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Posts posted by BaldoBeardo

  1. 2 hours ago, Ksym77 said:

    RAW is it actually possible to score ‘The Harvest Begins’? The card text is:

    ‘Score this immediately if a friendly fighter makes an Attack Action that damages three or more enemy fighters’.

    The rules for attacking multiple targets in the Nightvault rules (pg 21) say that an attack that targets multiple enemies is performed as separate attack actions. Therefore it would be impossible for an attack action to damage more than one enemy fighter as an attack action only ever targets one fighter.

    The ‘Reaper’ objective has similar wording but refers to ‘an attack’ rather than an ‘attack action’. Does this work since the fighter is only using one attack even though it is multiple attack actions, or is each attack action considered a separate attack?


    You declare an attack action.

    You are required to resolve separately so the rules don't get broken by reactions etc.

    The requirement to resolve separately doesn't change the fact it is a single attack action to begin with.

    The other option is... it's impossible to score. Which would mean GW invalidated a card intentionally. Which I very much doubt they would do, as doing it this soon would affect perception of the game.

  2. Im just wondering when we'll start seeing INNATE ploys and abilities for non-magic dice rolls.

    I'm guessing the Troggoth will be one - given it's billed as the workhorse, I'm wondering if it might have Innate (Block) or something to represent resilience.

    If there's a card coming that gives a Universal Innate upgrade for attacks that will shift units on its own...

  3. 6 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Question on Catching Up - do you score all "End Phase" cards simultaneously? 

    What happens if you go into the End Phase behind but score some Objectives in the End Phase, are you behind for the purposes of Catching Up at the start of the End Phase?

    And vice versa, if you go into the End Phase ahead, but finish up behind due to your opponent scoring some cards - can you score Catching Up at the end of the End Phase?

    I'm just not sure at what precise moment in time you measure whether you are behind or not.

    My gut feel is that it's a snapshot of where you stand at the start of the End Phase (because all "In the End Phase" cards are then scored simultaneously after that), but I'm not 100% certain.

    I'd go with your gut - objectives are scored simultaneously in the end phase, so effectively it's your glory score at the end of the last activation. Otherwise you could get in a weird situation where you and your opponent are effectively scoring objectives in an order.

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  4. 3 hours ago, stickybluetoffee said:

    Question about the Briar Thorns ploy card “Sudden Appearance” which says:

    Choose a friendly fighter and place them on any starting hex.

    I’m comparing it with “Illusionary Fighter” - choose one of your fighters on the battlefield - and the Sepulchral Guard’s “Restless Dead” - Place a friendly fighter that was taken out of action.


    Does “Sudden Appearance” mean you can pick any fighter even one previously taken out or is it just those in the battlefield?

    In the new FAQ - no.

  5. 35 minutes ago, RafaBO said:

    Hi people! I have seen someone asked a similar question but it is still not clear to me. Is it allowed to play, in your opponent's power phase, Shattered terrain (fighters that move, or are pushed in the next activation suffer 1 DMG) and equip Trickster charm (you can play a single ploy card at the beginning of each action phase), followed by Earthquake in your activation phase to deal 1 DMG to everyone? One TGA user mentioned that Trickster charm acts as a mini power phase before the activation, but nor the cards neither the rulebook mentions anything like that. Thanks!

    The action phase consists of activations and power steps.

    Whilst you can play all 3 cards, two things to bear in mind;

    Trickster charm is once per action phase (effectively the start of the "turn"), not before each activation.

    Shattered terrain only affects movement in the next activation - as the trickster charm/Earthquake comes in to effect before activations, the above combo wouldn't work.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 25 minutes ago, Mikeymajq said:

    Reposting it here in the FAQ section... How exactly does Exreme flank work?
    I think I need picture examples of Extreme flank with different board set ups because I can't quite wrap my head around it, especially the last parts of it. :P

    It's not that hard, but they had to cover the wording.

    If the boards are set up flush to form a square, nice and easy. Opposite is facing is opposite.

    Now, imagine the boards have been set up so the join runs from left to right as you look at it.

    The board closest to you is moved half a board to the right, to create that annoying Tetris 'S' block.

    If you have a mini on the left hand edge hexes of *your* board as close to the join as you can get it, technically it has *two* opposites - the right hand side of *your* board, or the right hand side (as you look at it) of your opponent's board.

