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Posts posted by CoffeeGrunt

  1. Had a starter box game with these last night. The Guardian of Souls with his +1 to Wound aura is super nasty. I'm thinking Myrmourn Banshees with the HoersShroud should be pretty evil too.

    If you can get the Dispel off on them, that's 3 attacks each, 4/3/-2/D3, which will put the hurt on must things. 

  2. Imperial Knights aren't multikit? The new heavy and light chassis only have one build, and the older kits are the same model just with different weapon options. (Not a multi-kit in the style of, say, Wild Riders/Sisters of the Thorn where you get two rather distinct units.)

  3. I'm finding that Death seems to need to play the outlasting game. Simply wearing people down, making sure fights are in your favour and as one-sided a physically possible. I tend to use Dire Wolves as tiedown units for that reason, while the damage dealers bully and gang on the real threats. 

    I've really struggled with using Spirit Hosts in this setup though. I run Legion of Blood for the Bravery debuff abilities as those can stack well against some armies. Spirit Hosts I find are that unit which are really good against a particular kind of unit...which is why any opponent that knows you will simply avoid it with that kind of unit. In the same way you keep your monsters away from Big Stabbaz, my opponents simply throw trash units at my Spirit Hosts who don't care about MW and don't care about Rend, which means my Hosts aren't really making themselves felt. They don't really have the speed to outmaneuver things either.

    I might consider Hexwraiths soon, though with the Nighthaunt release coming up I reckon I'll wait to see how that shapes up.

  4. On 14/01/2018 at 7:59 PM, Thundercake said:

    love that mierce miniature model, is that the biggest one that looks like that or is there a bigger one?

    As far as I'm aware it's the biggest one. Aglaeca Dreaguth. 

    I'm also just over halfway towards completing the Sepulchral Guard Shadespire set. Really fun models to paint,  despite being snap fit.


  5. 9 hours ago, Kronos said:

    Cool mourngul, I like those touches of ethereal blues/turquoise and the blood splatter. Now just because your not sold on him, otherwise I'd say he looks just fine. When I first saw your mourngul I did so with my f.lux on set on it lowest setting - candle light. This makes a really big contrast between some of your blues and some of the skin, particularly on the ribs, I think if you exagerate those blues more on the ribs, spine and other creveses and wrinkles it will really push out the details of your mourngul, heavily diluted wash of  some bieltan perhaps?

    I'll give it a go, maybe some edge highlights of a light blue as well. :)

  6. Yeah, I was just hoping for some things to shake up playstyle and the like. I mean, there's some nice additions and changes, but at the end of the day I'm pretty much still running the same lists in the same old way. :|

    Ah well, here's some Dire Wolves I quickly slapped some paint on. These being Battleline might open up fun new options for me. (All cavalry force? All cavalry force!)


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