerning note, the designer said can only fit 3 mawkrushas in a list




    Additionally, Rogue Idol seems to have gained Orruk, Bonesplitterz, and Ironjawz keywords, making it a very lucrative piece to take now!


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  9. 5 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    That‘s still no valid argument as to WHY GW adds such a rule that robs the fun of 3 factions? (Nurgle Demons, Nurgle mortale, Nighthaunt)


    @umpac that is nonsense, this is also no counter unit but a COUNTER FACTION that No-brainer massacres entire factions. It‘s hilarious how you are even trying to defend the biggest design fault in AoS 2.0 apart from the always strikes first shenanigans.

    “very healthy“: I want to play Nighthaunt, oops, I am dead. Same goes for Nurgle. - VERY healthy indeed.

    this is my last word on this since power-Fan  arguments are beginning to rise in defense of GW, as usual.

    There's plenty of counter factions though? Hard shooting with interception (Anvilstrike, certain Free Peoples builds) are counters to things like Khorne or Ironjawz that have no choice but to run straight into melee. Deep Strike Alpha armies are  counters to armies that are squishy and positional dependent, such as many IDK builds. Etc.

    This is healthy for a game with lots of moving parts and options. If you are playing Nurgle and your only plan is "survive with Disgustingly Resilient", then you will be hard countered by this. But if you design your Nurgle list in such a way that you have redundant options that don't rely on DR - such as Plague Monk blobs, or blasting out lots of -hit options - it will only counter part of your strategy.


    Also lol this doesn't "counter" Nighthaunt. There's literally 1 unit with Rend in Bonesplitterz, Big Stabbas. (Not counting Heroes, who are only ok at killing). Shootas will reduce Nighthaunt Etheral saves by... nothing.

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  10. 15 hours ago, bonzai said:

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose. As a Drakkfoot player I am concerned. Right now Drakkfoot are the spell/anti-spell casting clan. It was an expensive but very usefull niche clan to take. Now they are..... anti night haunt? REALLY?!? They went from tattooing themselves with khorne blessed blood that gives them better antimagic abilities to negating one mechanic found mostly in a single faction. So we get to keep our rend. Aside from Big Stabbas, with what units was that ever an issue? Bone splitters were always about volume of attacks, not high quality rend attacks. So now big stabbas work against night haunts....  um thanks? And what does "negates wounds" mean exactly? That is pretty vague and needs clarification. Does it only apply to abilities that specifically say "Negate"? I sincerely hope that there is a lot more to it than this, as this is terrible design as it stands and seems to have been written by some one with no concept on how the army plays.

    Now I am wondering what this means for our battalions. Sounds like the clan battalions are being removed in exchange for generic sub faction choices. This will free up 140 points, which is enough to add a single extra unit. But it drastically increases the number of drops, and we lose an artifact, an extra command point, a powerful spell, and the powerful ability to negate hostile spells on a 6. This seems like a ****** deal for the Drakkfoot.

    I just hope that the Kopp Rukk is unchanged or I will have to redesign my entire army.

    There was no mention of any faction specific endless spells or terrain either. 

    I am not impressed at all. We are losing our own battletome for this?

    We've seen one part of the rule. The general style for selecting a specific Subfaction in newer books is: Gains an army wide ability, gains a specific Artifact and Command Trait, gains a specific (and usually powerful) Command Ability. Don't freak out until we've seen the whole thing.

    And the ability is extremely meta dependent. It completely craps on Fyreslayers, Nurgle, DoK, some Artifacts and Spells, certain Skaven builds, and dings Death a fair amount. Not to mention other Bonesplitterz. If your meta has peoeple running 20 Hearthguard Berzerkers with their 4++ and bodyguard save, well, you just scared the pants off them. Or an AGKoTG expecting to have Unholy Vitality and a Death save to keep them healthy (extra because Bonesplitterz have more anti-monster options).

    It's a good ability, but situational. Let's see what else Drakkfoot get.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Pitloze said:

    Drakkfoot will be very strong. It counters Ethereal amulet and makes Nurgle and Nighthaunt fights a lot easier. Not sure if even BS can handle Slaanesh but we'll see.

    Edit: It doesn't counter amulet. I thought it granted the Ethereal keyword.

    It's worth noting that there's not much Rend in Bonesplitterz (currently) other than Big Stabbas. The things that Drakkfoot will keep in check is currently Fyreslayers and Skaven Verminlords. Nurgle is scared of them, but they aren't huge in the meta currently, and this only lessens their presence... if Drakkfoot Bonesplitterz become a serious thing. 

    It also has a bit of a sobering effect on Death, though they still have plenty of return options. It definitely gives AGKoTGs pause since they can't use Unholy Vitality, and Splitterz are already good at killing monsters, as well.

  12. 5 hours ago, riddlesworth said:

    Despite some of the underwhelming fighter stats, there's some really strong faction specific cards, which helps.


    There's some objectives I think instantly should be considered for the cut - martyred, warning shot, shortcut (the only warband that can score this card without the use of a gambit makes it STRONG for them), supremacy - because 6 fighters, movement and the new board placement rules - and keep them guessing because of the on card action.


    I think they're going to do well with a flex defensive/aggro build - passive glory gen based on positioning and movement and filling their upgrade slots with aggro cards like potion of rage, gloryseeker etc.