    That's why the card specifies furthest.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, Ksym77 said:

    Hi all,

    I have a question on the Sepulchral Warden’s movement ability:

    The ability specifically prevents a fighter from moving twice in a phase. It does not say ‘more than once’. So rules as written, if another fighter has charged twice via a normal charge action then by the use of a ploy,  can the Warden’s ability be used to move that fighter? The fighter is moving for a third time so the Warden’s text does not prevent it and as using the Warden’s action is not an activation of a fighter the fact that the fighter has charged does not prevent it.

    I can see that the intention was to prevent fighters making more than one move but RAW it would appear not to do so in weird edge cases such as this!

    Get your point, but I think in this case assume "more than once" to prevent loss of teeth - definitely errata worthy as it also affects Ancient Commander.

  8. 1 minute ago, Overread said:

    That new one - could it be the Lictor/deathleaper combined kit or the pyrovore/biovore combined kit! I'd say possibly a lord of war for Tyranids too, but the carapace/armour looks a little on the small side unless its a leg. 

    Was going to say, Tyranid carapace design cues are typically a central ridge and fluted edges. Only kits I know of with the spray-kind of pattern like the rumour are the Trygon and Zoanthropes. Also, the gaps under the plates are big for static armour like Tyranid carapace - looks like armour on something flexible.

    So centipede gets my vote!

  9. 4 hours ago, Somanlius said:

    So does that mean that Cycle of the Storm have a very very limited utility? Someone has to score the exact ammout of wounds needed to kill a model in order for it to actually come back?

    It's an ability that allows you to heal a wound inflicted on a unit that can override the  "slain models can't be healed" rule in the right conditions, and doesn't require a command point or casting roll.

    Puhtayto, puhtahto.

  10. Just had a lengthy chat with @Double Misfire about this.

    Very simply, the Free Cities aren't an allegiance or ally structure. They're simply an additional set of restrictions you accept for Grand Alliance abilities++.

    For example, you take a Sylvaneth force with a Deepkin Wizard in the Gnarlroot Wargrove battalion.

    You qualify for Sylvaneth Allegiance.

    You qualify for Order Allegiance.

    You *don't* qualify for Living City abilities on top of Order Allegiance because the Deepkin Wizard has none of the keywords permitted by the Living City list.

    The fact that the wizard was brought in to your force via a WSB with the Sylvaneth allegiance doesn't make any difference as Free Cities don't allow for 'allies' the way a normal keyword faction does - it's an absolute keyword list.

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  11. 13 minutes ago, Killax said:

    My issue with it is that it is not consistent throughout the design. Basically these look very demonic to me while the others don't. But for those who like it, all is fine!
    I would just be inclined to headswap these specifically. 

    Imma take a guess that the thralls are a subset of the Deepkin - overseen by the other more conventional looking ones.

    Wouldn't be surprised if there's some mechanic related to an area buff on to-hit rolls within range of a hero.

    • Like 2
  12. Also worth bearing in mind that abilities trigger on *results*, not *rolls*.

    So let's say you have a MW ability that triggers on to-hit rolls of 6+.

    You need a 5+ to hit, and have a -2 modifier from debuffs meaning you need to roll 7.

    You roll a 6. This is a successful hit by the rules of one, so you continue to your to-wound roll as normal.

    However, the MW ability *does not* trigger, as after modification your result is 4, which isn't the 6+ threshold.


  13. 4 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Yeah ! And each unit are apparently multiple build ; I count 3 eels types, 2 sharks types, and there will be apparently 4 turtles types too...

    I love them. I totally love them. 



    Looking through those images, that is a *big* hero 6...

  14. The simplest way of handling the vagaries of balance within the system without overhauling the system would be.. oh, I don't know. An annual update of points values based on tournament / community input, maybe? [emoji16]

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

  15. Yeah, it's a tricky one. Most people have some version of house rule on this.
    For me, weapons/cloaks/banners etc. don't count, you have to be able to see (from model's perspective) a complete limb, torso or head at least.
    But grudgingly have to agree with your debating partner - due to GW's penchant for 'cool' mini design and the 4-page rules, this kind of thing will keep cropping up.
    I'm a fan of the Warmachine volume model.

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

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