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Posts posted by Requizen

  1. 17 minutes ago, Veterannoob said:

    Gathering Storm is the campaign title, began with Fall of Cadia last month (imperium and Chaos mostly), now book 2 (Eldar) in February and next month book 3 (unknown).

    Yeah, I meant the next installment, just typing too fast. It could very well be for a future FoC book, but I feel like with the all-but-confirmed Duardin and the aesthetic, it's more likely to be AoS.

    IMO, the only time you see that much gear styling in 40k is AdMech. Not only have they just gotten a release in Cawl, but this also doesn't have nearly enough skulls on it for AdMech. Doubtful in my mind that it's 40k.

  2. Just now, Veterannoob said:

    rrriiiiiiiiiightt. As much as I would love this to be duardin (and maybe I'll be surprised and it is) I think 40K with Gathering Storm campaign continuing. Maybe it's Necromunda and a shot out of nowhere will hit us. xD

    Gathering Storm is all Eldar (Aeldari?), so unless this is a rumor for way off in the spring I would imagine it's not that. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, PJetski said:


    Death artifact triggers after the unit dies, and it sets up the unit again. 

    There are many units with effects that replace dying, such as Tyrion and the Hellpit Abomination, and those abilities do not require spending points because the models never actually died. Hammers of Sigmar seems to be another such effect.

    If so, it's pretty good. However, not gamebreaking, since it's only on a 6 and they're only Liberators. Not up to Hallowed Knights (at current squinty reading).

  4. 40 minutes ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    This information is based on the old battalion.  I'll bet 10 bucks that this battalion gets updated to include the new heroes that have been released (similar to how the Tzeentch Changehost got updated to include the new horrors).  Part of the reason for this consolidated release is to integrate later releases into the army.  I bet we'll see that with this book.

    While the specifics might change, it's still obvious that the Hammers of Sigmar will end up having to take way more Liberators than you want to, and the Hallowed Knights will still end up spending around 1/3 of their points on Heroes - which isn't necessarily bad, but it is pretty limiting. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, Turragor said:

    Given the composition of the force and the fact it's "On a roll of 6" and IF it says 'restores to full strength', I think we're looking at free libs when you roll 6s.

    If it is points for the libs its only flavour in nonmatched.

    Anything currently that returns to the board after it's destroyed costs points. There could be some odd wording or something that lets Stormcast get around that, but I somehow doubt it, unless GW wants to show clear bias (which they might, I suppose).

  6. 7 minutes ago, nine7six said:

    I got something different:


    Hammers of Sigmar:

    When a friendly unit of liberators is destroyed, roll a dice. On a roll of 6 Sigmar (can't make out word) his chosen warriors. Set up that unit retsored to full strength in the celestial realm and return it to the battle in your next movement phase as if it had the lightning strike ability.

    Hallowed Knights:

    when a hallowed knights hero is slain in the combat phase before they have a (can't make word) their attacks roll a dice. If the result is 2 or more they are not removed as a cacualty until the end of the phase and in the meantime can still pile in and attack as normal

    Probably, like I said it's super blurry. The Hammers of Sigmar ability becomes useless in Matched Play if that's "destroyed" instead of "deployed", who is going to set aside points to bring back Libs?

    And if that's the Hallowed Knights ability they're going to be OP as heck. 2+ to ignore death and attack is extremely strong. 

    3 hours ago, DantePQ said:

    I don't play Stormcast so question

    - how hard it is to use those 2 battalions ? 


    Thunderhead with 4 units of Libs is 800 points minimum (at current values, could change in the new book). 

    Lords of the Storm with 6 characters is 680 minimum (only taking 100 point characters, again can change).

    And then I imagine both of those Stormhost uber-battalions will have a points cost, so higher. 

    I would imagine that you'll be locked into a very specific build style, those are pretty hefty point costs for just core stuff. 

  7. Squinting really hard:

    Hammers of Sigmar: Bravery +1, Liberators gain Lightning Strike on a roll of 6 during deployment, 6+ ward save for Command Trait

    Hallowed Knights: 3+ to ignore negative spells, +1" to run and charge, looks like potentially able to pile in and attack after being killed if they haven't already attacked. 

    Looks like both gain Lightning Strike if you max out the battalions? Pretty blurry.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Sete said:

    Mixed feelings on this release.

    Not impressed.

    I'm actually kind of glad to hear that. It would be boring if every Stormcast model was super generic and acceptable by everyone (looking at you, Space Marines). Having some sculpts that are different enough that people have varying feelings is a good thing imo. 

    • Like 7
  9. 32 minutes ago, Turragor said:

    For me (and I'm no TO mind you) if you were to say "THIS chamber of the Hammers of Sigmar stormhost like PINK ARMOUR in fact they are nicknamed the pink hammers" just because there's some cool hammers of sigmar rules, I'd say well done sir, well done and clap.

    Or, if you're in my case and you've built it as an established Stormhost:

    While the Anvils of the Heldenhammer are known for normally using X tactics, they have been known to utilize the tactics of the Hammers of Sigmar when the situation calls for it, which they will be doing in this battle.

    I've been judgy towards SM players who play outside of their painted scheme before, but when I started painting there weren't any Stormhost specific abilities, so ****** that. 

    • Like 1
  10. Is Silver Tower a good purchase for a casual game night? I've been eyeing it lately and have a group of friends who like the more complicated board games but are also into TRPGs like D&D, but I don't know if this is the sort of game you can just play once in a while or if it's more for a dedicated group to play through the story.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    For whatever reason, I never had any problems building, say, a Tomb Kings army or Empire army, but I just have this weight in my mind over building armies for AoS.  