    I do think given the inspire condition, you're going to want to look at regal vision/blazing soul for Grashnak or Draknar. Grashnak if you intend to cast any spells and Drakner to make use of the innate fury and to get access to cleave, although like many guardians players, you may decide that inspiration just isnt worth it

    I overall agree, except for perhaps Supremacy. Being a large model count and fast warband (as well as the one Ungor able to teleport to an edge-hex-Objective), it seems obvious for them (alongside their faction 3 objective Surge), but with minimal faction pushes and no way to multimove nor rez, I can see Supremacy being quite unreliable once the opponent starts planning around it. I think it's a reasonable pick, but I'll personally be playing around with it to see if it's worth.

    37 minutes ago, Intrinsic said:

    Lady Harrow's Mournflight can also score shortcut without a gambit. 

    Talking about the warband however, I'm surprised Despoilers are in the starter box. It seems a bold move to put a high skill floor warband in the starter, rather than super easy to play beginner friendly warbands like Thorns and Cursebreakers. Looking forward to them myself as I love playing Flex. A surge Our Only Way Out mixed with a 2 fighter push card that doesn't give move tokens is super fun. And the models look great too! 

    Reavers were a high-skill warband, I would argue. While their surface level strats were easy, to actually play them to a win you needed to build around it a bit. One could argue that Thorns were also fairly high skill, but they also had really powerful tricks that weren't too hard to pull off. I would agree, though, that Despoilers are by far the least intuitive warband from a starter set.

  13. 1 minute ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Yeah, funny how gotrek literally kills everything and then there are those mad  naked green-things ignoring the most overpowered artefacts in the whole game.

    I especially love how those gitz can literally ones shot Morathi in combat 

    Gorkamorka, I didn't think about that. Her ability is "negate any wounds past 3 per turn".

    So... just shoot her LOL.

  14. They always said they would still be playable. The intent is that models never rotate.

    I doubt they get printed with new Universals, as the card count for Beastgrave is about the same as the previous sets. I imagine they get a separate release with just their Faction cards, or their Faction cards become  available separately, as you can already buy the models by themselves.

  15. 19 hours ago, Absolution black said:

    Ok, so I'm thinking of getting into Underworlds.

    Can someone tell me if the universal cards from season one (in the core and warbands sets)were repeated in season two? 

    Or are they all totally different cards?

    I'm confused and can't find an answer anywhere!

    I am wondering whether I can just buy Night vault and the season 2 warbands or will I have to track down the season 1 sets too!

    There were some cards from season 1 that were duplicated in Season 2. Basic cards like Hold Objective 1, Confusion, Great Strength, etc. These were only in the Core Set, however, all Universals that came with Warbands were unique. 

    Season 1 Universals are rotating out of Championship play, which is the "official" competitive mode. There are still modes of play for using Season 1 cards, but they will not be as popular, likely.

    However, Season 1 Warbands will still be playable, so if you want to play as Skaven, Skeletons, Fyreslayers, etc, you can purchase those and still use the fighters and their Faction-specific cards. This is personal preference, however, as there are (as of writing this) no Warbands that are OP, and you should play to your preference more than anything.

  16. 3 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Came here to see what y'all though, I am mostly hoping they don't go the WOTC route like Magic and rotate things so fast you have to spend a stupid amount of money to keep up. With them adding new mechanics past Shadespire though, it does make sense to stop printing Shadespire universal cards and rotating them out.

    I don't want to think the sky is falling but game companies and  money grubbing is par for the course :/

    2 years is a pretty long amount of time. I'm already tired of Shadespire cards and want something fresh. 

    Obviously they want to make money. Nobody sane thinks any company is going to altruistically make their game sell at a loss or support something that doesn't make money. So yeah, the rotation gets them paid. But, it also is healthy for the meta, so it's a win/win in my book.

  17. 5 hours ago, Soulsmith said:

    Definitely more interested in these mostly from the aesthetic (always choose ones I like the minis then make decks that work). Curious as to what to build them with from what we know (nightvault cards). Hoping their more hybrid nature doesn't mean they end up like the EotN. 

    Wondering that myself. 6 models of course encourages at least some sort of objective play, as does Despoilers, which is extremely powerful. However, they don't have multi-move capabilities like Ghosts, Gitz, or Guard, and only one multi push ploy, so they can't swarm as effectively.

    For combat, Draknar is very solid, even uninspired. Fellhoof is alright, and Murghoth is reasonable once inspired, but overall they are a pretty damage low faction. However, with some ranged poke and good speed, they might end up being a faction that racks up glory and then runs a lot of damage/weapon upgrades to move in for the kill.

    They do remind me a bit of Eyes, but with more fighters overall and different tricks. I think they're closer to Godsworn Hunt, but I need some games under my belt. 

  18. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/09/17/warband-focus-grashraks-despoilersgw-homepage-post-2/

    Beasts of Chaos in Underworlds! Or, Brayherd, at least. 

    I'm very excited for this warband, I tend to prefer warbands with good tricks and flexibility, and here we seem to have that in spades. The Faction cards in particular are extremely solid, which I think makes up for the overall mediocre stats. 

    What are your thoughts? Will you be playing these guys or the Kurnothi?

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