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Posts posted by TheWilddog

  1. On 5/2/2019 at 5:26 PM, Nickmoss90 said:

    Any tips for basing? 

    Currently I have added small pieces of cork to make rocks / uneven ground painted them black, then painted the whole top of the base Rhonix hide. Not sure what do do next. Thinking of adding some small pieces of grass.

    Any tips / pictures to show me would be amazing! 

    These just came out from BrokenToad. They look fantastic for the Gitz and I just ordered a bunch.  Looking forward to getting them in!




    • Thanks 1
  2. Great match on Warhammer TV today from AdeptiCon. The Arch Ghoul King himself Bill Sousa with FEC verses Tom Lyons from Warhammer Weekly with Daughters Of Khaine. 

    DoK took a minor victory in Knife To The Heart. DoK pushed us around a little bit.  I think this game shows that Morathi when play well is a big foil to FEC. The only can take 3 wounds a turn thing really neutralizes out big baddies.  Overall great game from both players though, definitely worth checking it out. 

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Looks fantastic,

    Do know If they also sell some kind of weapon teams? 

    Not sure what they will end up offering, it’s part of a fantasy football team, like Blood Bowl so I doubt the selection will be that large. On thier twitter page it says the KS will go up in April.

  4. Punga Miniatures is advertising an upcoming kickstarter focused on pirate rats. Man these renders look sweet. If the sculpts turn out half as good a briny Skaven army may take to the high seas. 




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  5. Have had a bunch of the Forest Goblin models from the Arachnarok kit setting around since End Times (about 60 I got off eBay). Got around to getting them together into a spider army. Here is my Scuttleboss and my first batch of Stabbas mocked up. Just waiting for a big order of bases to get here to get the rest of the army off the ground.



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  6. 4 hours ago, AverageBoss said:

    Overall I feel the meta has vastly overestimated FEC, and is vastly underestimating Skaven.

    I honestly think this will prove true over the long run. Don't get me wrong wrong, our book has a lot of raw power but the Skaven book has so many powerful options that it will be able to adapt to a variety of metas over the course of its lifetime. Guess time will tell.    

  7. 4 hours ago, Shroud Of Night said:

    I absolutely love the GW combo of Kalalite and Sybarite Green. I have painted SOOOOOO many things black with a sharp edge highlight of one of these two. Painted my Dark Eldar in that scheme years ago and fell in love.  

    I do love the classic Dark Eldar paint scheme, those green highlights on black is super sexy. I also really like Incubi Darkness as my go to dark blue.


  8. I was thinking about my color selection for a new project I was planning and my thoughts drifted to what colors I like painting. It occurred to me that throughout my painting I tend to come back to certain paints that I just love to work with. I just love using these particular paints for some reason.  I just wondered if others have go to paints that they love and use all the time or do they approach it in a different way (like always experimenting, just using what you have available etc.)   

    Anyway here are some of my favorite paints that I always come back to, would be interested to see what paints other people just love. 

    Vallejo Game Air Cement Grey - Wonderful grey with a hint of mint green

    Scale 75 Orcish Dermis - Great vibrant rose pink

    P3 Necrotite Green - Love this bright green

    GW - Ushabti Bone - No matter what other off whites I try I always come back to this old stand by

    • Like 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, TheBluMnM said:

    Thanks guys! Yea GKoTG seems like a real hard hitter, but looking at him in isolation removes the surrounding factors of lackluster magic, shooting, price, and the squishier parts of the army.  I'll keep all that in mind and try to remind my opponents that he's a linchpin unit to an army that will falter without him.

    Also remind folks that before the new book we had mostly the same army without the new buffs and were totally irrelevant competitively (besides some great results from one the best players in the world Bill S, who I am pretty sure could win a GT with random models blindly drawn out of a paper bag). 

    • Haha 3
  10. 2 hours ago, TheBluMnM said:

    Hey guys, I'm having some pushback from opponents when I feeding frenzy a GKoTG with Gruesome Bite. The fact that the maw doesn't degrade makes it really good, and re-rolling those hits are awesome. No one actually questions if I'm allowed to do it, but I see some dour faces and people complaining it's too good. How do I justify it? Why is this combination so good and what are it's drawbacks? I like when my opponents have fun facing off with me, and this seems to throw a real sour lemon into anyone's day.  This is in a 1500pt list, and I was planning on running two at 1750, but now I'm not so sure. It's my only behemoth too, but people really hate it.

    Our army is a close combat army. It is the only thing we do well.  Our shooting phase is anemic. Our magic is mostly combat buffs and no where near other armies like LoN or Gloomspire. Also saves across the army are bad so most of our units just melt.  If we don’t hit like a Mac truck we are just a bunch of bad dudes who don’t do much of anything and can’t compete with top armies like DoK, LoN or Stormcast.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Franek said:

    Hey guys, I was thinking about the best way to play Vampire Lord on ZD. Two most interesting combos I thought about are: Legion of Blood (+1 attack), Blade of Endings (+2 to Damage on a hit rolls of 6+), Walking Death (Legion of Blood battle trait). The Second option is the same but with Ghyrstrike (+1 to hit and to wound).

    Do you guys have an idea which one is stronger? Maybe you have a anorher idea ot some extra combo on top of that?

    The way the VLoZD sees most play is alongside Prince Vhordrai or another VLoZD in a "double dragon" formation.  The most used kit out is the minus one to hit Legion Of Blood command trait plus the Ethereal Amulet to give him a +3 unrendable save (that can re-role 1's if you get Mystic Shield off). This makes him pretty tough to deal with outside of mortal wounds.

  12. 1 minute ago, Nos said:

    Gotta love those forthcoming Horror titles, jeez. Future predicted titles:

    The Blood Man

    Castle of Death

    The Chains of Blood

    The Count’s Church

    Torment Blood Skulls; The Harrowing

    Cemetery of Murder



    Yea someone definitely stumbled onto the random thrash metal band name generator.  

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    • Haha 2
  13. 4 hours ago, XReN said:

    Wonder if he used Grim Garland in this list

    Yes they mentioned he was running the Garland.

    4 hours ago, soots said:

    so did anyone watch his games?

    I mean theres still 2 mounted guys there. How come i get the feeling 2 mounted TG is enough to be competitive and the Flayers were basically mv 12 capping machines.

    I watched and it seemed it was only one fatty. The Flayers were doing a lot of the work. He also had Cogs, so it was brutal fast get up on you list.  The match they showed was a turn 2 concession from Sylvaneth. 

    • Like 1
  14. Looks like a Blisterkin Flayer Heavy Deadwatch list did well at Heat 1 (top 3).  They showed Russ Veal's list on the Warhammer TV Stream and it was something like, Archregent, AGK, AGKoTG, x2 Infernal Courtier, x6 Flayers, x6 Flayers, x3 Flayers. 

    I am really glad to see that there is a little more play in the army than the Gristlegore Monster bomb.



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