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Posts posted by Shane

  1. 12 hours ago, Xerox said:

    I'm not sure what i think about FW models dont have points right now. Hope they'll fix it in the App or the FW site. Dont want Skaarac getting not used because of it. (At least i can Play w/o points) 

    They'll get points. Eventually. In FW time.

  2. All depends how much stuff I need to make 2000pts (and against what restrictions). 

    AoS has so far encouraged me to have more fun with lists. So will see how what I own translates to Matched Play. 

    And whether they've included FW models. 

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  3. Same with units inevitably becoming dust collectors again once official points hit. And this will become the defacto way to play when it drops. 

    I am both excited and hesitant in equal amount. 

    But either way, I guess my dream of a FW monster only list is out. 

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  4. Lady Atia:

    Howdy Guys and Girls :)

    Just want to say, check out your local GW store (I'm not sure if non GW stores are part of this tbh), there are some activities for both AoS and 40k this summer, including "buy a Start Collecting Box", "build it", "paint it", etc. Atleast here you get red AoS dice for completing different steps :)

    Also, there is of course the Summer Campaign to reclaim Ghyran - Allariel needs your help, brave heroes! Or will you march for the forces of Death, Destruction or Nurgle?

    Lady Atia

  5. From the ever reliable Lady Atia over at war-of-sigmar.herokuapp.com:

    Anyone still hyped about Tzeentch? Yes? Great. Here some snippets to avoid all possible confusions:

    - Forgeworld will do the Prospero Magnus. In resin. Around Fall, for the Inferno release (as I think Russ may be ready for sale for the next Open Day). There are no "problems", Simon Egan just was afraid of both the horns on his chest and his face. He will be the largest Primarch. And of course FW will continue to produce the 30k Primarchs.

    - GW will use the Daemon Primarchs for their ongoing storyline. Because that's the things that "are more interesting". You can use them for both 30k and 40k games, more people buy plastic models than resin. Magnus isfinished. But please don't expect all 5/6 Daemon Primarchs tomorrow lol.

    - GW already did them (Angron, Mortarion, Magnus and Fulgrim) in EPIC. They all work as large focus models for their respective Cults.

    - I wouldn't expect this stuff before the Summer is over. Relax, enjoy your Sylvaneth and play some games using your Handbook.

    - Tzeentch Arcanites, Thousand Sons, Daemons of Tzeentch. #YearOfTzeentch (btw, don't take the year as year but more as ~12 months lol). Also, these aren't next in line, so again, don't expect this tomorrow ...

    Last but not least, a quote from Sad Panda that summs it quite up

    "Remember it is still a few months out, especially the 40K stuff.

    There are a lot of things in the pipeline before it. Deathwatch for example."

    So, let's chill and enjoy our summer =)

    Lady Atia

  6. 8 hours ago, Veterannoob said:

    I really don't want to tread through Warseer but there was some hullabaloo over the weekend about a handbook having points in printed but you have to buy app separately, or something. Likely the usual speculation turn kookoo- bananas but I haven't seen an official statement from GW on this. Have you?

    What do you mean buy separately? As in printed in the book and then a separate microtransation app?

    Seems fair; more choice.

  7. From DakkaDakka with no link/source.

    Season with salt as required.

    Following is contents of leaked doc from April 24 from GW. 

    Flesh-eater courts; repackage vampire counts + discontinuation of Fell Bets, Black Coach, Vadrghulf (decision 27 April; otherwise repackage) 
    Silver Tower (?) or alternatively release in late June/July 
    Age of Sigmar Elves repackaging (?) + release (?) or 40 000 Daemons supplement 

    Deathstorm Brood Lord, bases (decision 17 May; otherwise release on schedule) 
    Paint Bundles (MCY?) 
    Dark Angels Supplement + chaplain/company master (decision 3 June; MCY) 
    Silver Tower standalone (decision 19 June) 
    Skaven Discont. Gutter Runners, Night Runners (after Ogre Kingdoms) 

    Chaos Space Marines + PCW (decision 19 June; otherwise release on schedule) 
    Elves release + Discont. 
    Tzeentch kit/Vedros release (?) 
    Horus Heresy Nuceria (decision 7 June; otherwise release on schedule) 
    Lost patrol supplements (decision 7 June; otherwise release on schedule) 
    Hobbit (?)/LOTR Mordor, Fallen Realms re-release (MCY.72) 

    Vedros warboss (MCY.73) 
    Cities of Death (decision 7 June) 
    P/72/ Keeper of Secrets (decision 12 Dec; MCY.93) 
    Necrons + Necron Lord on KW (decision July 4) 

    Horus Heresy standalone 
    Dark Vengeance replac. Orks + Skitarii (?) 
    AOS Death (MCY.83)

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