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Posts posted by Requizen

  1. On 1/20/2018 at 8:08 PM, ReynakZhen said:

    Has there been any sightings of the up and coming Fyreslayers warband? the Skaven have been spoiled a while ago. Aren't the two being released around the same time?

    There's a Warhammer Studio Preview on Thursday (for LVO), I would imagine we see both new Warbands previewed along with other stuff (Aelves?)

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Goblin-King said:

    Since you are asking... 

    The scheme could work, but I kinda feel like you got these separate elements that really doesn't tie together. Purple space skeleton, magic green sword and old rusty shield.
    It would be nice if one of the elements were repeated somehow. Perhaps give the skeleton green glowing eyes like the sword?

    Maybe. Was more going ghostly than space but I guess it turned out that way. Dunno how to make the eyes green, never really learned OSL. 


    What if the Sword was the same rusty color as the shield? I kinda like the eco glow but maybe it doesn't fit. 

  3. Is it just me or do Ironjawz feel like they have the best Objectives in the game right now? I feel like no other Warband has Objectives that are as easy to get and mesh as well with how they play. Make 3 charges? Charge 3 different units? Kill the enemy Leader? It's all the stuff you want to do anyway.

  4. Played against the Boyz the other day. Ironskull with a damage upgrade is absolutely terrifying, especially for Stormcast players who don't have anyone to "sacrifice" into him. The game made me really interested in trying them out, it seems that they have lots of interesting combos and tricks, moreso than the very straightforward Stormcast.

  5. I fiddled around with decks this weekend and really like the idea of a Power deck just stacked to buff Garrek/Saek and essentially "saving" them for Turn 3. If you can hurt down your opponents with Arnulf/Targor/Karsus on the first two turns, then end of T2/rest of T3 Garrek and Saek can basically solo the SCE warband once they're Inspired and have a few Power cards on them. Dunno how it'll work out against Orruks/Skellies though.

  6. 1 minute ago, sandlemad said:

    It's a little disappointing that you need a second core set for 3/4 player games. Space is important and most players will surely pick up the main box for the deck, I get the rationale, particularly if they're into it competitively.  But I was looking forward to getting the core set + skellies and throwing it down in front of more casual 'non-GW' gaming friends, as part of a board games night. Play a few rounds between Coup and Pandemic, that sort of thing.


    I guess photocopying the board is always an option, maybe paste it to some heavy card and laminate?

    I would imagine there will be people selling boards, cards, etc on eBay as well. It's clear they want anyone who wants to get into it to buy the core box regardless of whether they like Stormcast/Khorne or not, but people will buy it for their own reasons. 

    Also we might see boards as separate releases in the future like they did with Blood Bowl mats.

    • Like 1
  7. Couldn't be more excited. For sure going to get a SCE warband and paint it Anvils of the Heldenhammer to match my main army, but very excited for the Deathrattle expansion as well. 

    I've never played TCGs before, are the Card Sleeves worth getting? In general, not specifically the GW ones that I'm sure are going to be quite higher than going to a FLGS for something non-branded.

  8. So this isn't a 40k thread, but they just released the Reserves article. 

    Only less than half of your units can start off the table, which is something that may come to AoS. Not that you see it that much since Warrior Brotherhood died, but I think we may see something similar with TGH2.

    • Like 1
  9. I would expect July, putting the update at exactly one year.

    Same. If we're still looking at yearly updates, it would make sense to be consistent. Going forward it could be June 40k/July AoS, which seems reasonable.

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

  10. 2 hours ago, VonRunestorm said:

    So has anyone heard of any Nurgle redo for Sigmar?

    With 40k DG on the way I was wondering if they are thinking of doing the same thing they did with Wrath of Magnus/Disciples of Tzeentch.


    When they did Khorne Daemonkin for 40k, they were doing AoS Bloodbound releases at the same time. They followed up Thousand Sons with Disciples of Tzeentch. I think it's safe to say that cross promotion is well within the realm of possibility.

    1 minute ago, DarkBlack said:

    I play deamons, so I just take my army and use the rules there is an opponent available for. Play both no problem.

    Yeah, but for me it's just time. I can't go out two nights a week on the reg to play both games, and even making two days per month to try and hit an AoS event and a 40k event means less time with family. Being a married adult is a bummer for hobbying :(

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  11. 25 minutes ago, wayniac said:

    See to me, that's what AOS needs to fix it.  Points per group is IMHO obnoxious, and upgrades would fix ****** like Skyfire spam that we are seeing being all the rage now.

    Except Skyfires don't take any upgrades so you would still need to just adjust their base points. Kind of a bad example. Would make sense for Kurnoth Hunters I guess, but honestly Bow Hunters and Scythe/Sword Hunters should just be separate profiles and points.

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