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Posts posted by Foz

  1. In the pack mystical terrain tests are to be done at the start of the hero phase. Are you ruling that if a unit moves to within 3" of the terrain later in the hero phase, through destruction move or skittlerleap for example, they now don't take the test/no effect of the terrain, or that this unit must now take the test before they can do anything else? I assumed the latter with the intention of the ruling to make sure people don't minimise risk by casting spells etc pre terrain test but confirmation would be great. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Joeg said:

    Forgive me for being daft


    but how does this two lists work please.


    do you pick after scenarios/seeing what your opponents lists could be, or just randomly pick one based on you recon opponents grand alliance?


    inteteated but it doesn't make sense to me right now and just want to be certain I like the idea before signing up.


    Im guessing it will work like at other tournaments I have played with two lists - knowing the scenario to be played you and your opponent both exchange lists - you then, after seeing your opponent's options, secretly choose which of your two lists you will use and both reveal at the same time. @JustPlay-Ritchie please correct me if I'm wrong.

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