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Darth Alec

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Posts posted by Darth Alec

  1. 48 minutes ago, hobgoblinclub said:

    I really find this difficult to believe. I'm not doubting you. Almost everyone seems to believe it's around that long, so I'm guessing there must be truth in it. It just seems like a very lengthy time frame to be able to react over, as a business. You'd imagine a company would need to be far more reactive to supply and demand to survive. Two years is a turning circle like the Titanic.  


    I think 2 years is the "average". We have certain models that are definitely that old, or older. Belegar was that old (based on the year on teh sprue). The Realmgates were made 5+ years before they saw release (seen in the Storm of Magic book). Then we have the anniversary space marine model, which only took 2 months, apparently.


    So I think it's more of a span of time. Some things are designed relatively quickly, but most are done with fairly long lead times. They all need to be concepted, sculpted, printed, painted, have backgrounds written and rules made after all. And most models end up in books, which themselves take a long time to make.


    I have no doubt that the Lord-Veritant (and the alternate Knight-Heraldor) was a fairly rapid job though. Maybe even released as a direct result of people complaining about the SCE's lack of unbinding.

  2. 3 hours ago, Silverline said:

    Not even a hint has been given, but I'd imagine it's a fairly safe bet that Fyreslayers will get one - they are new miniatures, after all, but do not yet have their own box. Other possibilities are a bit less obvious, but I'd guess that anything that has reasonably new plastics is fair game.

    The rumour seems to specify that the boxes coming out will be larger than the standard ones - so it's also perfectly likely that we will see bigger army boxes for Stormcast, Bloodbound, Sylvaneth, etc.

    Me, I'm just holding out hope for a Soulbight box with a pile of shiny new plastic models!


    Got any sources for that? Not heard anything about either new SC boxes or any christmas-specific new box types. Would love to see a Fyreslayer one, though it's likely to lack the big beast.

    • Like 1
  3. Every year will be exciting for AoS. If sales are increasing, rather than falling like 8th ed sales were, it will continue to get serious amounts of content.


    There's more than one reason we're getting a 6-month content break, after all. GW needs time to write the next phase of the AoS story. With the Season of War and the results of the Realmgate Wars as the background.

    • Like 3
  4. Tried again this morning. It now displays properly. However, the Behemoth table is bugged. When opening a file from local storage, the Behemoth table doesn't show up. The data is saved, the table just doesn't appear. If you try to re-open the table, it will display a table with 8 rows (4 of them filled with the existant data). And it won't show up until you fill the "new" rows. Filling these and deleting the data works though.


    And you should add a small buffer between the behemoth table and the text. It its the tops of letters.

    Your website is great, so I hope I'm not bothering your with this stuff!


  5. On 13.10.2016 at 2:35 PM, RuneBrush said:


    Lol, thanks :)

    Not a problem in the slightest!

    I've just changed the card background colour to white as this was a pain when printing them out (it was a slight off-white colour).  I'll ultimately make this editable though


    Sorry to be a bother, but I had some slight formatting issues....



    Image is fine on the website. Both the jpg and PDF look like this. Turning the monster table on or off had no effect.


    Edit: Tested with a different warscroll that worked 3 days ago. It's broken now as well. It looks similarly, though breaks down in the bottom of the second column.

  6. I like the model, but it's a fairly simple reskin of the Lord-Castellent. New Gryph-hound head is cool though.


    I'm a bit dissapointed by the Lord title. I figured that rank would be somewhat exclusive. I guess it should wait until we see what sort of chamber he fits into. But he doesn't fit into the existing chamber command, which is annoying. This guy could have been a knight. Or is just waiting for the sacrosanct chamber.


    Also dissapointed by the rules. They are not very well written. He unbinds "as a wizard", but with no limits. So we can assume that he has infinite unbind? That's fair enough, but it would be good to specify this. Even worse is the staff-hound ability. It gives him a bonus in his hero phase. His. He can't unbind anything in his hero phase. So it's literally useless. Unless it applies to the Sanction ability, but it clearly states Lantern of Abjucation. Just poorly worded.


    Overall a bit of a letdown.

  7. 2 hours ago, Shane said:

    At Games Day they were taken aback by the demand and wished they'd already had one planned. So I expect something next year. Rebox some existing minis, throw in a few new ones, new tiles and mini-adventure book. Done.

    Quality. Next year smells like a definite maybe. Not that GW minds reboxing miniatures, but I'd prefer new sculpts. They've got a good chance of making some really AoS-ific. Several box sets with all-new minis would help that. I guess they could go for a "Bloody Tower" deal, Khorne themed. Use mostly bloodbound models, throw in one or two new character sculpts and a new Khorgorath and some new heroes.


    Speculating is too fun. At least its good to hear it sold well.


    54 minutes ago, FrederickD said:

    When watching the unboxing video from Bloodbowl I noticed some strange looking pieces of scenery sitting on a shelf. Does anybody know what they are?




    Conversion. Looks like the Balewind Vortex + some round topper thing + the flames from the Dragonfate Dias. Looks mildly tzeenchian though, so hints towards more tzeench-themed pictures in the future.

  8. It seems Warhammer Quest sold very well, at least initially. So with any luck, there will be new Warhammer Quest sets. Maybe not Silver Tower ones, but the WQ ruleset is generic enough to open for others. Mannfred's Lair (Death), Den of Bones (Destruction), Reign of Shadows (Ulgu) etc. It's all down to sales, really.

    • Like 2
  9. Looks like Chaos Space Marines may be going the regular marines route, more unique factions with unique rules/models/upgrade kits.


    Combining Magnus and the LoC seems like a poor decision. Takes away from the uniqueness of both. Might be that they share wings and feet though, like Skarbrand and the regular Bloodthirster sharing bits.


    Interesting few months ahead. We even have a AoS rumour ATM.

  10. All right, all right. Let's drop the diversion here, shall we? I know we're starved for credible rumours, but as a wise man once said "If you don't have anything on topic to say, don't say anything at all". This isn't about pre vs post 2000 models, but the rumour thread. Partly my fault we ended up here, but let's do a slight course correction here.


    Do we have any credible indication of when the Khorne Dominion battlemat comes out? It's clearly in production, given the state of the video. Should be a shoe-in for a holiday launch.


  11. On the other hand, it may be that GW doesn't want to leak anything new. If they're bringing out something for christmas/january, they might not want it revealed via tie-in book. It's not like this can't be incomplete.


    But yeah, it does hint towards a 40k-heavy fall.

  12. I'm well aware of GW's production cycle. Duncan said we'd see it in about two months. They haven't dropped any really huge releases straight before christmas since forever. Everchosen is the first substantial christmas-season release I can remember. Strategically, it's probably the biggest sort of release the end of the year will support.


    Doesn't mean it won't be the Lord of Change/Tzeench Arcanites. I just figure that we'll get that in October/Early November by the latest.

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