    I think you're making it complicated where it's not.

    15 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Factions, sub-factions, units from multiple battletomes, campain books, boxed sets, GH, old warscrolls, replaced warscrolls, new warscrolls, formations, battalions ..

    There are only 4 Factions you need to know about: Order, Death, Destruction, and Chaos. That's it, all others are extra. Four isn't a big number to keep track of, and it's pretty easy to know which units are in which one. Culists, Daemons, and general bad guys go in Chaos. Orks, Goblins, and Ogres (and other monster-y monsters) go in Destruction. Death should be pretty obvious. Order is anyone you might think of as a "good guy" plus some morally grey areas. There's nothing difficult about those distinctions, and you don't really have to go past that if you don't want to. Done.

    There are no units in campaign books, box sets, or the General's Handbook. Any Battalions that are any of the former can be found on the App. 

    Look to the App. It is the one true source of truth for all things AoS (with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions that prove the rule).

    15 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    decide if the exact same group of models gets one set of powers or another, add in an item to a certain number of guys...

    No idea what you mean by this. Do you mean artifacts? If so, they just go on heroes. It's easy to remember: who finds artifacts of power? Not Joe Lineman, heroes.

    If you're talking about items or upgrades in the unit, there's no way in hell that's any more complicated it is than in any other game. It's all literally modeled as is and there's no reason to not take at least one of every unit option available, full stop. It shouldn't be difficult to look at a unit of dudes and figure out if they're holding shield or double weapons.

    17 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    It all just seems really, really convoluted.  When AoS hit, it was simple.  Put the models you like on the table and play with them. There are just too many sources and options now. 

    There's only one source you need to know about. It's the App. Look to the App and all shall be made clear. If you were happy just buying what you wanted and putting them on the table, there's no reason to stop doing that. Just like 3 restrictions you have to make note of. 

    24 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Don't get me wrong.  I like to options.  I like the ways to do things and the flexibility.  I'm just saying that I have this 'fear' that I'll do it wrong and be told I've broken some sort of rule I didn't even know existed.

    Well, if you do, don't worry about it! Anyone who yells at you for messing up a game is a tool and should be ignored. And there's more flexibility now than ever before.

    If you pick an army based on units in the book and follow the Matched Play rules (which is just 4 rules on top of the main 4, plus a couple charts), then you can never be breaking the rules. That's it. 4 page ruleset plus matched play, get the unit rules you need from the app, and you can always (for the forseeable future) play a legal game of AoS. 

    24 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Edit: Just an anecdotal reference, look at spells. You get the two in the rules. Oh, and the one on your scroll. Oh yeah, also one from a book you may or may not own. Plus, there are all the ones that are on Warscrolls you don't even know you can have (the "all wizards know summon X in addition to their other spells" ones.

    Well... that's it. You summarized it in four sentences, and you can ignore the third one because that only takes place for optional scenarios that will be shared with you if you don't have them. That's not hard! Do you know how long the Psychic Phase section is in the 40k rulebook? ...it's long.


    Army building in this game is only as complicated as you make it. Pick a group (good guys, bad guys, dead guys, crazy guys). Stick to the restrictions of your point limit (all it requires is counting up to like 6). Then just take what you like! That's all you really have to worry about. Everything you need to know about a unit is in the 4 page rules and the unit's Warscroll. At most, you can pick up a Battletome and use that for a force you like, but they're not ubiquitous nor are they necessary.

    • Like 7
  12. 4 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    I feel the same. I'm already confused about how to build an army. Bloated + scattered rules.  Yikes.

    I have a hard time understanding this. You can bring anything you want as long as it's in the same Grand Alliance. If you want to build an army purely out of one faction, you buy the Battletome if they have one and follow the instructions in there, which boil down to "make sure all of your units have the correct Keyword". 

    I mean, I know it's harder than "pick anything", but that's pretty freaking simple for a tabletop game. Baseline all you need is the free app and TGH. You might need one more book if you want to play a specific force. I don't call that scattered at all, and if it feels like too much to handle for some reason, you can buy those books on the app and literally only need a device.

    • Like 8
  13. 12 minutes ago, Blueisola said:

    yes, this is my growing concern too.  as awesome as the Tzeentch release is, and as fluffy and poignant as the new rules are, are we about to get overly bloated with rules?! 

    I doubt it. I think the core rules and TGH will remain as simple as they currently are, and then each army will just have their gimmicks. It's much easier to learn "Sylvaneth make woods and teleport, Bonesplittaz throw a bunch of dice, Tzeentch manipulates results, and Stormcast zap in from the sky" and then have your opponent fill in the details, as opposed to reading and memorizing a 200+ page rulebook. 

    4 minutes ago, Soulsmith said:

    Whilst I think the models way way nicer than the rest of the stormcast range, I am simply worried for rules. I don't want the DoT to be rubbish because the stormcast become fantastic. The fact they made Kairic Acolytes so meh I guess shows they are willing to tone down new shinies.

    Unlikely imo. Sylvaneth, BCR monsters, and Bonesplittaz (at least Kunnin Rukk, anyway) weren't made pointless with DoTz, so I don't see this blowing out the last one either. 

  14. Hoping to get more ways to do Lightning Strike, personally. That seems to be one of the defining aspects of Stormcast - five Battalions that grant it, counting Skyborne Slayers as one since it's essentially the same thing, and it's essentially the only reason the Knight-Azyros exists at all. They are pretty limited in builds where they have to hoof it across the board. 

    Also hoping that Stardrakes get a slight point decrease, if at all possible.

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